A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Haahashtari ~ አሐሽታሪን: “Haahashtari” means the courier (መልክተኛ), SBD, a man or a family immediately descended from Ashur. "Father of Tekoa," by his second wife Naarah. (1 Chr 4:6)

Habaiah ~ ኤብያ: “Habaiah” means whom Jehovah hides (አምላክ የጠበቀው), SBD, Bene-Habaiah were among the sons of the priests who returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel. (Ezr 2:61; Neh 7:63)

Habakkuk ~ ዕንባቆም: “Habakkuk” means embrace (እንባ አቁም), SBD,
the eighth of the twelve minor prophets (Hab 1:1)

Habaziniah ~ ከባስን: “Habaziniah” means light of Jehovah (ያምላክ ብርሃን), SBD, apparently the head of one of the families of the Rechabites. (Jer 35:3)

Habor ~ ኦቦር: The name Habor is derived from Hbr’ (ህብር) the meaning is a partaker; a companion, associat...

The united stream, or, according to others, with beautiful banks, the name of a river in Assyria, and also of the district through which it flowed, (1 Chr 5:26)

Hachaliah ~ ሐካልያ: “Hachaliah” means whom Jehovah enlightens (አምላክ ያነቃው), SBD, the father of Nehemiah, (Neh 1:1; 10:1)

Hachilah ~ ኤኬላ: The name “Hachilah” means my hope is in her, HBN, one of the peaks of the long ridge of el-Kolah, running out of the Ziph plateau, "on the south of Jeshimon" (i.e., of the "waste"), the district to which one looks down from the plateau of Ziph (1 Sam 23:19). After his reconciliation with Saul at Engedi (1 Sam 24:1-8), David returned to Hachilah, where he had fixed his quarters.

Hachmoni ~ አክሞናዊ: The name “Hachmoni” means a wise man (ሐኪም), HBN, Son of, and The Hach'monite. (1 Chr 11:11; 27:32)

Hadad ~ ሃዳድ: Adod, brave (የተወደደ), the name of a Syrian god, EBD,

1.       An Edomite king who defeated the Midianites (Gen 36:35; 1 Chr 1:46).

2.       Another Edomite king (1 Chr 1:50, 51), called also Hadar (Gen 36:39; 1 Chr 1:51).

3.       One of "the king's seed in Edom." He fled into Egypt, where he married the sister of Pharaoh's wife (1 Kin 11:14-22). He became one of Solomon's adversaries.

4.       Hadad, sharp, one of the sons of Ishmael (1 Chr 1:30). Called also Hadar (Gen 25:15).

Hadadezer ~ አድርአዛር: The name “Hadadezer” means beauty of assistance (የተወደደ ዘር), HBN, (2 Sam 8:3-12; 1 Kin 11:23)

Hadadrimmon ~ ሐዳድሪሞ: The name “Hadadrimmon” means invocation to the god Rimmon, HBN, according to the ordinary interpretation of (Zec 12:11) a place in the valley of Megiddo

Hadar ~ ኩዳን: The name “Hadar” means power; greatness (ኃይል), HBN

1.       A son of Ishmael (Gen 25:15); in 1 Chr 1:30 written Hadad.

2.       One of the Edomitish kings (Gen 36:39) about the time of Saul. Called also Hadad (1 Chr 1:50, 51).

3.       It is probable that in these cases Hadar may be an error simply of transcription for Hadad.

Hadarezer ~ አድርአዛር: Adod is his help (የተወደደ ዘር), EBD, the name given to Hadadezer (2 Sam 8:3-12) in 10.

Hadashah ~ ሐዳሻ: The name Hadashahis derived from Adis’ (ዲስ) the meaning is ‘new ... [Related term(s):- Hadassah].

See also:- Hadassah / ሀደሳ

The Jewish name of Esther, (Jos 15:37)

Hadassah ~ ሀደሳ: Myrtle (አደስ), EBD, the Jewish name of Esther (which see), Est 2:7

Hadid ~ ሐዲድ: The name “Hadid” means rejoicing; sharp (የተወደደ), HBN, a place in the tribe of Benjamin near Lydda, or Lod, and Ono (Ezr 2:33; Neh 7:37).

Hadlai ~ ሐድላይ: Hadlai” means rest of God (ያምላክ እረፍት), SBD,

A man of Ephraim, (2 Chr 28:12)

Hadoram ~ ሀዶራምን አዶራም: “Hadoram” means noble honor (ክቡር), SBD,

1.       The fifth son of Joktan. (Gen 10:27; 1 Chr 1:21).

2.       Son of Tou or Toi king of Hamath; his father's ambassador to congratulate David on his victory over Hadarezer king of Zobah. (1 Chr 18:10)

3.       The form assumed in Chronicles by the name of the intendant of taxes under David, Solomon and Rehoboam. (2 Chr 10:18)

Hadrach ~ ሴድራክ: “Hadrach” means dwelling (ማደሪያ), SBD, a country of Syria, mentioned once only, by the prophet Zechariah. (Zec 9:1).

Hagab ~ አጋብ: “Hagab” means locust, SBD, Bene-Hagab were among the Nethinim who returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel. (Ezr 2:46)

Hagar ~ አጋር: The name Hagaris derived from ‘Agar’ (አጋር) the meaning is ‘Assistant, helper, co-worker.

An Egyptian, Sarah's handmaid, (Gen 16:1; 21:9, 10)

Hagarites ~ አጋራውያን: the descendant of Hagar, SBD, The descendant of Hagar, (1 Chr 5:10, 18-20); One of David's mighty men (1 Chr 11:38)

Haggai ~ ሐጌ: The name Haggaiis derived from Hagi’ () the meaning is ‘law abiding... [Related term(s):- Haggi, Haggiah, Hegai, Hege].

The tenth in order of the Minor Prophets, and first of those who prophesied after the captivity; With regard to his tribe and parentage history and tradition are alike silent, (Ezr 6:14)

Haggeri ~ ሐግሪ: The name Haggeriis derived from Agari’ () the meaning is ‘helper, associate...

He was one of the  mighty men of David’s guard, (1 Chr 11:38)

Haggi ~ ሐጊ: The name Haggiis derived from the word Hge’ () the meaning is ‘lawful.

Second son of Gad, (Gen 46:16; Num 26:15)

Haggiah ~ ግያ: The name Haggiah’ is derived from Hge’ (ሕገ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is ‘laws of Jehovah... [Related term(s):- Haggai, Haggi, Hegai, Hege].

A Merarite Levite, (1 Chr 6:30)

Haggith ~ አጊት: The name Haggithis derived from Hgat’ (ሕጋት) the meaning is ‘laws, rules...

