A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Zaanannim ~ ጸዕነኒም: The name “Zaanannim” means movings; a person asleep (መጻተኛ), HBN, Zaanaim, (Jos 19:33).

Zaavan ~ ዛዕዋን: “Zaavan” means migratory (መጻተኛ), SBD, a Horite chief, son of Ezer the son of Seir, (Gen 36:27; 1 Chr 1:42)

Zabad ~ ዛባድ: “Zabad” means gift (ሥጦታ), SBD,

1.       One of David's valiant men (1 Chr 11:41), the descendant of Ahlai, of the "children of Sheshan" (1 Chr 2:31)

2.       A descendant of Tahath (1 Chr 7:21)

3.       The son of Shemath. He conspired against Joash, king of Judah, and slew him (2 Chr 24:25, 26)

4.       (Ezr 10:27),

5.       (Ezr 10:33),

6.       (Ezr 10:43),

Zabbai ~ ዘባይ: The name Zabbai is derived from Ze’abay’ (አባይ) the meaning is fathely

The father of Baruch, who "earnestly repaired" part of the wall of Jerusalem, (Neh 3:20), (Ezr 10:28) 

Zabdi ~ ዘብዲ: “Zabdi” means my gift (ሥጦታዬ), SBD,

1.       A Benjamite, of the sons of Shimhi. (1 Chr 8:19),

2.       David's officer over the produce of the vineyards for the wine-cellars. (1 Chr 27:27),

3.       Son of Asaph the minstrel, (Neh 11:17)

Zaccai ~ ዘካይ: The name Zaccai is derived from Zekie’ (ዘኬ) the meaning is offering ... [Related term(s):- Zacchur].

The sons of Zaccai to the number of 760, returned with Zerrubbabel, (Ezr 2:9; Neh 7:14)

Zacchaeus ~ ዘኬዎስ: The root words for Zacchaeus are ‘Zechy’ (ዘኬ) and ‘Was’ (ዋስ) the meaning is ‘remembrance of the almighty’.

A chief tax-gather, (Luk 19:2)

Zacchur ~ ዘኩር: The name Zacchur is derived from Zkur’ (ዝኩር) the meaning is memorial... [Related term(s):- Zaccur].

A Simeonite, of the family of Mishma, (1 Chr 4:26)

Zaccur ~ ዘኩር: The name Zaccur is derived from Zkur’ (ዝኩር) the meaning is memorable ... [Related term(s):- Zacchur].

1.            Father of Shammua, who was one of the spies sent out by Moses, (Num 13:4)

2.            A Merarite Levite (1 Chr 24:27);

3.            A son of Asaph, and chief of one of the courses of singers as arranged by David (1 Chr 25:2, 10);

4.            Son of Imri (Neh 3:2);

5.            A Levite (Neh 10:12);

6.            The son of Mattaniah (Neh 13:13)

Zachariah ~ ዘካርያስ: The root words for Zachariah are ‘Zekari’ (ዘካሪ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is ‘rembrance of Jehovah’... [Related term(s):- Zacharias, Zechariah].

The father of Abi, Hezekiah’s mother, (2 Kin 18:2)

Zacharias ~ ዘካርያስ: The name Zacharias is derived from Zekariand ‘was’ () the meaning is rembrance of lord, the deliverer ... [Related term(s):- Zachariah, Zechariah]

Father of John the Baptist, (Luk 1:5)

Zacher ~ ዛኩር: The name Zacher is derived from Zkr’ (ዝክር) the meaning is memorial.

One of the sons of Jehiel, the father or founder of Gibeon, by his wife Maachah, “And Gedor, and Ahio, and Zacher;” (1 Chr 8:31)

Zadok ~ ሳዶቅ: The name Zadok is derived fromTsadiq’ (ጻዲቅ) the root word is ‘Tsedeqe’ (ጸደቀ) the meaning is ‘the living one’.

1.            A Son of Ahitub and one of the two chief priests in the time of David, (1 Chr 24:3) and eleventh in descent from Aaron (1 Chr 12:28)

2.            Father of Jerushah (2 Kin 15:33; 2 Chr 27:1); Son of Immer, persons who repaired a portion of the wall in Nehemiah’s time (Neh: 4, 29), (Chr 9:11)

Zaham ~ ዘሃም: The name “Zaham” means crime; filthiness; impurity (አበሳ), HBN, son of Rehoboam by Abihail the daughter of Eliab. (2 Chr 11:19)

Zair ~ ጸዒር: “Zair” means small (ትንሽ), SBD, a place named in (2 Kin 8:21).

