A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Aaron ~ አሮን: “Aaron” means a teacher, or lofty / SBD, ... [Related term(s):- Arieh]

The name ‘Aaron’ means Exemplary, role model, teacher…’ it is derived from the word Areyane (አረያነ);

The son of Amram and Jochebed, and the older brother of Moses and Miriam, (Ex 4:14)

Aaronites ~ አሮን ቤት: The descendants of Aaron, EBD, Priests of the family of Aaron, (1Chr 12:27); Jehoiada, the father of Benaiah (1 Chr 12:27), Eleazar (Num 3:32), and at a later period Zadok (1 Chr 27:17)

Abaddon ~ ዓብዶን: The name Abaddonmeans the highest Judge; the final judgement it is derived from the word ‘Abdany’ (አብዳኝ); the root words are ‘Ab’ (አብ) and ‘Dany’ (ዳኝ); [Related term(s):- Abdon]

Sheol, the realm of the dead, “…And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.” (Rev 9:11)

Abana ~ አባና: “Abana” means perennial, stony (ጽኑ), SBD, the chief river of Damascus (2 Kin 5:12)

Abarim ~ ዓባሪም: “Abarim” means regions beyond (አባሪ), SBD, A mountain or range of highlands on the east of the Jordan, in the land of Moab, facing Jericho, and forming the eastern wall of the Jordan valley at that part. Its most elevated spot was "the Mount Nebo, 'head' of 'the' Pisgah," from which Moses viewed the Promised Land before his death. These mountains are mentioned in (Num 27:12; 33:47, 48) and (Deut 32:49)

Abba ~ አባ: The name Abba means father, creator, Senior, higher... it is derived from the word ‘Aba’ (አባ);

The words which uttered by Jesus Christ during his praying, “And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee ...” (Mar 14:36), these are the words which uttered by Jesus Christ during his praying.

·             Pual teach them to call Abba, “….whereby we cry, Abba, Father.” (Rom 8:15)

·             “… the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father” (Gal 4:6)

·             "Before the child shall have knowledge to cry Abi, Immi" (Isa 8:4)

Abda ~ ዓብዳ: The name Abda’ means servant. It is derived from the root word ‘Abde’ (አብደ); [Related term(s):- Abdi]

1.            The father of Adoniram, whom Solomon set over the tribute, (1 Kin 4:6)

2.            A Levite of the family of Jeduthun (Neh 11:17), also called Obadiah (1 Chr 9:16)

Abdeel ~ ዓብድኤል: The name Abdeelmeans ‘Servant of the almighty lord... it is derived from two words ‘Abde’ (አብደ) and ‘El’ (ኤል); [Related term(s):- Abdiel].

“... Shelemiah the son of Abdeel ...” (Jer 36:26)

Abdi ~ አብዲ: The name Abdi’ means my servant… it is derived from the word‘Abdie’ (አብዴ); [Related term(s):- Abda]

A Merarite, and ancestor of Ethan the singer, (1 Chr 6:44)

Abdiel ~ አብዲኤል: the name Abdiel means servant of the almighty lordThe root words for Abdielare Abdi’ (አብዲ) and El’ (ኤል); [Related term(s):- Abdeel]

Son of Guni and father of Ahi, one of the Gadites who were settled in the land of Bashan, (1 Chr 5:15)

Abdon ~ ዓብዶን: the name ‘Abdonmeans senior Judge; father Judge’ is derived from the two words ‘Ab’ (አብ) and ‘Dany’ (ዳኝ); [Related term(s):- Abaddon, Abidan].

1.            A judge of Israel, (Jud 12:13-15)

2.            Son of Shashak (1 Chr 8:23);

3.            First-born son of Jehiel, son of Gideon (1 Chr 8:30; 9:35, 36);

4.            Son of micah, a contemporary of Josiah (2 Chr 34:20) called Achbor in (2 Kin 22:12); A city in the tribe if Asher, given to the Gershonites (Jos 21:30; 1 Chr 6:74)

Abednego ~ አብደናጎ: The name Abednego is derived from the two words Abde (አብደ) and ‘Nega’ (ነጋ); the meaning is Servant of the dawn’ (Lord as a source of spiritual illumination and strength)’.

The name given to Azariah by the gaurd in Babylon, one of Daniel's three companions, (Dan 2:49)

Abel ~ አቤል: The root words for AbelareAb’(አብ) and El’(ኤል) ‘Abel’ means one who’s father is the almighty lord’…[Related term(s):- Abiel, Abihail, Eliab].

The second son of Adam murdered by his brother Cain, (Gen 4:1-16)

Abez ~ አቤጽ: Means lofty (ያበጠ), SBD, a town in the possession of Issachar, named between Kishion and Remeth in (Jos 19:20) only.

Abi ~ አቡ: The name Abi is derived from the word ‘Abyie’ (አብዬ) the meaning is ‘my father’ [Related term(s):- Abia, Abiah, Abijah].

Mother of King Hezekiah, (2 kin 18:2)

In (2 Chr 29:1), Written ABIJAH  

Abia ~ አቢያ: The name Abia’ is derived from the two words ‘Ab’ (አብ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is ‘the everlasting father’[Related term(s):- Abi, Abiah, Abijah].

The name refers to the head of the eighth of the twenty-four courses into which David divided the priests. (1 Chr 3:10)

Abiah ~ አብያ: The name Abiah means Jehovah is the father … it is derived from the two words Ab (አብ-father) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ-Jehovah); [Related term(s):- Abi, Abia, Abijah].

Son of Samuel  the prophate, “... the name of his second, Abiah: they were judges in Beersheba (1 Sam 8:2), (1 Chr 7:8)

Abi-albon ~ አቢዓልቦ: The name “Abi-albon” means most intelligent father (ልባም), HBN, one of David's body-guard of thirty mighty men (2 Sam 23:31); called also Abiel (1 Chr 11:32)

Abiasaph ~ አቢሳፍ: The root words for Abiasaphare ‘Ab’ (አብ) and ‘A’saf (ሰፍ) the meaning is father of a large family [Related term(s):- Ebisaph].

See also:- Abiasaph / አብያሳፍ

One of the descendants of Korah, and head of the Korhites, (Ex 6:24)

Abiathar ~ አብያታር: The name “Abiathar” means excellent father; father of the remnant (አበ ዘር), HBN, High priest and fourth in descent from Eli, (1 Sam 22:20-23)

Abib ~ አቢብ: The name Abib’ is derived from ‘Abeba’ (አበባ) the meaning is ‘flower, flower bearing, beautiful...’

The month of newly-ripened grain, (Ex 13:4)

Abidan ~ አቢዳን: The root words for Abidanare ‘Ab(አብ) and ‘Dany’ (ዳኝ) the meaning is Supreme judge’… [Related term(s):- Abaddon, Abdon].

Chief of the tribe of Benjamin at the time of the Exodus, (Num 1:11)

Abiel ~ አቢኤል: The name Abiel is derived from the two words ‘Abe’ (አበ) and ‘El’ (ኤል) the meaning is father is the almighty lord [Related term(s):- Abel, Abihail, Eliab].

The son of Zeror and father of Ner, who was the grandfather of Saul, Saul's commander-in-chief, (1 Sam 14:51), (1 Sam 9:1)

Abiezer ~ አቢዔዜር: The name Abiezer is derived from the two words ‘Ab’ (አብ) and ‘Zer’ (ዘር) the meaning is ‘seed of the father’ (it can be also interprated as ‘great family, relative of the lord, family of the almigthy lord...’).

Eldest son of Gilead, and descendant of Manasseh, (2 Sam 23:27. 28)

Abiezrite ~ አቢዔዝራዊ: Father of help, a descendant of Abiezer, EBD, Joash was called ‘the Abiezrite’, (Jud 6:11, 24)

Abigail ~ አቢጊያ: The name Abigail is derived from the two words ‘Ab’ (አብ) and ‘Gela’ (ገላ) the meaning is ‘great beauty’. (It has the same meaning as ‘Abishag)’.

A sister of David married to Jether the Ishmaelite, and mother, by him, of Amasa, (1 Chr 2:17)

Abihail ~ አቢካኢል: The root words for Abihail are ‘Abe’ (አበ) and ‘Hayl’ (ኃይል), the meaning is ‘father of strength; Great power’[Related term(s):- Abel, Abiel, Eliab].