One of David's wives, the mother of Adonijah, (2 Sam 3:4); (2 Sam 3:4; 1 Kin 1:5, 11; 2:13; 1 Chr 3:2)

Hakkatan ~ ሃቃጣን: “Hakkatan” means young (ሕፃን), SBD, Johanan son, of Hakkatan, was the chief of the Bene-Azgad who returned from Babylon with Ezra. (Ezr 8:12)

Hakkoz ~ አቆስ: “Hakkoz” means thorn (እሾህ), SBD, a priest, the chief of the seventh course in the service of the sanctuary, as appointed by David. (1 Chr 24:10)

Hakupha ~ ሐቁፋ: “Hakupha” means bent (አቀፋ), SBD, Bene-Hakupha were among the Nethinim who returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel. (Ezr 2:51; Neh 7:53)

Halah ~ አላሔ: The name “Halah” means a moist table, HBN, a district of Media to which captive Israelites were transported by the Assyrian kings (2 Kin 17:6; 18:11; 1 Chr 5:26).

Halak ~ ወና: “Halak” means smooth (ያለቀ), SBD, The mount, a mountain twice, and twice only, named, was the southern limit of Joshua's conquests, (Jos 11:17; 12:7)

Halhul ~ ሐልሑል: The name “Halhul” means grief; looking for grief (ሐዘን), HBN, a town of Judah in the mountain district. (Jos 15:58).

Hali ~ ሐሊ: “Hali” means necklace (ሐብል), SBD, a town on the boundary of Asher, named between Helkath and Beten. (Jos 19:25)

Hallelujah ~ ሃሌ ሉያ: The root words for Hallelujahare Hallele’’ (ሃለ) and Jah(ያህ) the meaning is call, cry, sing, speak ... to the almigthy.

And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Hallelujah; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God: NIV, (Rev 191, 3, 4, 6)

Ham ~ ካም: The name “Ham” means hot; heat; brown (ጠይም), HBN,

1.       The name of one of the three sons of Noah, apparently the second in age. The sons of Ham are stated, to have been "Cush and Mizraim and Phut and Canaan." (Gen 10:6)

2.       According to the present text, (Gen 14:5) Chedorlaomer and his allies smote the Zuzim in a place called Ham.

Haman ~ ሐማ: “Haman” means magnificent, SBD,

The name Hamanis derived from Aman’ (አማ) the meaning is ‘faithful.

The chief minister or vizier of King Ahasuerus, (Est 3:1)

Hamath ~ ሐማት: “Hamath” means fortress (ምሽግ), SBD, the principal city of upper Syria, was situated in the valley of the Orontes, which it commanded from the low screen of hills which forms the water-shed between the source of the Orontes and Antioch. The Hamathites were a Hamitic race, and are included among the descendants of Canaan. (Gen 10:18) Nothing appears of the power of Hamath until the time of David. (2 Sam 8:9)

Hamath-zobah ~ ሐማትሱባ: The name “Hamath-zobah” means the heat, or the wall, of an army, HBN, fortress of Zobah (ብዙ ዘብ), (2 Chr 8:3).

Hammedatha ~ ሐመዳቱ: The name “Hammedatha” means he that troubles the law (አጥፊ), HBN, father of the infamous Haman. (Est 3:1, 10; 8:5; 9; 24)

Hammoleketh ~ መለኬት: The name Hammolekethis derived from Amlakit’ (ኪት) the meaning is ‘the queen, a women ruler...

A daughter of Machir and sister of Gilead, (1 Chr 7:17, 18)

Hammon ~ ሐሞን: “Hammon” means warm springs (ሞቃት), SBD,

1.       A city in Asher, (Jos 19:28) apparently not far from Zidon-rabbah.

2.       A city allotted out of the tribe of Naphtali to the Levites, (1 Chr 6:76).

Hamonah ~ ሐሞና: “Hamonah” means multitude (የብዙ ብዙ), SBD, the name of a city mentioned in Ezekiel. (Ezk 39:16)

Hamon-gog ~ ሐሞንጎግ: Multitude of Gog (ብዙ), EBD the name of the valley in which the slaughtered forces of Gog are to be buried (Ezk 39:11, 15)

Hamor ~ ኤሞር: “Hamor” means an ass (ውርንጭላ), SBD, a Hivite who at the time of the entrance of Jacob on Palestine was prince of the land and city of Shechem. (Gen 33:19; 34:2, 4, 6, 8, 13, 18, 20, 24, 26)

Hamul ~ ሐሙል: The name “Hamul” means godly; merciful (አምላካዊ), HBN, the younger son of Pharez, Judah's son by Tamar. (Gen 46:12; 1 Chr 2:5)

Hamutal ~ አሚጣል: The name “Hamutal” means the shadow of his heat (ጥላ), HBN, daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah; one of the wives of King Josiah. (2 Kin 23:31; 24:18; Jer 52:1)

Hanameel ~ አናምኤል: The name “Hanameel” means the grace that comes from God; gift of God (ያምላክ ስጦታ), HBN,

Son of Shallum and cousin of Jeremiah, (Jer 32:7, 8, 9, 12)

Hanan ~ ሐናን: full of grace (ጸጋ), EBD; “Hanan” means merciful (ምህረት), SBD, (1 ዜና 823 24)

1.            One of the chief people of the tribe of Benjamin, (1 Chr 8:23, 24)

2.            One of David's heroes, Hanan the son of Maachah, and Joshaphat the Mithnite (1 Chr 11:43); “…Into the chamber of the sons of Hanan, the son of Igdaliah, a man of God…(Jer 35:4);

3.            A descendant of Saul And Azel had six sons … Sheariah, and Obadiah, and Hanan. All these were the sons of Azel” (1 Chr 8:38);

4.            One of the Nethinim (Ezr 2:46);

5.            One of the Levites who assisted Ezra (Neh 8:7);

6.            One of the chiefs who subscribed the covenant,

7.            Pelatiah, Hanan, Anaiah, (Neh 10:22)

Hananeel ~ ሐናንኤል: The root words for Hananeelare Henene(ሐነነ) and El(ኤል) the meaning is ‘given by the almighty.