Zalaph ~ ሴሌፍ: “Zalaph” means wound, SBD, father of Hanun, who assisted in rebuilding the city wall. (Neh 3:30)

Zalmon ~ ጸልሞን: “Zalmon” means shady (ጽልመት), SBD, an Ahohite one of David's guard, (2 Sam 23:28)

Zalmunna ~ ስልማና: The name “Zalmunna” means shadow; image; idol forbidden (ግርዶሽ), HBN, one of the two kings of Midian whom the "Lord delivered" into the hands of Gideon. He was slain afterwards with Zebah (Jud 8:5-21).

Zamzummims ~ ዘምዙማውያን: The name “Zamzummims” means projects of crimes; enormous crimes (ዘማውያን), HBN, "a people great, and many, and tall, as the Anakims" (Deut 2:20, 21).

Zanoah ~ ዛኖዋ: “Zanoah” means marsh (ረግረግ), SBD,

A town of Judah in the Shefelah or plain, (Jos15:34)

Zaphnath-paaneah ~ ጸፍናት ፐዕናህ: The name “Zaphnath-paaneah” means one who discovers hidden things (አሳሽ), HBN, the name which Pharaoh gave to Joseph when he raised him to the rank of prime minister or grand vizier of the kingdom (Gen 41:45)

Zarah ~ ዛራ: The name “Zarah” means east; brightness (ጮራ), HBN, the son of Judah. (Gen 38:30; 48:12)

Zareah ~ ጾርዓ: The name Zareah is derived from Chora’ (ጮራ) the meaning is sun rays’

The same as Zorah and Zoreah, (Neh 11:29)

Zared ~ ዘሬድ: The name Zared is derived from Ze’Yaried’ (ያሬድ) the meaning is the descent.

1.            The father of Enoch, (Num 21:12)

2.            A son of Ezra probably (1 Chr 4:18)

Zarephath ~ ሰራፕታ: “Zarephath” means smelting place (ማቅለጫ), SBD. Here Elijah sojourned with a poor widow during the "great famine," when the "heaven was shut up three years and six months" (Lue 4:26; 1 Kin 17:10). It is called Sarepta in the New Testament (Luk 4:26).

Zaretan ~ ጻርታን: The name “Zaretan” means tribulation; perplexity (እንግልት), HBN, When the Hebrews crossed the Jordan, as soon as the feet of the priests were dipped in the water, the flow of the stream was arrested. The point of arrest was the "city of Adam beside Zaretan," (Jos 3:16, 17).

Zatthu ~ ዛቱዕ: A sprout (እንቡጥ), / EBD, (Neh 10:14)

Zaza ~ ዛዛ: Plenty (ብዙ), EBD, one of the sons of Jonathan, a descendant of Jerahmeel, (1 Chr 2:33)

Zebadiah ~ ዝባድያ: Gift of Jehovah (የህያው ሥጦታ), EBD

1.       A son of Asahel, Joab's brother (1 Chr 27:7).

2.       A Levite who took part as one of the teachers in the system of national education instituted by Jehoshaphat (2 Chr 17:7, 8)

3.       The son of Ishmael, "the ruler of the house of Judah in all the king's matters" (2 Chr 19:8-11).

4.       A son of Beriah (1 Chr 8:15).

5.       A Korhite porter of the Lord's house (1 Chr 26:2).

Zebah ~ ዛብሄል: The name Zebah is derived from ‘Zeb’ (ዘብ) the meaning is ‘gaurd ... [Related term(s):- Zeeb, Ziba, Zibia, Zibiah].

One of the two "kings" of Midian who commanded the great invasion of Palestine, and who finally fell by the hand of Gideon himself, (Jud 8:5-21)

Zebedee ~ ዘብዴዎስ: “Zebedee” means my gift (ሥጦያዬ), SBD, a Galilean fisherman, the husband of Salome (which see), and the father of James and John, two of our Lord's disciples (Mat 4:21; 27:56; Mar 15:40). He seems to have been a man of some position in Capernaum, for he had two boats (Luk 5:4) and "hired servants" (Mar 1:20) of his own.