1.            Father of Zuriel, chief of the Levitical father of Merari, a contemporary of Moses. “...of Merari was Zuriel the son of Abihail: ...(Num 3:35)

2.            Wife of Abishur (1 Chr 2:29);

3.            Son of Huri, of the tribe of Gad (1 Chr 5:14);

4.            Wife of Rehoboam; She is called the daughter, i.e. Descendant, of Eliab, the elder brother of David (2 Chr 11:18);

5.            Father of Esther and uncle of Mordecai (Est 2:15)

Abihu ~ አብዮድ: The name “Abihu” means he is my father (አበ ውድ), HBN... [Related term(s):- Abihud]

The second of the sons of Aaron, (Ex 6:23)

Abihud ~ አብዩድ: The name Abihud is derived from the two words ‘Abe’ (አበ) and ‘Wd’ (ውድ) the meaning is beloved by the father ... [Related term(s):- Abihu].

Son of Bela and grandson of Benjamin, (1 Chr 8:3), (Mat 1:13)

Abijah ~ አብያ: The root words for Abijah are Abe’ (አበ) and Yah’ (ያህ) ‘Ab’ means father and ‘Yah’ (Jehovah) means the living one.Abijah means ‘Jehovah is father.’ [Related term(s):- Abiah, Abia].

1.            Son of Jeroboam I., king of Israel; died in his childhood. (1Chr 24:10), (1 Kin 14:1)

2.            Son and successor of Rehoboam on the throne of Judah ( 2 Chr 12:16), (1 Kin 4:21);

3.            A descendant of Eleazar (Neh 12:4, 17), (1 Chr 24:10; 2 Chr 8:14);

4.            One of the priests who entered into a covenant with Nehemiah to walk in God’s law (Neh 10:7)

Abijam ~ አብያ: Father of the sea; i.e., "seaman" (መርከበኛ), EBD, the name always used in Kings of the king of Judah, the son of Rehoboam, elsewhere called Abijah (1 Kin 15:1,7,8). (See ABIJAH)

Abilene ~ ቢላኒ: “Abilene” means land of meadows (ሜዳማ), SBD, (Luk 3:1) a city situated on the eastern slope of Antilibanus, in a district fertilized by the river Barada (Abana)

Abimael ~ አቢማኤል: The name Abimael is derived from the two words ‘Abe’ (አበ) and ‘Mayel’ (ማየል) the meaning is ‘father of the great power’.

A descendant of Joktan, (Gen 10:28)

Abimelech ~ አቢሜሌክ: The name Abimelech is derived from two words ‘Abe’ (አበ) and ‘Mluk’ (ምሉክ) the meaning is great ruler, king... ... [Related term(s):- Ahimelech, Ebedmelech, Elimelech].

1.             A Philistine, king of Gerar, (Gen 20:1-18)

2.             Another king of Gerar int he time of Isaac (Gen 26:1); Son of the judge Gideon by his Shechemite concubine (Jud 8:31); the son of Abiathar, (1 Chr 18:16)

Abinadab ~ አሚናዳብ:  Father of nobleness (ክቡር); i.e., "noble.", EBD,

1.            A Levite, a native of Kirjath-jearim, in whose house the ark remained 20 years. (1 Sam 7:1,2; 1 Chr 13:7)

2.            Second son of Jesse, who followed Saul to his war against the Philistines, (1 Sam 16:8; 17:13)

3.            A son of Saul, who was slain with his brothers at the fatal battle on Mount Gilboa. (1 Sam 31:2)

4.            Father of one of the twelve chief officers of Solomon. (1 Kin 4:11)

Abinoam ~ አቢኒኤም: The name Abinoam is derived from the two words ‘Abe’ (አበ) and ‘Noam’ (ናዖም) the meaning is ‘father of Noam’ ... [Related term(s):- Ahinoam].

The father of Barak, (Jud 4:6)

Abiram ~ አቤሮ: Father of height (ከፍተኛ); i.e., "proud.", EBD,

1.            A Reubenite, son of Eliab, who with Korah, a Levite, organized a conspiracy against Moses and Aaron. (Num 16:1)

2.            Eldest son of Hiel the bethelite, who died when his father laid the foundations of Jericho, (1 Kin 16:34) and thus accomplished the first part of the curse of Joshua. (Joshua 6:26)

Abishag ~ አቢሳ: The name Abishag is derived from the two words ‘Abe’ (አበ) and ‘Shega’ (ሸጋ) the meaning is ‘great beauty’. (It has the same meaning as ‘Abigail’).

A young woman of Shunem, distinguished for her beauty. She was chosen to minister to David in his old age. She became his wife, (1 kin 1:3, 4, 15)

Abishai ~ አቢሳ: The name ‘Abishai’ is derived from the two words ‘Ab’ (አበ) and ‘Shih’ (ሽህ) the meaning is ‘father of thousands (multitude).

The son of Zeruiah, (1 Sam 26:6)

Abishalom ~ አቤሴሎም: The root words for Abishalomare Abe(አበ) and ‘Selam(ሰላም) the meaning is great peace; long lasting peace... [Related term(s):- Absalom].

Father or grandfather of Maachah, who was the wife of Rehoboam and mother of Abijah, (1 kin 15:2, 10); He is called Absalom in (2 Chr 11:20)

Abishua ~ አቢሱ: The name ‘Abishua’ is derived from ‘Ab’ (አበ) and ‘Shwa’ (ሽዋ) the meaning is ‘great father; father of thousands’ ... [Related term(s):- Abishai].

Son of Bela, of the tribe of Benjamin, (1 Chr 8:4)

The other person with the same name: Son of Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, and father of Bukki, in the genealogy of the high priests (1 Chr 6:4, 5, 50, 51; Ezr 7:4, 5)

Abishur ~ አቢሱር: The name “Abishur” means father of the wall; father of uprightness (ቸር አባት), HBN, one of the two sons of Shammai of the tribe of Judah (1 Chr 2:28, 29)

Abital ~ አቢጣል: The root words for Abitalare Abe(አበ) and Tla(ጥላ) the meaning is a great shadow.

David's fifth wife, “...Shephatiah the son of Abital; (2 Sam 3:4)

Abiud ~ አብዩድ: The root words for Abiudare Abe(አበ) and Wd(ውድ) the meaning is beloved by the father.

Son of Zorobabel,  And Zorobabel begat Abiud; and ...” (Mat 1:13)

Abner ~ አበኔር: The name “Abner” means father of light (አበ ኔር), HBN, father of light; i.e., "enlightening", the son of Ner and uncle of Saul. He was commander-in-chief of Saul's army (1 Sam 14:50; 17:55; 20:25)

Abraham ~ አብርሃም: “Abraham” means father of a multitude (የብዙዎች አባት), SBD... [Related term(s):- Abram]

He was the son of Terah, and founder of the great Hebrew nation, “Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee. (Gen 17:5)

Abram ~ አብራም: The name Abram is derived from the two words Abe (አበ) and ‘Rama’ (ራማ) the meaning is high father ... [Related term(s):- Abraham, Abiram].

The earlier name of Abraham, (Gen 11:27)

Absalom ~ አቤሴሎም: The name Absalom is derived from the two words Abe (አበ) and ‘Selam’ (ሰላ) the meaning is great peace  ... [Related term(s):- Abishalom].

The  third son of David by Maachah, daughter of Tamai king of Geshur, a Syrian district adjoining the northeast frontier of the Holy Land, (2 Sam 3:3)

Accad ~ አርካድ: The name “Accad” means a vessel; pitcher; spark (ማሰሮ), HBN, one of the cities in the land of Shinar. (Gen 10:10).

Aceldama ~ አኬልዳማ: The name Aceldama is derived from the two words ‘Akale(አካለ) and ‘Dem’ () the meaning is body of blood’.