The tower of, a tower which formed part of the wall of Jerusalem, (Neh 3:1; 12:39)

Hanani ~ ሐናኒ: The name “Hanani” means my grace; my mercy (ጸጋዬ), HBD, My grace; my mercy HBN,

See also:- Hanani / አናኒ

1.            One of the sons of Heman, and head of the eighteenth course of the service, (1 Chr 25:4, 25)

2.            A prophet who was sent to rebuke king Asa for entering into a league with Benhadad I., King of Syria, against Judah (2 Chr 16:1-10);

3.            One of the priests who in the time of Ezra had taken strange wives (Ezr 10:20);

4.            A brother of Nehemiah (Neh 1:2) who was made governor of Jerusalem under Nehemiah (Neh 7:2);

5.            A priest mentioned in (Neh 12:36)

Hananiah ~ ሐናንያ: The root words for Hananiahare Hanen(ሀነን) and Yah(ያህ) the meaning is ‘performed by the almighty.

See also:- Hananiah / አናንያ

1.            A chief of the tribe of Benjamin, (1 Chr 8:24)

2.            One of the sons of Heman (1 Chr 25:4, 23);

3.            One of Uzziah's military officers (2 Chr 26:11);

4.            Grandfather of the captain who arrested Jeremiah (Jer 37:13), (Jer 36:12), (Neh 10:23), Shadrach,

5.            one of the "three Hebrew children", (Dan 1; 6:7); Son of Zerubbabel (1 Chr 3:19, 21); (Ezr 10:28);

6.            The "ruler of the palace; he was a faithful man, and feared God above many" (Neh 7:2), (Neh 3:8), (Neh 3:30);

7.            A priest, son of Jeremiah (Neh 12:12);

8.            A false prophet contemporary with Jeremiah (Neh 28:3, 17)

Hanes ~ ሓኔስ: The name “Hanes” means banishment of grace (ጸጋ የነሳው), HBN, a place in Egypt mentioned only in (Isa 30:4).

Haniel ~ ሐኒኤል: The name Hanielis derived from Hana’ () and ‘El’ (ኤል) the meaning is ‘lord of Hana... [Related term(s):- Hanniel].

See also:- Haniel / አኒኤል

A chief of the tribe of Asher, (1 Chr 7:39)

Hannah ~ ሐና: The name “Hannah” means gracious; merciful; he that gives (ጸጋ), HBN,

One of the wives of Elkanah the Levite, and the mother of Samuel, (1 Sam 1:14-16)

Hannathon ~ ሐናቶን: The name “Hannathon” means the gift of grace (የጸጋ ስጦታ), HBN, one of the cities of Zebulun. (Jos 19:14)

Hanniel ~ ሐኒኤል: grace of God (ያምላክ ጸጋ), EBD

A chief of the tribe of Manasseh, (Num 34:23)

Hanoch ~ ሄኖኅ: The name “Hanoch” means dedicated (ቅዱስ), HBN,

1.       The third in order of the children of Midian. (Gen 25:4)

2.       Eldest son of Reuben, (Gen 46:9; Exodus 6:14; Num 26:5; 1 Chr 5:3) and founder of the family of the Hanochites. (Num 26:5)

Hanun ~ ሐኖን: The name “Hanun” means gracious; merciful, HBN; Favored (ባለ ጸጋ), SBD

1.            Son of Nahash, (2 Sam 10:1, 2; 1 Chr 19:1, 2) king of Ammon, who dishonored the ambassadors of David (2 Sam 10:4) and involved the Ammonites in a disastrous war (2 Sam 12:31; 1 Chr 19:6)

2.            A man who, with the people of Zanoah, repaired the ravine gate in the wall of Jerusalem (Neh 3:13);

3.            The sixth son of Zalalph, who also assisted in the repair of the wall, apparently on the east side (Neh 3:30)

Hara ~ ሃራ: “Hara” means mountain land (ተራራ), SBD, (1 Chr 5:26).

Haradah ~ ሐራዳ: “Haradah” means fear (ራደ), SBD, a desert station of the Israelites, (Num 33:24, 25) its position is uncertain.

Haran ~ ሐራን: “Haran” means a mountaineer (ተራራማ), SBD

1.       The third son of Terah, and therefore youngest brother of Abram. (Gen 11:26); Three children are ascribed to him --Lot, vs. (Gen 11:27, 31) and two daughters, viz., Milcah, who married her uncle Nahor, ver. (Gen 11:29) and Iscah. ver. (Gen 11:29) Haran was born in Ur of the Chaldees, and he died there while his father was still living. ver. (Gen 11:28)

2.       A Gershonite Levite in the time of David, one of the family of Shimei. (1 Chr 23:9)

3.       A son of the great Caleb by his concubine Ephah. (1 Chr 2:46)

4.       HARAN or CHARRAN, (Act 7:2, 4) name of the place whither Abraham migrated with his family from Ur of the Chaldees, and where the descendants of his brother Nahor established themselves.

Harbonah ~ ሐርቦና: The name “Harbonah” means his destruction; his sword (አርበኛ), HBN, (Est 7:9)

Hareph ~ ሐሬፍ: “Hareph” means a plucking off, SBD, a name occurring in the genealogies of Judah as a son of Caleb and as "father of Bethgader." (1 Chr 2:51).

Harhaiah ~ ሐርሃያ: The name “Harhaiah” means heat, or anger, of the Lord (የሕያው ቁጣ), HBN,

Father of Uzziel, (Neh 3:8)

Harhur ~ ሐርሑር: The name Harhur is derived from Harur(ሐሩር) the root word is ‘Arere’ (አረረ) the meaning is burning, high temperature (hot)’.

The sons of Harhur were among the Nethinim who returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel, (Ezr 2:51; Neh 7:53)

Harim ~ ካሪም: The name “Harim” means destroyed; dedicated to God (በአምላክ የጸና), HBN

1.       A priest who had charge of the third division in the house of God. (1 Chr 24:8)

2.       Bene-Harim, probably descendants of the above, to the number of 1017, came from Babylon with Zerubbabel. (Ezr 2:39;Neh 7:42)

3.       It further occurs in a list of the families of priests "who went up with Zerubbabel and Jeshua," and of those who were their descendants in the next generation. (Neh 12:16)

4.       Another family of Bene-Harim, 320 in number, came from the captivity in the same caravan. (Ezr 2:82; Neh 7:35)

Harnepher ~ ሐርኔፍር: “Harnepher” means panting (ማለህለህ), SBD, one of the sons of Zophah, of the tribe of Asher. (1 Chr 7:36)

Harod ~ ሐሮድ: Palpitation (መራድ), EBD, a fountain near which Gideon and his army encamped on the morning of the day when they encountered and routed the Midianites (Jud 7:1)

Harosheth ~ አሪሶት: Harosheth” means workmanship (አራሾች), SBD, "of the Gentiles" so called from the mixed races that inhabited it --a city in the north of the land of Canaan, supposed to have stood on the west coast of the lake Merom from which the Jordan issues forth in one unbroken stream. It was the residence of Sisera captain of Jabin king of Canaan, (Jud 4:2) and it was the point to which the victorious Israelites under Barak pursued the discomfited host and chariots of the second potentate of that name. (Jud 4:16)

Harsha ~ ሐርሳ: Worker or enchanter (አራሽ), EBD, one of the Nethinim (Ezr 2:52; Neh 7:54)

Harum ~ ሃሩም: Elevated (ራማ), EBD, (1 Chr 4:8), a descendant of Judah,

Harumaph ~ ኤርማፍ: “Harumaph” means slit-nosed (ሰልካካ), SBD, father or ancestor of Jedaiah, (Neh 3:10)

Haruphite ~ ሀሩፋዊው: The name “Haruphite” means slender; sharp (ሰልካካ), HBN, a native of Hariph; an epithet given to Shephatiah, one of those who joined David at Ziklag (1 Chr 12:5).