Zebina ~ ዘቢና: “Zebina” means purchase (ገበየ), SBD, one of the sons of Nebo who had taken foreign wives after the return from Babylon, (Ezr 10:43)

Zebudah ~ ዘቢዳ: “Zebudah” means (ተሰጠ), SBD, wife of Josiah and mother of King Jehoiakim. (2 Kin 23:36)

Zebul ~ ዜቡል: “Zebul” means habitation (ነዋሪ), SBD, chief man of the city of Shechem at the time of the contest between Abimelech and the native Canaanites. (Jud 9:28, 30, 36, 41)

Zebulun: ዛብሎን: The name “Zebulun” means dwelling; habitation (ነዋሪ), HBN, the sixth and youngest son of Jacob and Leah (Gen 30:20)..

Zechariah ~ ዘካርያስ: The name Zechariah is derived from ‘Zekari’ (ዘካሪ) and Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is ‘remember of Jehovah ... [Related term(s):- Zachariah, Zacharias].

1.            A prophet of Judah, the eleventh of the twelve minor prophets; Like Ezekiel, he was of priestly extraction. He describes himself, (Zac 1:1)

2.            Son of Meshelemiah or Shelemiah a Korhite, and keeper of the north gate of the tabernacle of the congregation (1 Chr 9:21);

3.            One of the sons of Jehiel (1 Chr 9:37);

4.            A Levite of the second order in the temple band as arranged by David, appointed to play "with psalteries on Alamoth." (1 Chr 15:18, 20);

5.            One of the princes of Judah in the reign of Jehoshaphat (2 Chr 17:7);

6.            Son of the high priest Jehoiada, in the reign of Joash king of Judah (2 Chr 24:20);

7.            A Kohathite Levite in the reign of Josiah (2 Chr 34:12);

8.            the leader of the sons of Pharosh who returned with Ezra (Ezr 8:3);

9.            Son of Behai. One of the chiefs of the people whom Ezra summoned in council at the river Ahava (Ezr 8:16), He stood at Ezra's left hand when he expounded the law to the people (Neh 8:4);

10.         One of the family of Elam who had married a foreign wife after the captivity (Ezr 10:26);

11.         Ancestor of Athaiah or Uthai (Neh 11:4);

12.         A Shilonite, descendant of Perez (Neh 11:5);

13.         A priest, son of Pashur (Neh 11:12);

14.         The representative of the priestly family of Iddo in the days of Joiakim the son of Jeshua (Neh 12:16);

15.         One of the priests, son of Jonathan, who blew with the trumpets at the dedication of the city wall by Ezra and Nehemiah (Neh 12:36,41);

16.         A chief of the Reubenites at the time of the captivity by Tiglath-pileser (1 Chr 5:7);

17.         One of the priests who accompanied the ark from the house of Obed-edom (1 Chr 15:24);

18.         Son of Isshiah or Jesiah, a Kohathite Levite descended from Uzziel (1 Chr 24:25);

19.         Fourth son of Hosah of the children of Merari (1 Chr 26:11);

20.         A Manassite (1 Chr 27:21,22);

21.         The father of Jahaziel (2 Chr 20:14);

22.         One of the sons of Jehoshaphat (2 Chr 21:2);

23.         A prophet in the reign of Uzziah who appears to have acted as the king's counsellor, but of whom nothing is known (2 Chr 26:5);

24.         The father of Abijah or Abi, Hezekiah's mother (2 Chr 29:1);

25.         One of the family of Asaph in the reign of Hezekiah (2 Chr 29:13);

26.         One of the rulers of the temple in the reign of Josiah (2 Chr 35:8);

27.         The son of Jeberechiah, who was taken by the prophet Isaiah as one of the "faithful witnesses to record," when he wrote concerning Maher-shalal-hash-baz (Isa 8:2)

Zedad ~ ጽዳድ: Side; sloping place (ገዳዳ), EBD, a town in the north of Palestine, near Hamath (Num 34:8; Ezk 47:15)

Zedekiah ~ ሴዴቅያስ: The name Zedekiah is derived from ‘Tzadiq’ (ጻዲቅ) and Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is ‘Jehovah the righteous, the living one.