The name given by the Jews of Jerusalem to a field near Jerusalem purchased by Judas with the money which he received for the betrayal of Christ, and so called from his violent death therein, ...insomuch as that field is called in their proper tongue, Aceldama, that is to say, the field of blood.” (Act 1:19)

Achaia ~ አካይያ: “Achaia” means trouble (በጥባጭ), BSD, Achaia and Macedonia are frequently mentioned together in the New Testament to indicate all Greece. (Act 18:12; 19:21; Rom 15:26; 16:5; 1 Cor 16:15; 2 Cor7:5; 9:2; 11:10; 1 Thes 1:7, 8) In the time of the emperor Claudius it was governed by a proconsul, translated in the Authorized Version "deputy," of Achaia. (Act 18:12)

Achaicus ~ አካይቆስ: “Achaicus” means belonging to Achaia, SBD, a name of a Christian. (1 Cor 16:17)

Achan ~ አካ: The name “Achan” means or Achar, he that troubleth (ጠባጫሪ), HBN, an Israelite of the tribe of Judah, who, when Jericho and all that it contained were accursed and devoted to destruction, secreted a portion of the spoil in his tent. For this sin he was stoned to death with his whole family by the people, in a valley situated between Ai and Jericho, and their remains, together with his property, were burnt. (Jos 7:19-26).

Achaz ~ አካዝ: The name “Achaz” means one that takes, or possesses (ያዥ), HBN, (Mat 1:9),And Ozias begat Joatham; and Joatham begat Achaz; and Achaz begat Ezekias;

Achbor ~ ዓክቦር: “Achbor” means trouble (መከራ), SBD,

1.            Father of Baalhanan king of Edom. (Gen 36:38,39; 1 Chr 1:49)

2.            Son of Michaiah, a contemporary of Josiah, (2 Kin 22:12, 14; Jer 26:22; 36:12) called 

ABDON in (2 Chr 34:20)

Achim ~ አኪም: The name “Achim” means preparing; revenging(አቂም፣ ቂም); confirming, HBN, son of Sadoc and father of Eliud in our Lord's genealogy. (Mat 1:14) The Hebrew form of the name would be Jachin, which is a short form of Jehoiachin, the Lord will establish.

Achish ~ አንኩስ: “Achish” means angry (ብስጭት), SBD,

1. The king with whom David sought refuge when he fled from Saul (1 Sam 21:10-15). He is called Abimelech in the superscription of Psalm 34. Achish had great confidence in the valour and fidelity of David (1 Sam 28:1,2), but at the instigation of his courtiers did not permit him to go up to battle along with the Philistine hosts (1 Sam 29:2-11). David remained with Achish a year and four months.

2. Another king of Gath, to whom the two servants of Shimei fled. This led Shimei to go to Gath in pursuit of them, and the consequence was that Solomon put him to death (1 Kin 2:39-46).

Achmetha ~ አሕምታ: The name “Achmetha” means brother of death, HBN, (Ezr 6:2),

Achor ~ አኮር: Trouble (ጭንቅ), EBD, a valley near Jericho, so called in consequence of the trouble which the sin of Achan caused Israel (Jos 7:24, 26) "The valley of Achor, a place for herds to lie down in;" i.e., that which had been a source of calamity would become a source of blessing. Hosea also (Hos 2:15) uses the expression in the same sense: "The valley of Achor for a door of hope;" i.e., trouble would be turned into joy, despair into hope.

Achsah ~ ዓክሳ: Anklet (አምባር), EBD, Caleb's only daughter (1 Chr 2:49). She was offered in marriage to the man who would lead an attack on the city of Debir, or Kirjath-sepher. This was done by Othniel (which see), who accordingly obtained her as his wife (Jos 15:16-19; Jud 1:9-15).

Achshaph ~ አዚፍ: “Achshaph” means fascination (ፈቃድ፣ ፍላጎት), SBD, a city within the territory of Asher, named between Beten and Alammelech, (Joshua 19:25) originally the seat of a Canaanite king. (Jos 11:1; 12:20)

Achzib ~ አክዚብ: “Achzib” means lying, false (ቀጣፊ), SBD,

1.            City in the lowlands of Judah, named with Keilah and Mareshah. (Jos 15:44; Mic 1:14).

2.            A town belonging to Asher, (Jos 19:29) from which the Canaanites were not expelled, (Jud 1:31)

Adadah ~ ዓድዓዳ: “Adadah” means festival or boundary, SBD, one of the cities in the extreme south of Judah, named with Dimonah and Kedesh. (Jos 15:22)

Adah ~ ዓዳ: “Adah” means ornament, beauty (ጌጥ), SBD,

1.            The first of the two wives of Lamech, by whom were borne to him Jabal and Jubal. (Gen 4:19)

2.            A Hittitess, one of the three wives of Esau, mother of Eliphaz. (Gen 36:2,10,12,16) In (Gen 26:34) she is called BASHEMATH.

Adaiah ~ አዳያ: “Adaiah” means adorned by Jehovah (ውደ ያህ፣ የተወደደ), SBD,

1.            Maternal grandfather of King Josiah, and native of Boscath in the lowlands of Judah. (2 Kin 22:1)

2.            A Levite of the Gershonite branch, and ancestor of Asaph. (1 Chr 6:41).

3.            A Benjamite, son of Shimhi, (1 Chr 8:21)

4.            A priest, son of Jehoram. (1 Chr 9:12; Neh 11:12)

5.            Ancestor of Maaseiah, one of the captains who supported Jehoiada. (2 Chr 23:1)

6.            One of the descendants of Bani, who had married a foreign wife after the return from Babylon. (Ezr 10:29)

7.            The descendant of another Bani, who had also taken a foreign wife. (Ezr 10:39)

8.            A man of Judah, of the line of Pharez. (Neh 11:5)

Adam ~ አዳም: The name Adam is derived from the word ‘A‘dem’ (ደም) the meaning is ‘blood’; (It can be interprated as ‘relative, alive, or red’ depending on the context.)... [Related term(s):- Admah, Adamah, Adami].

It was the name given to the first man, “... and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature that was the name thereof.(Gen 2:19); Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created;” (Gen 5:2);That the waters which came down from above stood and rose up upon an heap very far from the city Adam, (Jos 3:16) 

Adamah ~ አዳማ: The name Adamah is derived from the word A’demh(ደምህ) the meaning is ‘your blood’ (red). And also means ‘your relative’... [Related term(s):- Adam, Admah, Adami].

One of the "fenced cities" of Naphtali named between Chinnereth and Ramah, (Jos 19:36), (Gen 1019)

Adami ~ አዳሚ: The name Adami is derived from the word ‘A’demie(ደሜ) the meaning is ‘my blood’ (red). And also means (alive,  life or my relative) ... [Related term(s):- Adam, Admah, Adamah].

A place on the border of Naphtali, (Jos 19:33)

Adar ~ አዳር: “Adar” means high (ልዕልና), SBD, a place on the south boundary of Judah. (Jos 15:3)

Adbeel ~ ነብዳኤል: Miracle of God (ያምላክ ታምር), EBD, “Adbeel” means offspring of God, SBD, a son of Ishmael, (Gen 25:13; 1 Chr 1:29)

Addan ~ አዳን: The name Addan is derived from the word ‘A’den(ደን) the meaning is ‘forest, woody...’... [Related term(s):- Addon].

One of the places from which some of the captivity returned with Zerubbabel to Judea who could not show their pedigree as Israelites, (Ezr 2:59), Addon- (Neh 7:61)

Addi ~ ሐዲ: “Addi” means ornament (ጌጥ), / SBD, (Luk 3:28) Son of Cosam, and father of Melchi in our Lord's genealogy; the third above Salathiel.

Addon ~ ዓዳን: The name Addon is derived from the word ‘Adany(አዳኝ) the meaning is ‘saviour, deliverer...’

One of the places from which some of the captivity returned with Zerubbabel to Judea who could not show their pedigree as Israelites, (Neh 7:61)

Adiel ~ ዓዲኤል: Ornament of God (አምላክ ያስዋበው), EBD

1.            The father of Azmaveth, who was treasurer under David and Solomon (1 Chr 27:25).

2.            A family head of the tribe of Simeon (1 Chr 4:36).

3.            A priest (1 Chr 9:12).

Adin ~ ዓዲን: The name Adinis derived from the word ‘A’den(ደን) the meaning is woody, foresty, or / and Garden of Eden.’... [Related term(s):- Adina, Adna, Adnah].