Haruz ~ ሐሩስ: “Haruz” means zealous (ቅን), SBD, a man of Jotbah, father of Meshullemeth queen of Manasseh. (2 Kin 21:19)

Hasadiah ~ ሐሳድያ: Favoured by Jehovah (አምላክ የረዳው), EBD, one of the sons of Pedaiah (1 Chr 3:20), of the royal line of David.

Hashabiah ~ ሐሸቢያ: The root words for Hashabiah are Hasabe(ሐሳበ) and ‘Yah(ያህ) the meaning is Whom the lord thinks or regards.

See also:- Hashabiah / ሐሸብያ Hashabiah / አሳብያ

1.            One of the chief Levites, (2 Chr 35:9)

2.            A Merarite Levite, (1 Chr 6:45);

3.            A son of Jeduthun (1 Chr 25:3, 19);

4.            Son of Kemuel (1 Chr 26:30);

5.            A Levite (Neh 11:22);

6.            One of the chief priests in the time of Ezra (Ezr 8:24);

7.            A chief of the Levites (Neh 12:24);

8.            A Merarite Levite who accompanied Ezra from Babylon (Ezr 8:19);

9.            Ruler of half the circuit or environs of Keilah; he repaired a portion of the wall of Jerusalem under Nehemiah (Neh 3:17)

Hashem ~ አሳን: the name “Hashem” means named; a putting to (ስም), SBD, the sons of Hashem the Gizonite are named amongst the members of David's guard in (1 Chr 11:34)

Hashub ~ አሱብ: The name Hashubis derived from Hasab(ሐሳብ) the meaning is thought.

1.            A son of Pahath-moab, (Neh 3:11)

2.            Another who assisted in the same work? (Neh 3:23);

3.            One of the heads of the people who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah (Neh 10:23);

4.            A Merarite Levite (Neh 11:15)

Hashubah ~ ሐሹባ: The name Hashubahis derived from Hasabh(ሐሳብህ) the meaning is your thought.

The first of a group of five men, apparently the latter half of the family of Zerubbabel, (1 Chr 3:20)

Hashum ~ ሐሱም: “Hashum” means rich (ሐብታም), SBD

1.       (Ezr 2:19; Neh 7:22)

2.       Stood on Ezra's left hand while he read the law (Neh 8:4).

Hashupha ~ ሐሡፋ: “Hashupha” means stripped (እርቃን), SBD, one of the families of Nethinim who returned from captivity in the first caravan (Neh 7:46) Called HASUPHAin (Ezr 2:43)

Hasrah ~ ሐስራ: “Hasrah” means very poor (አሳር), SBD, the form in which the name Harhas is given in (2 Chr 34:22)

Hatach ~ አክራትዮስ: “Hatach” means verily, SBD, one of the eunuchs in the court of Ahasuerus. (Est 4:5, 6, 9, 10)

Hathath ~ ሐታት: “Hathath” means fearful (ፍርሐት), SBD, one of the sons of Othniel the Kenazite; (1 Chr 4:13)

Hatita ~ ሐጢጣ: The name “Hatita” means a bending of sin (ሐጢያት), HBN, Bene-Hatita (i.e. sons of Hatita) were among the "porters" (i.e. the gate-keepers) who returned from the captivity with Zerubbabel. (Ezra 2:42; Neh 7:45)

Hattil ~ ሐጢል: The name “Hattil” means howling for sin (ትልቅ ሐጢያት), HBN, (Ezr 2:57)

Hattush ~ ሐጡስ: The name “Hattush” means forsaking sin (ከሐጢያት መራቅ), HBN,

1.       A priest who returned with Zerubbabel (Neh 12:2).

2.       (Neh 10:4)

Hauran ~ ሐውራን: “Hauran” means caverns (ዋሻ), SBD, a province of Palestine twice mentioned by Ezekiel. (Ezk 47:16, 17)

Haven ~ ወደብ: a harbor (መቅደስ), EBD,

A harbor, (Ps 107:30; Act 27:12)

Havilah ~ ኤውላጥ: “Havilah” means circle (ክብ), SBD

1.       A son of Cush. (Gen 10:7)

2.       A son of Joktan. (Gen 10:29)

Havoth-jair ~ የኢያዕር መንደሮች: The name “Havoth-jair” means the villages that enlighten (የሰለጠነ መንደር), HBN,

1.       Jair, the son of Manasseh, took some villages of Gilead and called them by this name (Num 32:41).

2.       Again, it is said that Jair "took all the tract of Argob," and called it Bashanhavoth-jair (Deut 3:14).

Hazael ~ አዛሄል: “Hazael” means whom God sees (አምላክ ያየው), SBD, whom God beholds, an officer of Ben-hadad II., king of Syria, who ultimately came to the throne, according to the word of the Lord to Elijah (1 Kin 19:15), after he had put the king to death (2 Kin 8:15)

Hazaiah ~ ዖዛያ: “Hazaiah” means whom Jehovah sees (አምላክ ያየው), SBD, a man of Judah of the family of the Shilonites, or descendants of Shelah. (Neh 11:5)

Hazar-addar ~ ሐጸርአዳር: The name “Hazar-addar” means an imprisoned generation (አጥር አደር), HBN, village of Addar, a place in the southern boundary of Palestine (Num 34:4).

Hazar-hatticon ~ ሐጸርሃቲኮን: The name “Hazar-hatticon” means middle village; preparation (የታጠረ መንደር), HBN, village of the midway, a place near Hamath in the confines of Hauran (Ezk 47:16), probably on the north brow of Hermon.

Hazarmaveth ~ ሐስረሞትን: The name “Hazarmaveth” means dwelling of death (የሞት እስር), HBN, the third in order of the sons of Joktan (Gen 10:26).