1.            The last king of Judah and Jerusalem; He was the son of Josiah by his wife Hamutal, and therefore own brother to Jehoahaz, (2 kin 24:18),

2.            The son of Maaseiah, a false prophet in Babylon (Jer 29:21,22),

3.            The son of Hananiah, one of the princes of Judah in the time of Jeremiah (Jer 38:12)

Zeeb ~ ዜብ: The name “Zeeb” means wolf (ዘብ), HBN... [Related term(s):- Zebah, Ziba, Zibia, Zibiah]

One of the two leaders of the great Midianite host which invaded Israel and was utterly routed by Gideon, (Jud 7:25)

Zelah ~ ጼላ: The name “Zelah” means rib; side; halting (ዛለ), HBN, a city in the allotment of Benjamin, (Jos 18:28) contained the family tomb of Kish, the father of Saul. (2 Sam 21:14)

Zelek ~ ጼሌቅ: cleft (ጠሊቅ), EBD,

The name Zelek is derived from tlq’ (ጥልቅ) the meaning is deep down.

An Ammonite; one of David's valiant men, (2 Sam 23:37)

Zelophehad ~ ሰለጰዓድ: The name “Zelophehad” means the shade or tingling of fear (የፍራቻ ድባብ), HBN, son of Zepher, son of Gilead, son of Machir, son of Manasseh. (Jos 17:3) He was apparently the second son of Hepher. (1 Chr 7:15)

Zelotes ~ ቀናተኛ: The name “Zelotes” means zealous (ቅን), HBN, the epithet given to the apostle Simon to distinguish him from Simon Peter. (Luke 6:15) [CANAANITE; SIMON,]

Zelzah ~ ጼልጻህ: “Zelzah” means shadow (ጥላ), SBD, a place named once only, (1 Sam 10:2)

Zemaraim ~ ዘማራይም: The name Zemaraim is derived from Ze’Mariyam’ () the meaning is the Mariam, belonging to Mary.

A town of Benjamin, And Beth–arabah, and Zemaraim, and Beth–el, (Jos 18:22), (2 Chr 13:4-20)

Zemira ~ ዝሚራ: The name Zemirais derived from the root word Zemari’ (ማሪ) the meaning is ‘church singer, hymn, carol, chorale...’

One of the sons of Becher the son of Benjamin, (1 Chr 7:8)

Zenan ~ ጽናን: “Zenan” means pointed (ጠማማ), SBD, a town in the allotment of Judah, situated in the district of the Shefelah. (Jos 15:37)

Zenas ~ ዜማስ: The name “Zenas” means living (ህያው), HBN, a disciple called "the lawyerwhom Paul wished Titus to bring with him (Tit 3:13)

Zephaniah ~ ሶፎንያስ: “Zephaniah” means hidden by Jehovah (በህያው የጠፋ), SBD;

1.       The ninth in order of the twelve minor prophets. His pedigree is traced to his fourth ancestor, Hezekiah, (Zep 1:1).

2.       Father of Josiah, (Zec 6:10) and of Hen, according to the reading of the received text of (Zec 6:14)

Zephath ~ ጽፋት: “Zephath” means watch-tower (ማማ), SBD, the earlier name, (Jud 1:17).

Zepho ~ ስፎ: “Zepho” means watch-tower (ማማ), SBD, son of Eliphaz, son of Esau, (Gen 36:11) and one of the "dukes" or phylarchs of the Edomites. (Gen 36:15)

Zer ~ ጼር: The name “Zer” means perplexity (ጾር), HBN,

A fortified town in the allotment of Naphtali, (Jos 19:35)

Zerah ~ ዛራ: The root word for Zerah isChorah’ (ጮራ) the meaning is ‘sun ray... [Related term(s):- Zerahiah, Zereth, Zeri, Zeruah, Zeruiah, Zur, Zuriel].

1.            A son of Reuel, son of Esau, (Gen 36:13; 1 Chr 1:37), (Gen 38:30; 1 Chr 2:4; Mat 1:3), His descendants were called Zarhites, Ezrahites and Izrahites.