Ancestor of a family who returned form Babylon with Zerubbabel, (Neh 10:16), (Ezr 2:15)

Adina ~ ዓዲና: “Adina” means slender (አዱኛ) SBD... [Related term(s):- Adin, Adna, Adnah]

One of David's captains beyond the Jordan, and a chief of the Reubenites, (1 Chr 11:42)

Adlai ~ ዓድላይ: “Adlai” means justice of Jehovah (አደላ፣ ፈረደ), SBD, Ancestor of Shaphat, the overseer of David's herds that fed in the broad valleys. (1 Chr 27:29)

Admah ~ አዳማ: The name Admah is derived from the word ‘A’deme(ደመ) the meaning is ‘bloody’ (reddish). And also means (being alive,  life) ... [Related term(s):- Adam, Adamah, Adami].

One of the "cities of the plain," always coupled with Zeboim, (Gen 10:19)

Admatha ~ አድማታ: “Admatha” means given by the highest (ከጌታ የተሰጠ), SBD, one of the seven princes of Persia, (Est 1:14)

Adna ~ ዓድና: The name Adnais derived from the word ‘A’den(ደን) the meaning is woody, foresty, or / and Garden of Eden.’... [Related term(s):- Adin, Adina, Adnah].

1.            One of the families of Pahath-moab, (Ezr 10:30)

2.            A priest, descendant of Harim in the days of Joiakim (Neh 12:15)

Adnah ~ ዓድና: The name Adnah is derived from the word Adanyh(አዳኝህ) the meaning is your saviour, your protector, your defendor....’... [Related term(s):- Adin, Adina, Adna].

A chief of the tribe of Manasseh who joined David at Ziklag, (1 Chr 12:20)

other person with the same name is: A captain (2 Chr 17:14)

Adoni-bezek ~ አዶኒቤዜቅ: The name Adonibezek is derived from the two words Adany’ (አዳኝ) and ‘Be’hzq’ (ሕዝቅ) the meaning is powerful saviour.

King of Bezek, a city of the Canaanites, (Jud 1:4-7)

Adonijah ~ አዶንያስ:  The name Adonijah is derived from the two words Adany’ (አዳኝ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is Jehovah is saviour.

1.            The fourth son of David, (2 Sam 3:4)

2.            A Levite sent with the princes to teach the book of the law to the inhabitants of Judah (2 Chr 17:8);

3.            One of the "chiefs of the people" after the Captivity (Neh 10:16)

Adonikam ~ አዶኒቃም: The name Adonikam is derived from the two words Adany’ (አዳኝ) and ‘Qome`’ (ቆመ) the meaning is the one who stands to protect.

One of those "which came with Zerubbabel", (Ezr 2:13)

Adoniram ~ አዶኒራም: The name Adoniram is derived from the two words Adany’ (አዳኝ) and ‘Rama`’ (ረማ) the meaning is the highest saviour... [Related term(s):- Adoram].

The other person with the same name: Chief receiver of the tribute during the reigns of David, “And Adoram was over the tribute: and Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud was recorder” (2 Sam 2024), (1 kin 4:6)

Adoni-zedek ~ አዶኒጼዴቅ: The root words for Adoni-zedekare ‘Adany(አዳኝ) and ‘Tsadiq’ (ጻዲቅ) the meaning is the righteous and the everlasting Saviour (lord).

The Amorite king of Jerusalem who organized a league with four other Amorite princes against Joshua, “Now it came to pass, when Adonizedek king of Jerusalem had heard how Joshua ...(Jos 10:1, 3)

Adoram ~ አዶኒራም: The name Adoram is derived from the two words Adany’ (አዳኝ) and ‘Ram`’ (ራም) the meaning is great saviour, protector...... [Related term(s):- Adoniram].

Chief receiver of the tribute during the reigns of David, (2 Sam 2024)

Adoniram- (1 kin 4:6)

Adrammelech ~ አደራሜሌክ:  The root words for Adrammelechare Adera(አደራ) and Melak(መላክ) the meaning is responsible counselor.

See also:- Adrammelech / አድራሜሌክ

1.            A son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, “And it came to pass, as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god, that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him. ...” (2 Kin 19:37)

2.            An idol; a form of the sun-god worshipped by the inhabitants of Sepharvaim  (2 kin 17:31)

Adummim ~ አዱሚም: The name Adummim is derived from the word A‘demam’ (ደማ) the meaning is reddish, resembling or containing blood...

A place apparently on the road between Jericho and Jerusalem, "on the south side of the torrent" Wady Kelt, looking toward Gilgal, (Jos 15:7)

Adramyttium ~ አድራሚጢስ: The name “Adramyttium” means the court of death (የሞት ችሎት), HBN, named form Adramys, brother of Croesus king of Lydia, a seaport in the province of Asia [ASIA], situated on a bay of the Aegean Sea, in the district anciently called Aeolis, and also Mysia. See (Act 16:7)

Adriel ~ ኤስድሪኤል: “Adriel” means flock of God (ያምላክ ሕዝብ), SBD, son of Barzillai, to whom Saul gave his daughter Merab, although he had previously promised her to David. (1 Sam 18:19) His five sons were amongst the seven descendants of Saul whom David surrendered to the Gibeonites. (2 Sam 21:8)

Adullam ~ ዓዶላም: “Adullam” means justice of the people (አድሎ ላለም), SBD, one of the royal cities of the Canaanites, now 'Aid-el-ma (Jos 12:15; 15:35). It was one of the towns which Rehoboam fortified against Egypt (2 Chr 11:7). It was called "the glory of Israel" (Mic 1:15)

Adummim ~ አዱሚም: The name “Adummim” means earthy; red; bloody things (ደማም), HBN, a rising ground or pass over against Gilgal," and "on the south side of the 'torrent'" (Jos 15:7; 18:17)

Aeneas ~ ኤንያ: The name “Aeneas” means praised; praiseworthy (ምስጉን), HBN, a paralytic at Lydda healed by St. Peter, (Act 9:33, 34)

AEnon ~ ሄኖን: The name “Aenon” means a cloud; fountain; his eye (ዓይኑን), HBN, a place "near to Salim," at which John baptized. (Joh 3:23)

Agabus ~ አጋቦስ: The name “Agabus” means a locust; the father's joy or feast (ግብዣ), HBN, a Christian prophet in the apostolic age, mentioned in (Act 11:28) and Acts 21:10 He predicted, (Act 11:28) that a famine would take place in the reign of Claudius.

Agag ~ አጋግ: “Agag” means flame (ነበልባል), SBD, possibly the title of the kings of Amalek, like Pharaoh of Egypt. One king of this name is mentioned in (Num 24:7) and another in 1Sam 15:8, 9, 20, 32). Haman is called the AGAGITE in (Est 3:1, 10; 8:3, 5).

Agar ~ አጋር: The name “Agar” means or Hagar, a stranger (እግር); one that fears, HBN, For this Agar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children.” (Gal 4:25)

Agee ~ አጌ: “Agee” means fugitive (ስደተኛ), SBD, a Hararite, father of Shammah, one of David's three mightiest heroes. (2 Sam 23:11)

Agrippa ~ አግሪጳ: The name “Agrippa” means one who causes great pain at his birth, HBNAnd after certain days King Agrippa and Bernice came unto Caesarea to salute Festus.” (act 25:13)

Agur ~ አጉር: The name Agur is derived from Agore’ (ጎረ) the meaning is gatherer; the collector.

The son of Jakeh; (Pro 30:1)

Ahab ~ አክዓብ: The name Ahab is derived from the two words Aya (አያ) and ‘Ab’ (አብ) the meaning is father's brother, uncle.

1.            The son of Omri, whom he succeeded as the seventh king of Israel, (1 kin 16:28)

2.            The other person with the same name: A false prophet referred to by Jeremiah (Jer 29:21), of whom nothing further is known;

Aharah ~ አሐራ: “Aharah” means after the brother (ቀሪ ወንድም), SBD, third son of Benjamin. (1 Chr 8:1)

Aharhel ~ አሐርሔል: “Aharhel” means behind the breastwork (አያ ራሔል), SBD, a name occurring in an obscure fragment of the genealogies of Judah. (1 Chr 4:8)

Ahasbai ~ አሐስባይ: The name Ahasbai is derived from the two words Aya (አያ) and ‘Asabi’ (አሳቢ) the meaning is responsible brother.

Father of Eli-phelet, one of David's thirty-seven captains, (2 Sam 23:34)

Ahasuerus ~ አሕሻዊሮስ: The name “Ahasuerus” means prince; head; chief (አያ የሽ ራስ), SBD, The father of Darius the Mede, (Dan 9:1).