Hazar-shual ~ ሐጸርሹዓል: The name “Hazar-shual” means a wolf's house (አጥረ ሳዖል), HBN, village or enclosure of the jackal, a city on the south border of Judah (Jos 15:28; Neh 11:27).

Hazelelponi ~ ሃጽሌልፎኒ: “Hazelelponi” means shade coming upon me (ጠለላዬ), SBD, he sister of the sons of Etam in the genealogies of Judah. (1 Chr 4:3)

Hazeroth ~ ሐጼሮት: “Hazeroth” means villages (አጥራት), SBD, a station of the Israelites in the desert, and perhaps recognizable in the Arabic Ain Hudhera northeast of Sinai. (Num11:35; 12:16; 33:17; 1:1)

Hazezon-tamar: ሐሴሶን ታማር: Pruning of the palm (ተምር መግራዝ), EBD, the original name of the place afterwards called ENGEDI (which see), Genesis 14:7; called also HAZAZON-TAMAR (2 Chr 20:2).

Hazo ~ ሐዞ: The name “Hazo” means seeing; prophesying, HBN, a son of Nahor, by Milcah his wife. (Gen 22:22)

Hazor: ሐጾር: Enclosed; fortified (አጥር), EBD

1.       A stronghold of the Canaanites in the mountains north of Lake Merom (Jos 11:1-5).

2.       A city in the south of Judah (Jos 15:23). The name here should probably be connected with the word following, Ithnan, HAZOR-ITHNAN instead of "Hazor and Ithnan."

3.       A district in Arabia (Jer 49:28-33).

4.       "Kerioth and Hezron" (Jos 15:25).

Heaven ~ ሰማይ: The name Heaven is derived from Hiwan(ሂዋን) the meaning is life, alive, the living...

See also:- Heaven / ቅዱስ ማደሪያ

Indicate the whole universe, (Gen 1:1)

There are four words thus rendered in the Old Testament which we may briefly notice.

v   Shamayim (ሰማይ) this is the word used in the expression "the heaven and the earth," or "the upper and lower regions." (Gen 1:1)

v   Marom (ራማ) used for heaven in (Ps 18:16; Isa 24:18; Jer 25:30), Properly speaking it means a mountain as in (Psa 102:19; Eze 17:23)

v   Shechakim (አቅንተህ ሽቅብ) "expanses," with reference to the extent of heaven ( Job 35:5)

v   St. Paul’s expression "third heaven (ሦስተኛ ሰማይ ሰማየ ሰማያት) (2 Cor 12:2) had led to much conjecture.

Heber ~ ሔቤር: The name Heber is derived from Hbr(ህብር) the root word is ‘Abere’ (አበረ) the meaning is to associate, partner, alliance...... [Related term(s):- Eber, Hebrew, Ibri].

See also:- Heber / አቤር Heber / ዔቤር

1.            Grandson of the patriarch Asher, (Gen 46:17) from who came the Heberites (Num 26:45)

2.            The father of Socho; a Judite (1 Chr 4:18);

3.            A Benjamite (1 Chr 8:17);

4.            The husband of Jael, who slew Sisera by driving a nail into his temple (Jud 4:21, 22);

5.            The patriarch Eber,Which was the son of Saruch, which was the son of Ragau, which was the son of Phalec, which was the son of Heber, which was the son of Sala,” (Luk 3:35);

6.            A Gadite (1 Chr 5:13);

7.            A Benjamite (Chr 8:22, 23)

Hebrew ~ ዕብራዊ: The name Hebrew is derived from Hbr(ህብር) the root word is ‘Abere’ (አበረ) the meaning is associate, partner, alliance...... [Related term(s):- Eber, Heber, Ibri]

This word first occurs as given to Abram by the Canaanites, (Gen 41:12)

Hebron ~ ዔብሮን: The name Hebronis derived from Hbrne(ህብርነ) the meaning is alliance, togethess...

See also:- Hebron / ኬብሮን

1.            A city in the south end of the valley of Eshcol, about midway between Jerusalem and   Beersheba, “Then Abram removed his tent, and came and dwelt in the plain of Mamre, which is in Hebron, and built there an altar unto the LORD.” (Gen 13:18);

2.            One of the towns in the territory of Asher, (Jos 19:28)

3.            The third son of Kohath, who was the second son of Levi (Ex 6:18; Num 3:19; 1 Chr 6:2, 18; 23:12); He was the founder of a family of Hebronites (Num 3:27; 26:58; 1 Chr 26:23, 30, 31), or Bene-Hebron.

Hegai ~ ሄጌ: The name Hegai is derived from Hagi (ሐጊ) the meaning is ‘legal, lawful…’ ... [Related term(s):- Haggai, Haggi, Haggiah, Hege].

One of the eunuchs of the court of Ahasuerus, (Est 2:8, 15)

Hege ~ ሄጌ: another form of the preceding (Hegai), SBD, The name Hege is derived from Hagi’ (ሐጊ) the meaning is ‘legal, lawful…’

... to the house of the women, unto the custody of Hege the king's chamberlain, keeper of the women; and let their things for purification be given them:” (Est 2:3)

Helam ~ ኤላም: “Helam” means stronghold (ገዥ), SBD, a place east of the Jordan but west of the Euphrates at which the Syrians were collected by Hadarezer, and where David met and defeated them. (2 Sam 10:16, 17)

Helbah ~ ሒልባ: “Helbah” means fertile (ለም), SBD, a town of Asher, probably on the plain of Phoenicia not far from Sidon, (Jud 1:31)

Heldai ~ ሔልዳይ: “Heldai” means worldly (ዓለማዊ), SBD

1.       The twelfth captain of the monthly courses for the temple service. (1 Chr 27:15)

2.       An Israelite who seems to have returned from the captivity. (Zec 6:10)

Helek ~ ኬሌግ: “Helek” means portion (ልክ), SBD, one of the descendants of Manasseh, and second son of Gilead, (Num 26:30)

Helem ~ ኤላም: The name “Helem” means dreaming(ህልም); healing, HBN,

1.       A descendant of Asher. (1 Chr 7:35)

2.       A man mentioned only in (Zec 6:14)

Heleph ~ ሔሌፍ: The name Heleph is derived from Elef’ (እለፍ) the root word is ‘Alefe’ (አለፈ) the meaning is passing over.

The place from which the boundary of the tribe of Naphtali started, (Jos 19:33)

Heman ~ ሄማን: The name Heman is derived from Aman’ (አማን) the root word is ‘Amene’ (አመነ) the meaning is faithful, peaceful, agreable...... [Related term(s):- Haman].