2.            Son of Simeon (1 Chr 4:24);

3.            A Gershonite Levite, son of Iddo or Adaiah (1 Chr 6:21, 41)

Zerahiah ~ ዘራእያ: The root words for Zerahiah are ‘Chora’ (ጮራ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is ‘sun ray of Jehovah’... [Related term(s):- Zerah, Zereth, Zeri, Zeruah, Zeruiah, Zur, Zuriel].

1.            A priest, son of Uzzi and ancestor of Ezra the scribe, (1 Chr 6:6, 51; Ezr 7:4)

2.            Father of Elihoenai of the sons of Pahath-moab (Ezr 8:4)

Zeresh ~ ዞሳራ: The name “Zeresh” means misery; strange; dispersed inheritance (ዘራሽ), HBN, the wife of Haman the Agagite. (Est 5:10, 14; 6:13)

Zereth ~ ዴሬት: The name Zereth is derived from ‘Zerat’ (ዘራት) the meaning is ‘seeds ... [Related term(s):- Zerah, Zerahiah, Zeri, Zeruah, Zeruiah, Zur, Zuriel].

Son of Ashur, the founder of Tekoa, by his wife Helah, (1 Chr 4:7)

Zeri ~ ጽሪ: The name Zeri is derived from ‘Zeri’ (ዘሪ) the meaning is ‘seed ... [Related term(s):- Zerah, Zerahiah, Zereth, Zeruah, Zeruiah, Zur, Zuriel].

“... Gedaliah, and Zeri, and Jeshaiah, Hashabiah, and...” (1 Chr 25:3)

Zeror ~ ጽሮር: “Zeror” means a bundle (ነዶ), SBD, a Benjamite, ancestor of Kish the father of Saul. (1 Sam 9:1)

Zeruah ~ ጽሩዓ: stricken,  EBD... [Related term(s):- Zerah, Zerahiah, Zereth, Zeri, Zeruiah, Zur, Zuriel]

Mother of Jeroboam, the first king of the ten tribes, (1 Kin 11:26)

Zerubbabel ~ ዘሩባቤል: The root words for Zerubbabel are ‘Zere’ (ዘረ) and ‘Babel’ (ቢል፥ ባቢሎን) the meaning is ‘born in babylon’.

The son of Salathiel or Shealtiel, (Mat 1:12), (Hag 1:1)

Zeruiah ~ ጽሩያ: The name Zeruiah is derived from ‘tsore’ (ጾር) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is ‘stricken of Jeovah ... [Related term(s):- Zerah, Zerahiah, Zereth, Zeri, Zeruah, Zur, Zuriel].

David's sister, and the mother of Abishai, Joab, and Asahel, (1 Chr 2:16)

Zethar ~ ዜታር: “Zethar” means star (ኮከብ), SBD, one of the seven eunuchs of Ahasuerus, (Est 1:10)

Zia ~ ዙኤ: Fear (ፍራት), EBD, a Gadite (1 Chr 5:13).

Ziba ~ ሲባ: The name Ziba is derived from ‘Zeb’ (ዘብ) the meaning is ‘Guard ... [Related term(s):- Zebah, Zeeb, Ziba, Zibia, Zibiah].

A servant of Saul whom David made steward of Saul's son Mephibosheth, (2 Sam 9:2)

Zibia ~ ዲብያ: The name Zibia is derived from ‘Zebe’ (ዘበ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is ‘guard of Jehovah ... [Related term(s):- Zebah, Zeeb, Ziba, Zibia, Zibiah].

A Benjamite, apparently the son of Shaharaim by his wife Hodesh, (1 Chr 8:9)

Zibiah ~ ሳብያ: The name Zibiah is derived from ‘Zebe’ (ዘበ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is ‘guard of Jehovah ... [Related term(s):- Zebah, Zeeb, Ziba, Zibia, Zibiah]

The mother of King Joash, (2 Kin 12:1)

Zidkijah ~ ሴዴቅያስ: The root words for Zidkijah are ‘Tsadiq’ (ጻዲቅ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is ‘Jehovah is righteous, everlasting.