Ahava ~ አኅዋ: “Ahava” means water, SBD, the name Ahava is derived from the word ‘woha’ (ውኃ) a place, (Ezr 8:15) or a river, Ezra 8:21 on the banks of which Ezra collected the second expedition which returned with him from Babylon to Jerusalem.

Ahaz ~ አካዝ: The name Ahaz is derived from the word ‘Yaz’ (ያዝ) the meaning is hold, catch, possess.

1.              A grandson of Jonathan, (1 Chr 8:35)

2.            The son and successor of Jotham, king of Judah (2 Kin 16; Isa 79-9)

Ahaziah ~ አካዝያስ:  The name Ahaziah is derived from the two words Yaze (ያዘ) and ‘Yah’ () the meaning is held by Jehovah,

1.            The son and successor of Ahab, (2 Chr 20:35-37), (2 Kin 8:24-29; 9:29)

2.            The son of Joram, or Jehoram, and sixth king of Judah; Called Jehoahaz (2 Chr 21:17; 25:23), and Azariah; (2 Chr 22:6)

Ahi ~ አኪ: The name Ahi is derived from the word Aya (አያ) the meaning is my brother ... [Related term(s):- Ahio].

See also:- Ahi / ወንድም

1.              A descendant of Shamer, of the tribe of Asher, (1 Chr 7:34)

2.            A Gadite, chief of a family who lived in Gilead in Bashan, (1 Chr 5:15)

Ahiah ~ አኪያ: The root words for ‘Ahiahare Aya(አያ) and Yah(ያህ) the meaning is brother of Jehovah [Related term(s): Ahijah].

1.              Son of Bela, (1 Chr 8:7)

2.              Son of Ahitub, grandson of Phinehas and great-grandson of Eli, succeeded his father as high priest in the reign of Saul (1 Sam 14:3, 18);

3.               One of Solomon’s princes (1 Kin 4:3);

4.               A prophet of Shiloh (1 Kin 14:2) hence called the Shilonite,

5.               Father of Baasha king of Israel (1 Kin 15:27, 33);

6.              Son of Jerahmeel (1 Chr 2:25);

7.               Son of Bel (1 Chr 8:7);

8.               One of David’s mighty men (1 Chr 11:36);

9.              A Levite in David’s reign (1 Chr 26:20);

10.          One of the "heads of the people" who joined in the covenant with Nehemiah (Neh 10:26)

Ahiam ~ አምና: The name Ahiam is derived from the two words ‘Aya’ (አያ) and ‘Ema’ (እማ) the meaning is mother’s brother, or unle.

One of David's thirty heroes, (2 Sam 23:33), (1 Chr 11:35)

Ahian ~ አሒያ: The name “Ahian” means brother of wine (አያ ወይን), HBN, a Manassite of the family of Shemidah. (1 Chr 7:19)

Ahiezer ~ አሒዔዝር: The root words for ‘Ahiezerare Aya’ (አያ) and Zer(ዘር) Ahi means brotherly, or friendly; and zer means relative or family mamber.The meaning is ‘family, my brother.

See also:- Ahiezer / አኪዔዘር

1.              The chief of the Benjamite slingers that repaired to David at Ziklag, (1 Chr 12:3),

2.            The other person with the same name: The chief of the tribe of Dan at the time of the Exodus  (Num 2:25; 10:25)

Ahihud ~ አሒ: The root words for ‘Ahihudare Aya’ (ahi) and Whud(ውሁድ) the meaning is friendly relation.

1.              One of those appointed by Moses to superintend the division of Canaan among the tribe, (Num 34:27)

2.              The other person with the same name: Chieftain of the tribe of Benjamin, (1 Chr 8:7)

Ahijah ~ አኪያ: The name Ahijah is derived from the two words ‘Aya’ (አያ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is brother of Jehovah.

1.             One of the five sons of Jerahmeel, who was great-grandson of Judah, (1 Chr 2:25)

2.             One of the sons of Bela (1 Chr 8:7) called "Ahiah.";

3.             Son of Ahitub (1 Sam 14:3, 18), Ichabod's brother;

4.             One of Solomon's secretaries (1 Kin 4:3); A prophet of Shiloh (1 Kin 11:29; 14:2), called the "Shilonite," in the days of Rehoboam.

5.             A Pelonite, one of David's heroes (1 Chr 11:36); called also Eliam (2 Sam 23:34);

6.             A Levite having charge of the sacred treasury in the temple (1 Chr 26:20)

Ahikam ~ አኪቃም: The root words for Ahikamare ‘Aya’ and Qom(ቆም) the meaning is a brother who stands for one.

One of the five whom Josiah sent to consult the prophetess Huldah in connection with the discovery of the book of the law, (2 kin 22:12-14)

Ahilud ~ አሒሉድ: “Ahilud” means a brother of one born, i.e. before him (አያ ውልድ), SBD

1.            Father of Jehoshaphat, the recorder or chronicler of the kingdom in the reigns of David and Solomon. (2 Sam 8:16; 20:24;1 Kin 4:3; 1 Chr 18:15)

2.            The father of Baana, one of Solomon's twelve commissariat officers. (1 Kin 4:12) It is uncertain whether he is the same with the foregoing.

Ahimaaz ~ አኪማአስ: “Ahimaaz” means brother of anger (አያ አመጽ), EBD,

1.            Son of Zadok the high priest in David's reign, and celebrated for his swiftness of foot. During Absalom's rebellion he carried to David the important intelligence that Ahithophel had counselled an immediate attack upon David and his followers. (2 Sam 15:24-37; 17:15-22)

2.            Saul's wife's father. (1 Sam 14:50)

3.            Solomon's son-in-law. (1 Kin 4:15)

Ahiman ~ ሒማን: The name Ahiman is derived from the two words ‘Aya’ (አያ) and ‘Aman’ (አማን) the meaning is faithful brother.

See also:- Ahiman / አኪመን

1.            One of the guardians of the temple after the Exile, (1 Chr 9:17)

2.            One of the three giant Anakim who inhabited Mount Hebron, And they ascended by the south, and came unto Hebron; where Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai, the children of Anak, were. (Num 13:22, 23) seen by Caleb and the spies. The whole race was cut off by Joshua (Jos 11:21) and the three brothers were slain by the tribe of Judah (Jud 1:10)

Ahimelech ~ አቢሜሌክ: The root words for ‘Ahimelech are ‘Aya’ () and ‘Melak’ (መላ) the meaning is ‘brother of king ... [Related term(s):- Abimelech, Ebedmelech, Elimelech].

The son of Ahitub and father of Abiathar, (1 Sam 22:20-23)

Ahimoth ~ አኪሞት: The root words for Ahimothare ‘Ahi’ (አያ) and Moth(ሞት) the meaning is unconditionally, devotedly, and faithfully brother.

See also:- Ahimoth / የማአት

A Levite apparently in the time of David, (1 Chr 6:25), (1 Chr 6:35), (Luk 3:26)

Ahinadab ~ አሒናዳብ: “Ahinadab” means brother the noble (ክቡር ወንድም), i.e. a noble brother, SBD, Son of Iddo, one of Solomon's twelve commissaries who supplied provisions for the royal household. (1 Kin 4:14)

Ahinoam ~ አኪናሆም: “Ahinoam” means brother of grace (የጸጋ ወንድም), i.e. gracious, SBN; Brother of pleasantness = pleasant, EBD,

1.            The daughter of Ahimaaz, and wife of Saul, (1 Sam 14:50)

2.            A Jezreelitess, the first wife of David (1 Sam 25:43; 27:3)

Ahio ~ አሒዮ: The name Ahio is derived from the word Ayawa’ (አያዋ) the meaning is my brother... [Related term(s):- Ahi].