See also:- Heman / ኤማን

1.            Son of Zerah, (1 Chr 2:6; 1 Kin 4:31)

2.            The other person with the same name: Son of Joel and grandson of Samuel the prophet, a Kohathite. He is called "the singer," rather the musician (1 Chr 6:33) and was the first of the three Levites to whom was committed the vocal and instrumental music of the temple service in the reign of David (1 Chr 15:16-22).

Helez ~ ሴሌስ: “Helez” means strength (ኃይል), SBD,

1.       One of "the thirty" of David's guard, (2 Sam 23:26; 1 Chr 11:27) an Ephraimite, and captain of the seventh monthly course, (1 Chr 27:10)

2.       A man of Judah, son of Azariah. (1 Chr 2:39)

Heli ~ ኤሊ: The name “Heli” means ascending; climbing up (እላይ), HBN, the father of Joseph the husband of the Virgin Mary, (Luk 3:23)

Helkai ~ ሔልቃይ: Smooth-tongued (ተናጋሪ), EBD, one of the chief priests in the time of Joiakim (Neh 12:15)

Helkath-hazzurim: ~ የስለታም ሰይፍ እርሻ: Plot of the sharp blades, or the field of heroes, EBD, After the battle of Gilboa, so fatal to Saul and his house, David, as divinely directed, took up his residence in Hebron, and was there anointed king over Judah. (2 Sam 2:16),

Helon ~ ኬሎን: “Helon” means strong (ኃይልነ), SBD, father of Eliab, of the tribe of Zebulun. (Num 1:9; 2:7; 7:24, 29; 10:16)

Heman ~ ሄማን ኤማን: Faithful (አማን), EBD

1.       A son of Zerah, noted for his wisdom. (1 Kin 4:31; 1 Chr 2:6),

2.       Grandson of Samuel (1 Chr 6:33; 15:17).

Hena ~ ሄና: “Hena” means troubling (በጥባጭ), SBD, a city the Assyrian kings had reduced shortly before the time of Sennacherib. (2 Kin 19:13; Isa 37:13)

Henadad ~ ኤንሐዳድ: The name “Henadad” means grace of the beloved (ተወዳጅ), HBN, the head of a family of the Levites who took a prominent part in the rebuilding of the temple. (Ezr 3:9)

Henoch ~ ሄኖክ ሄኖኅ: The name “Henoch” means same as Enoch (ቅዱስ), HBN,

1.       Enoch, (1 Chr 1:3)

2.       Hanoch, 1. (1 Chr 1:33)

Hepher ~ ኦፌር: The name “Hepher” means a digger (አፈር), HBN,

1.       A royal city of the Canaanites taken by Joshua (Jos 12:17)

2.       The youngest son of Gilead (Num 26:32; 27:1).

3.       The second son of Ashur (1 Chr 4:6).

4.       One of David's heroes (1 Chr 11:36).

Hephzibah ~ ሐፍሴባ: My delight is in her (ድስታዬ). EBD

1.       The wife of Hezekiah and mother of king Manasseh (2 Kin 21:1).

2.       A symbolical name of Zion, as representing the Lord's favour toward her (Isa 62:4).

Heres ~ ሔሬስ: “Heres” means the sun (ፀሃይ), SBD, "Mount Heres" (Jud 1:35).

Heresh ~ ኤሬስ: The name “Heresh” means a carpenter (አናጢ), HBN, a Levite attached to the tabernacle (1 Chr 9:15)

Hermas ~ ሄርማን: “Hermas” means Mercury (ሜርኩሪ), SBD, the name of a Christian resident at Rome to whom St. Paul sends greetings in his Epistle to the Romans. (Rom 16:14)

Hermogenes ~ ሄርዋጌኔስ: Mercury-born (ከሜርኩሪ የተወለደ), EBD, at one time Paul's fellow-labourer in Asia Minor, who, however, afterwards abandoned him, along with one Phygellus, (2 Tim 1:15).

Hermon ~ አርሞንዔም: “Hermon” means a peak, summit (ቁንጮ), SBD, a mountain on the northeastern border of Palestine, (3:8; Jos 12:1) over against Lebanon, (Jos 11:17) adjoining the plateau of Bashan. (1 Chr 5:23)

Herod ~ ሄሮድስ: “Herod” means hero-like (ጀብደኛ), SBD, (Mat 2:1-2)

Herodion ~ ሄሮድዮና: The name “Herodion” means the song of Juno (ዝማሪ), HBN, a Christian at Rome whom Paul salutes and calls his "kinsman" (Rom 16:11).

Heshbon ~ ሐሴቦን: “Heshbon” means stronghold (ሐሳባዊ), SBD, the capital city of Sihon king of the Amorites. (Num 21:26) It stood on the western border of the high plain --Mishor, (Jos 13:17)

Heshmon ~ ሐሽሞን: “Heshmon” means rich soil (ለም), SBD, a place named, with others, as lying in the extreme south of Judah. (Jos 15:27)

Heth ~ ኬጢ: The name “Heth” means trembling; fear (ቀጢ), HBN, the forefather of the nation of the Hittites. In the genealogical tables of (Gen 10:15)

Hethlon ~ ሔትሎ: “Hethlon” means hiding-place (ስርቻ), SBD, the name of a place on the northern border of Palestine. (Ezk 47:15; 48:1).

Hezeki ~ ሕዝቂ:Hezeki” means strong (ኃይሌ), SBD,

A Benjamite, one of the Bene-Elpaal, (1 Chr 8:17)

Hezekiah ~ ሕዝቅያስ: The name Hezekiah is derived from Hzk’ (ሕዝቅ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is strength of Jehovah.

Now it came to pass in the third year of Hoshea son of Elah king of Israel, that Hezekiah the son of Ahaz king of Judah began to reign.” (2 kin 18:1)

Hezrai ~ ሐጽሮ: “Hezrai” means enclosed (አጥር), SBD, one of the thirty heroes of David's guard. (2 Sam 23:35).

Hezron ~ አስሮን ኤስሮ: Hezron” means surrounded by a wall (አጥር), SBD,

1.       A son of Reuben. (Gen 46:9; Ex 6:14)

2.       A son of Pharez. (Gen 46:12; Rut 4:18)

Hiddai ~ ሂዳይ: “Hiddai” means for the rejoicing of Jehovah (ደስታዬ), SBD, one of the thirty-seven heroes of David's guard. (2 Sam 23:30)

Hiddekel ~ ጤግሮስ: The name “Hiddekel” means sharp voice; sound, HBN, one of the rivers of Eden, the river which "goeth eastward to Assyria," (Gen 2:14) and which Daniel calls "the great river," (Dan 10:4).