One who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah, (Neh 10:1)

Zidon ~ ሲዶን: A fishery (አጥማጅ), EBD, It received its name from the "first-born" of Canaan, the grandson of Noah (Gen 10:15, 19)

Zif ~ ዚፍ: Brightness; splendor (ወጋገን), EBD, "the flower month," mentioned only in (1 Kin 6:1, 37), as the "second month" It was called Iyar by the later Jews.

Ziha ~ ሲሐ: Drought (ድርቅ), EBD

1.       The name of a family of Nethinim (Ezr 2:43; Neh 7:46).

2.       A ruler among the Nethinim (Neh 11:21)

Ziklag ~ ጺቅላግ: “Ziklag” means winding (ዝግዛግ), SBD, a town in the Negeb, or south country of Judah (Jos 15:31)

Zillah ~ ሴላ: Shadow (ጥላ), EBD, one of the wives of Lamech, of the line of Cain, and mother of Tubal-cain (Gen 4:19, 22)

Zilpah ~ ዘለፋ:  “Zilpah” means a trickling (ጠፈጠፍ), SBD, a Syrian given by Laban to his daughter Leah as an attendant, (Gen 29:24)

Zilthai ~ ጺልታይ: Shadow (i.e., protection) of Jehovah (ጥላዬ), EBD;

1.       A Benjamite (1 Chr 8:20).

2.       One of the captains of the tribe of Manasseh who joined David at Ziklag (1 Chr 12:20).

Zimmah ~ ዛማት: “Zimmah” means purpose (ግብ), SBD

1.       A Gershonite Levite, son of Jahath. (1 Chr 6:20)

2.       Another Gershonite, son of Shimei, (1 Chr 6:42)

3.       Father of ancestor of Joab, a Gershonite in the reign of Hezekiah. (2 Chr 29:12)

Zimran ~ ዘምራን: The name “Zimran” means song; singer; vine (ዝማሬ), HBN, the eldest son of Keturah. (Gen 25:2; 1 Chr 1:32).

Zin ~ ጺን: “Zin” means flat (ደልዳላ), SBD, a low palm-tree, the south-eastern corner of the desert et-Tih, the wilderness of Paran, between the Gulf of Akabah and the head of the Wady Guraiyeh (Num 13:21)

Zina ~ ዚዛ: “Zina” means abundance (ብዙ), SBD, the second son of Shimei the Gershonite. (1 Chr 23:10)

Zion ~ ጽዮን: The name Zion is derived from ‘Tsion’ (ጽዮን) the meaning is ‘high, stronghold... [Related term(s):- Sion].

One of the eminences on which Jerusalem was built, (1 Chr 11:5-7)

Zior ~ ጺዖር: “Zior” means smallness, SBD, a town in the mountain district of Judah. (Jos 15:54).

Ziph ~ ዚፍ: The name “Ziph” means this mouth or mouthful; falsehood ( አፍ), HBN

1.       A son of Jehaleleel (1 Chr 4:16).

2.       A city in the south of Judah (Jos 15:24).

3.       A city in the mountains of Judah (Jos 15:55).

Ziphron ~ ዚፍሮን: Sweet odour (ሽቶ), EBD, a city on the northern border of Palestine (Num 34:9)

Zippor ~ ሴፎር: A little bird (የመስቀል ወፍ), EBD, the father of Balak, king of Moab (Num 22:2, 4)

Zipporah ~ ሲፓራ: The name “Zipporah” means beauty; trumpet; mourning (የመስቀል ወፍ), HBN,

Reuel's daughter, who became the wife of Moses, (Ex 2:21), “And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had …” (Num 12:1)

Zithri ~ ሥትሪ: The Lord protects, EBD, a Levite, son of Uzziel (Ex 6:22).

Ziz ~ ጺጽ: “Ziz” means the projection (ትንበያ), SBD, The cliff of, the pass by which the horde of Moabites, Ammonites and Mehunim made their way up from the shores of the Dead Sea to the wilderness of Judah near Tekoa. (2 Chr 20:16).

Ziza ~ ዚዛ: Splendour; abundance (ብዙ), EBD

1.       A Simeonite prince (1 Chr 4:37-43).

2.       A son of Rehoboam (2 Chr 11:20).

Zoan ~ ጣኔዎስ: “Zoan” means place of departure (ጣቢያ), SBD, an ancient city of lower Egypt, called Tanis by the Greeks. (Num 13:22)

Zoar ~ ዞዓር: “Zoar” means smallness (ትንሽ), SBD, a town on the east or south-east of the Dead Sea, to which Lot and his daughters fled from Sodom (Gen 19:22, 23).