1.            One of the sons of Abinadab the Levite; While Uzzah went by the side of the ark, he walked before it guiding the oxen which drew the cart on which it was carried, after having brought it from his father's house in Gibeah, (1 Chr 13:7)

2.            One of the sons of Beriah (1 Chr 8:14);

3.            One of the sons of Jehiel the Gibeonite (1 Chr 8:31; 9:37)

Ahira ~ አኪሬ: The name “Ahira” means brother of iniquity (ቂመኛ); brother of the shepherd, HBN, Chief of the tribe of Naphtali. (Num 1:15; 2:29; 7:78, 83; 10:27)

Ahiram ~ አኪራ: “Ahiram” means brother of height, lofty (ታላቅ፣ ክቡር), SBD, one of the sons of Benjamin, and ancestor of the AHIRAMITES (Num 26:38) In (Gen 46:21) the name appears as "Ehi and Rosh." It is uncertain whether Ahiram is the same as AHER, (1 Chr 7:12) or AHARAH, (1 Chr 8:1)

Ahisamach ~ አሂሳሚክ: The name “Ahisamach” means brother of strength (አያ ብርቱ), HBN, a Danite, father of Aholiab one of the architects of the tabernacle. (Ex 31:6; 35:34; 38:23)

Ahishahar ~ አኪሳአር: The name “Ahishahur” means brother of the morning or dew (አያ ንጋቱ); brother of blackness, HBN, One of the sons of Jediael; (1 Chr 7:12)

Ahishar ~ አሒሳር: The name “Ahishar” means brother of a prince; brother of a song (አያ ዘማሪ), HBN, “And Ahishar was over the household: and Adoniram the son of Abda was over the tribute” (1 Kin 4:6)

Ahithophel ~ አኪጦፌል: “Ahithophel” means brother of insipidity or impiety (አያ ጥፈ ኃያል), EBD, a native of Giloh, was a privy councillor of David, whose wisdom was highly esteemed, though his name had an exactly opposite signification. (2 Sam 16:23) He was the grandfather of Bathsheba. Comp. (2 Sam 11:3) with 2Sam 23:34 Ahithophel joined the conspiracy of Absalom against David, and persuaded him to take possession of the royal harem, (2 Sam 16:21)

Ahitub ~ አኪጦብ: The root words for Ahitubare Aya(አያ) and Tsub (ጹብ) the meaning is brother of goodness.

1.            The son of Phinehas and grandson of Eli, and therefore of the family of Ithamar, (1 Sam 14:3)

2.            The other person with the same name: Son of Amariah, and father of Zadok the high priest (1 Chr 6:7, 8; 2 Sam 8:17)

Ahlab ~ አሕላብ: The name “Ahlab” means made of milk, or of fat (እልብ); brother of the heart (አያ ልብ), HBN, a city of Asher from which the Canaanites were not driven out. (Jud 1:31)

Ahlai ~ አሕላይ: “Ahlai” means ornamental (ጌጠኛ), SBD, daughter of Sheshan, whom, having no issue, he gave in marriage to his Egyptian slave Jarha. (1 Chr 2:31, 35) From her were descended Zabad, one of David's mighty men, (1 Chr 11:41) and Aza-riah, one of the captains of hundreds in the reign of Joash. (2 Chr 23:1)

Ahoah ~ አሖዋ: Brotherly (ወንድሜ), EBD, one of the sons of Bela, the son of Benjamin (1 Chr 8:4) He is also called Ahiah (1 Chr 8:7) and Iri (1 Chr 7:7). His descendants were called Ahohites (2 Sam 23:9, 28).

Aholah ~ ኦሖላ: She has her own tent (ሴት አዳሪ), EBD, a name used by Ezekiel, (1 Chr 23:4, 5, 36, 44) as a symbol of the idolatry of the kingdom of Israel.

Aholiab ~ ኤልያብ: Tent of the father (ያባት ርስት), EBD, an artist of the tribe of Dan, appointed to the work of preparing materials for the tabernacle (Ex 31:6; 35:34; 36:1, 2; 38:23)

Aholibah ~ ኦሖሊባ: My tent is in her (ማደሪያዬ), EBD, the name of an imaginary harlot, applied symbolically to Jerusalem, because she had abandoned the worship of the true God and given herself up to the idolatries of foreign nations. (Ezk 23:4, 11, 22, 36, 44)

Aholibamah ~ አህሊባማ: The name “Aholibamah” means my tabernacle is exalted (ታላቅ ማደሪያ), HBN, One of the three wives of Esau. She was the daughter of Anah. (Gen 36:2, 26) In the earlier narrative, (Gen 26:34)

Ahumai ~ አሑማይ: The name Ahumai is derived from the two words ‘Aya’ (አያ) and ‘May’ (ማይ) the meaning is brother of water.

Son of Jabath, a descendant of Judah, and head of one of the families of the Zorathites, (1 Chr 4:2)

Ahuzam ~ አሑዛም: The name “Ahuzam” means their taking or possessing vision (ያዥ፣ አያያዥ), HBN, the father or founder of Tekoa, by his wife Naarah. (1 Chr 4:6)

Ahuzzath ~ አኮዘት: Ahuzzath” means possesions (ያዦች፣ አያያዥች), SBD; Possession; seizing; collecting, HBN,

One of the friends of the Philistine king Abimelech, who accompanied him at his interview with Isaac, (Gen 26:26)

Ai ~ ጋይ: “Ai” means heap of ruins (ያስከሬን ክምር), SBD

1.            A city lying east of Bethel and "beside Bethaven." (Jos 7:2; 8:9) It was the second city taken by Israel after the passage of the Jordan, and was "utterly destroyed." (Jos 7:3-5; 8:1; Jos 9:3; 10:1,2; 12:9)

2.            A city of the Ammonites, apparently attached to Heshbon. (Jer 49:3)

Aiah ~ አያ ኢዮሄል: “Aiah” means clamor (ይግባኝ), SBD

1.            Son of Zibeon, a descendant of Seir and ancestor of one of the wives of Esau, (1 Chr 1:40)

2.            Father of Rizpah, the concubine of Saul. (2 Sam 3:7; 21:8,10,11)

Aiath ~ አንጋይ: (Feminine of Ai), SBD, a place named by Isaiah, (Isaiah 10:28).

Ain ~ ዓይን: “Ain” means spring, well (ምንጭ), SBD,

1.            One of the landmarks on the eastern boundary of Palestine. (Num 34:11)

2.            One of the southernmost cities of Judah, (Jos 15:32) afterwards allotted to Simeon, (Jos 19:7; 1 Chr 4:32) and given to the priests. (Jos 21:16)

Ajalon ~ ኤሎን ኤሎም: The name “Ajalon” means a chain; strength; a stag (ሰንሰለት), HBN,

1.            A town and valley originally assigned to the tribe of Dan, from which, however, they could not drive the Amorites (Jud 1:35). It was one of the Levitical cities given to the Kohathites (1 Chr 6:69).

2.            A city in the tribe of Zebulun (Jud 12:12).

Akkub ~ ዓቁብ: The name Akkubis derived from Aqb(አቅብ) the root word is ‘Aqebe’ (አቀበ) The meaning is to prevent, protect, or stop from going ... [Related term(s):- Jacob].

1.            A Levite who kept the gate of the temple after the return from Babylon, (1 Chr 9:17)

2.            The head of one of the families of Nethinim (Ezr 2:45); A descendant of David (1 Chr 3:24)

Akrabbim ~ አቅረቢም: “Akrabbim” means the ascent of , or the going up to (አቅራቢያ), SBD, Akrabbim: also MAALEH-ACRABBIM (the scorpion pass), a pass between the south end of the Dead Sea and Zin, forming one of the landmarks on the south boundary at once of Judah, (Jos 15:3) and of the Holy Land. (Num 34:4) Also the boundary of the Amorites (Jud 1:36)

Alameth ~ ዓሌሜት: (1ዜና78) Hiding; youth; worlds (ዓለማት); upon the dead, HBN (1 ዜና 7:8) ... [Related term(s):- Alemeth]

1.            One of the nine sons of Becher, the son of Benjamin, (1 Chr 7:8)

2.            One of the sons of Jehoadah, or Jarah, son of Ahaz (1 Chr 8:36)

·             A city of Benjamin; (1 Chr 6:60)

Alammelech ~ አላሜሌክ: The name Alammelechis derived from the words Aleme(አለመ) and ‘Melek’ (መለክ) the meaning is king of the world ... [Related term(s):- Elimelech].