Hiel ~ አኪኤል: The name Hiel is derived from Hayl’ (ሃይል) the meaning is strength

A native of Bethel, who rebuilt Jericho in the reign of Ahab, (1 kin 1634)

Hierapolis ~ ኢያራ ከተማ: The name “Hierapolis” means holy city (አየር ከተማ), HBN,  a city of Phrygia, situated above the junction of the rivers Lycus and Maeander, near Colossae and Laodicea mentioned only in (Col 4:13).

Hilen ~ ሖሎን: “Hilen” means place of caves (ዋሻ), SBD, the name of city of Judah allotted with its suburbs to the priests. (1 Chr 6:58),

Hillel ~ ሂሌል: The name Hillelis derived from Elel(እልል) the root word is ‘Halele’ (ሃለለ) the meaning is calling the lord loud, he that praises.

A native of Pirathon in Mount Ephraim, father of Abdon, one of the judges of Israel, (Jud 12:13, 15)

Hinnom ~ ሄኖም: “Hinnom” means lamentation (ሐዘን), SBD, a deep, narrow ravine separating Mount Zion from the so-called "Hill of Evil Counsel." It took its name from "some ancient hero, the son of Hinnom." It is first mentioned in (Jos 15:8). It had been the place where the idolatrous Jews burned their children alive to Moloch and Baal.

Hirah ~ ኤራስ: “Hirah” means a noble race (ምርጥ ዘር), SBD, an Adullamite, the friend of Judah. (Gen 38:1, 12) and see Gen 38:20

Hiram ~ ኪራም: “Hiram” means noble (ራማ), SBD

1.       The king of Tyre who sent workmen and materials to Jerusalem, first, (2 Sam 5:11; 1 Chr 14:1) to build a palace for David, whom he ever loved, (1 Kin 5:1) and again, 1Kin 5:10; 7:13; 2Chr 2:16 to build the temple for Solomon, with whom he had a treaty of peace and commerce (1 Kin 5:11,12) He admitted Solomon's ships issuing from Joppa, to a share in the profitable trade of the Mediterranean, (1 Kin 10:22) and the Jewish sailors, under the guidance of Tyrians, were taught to bring the gold of India, (1 Kin 9:26) to Solomon's two harbors on the Red Sea.

2.       Hiram was the name of a man of mixed race, (1 Kin 7:13, 40).

Hivites ~ ኤዊያውያን: “Hivites” means villagers (ሕያውያን), SBD, The, descendants --the six in order-- of Canaan the son of Ham. (Gen 10:17; 1 Chr 1:15) We first encounter the actual people of the Hivites at the time of Jacob's return to Canaan. (Genesis 34:2) (Jos 11:3) --"in Mount Lebanon, from Mount Baal Hermon to the entering in of Hamath" (Judges 3:3)

Hizkiah ~ ሕዝቅያስ: The name Hizkiah is derived from Hzqi’ (ሕዝቂ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is strength of Jehovah ... [Related term(s):- Ezekias, Hezekiah, Hizkijah].

An ancestor of the prophet Zephaniah, (Zep 1:1)

Hizkijah ~ ሕዝቅያስ: The name Hizkijah is derived from ‘hzkeya’ (ህዝቅያ) the root  words are Hzqi’ (ሕዝቂ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is strength of Jehovah.

One who sealed the covenant, “Ater, Hizkijah, Azzur,” (Neh 10:17)

Hobab ~ ኦባብ: The name “Hobab” means favored; beloved (ተወዳጅ), HBN, This name is found in two places only (Num 10:29; Jud 4:11).

Hobah ~ ሖባ: Hiding-place (ሠዋራ), EBD, a place to the north of Damascus, to which Abraham pursued Chedorlaomer and his confederates (Gen 14:15)

Hod ~ ሆድ: The name Hod is derived from Wd’ (ውድ) the meaning is adorn

One of the sons of Zophah, among the descendants of Asher, (1 Chr 7:37)

Hodaiah ~ ሆዳይዋ: The root words for Hodaiah is ‘Wde’ () and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is ‘adored by Jehovah’... [Related term(s):- Hodaviah]

Son of the royal line of Judah, (1 Chr 3:24)

Hodaviah ~ ሆዳይዋ: The name Hodaviah is derived from ‘hodeyah’(ሆደያህ) the root words are Wde’ (ውደ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is addorn by Jehovah ... [Related term(s):- Hodaiah].

1.            A man of Manasseh, one of the heads of the half tribe on the east of Jordan, (1 Chr 5:24)

2.            A man of Benjamin, son of Has-senuah (1 Chr 9:7);

3.            A Levite, who seems to have given his name to an important family in the tribe (Ezr 2:40)

Hodijah ~ ሆዲያ: The name Hodijah is derived from Wde’ (ውደ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is addorn by Jehovah.

1.            One of the Levites who assisted Ezra in expounding the law, (Neh 8:7; 9:5)

2.            A Levite who sealed the covenant (Neh 10:18)

Hodesh ~ ሖዴሽ: The name “Hodesh” means a table; news (አዲስ), HBN, a woman named in the genealogies of Benjamin, (1 Chr 8:9).

Hoglah ~ ኬሌግ: Partridge (ጅግራ), EBD, one of the daughters of Zelophehad the Gileadite, to whom portions were assigned by Moses (Num 26:33; 27:1; 36:11).

Hoham ~ ሆሃም: “Hoham” means whom Jehovah impels (አምላክ የሠራው), SBD, king of Hebron at the time of the conquest of Canaan. (Jos 10:3)

Holon ~ ሖሎን: “Holon” means sandy, SBD

1.       A town in the mountains of Judah. One of the first group, of which Debir was apparently the most considerable. (Jos 15:51; 21:15)

2.       A city of Moab. (Jer 48:21).

Homam ~ ሔማም: “Homam” means destruction (ሕመም), SBD, the form under which, in (1 Chr 1:39) an Edomite name appears which in (Gen 36:22) is given HEMAM.

Hor ~ ሖር: “Hor” means mountain (ሖረ), EBD

1.       One of the mountains of the chain of Seir or Edom, on the confines of Idumea (Num 20:22-29; 33:37). It was one of the stations of the Israelites in the wilderness (Num 33:37), which they reached in the circuitous route they were obliged to take because the Edomites refused them a passage through their territory. It was during the encampment here that Aaron died (Num 33:37-41).

2.       One of the marks of the northern boundary of Palestine (Num 34:7, 8)

Horam ~ ሆራም: “Horam” means mountainous (ራማ), SBD, king of Gezer at the time of the conquest of the southwestern part of Palestine. (Jos 10:33)

Horeb ~ ኮሬብ: “Horeb” means desert (ሖረ አብ), SBD, desert or mountain of the dried-up ground, a general name for the whole mountain range of which Sinai was one of the summits, (Ex 3:1; 17:6; 33:6,  Psa 106:19).