Zobah ~ ሱባ: The name “Zobah” means an army; warring (ዘብ), HBN, =Aram-Zobah, (Psalm 60, title), a Syrian province or kingdom to the south of Coele-Syria, and extending from the eastern slopes of Lebanon north and east toward the Euphrates. Saul and David had war with the kings of Zobah (1 Sam 14:47; 2 Sam 8:3; 10:6).

Zohar ~ ሰዓር: The name “Zohar” means white; bright; dryness, HBN;

1.       Father of Ephron the Hittite. (Gen 23:8; 25:9)

2.       One of the sons of Simeon (Gen 46:10; Ex 6:15) called ZERAH in (1 Chr 4:24)

Zoheleth ~ ዞሔሌት: The name “Zoheleth” means that creeps, slides, or draws, HBN, This was "by En-rogel," (1 Kin 1:9) and therefore, if En-rogel be the modernUm-ed-Deraj , this stone, "where Adonijah slew sheep and oxen," was in all likelihood not far from the well of the Virgin.

Zoheth ~ ዞሔት: The name “Zoheth” means separation; amazing (መለየት), HBN, one of the sons of Ishi (1 Chr 4:20).

Zophah ~ ጾፋ: “Zophah” means a cruse (ሽንክላ), SBD, son of Helem or Hotham the son of Heber, an Asherite. (1 Chr 7:35, 36)

Zophar ~ ሶፋር: “Zophar” means sparrow (ድምቢጥ), SBD, one of the three friends of Job. (Job 2:11; 11:1; 20:1; 42:9)

Zophim ~ ጾፊም: “Zophim” means watchers (ጠባቂዎች), SBD, The field of, a spot on or near the top of Pisgah, from which Balaam had his second view of the encampment of Israel. (Num 23:14).

Zorah ~ ጾርዓ: “Zorah” means hornet (ጢንዚዛ), SBD, a town in the allotment of the tribe of Dan, (Jos 19:41).

Zorobabel ~ ዘሩባቤል: The name “Zorobabel” means same as Zerubbabel (ዘረ ባቢሎን), HBN, (Mat 1:12, 13; Luk 3:27) [ZERUBBABEL]

Zuar ~ ሶገር: “Zuar” means littleness (አናሳ), SBD, father of Nethaneel the chief of the tribe of Issachar at the time of the exodus. (Num 1:8; 2:5; 7:18, 23; 10:15)

Zuph ~ ጹፍ: “Zuph” means honeycomb, the land of (ሰፍ), SBD, a Kohathite Levite, ancestor of Elkanah and Samuel (1 Sam 9:5); called also Zophai (1 Chr 6:26)

Zur ~ ሱር: “Zur” means a rock (ዘር), SBD... [Related term(s):- Zerah, Zerahiah, Zereth, Zeri, Zeruah, Zeruiah, Zuriel]

1.            Father of Cozbi, and one of the five princes of Midian who were slain by the Israelites when Balaam fell (Num 25:15), (Num 31:8)

2.            Son of Jehiel, the founder of Gideon (1 Chr 8:30; 9:36)

Zuriel ~ ሱሪኤል: The name “Zuriel” means rock or strength of God (ዘረ ኃያል), HBN, “Zuriel” means my rock is God, SBD, (ዘኁ 335) ... [Related term(s):- Elizur, Zerah, Zerahiah, Zereth, Zeri, Zeruah, Zeruiah, Zur]

Son of Abihail, and chief of the Merarite Levites at the time of the exodus, (Num 3:35)

Zurishaddai ~ ሱሪሰዳይ: The name “Zurishaddai” means the Almighty is my rock and strength, HBN,  the father of Shelumiel, who was chief of the tribe of Simeon when Israel was encamped at Sinai (Num 1:6; 2:12).

Zuzims ~ ዙዚም: Restless (ብኩን), EBD, sprouting, were smitten "in Ham" by Chedorlaomer and his allies (Gen 14:5).


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