A place within the limits of Asher, named between Achshaph and Amad, (Jos 19:26)

Alemeth ~ ጋሌማት: The name “Alemeth” means hiding; youth; worlds (ዓለም); upon the dead, HBN, (1 ዜና 6:60) ... [Related term(s):- Alameth]

A city of Benjamin,And out of the tribe of Benjamin; Geba with her suburbs, and Alemeth with her suburbs, and Anathoth with her suburbs...” (1 Chr 6:60)

Alexander ~ እስክንድሮስ: Man-defender (መመኪያ), EBD

A relative of Annas the high priest, present when Peter and John were examined before the Sanhedrim (Acts 4:6).

1.            A man whose father, Simon the Cyrenian, bore the cross of Christ (Mar 15:21).

2.            A Jew of Ephesus who took a prominent part in the uproar raised there by the preaching of Paul (Acts 19:33). The Jews put him forward to plead their cause before the mob.

3.            A coppersmith who, with Hymenaeus and others, promulgated certain heresies regarding the resurrection (1 Tim 1:19; 2 Tim 4:14), and made shipwreck of faith and of a good conscience. Paul excommunicated him (1 Tim 1:20; comp. 1 Cor 5:5)

Alian ~ ዓልዋ: The name “Alian” means high (እላይ), HBN, The sons of Shobal, Alian, and Manahath, and Ebal ...” (1 Chr 1:40)

Alleluia ~ ሃሌ ሉያ: The word Alleluia is derived from the words ‘Halle’le’ (ሃሌ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is singing joyfully and loudly to Jehovah [Related term(s):- Hallelujah].

And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God: (Rev 19:1, 3, 4, and 6)

Allon ~ አሎን: The name “Allon” means an oak; strong, HBN, a Simeonite, ancestor of Ziza, a prince of his tribe in the reign of Hezekiah (1 Chr 4:37)

Allon-bachuth ~ አሎንባኩት: Oak of weeping (መላቀሻ), EBD, a tree near Bethel, at the spot where Deborah, Rebekah's nurse, was buried (Gen 35:8). Large trees, from their rarity in the plains of Palestine, were frequently designated as landmarks. This particular tree was probably the same as the "palm tree of Deborah" (Jud 4:5).

Immeasurable, EBD, the first named of the sons of Joktan (Gen 10:26), the founder of an Arabian tribe.

Almon ~ አልሞን: Hidden (ስውር), EBD, one of the sacerdotal cities of Benjamin (Jos 21:18), called also Alemeth (1 Chr 6:60).

Alpha ~ አልፋ: The name Alpha is derived from the word Alefe’ (ለፈ) the meaning is the past, the ancient, the first

It is used in the Old Testament and in the New to express the eternity of God, as including both the beginning and the end, “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” (Rev 1:8, 11; 21:6; 22; 13; Isa 41:4; 44:6)

Alphabet ~ ፊደል: (the word ‘alphabet’ doesn’t found in the English bible) the same as ፊደል / Write, (ኢሳ 81)

The root words for Alphabetare Alfa(first) and Biet(ቤት) The meaning is first house (or class, level...)’

Alphaeus (Alpheus) ~ እልፍዮስ: The name Alphaeusis derived from the words ‘Elf’’ (እልፍ) and ‘Was’ (ዋስ) the meaning is surety, deliverer of thousands.

Father of the apostel James, (Mat 10:3)

Alush ~ ኤሉስ: “Alush” means a crowd of men (ጋጋታ), SBD, one of the stations of the Israelites on their journey to Sinai, the last before Rephidim. (Num 33:13, 14)

Alvah ~ ዓልዋ: The name “Alvah” means his rising up; his highness (እላይ), HBN, a duke of Edom, (Genesis 36:40) writtenALIAH in (1 Chr 1:51)

Amad ~ ዓምዓድ: The name Amadis derived from Amde(አምደ) the meaning is ‘pillar, principal or centeral foundation’.

A known place in Asher, between Alammelech and Misheal, (Jos 19:26)

Amal ~ ዓማል: The name “Amal” means labor; iniquity(አመል), HBN, an Asherite, son of Helem. (1 Chr 7:35)

Amalek ~ አማሌቅ: dweller in a valley (አማልክ) EBD, (1 ዜና 1:36)

The son of Eliphaz and grandson of Esau, (1 Chr 1:36); (Gen 36:12; 1 Chr 1:36); the chief of an Idumean tribe (Gen 36:16)

Amana ~ አማና: The name “Amana” means integrity; truth; a nurse,

The name Amanais derived from ‘Amene’’ (አመነ) the meaning is faithful, trustworthy...

Apparently, a mountain in or near Lebanon, (So 4:8)

Amariah ~ አማርያ: Said by Jehovah (መሪ ሕያው የተመራ), EBD, (1 ዜና 67 52)

The name Amariahis derived from A‘Mare’ (ማሪ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is foregiven by Jehovah’.

One of the descendants of Aaron by Eleazar; He was the last of the high priests of Eleazar's line, (1 Chr 6:7, 52)

1.             A Levite, son of Hebron, of the lineage of Moses (1 Chr 23:19; 24:23);

2.             A "chief priest" who took an active part in the reformation under Jehoshaphat (2 Chr 19:11);

3.             The head of one of the twenty-four courses of priest (2 Chr 31:15; Neh 10:3; 12:2,13);

4.             One of the high priests in the time of Hezekiah’ (2 Chr 31:15);

5.             An ancestor of Zephaniah the prophet (Zep 1:1)

6.             A descendant of Pharez (Neh 11:4);

7.             A priest who returned with Zerubbabel (Neh 10:3);

8.             One of the sons of Bani in the time of Ezra (Ezr 10:42)

Amasa ~ አሜሳይ: The name Amasais derived fromAmetsa’ (አመጻ) the meaning is Rebelliousness’, Disobedience, Revolutionary person’... [Related term(s):- Amasai, Amasiah, Amashai, Amaziah, Amos, Amoz Amzi].

See also:- Amasa / ዓሜሳይ 

1.             The son of Abigail, a sister of King David, (1 Chr 2:17; 2 Sam 17:25); He was appointed by David to command the army in room of his cousin Joab (2 Sam 19:13)

2.             A son of Hadlai, and chief of Ephraim (2 Chr 28:12) in the reign of Ahaz;

Amasai ~ አማሢ: The name Amasaiis derived from the word Amatsi’ (አማጺ) the meaning is Rebellious, Disobedient, Revolutionary person’... [Related term(s):- Amasa, Amasiah, Amashai, Amaziah, Amos, Amoz, Amzi]. See also:- Amasai / አማሳይ Amasai / ዓማሣይ

1.            A Levite, son of Elkanah, of the ancestry of Samuel, (1 Chr 6:25, 35)

2.            The father of a Levite, one of the two Kohathites who took a prominent part at the instance of Hezekiah in the cleansing of the temple (2 Chr 29:12);

3.            The leader of a body of men who joined David in the "stronghold," probably of Adullam (1 Chr 12:18);

4.            One of the priests appointed to precede the ark with blowing of trumpets on its removal from the house of Obed-edom (1 Chr 15:24)

Amashai ~ አማስያ: “Amashai” means burdensome (አማጺ), SBD... [Related term(s):- Amasa, Amasai, Amasiah, Amaziah, Amos, Amoz, Amzi]

The name Amashaiis derived fromAmash’ (አማሽ) the meaning is Rebellious, Disobedient, Revolutionary person…’

The son of Azareel, appointed by Nehemiah to reside at Jerusalem and do the work of the temple, (Neh 11:13)

Amasiah ~ ዓማስያ አሜስያስ: The root words for Amasiah are Amatsi(አማጺ) and Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is ‘strengthen by Jehovah... [Related term(s):- Amasa, Amasai, Amashai, Amaziah, Amos, Amoz, Amzi]

        Amasiah ~ ዓማስያ: A captain over thousands under Jehoshaphat, (2 Chr 17:16)

Amaziah ~ አሜስያስ: The name “Amaziah” means the strength of the Lord (አማጺ ያህ), HBN

1.            A Levite, son of Hilkiah, of the descendants of Ethan the Merarite, (1 Chr 6:45)

2.            The son and successor of Joash, and eighth king of the separate kingdom of Judah (2 Kin 14:1-4); He began his reign by punishing the murderers of his father ( Chr 25:3-5);

3.            A priest of the golden calves at Bethel (Amo 7:10-17)

4.            The father of Joshah, one of the Simeonite chiefs in the time of Hezekiah (1 Chr 4:34)

Ambassador ~ መልእክተኞች: The root words for Ambassadorare ‘Amba’ (አምባ) and ‘Asador(አሳድር) the meaning is assigned counsel, Administrator for a region, a borough, or a small-town.’