Horem ~ ሖሬም: Consecrated (ቅዱስ), EBD, one of the fenced cities of Naphtali (Jos 19:38).

Hori ~ ሖሪ ሱሬ: “Hori” means cave-dweller (ዘዋሪ), SBD,

1.       A Horite, son of Lotan the son of Seir. (Gen 36:22;1 Chr 1:39; Gen 36:30)

2.       A man of Simeon, father of Shaphat. (Num 13:5)

Hormah ~ ሔርማ: “Hormah” means a place laid waste (እዳሪ), SBD, or ZEPHATH, (Jud 1:17) was the chief town of a king of a Canaanitish tribe on the south of Palestine, which was reduced by Joshua, and became a city of the territory of Judah, (Jos 15:30; 1 Sam 30:30)

Horonaim ~ ሖሮናይም: Two caverns, EBD, a city of Moab to the south of the Arnon, built, apparently, upon an eminence, and a place of some importance (Isa 15:5; Jer 48:3, 5, 34)

Hosah ~ ሖሳ: The name Hosah is derived from Wasie (ዋሴ) the meaning is my deliverer, my savior ... [Related term(s):- Hosea, Hoshea].

1.            A place on the border of the tribe of Asher, (Jos 19:29)

2.            A Levite of the family of Merari (1 Chr 16:38)

Hosanna ~ ሆሣዕና: The root words for Hosanna are Wasie(ዋሴ) and Na’ () the meaning is my savior comes now.

The cry of the multitudes as they thronged in our Lord's triumphal procession into Jerusalem, (Mat 21:9, 15; Mar 11:9, 10; Joh 12:13)

Hosea ~ ሆሴዕ: The name “Hosea” means savior (ዋሴ); safety, HBN, the son of Beeri, and author of the book of prophecies bearing his name. He belonged to the kingdom of Israel. "His Israelitish origin is attested by the peculiar, rough, Aramaizing diction, pointing to the northern part of Palestine; by the intimate acquaintance he evinces with the localities of Ephraim(Hos 5:1; 6:8,9; 12:12; 14:6, etc.)

Hoshaiah ~ ሆሻያ: “Hoshaiah” means whom Jehovah aids (ዋሰ ያህ), SBD,

1.       A man who assisted in the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem after it had been rebuilt by Nehemiah. (Neh 12:32)

2.       The father of a certain Jezaniah or Azariah, who was a man of note after, the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezsar. (Jer 42:1; 43:2)

Hoshama ~ ሆሻማ: The name Hoshama is derived from Wasie’ (ዋሴ) and ‘Sema’ (ሰማ) the meaning is my saver heard.

One of the sons of Jeconiah or Jehoiachin, the last king but one of Judah, (1 Chr 3:18)

Hotham ~ ኮታም: “Hotham” means signet ring (እትም), SBD, a man of Asher, son of Heber, of the family Of Beriah. (1 Chr 7:32)

Hoshea ~ ኢያሱ: The name Hoshea is derived from Wasie’ (ዋሴ) the meaning is my savior, surety ... [Related term(s):- Hosah, Hosea].

1.            The son of Nun, i.e. Joshua, (Deut 32:44)

2.            One of the heads of the people who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah (Neh 10:23)

Hothir ~ ሆቲር: The name “Hothir” means excelling; remaining (በላጭ), HBN, the thirteenth son of Heman, "the king's seer," (1 Chr 25:4, 28).

Hukkok ~ ሑቆቅ: Decreed (አዋጅ), EBD, a town near Zebulun, not far from Jordan, on the border of Naphtali (Jos 19:34).

Hul ~ ሁል: “Hul” means circle (ክብ), SBD, the second son of Aram, and grandson of Shem. (Gen 10:23).

Huldah ~ ሕልዳ: Huldah” means weasel, SBD, a prophetess, whose husband, Shallum, was keeper of the wardrobe in the time of King Josiah. It was to her that Josiah had recourse, when Hilkiah found a book of the law, to procure an authoritative opinion on it. (2 Kin 22:14; 2 Chr 34:22)

Hupham ~ ሑፋም: “Hupham” means coast-man (የዳር አገር ሰው), SBD, a son of Benjamin, founder of the family of the Huphamites. (Num 26:39)

Huppim ~ ሑፊም: “Huppim” means protected (የተጠበቀ), SBD, Head of a Benjamite family (Gen 46:21; 1 Chr 7:12)

Hur ~ ሆር ሖር ሑር: The name “Hur” means liberty; whiteness; hole (ዘዋሪ), HBN,

1.       A son of Caleb (1 Chr 2:19,50; 4:1,4)

2.       The husband of Miriam, Moses' sister (Exo 17:10-12). He was associated with Aaron in charge of the people when Moses was absent on Sinai (Ex 24:14).

3.       One of the five princes of Midian who were defeated and slain by the Israelites under the command of Phinehas (Num 31:8).

Huram ~ ሑራም: “Huram” means noble born (ራማ), SBD,

1.       A Benjamite; son of Bela, the first-born of the patriarch. (1 Chr 8:5)

2.       The same Change occurs in Chronicles in the name of Hiram the artificer, which is given as HURAM in (2 Chr 2:13; 4:11,16)

Huri ~ ዑሪ: “Huri” means linen-weaver (ዘዋሪ), SBD, a Gadite; father of Abihail- (1 Chr 5:14)

Hushah ~ ሑሻም: The name “Hushah” means hasting; holding peace (ፈጥኖ ደራሽ), HBN, a name which occurs in the genealogies of the tribe of Judah (1 Chr 4:4)

Hushai ~ ኩሲ: The name “Hushai” means their haste; their sensuality; their silence (ካሺ), HBN, an Archite i.e. possibly an inhabitant of a place called Erec. (2 Sam 15:32); (2 Sam 16:16); He is called the "friend" of David. (2 Sam 15:37); to him David confided the delicate and dangerous part of a pretended adherence to the cause of Absalom.

Hushathite ~ ኩሳታዊ: “Hushathite” means inhabitant of Hushah (ኩሻዊ), SBD,

The designation of two of the heroes of David's guard, SIBBECHAI, (2 Sam 21:18; 1 Chr 11:29; 20:4; 27:11)

Huz ~ ዑፅ: “Huz” means light, sandy soil (አሸዋማ), SBD, the eldest son of Nahor and Milcah. (Gen 22:21)


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