But he sent ambassadors to him, saying, What have I to do with thee, thou king of Judah? ...” (2 Chr 3521)

·             The earliest examples of ambassadors employed occur in (Num 20:14; 21:21; Jud 11:7-19) afterwards in that of the fraudulent Gibeonites, (Jos 9:4) etc., and in the instances of civic strife mentioned (Jud 11:12) and (Jud 20:12)

·             Ambassadors are found to have been employed not only on occasions of hostile challenge or insolent menace, (1 Kin 20:2,6; 2 Kin 14:8) but of friendly compliment, of request for alliance or other aid, of submissive deprecation and of curious inquiry (2 Kin 14:8; 16:7; 18:14; 2 Chr 32:31)

·             Ministers are called ambassadors of Christ.

Amen ~ አሜን: The root word for Amenis Amene(አመነ) the meaning is faithful and peaceful unity.

It is used as an epithet of the Lord Jesus Christ, (Rev 3:14)

Ami ~ አሚ: “Ami” means my people (ሕዝቤ), EBD, one of Solomon's servants, (Ezr 2:57) called AMON in (Neh 7:59)

Ammiel ~ ዓሚኤል: The name “Ammiel” means the people of God (ያምላክ ሕዝብ), HBN,

1.            The spy from the tribe of Dan, (Num 13:12)

2.            Father of Machir of Lo-debar (2 Sam 9:4; 17:27);

3.            Father of Bath-sheba (1 Chr 3:5) called ELIAM in (2 Sam 11:3);

4.            The sixth son of Obed-edom (1 Chr 26:5) and one of the doorkeepers of the temple;

Ammihud ~ ዓሚሁድ: The name “Ammihud” means people of praise (የተወደደ), HBN,

An Ephraimite father of Elishama, the chief of the tribe at the time of the Exodus, (Num 1:10; 2:18; 7:48, 53; 10:22; 7:26)

1.            A Simeonite, father of Shemuel (Num 34:20);

2.            The father of Pedahel, prince of the tribe of Naphtali (Num 34:28);

3.            The father-of Talmai king of Geshur (2 Sam 13:37);

4.            A descendant of Pharez, son of Judah (1 Chr 9:4)

Ammishaddai ~ አሚሳዳይ: Ammishaddai” means the people of the Almighty; the Almighty is with me (አሚ ሻዳይ), HBN,

The father of Ahiezer, who was chief of the Danites at the time of the Exodus, (Num 1:12)

Ammizabad ~ ዓሚዛባድ: The name “Ammizabad” means dowry of the people (ጥሎሽ), HBN, the son of Benaiah, who was the third and chief captain of the host under David (1 Chr 27:6)

Ammon ~ አሞን: The root word for Ammonis Amene(አመነ) the meaning is faithful, peaceful, friendly... [Related term(s):- Amnon, Amon]

See also:- Ammonite / አሞናውያን

And the younger, she also bare a son, and called his name Ben–ammi: the same is the father of the children of Ammon unto this day. (Gen 1938)

Amnon ~ አምኖን: The root word for Amnonis Amene(አምነን) the meaning is faithful, peaceful...... [Related term(s):- Ammon, Amon]

1.            One of the sons of Shammai, of the children of Ezra, (1 Chr 4:20)

2.            The other person with the same name: The eldest son of David, by Ahinoam of Jezreel (1 Chr 3:1; 2Sam 3:2),

3.            Absalom caused him to be put to death for his great crime in the matter of Tamar (2 Sam 13:28, 29)

Amok ~ ዓሞቅ: The name Amok is derived from the word A’Mek(መቅ) the meaning is ‘deep, endless, bottomless hole on earth.’... [Related term(s):- Bethemek].

A priest who returned with Zerubbabel, (Neh 12:7, 20)

Amon ~ አሞን: The root word for Amonis Amene(አመነ) the meaning is faithful, make peace...... [Related term(s):- Ammon, Amnon]

1.            The governor of Samaria in the time of Ahab the prophet Micaiah was committed to his custody; (1 Kin 22:26)

2.            The other person with the same name: The son of Manasseh and fourteenth king of Judah (Zep 1:4; 3:4, 11)

Amos ~ አሞጽ: The name Amos is derived from the word Amets’ (አመጽ) the meaning is rebellious ... [Related term(s):- Amasa, Amasai, Amasiah, Amashai, Amaziah, Amoz, Amzi].

One of the twelve Minor Prophets, (Amos 1:1, 7:14, 15)

Amoz ~ አሞጽ: strong, EBD,

The name Amoz is derived from Amets’ (አመጽ)... [Related term(s):- Amasa, Amasai, Amasiah, Amashai, Amaziah, Amos, Amzi]

The father of the prophet Isaiah, Amoz (2 Kin 19:2, 20; 20:1)

Amzi ~ አማሲ: The name Amzi is derived from Ametsi’ (አማጺ)... [Related term(s):- Amasa, Amasai, Amasiah, Amashai, Amaziah, Amos, Amoz]

1.            A Levite of the family of Merari, (1 Chr 6:46)

2.            A priest (Neh 11:12)

Amplias ~ ጵልያጦ: “Amplias” means large (ጉልህ), SBD, a Christian at Rome, (Rom 16:8)

Amram ~ እንበረም: “Amram” mean an exalted people (ከፍተኛ), SBD

1.       A Levite of the family of the Kohathites, and father of Moses. (Ex 6:18,20)

2.       A son of Dishon and descendant of Seir, (1 Chr1:41)

3.       One of the sons of Bani in the time of Ezra, who had married a foreign wife. (Ezr 10:34)

Amraphel ~ አምራፌል: “Amraphel” means keeper of the gods (ምራፈ ኤል), SBD, king of Shinar, southern Chaldea, one of the confederates of Chedorlaomer, king of Elam, in a war against Sodom and cities of the plain (Gen 14:1,4), It is now found that Amraphel (or Ammirapaltu) is the Khammu-rabi whose name appears on recently-discovered monuments.

Anab ~ ዓናብ: “Anab” means grape-town (የዘቢብ ከተማ), SBD, a town in the mountains of Judah, (Jos 15:50) named with Debir and Hebron as once belonging to the Anakim. (Jos 11:21)

Anah ~ ዓና: “Anah” means one who answers (ታዛዥ), SBD, the son of Zibeon and father of Aholibamah, one of Esau's wives. (Gen 36:2, 14, 25)

Anaharath ~ አናሐራት: The name “Anaharath” means dryness, burning, wrath (ቃጠሎ), HBN, a place within the border of Issachar, named with Shihon and Rabbith. (Jos 19:19)

Anak ~ ዔናቅ: Long-necked (አንገታም), EBD,

The son of Arba, father of the Anakim (Jos 15:13; 21:11, Heb. Anok)

Anamim ~ ዐናሚም: The name “Anamim” means a fountain; answer; affliction, HBN, a Mizraite people or tribe. (Gen 10:13; 1 Chr 1:11)

Anammelech ~ አነሜሌክ: “Anammelech” means image of the king (ገጸ ንጉሥ), SBD,

One of the gods worshipped by the people of Sepharvaim, who colonized Samaria, “... the Sepharvites burnt their children in fire to Adrammelech and Anammelech, the gods of Sepharvaim. (2 kin 17:31)

Anani ~ ዓናኒ: “Anani” means Protected by Jehovah (አምላክ የጠበቀው), SBD,

The seventh son of Elioenai, descended from the royal line of Judah. (1 Chr 3:24)

Ananias ~ ሐናንያ: “Ananias” means whom Jehovah has graciously given (አምላክ የለገሰው), SBD,

1.       A high priest in (Act 23:2-5; 24:1) He was the son of Nebedaeus.

2.       A disciple at Jerusalem, husband of Sapphira. (Act 5:1-11) having sold his goods for the benefit of the church he kept back a part of the price, bringing to the apostles the remainder as if it was the whole, his wife being privy to the scheme. St. Peter denounced the fraud, and Ananias fell down and expired.

3.       A Jewish disciple at Damascus, (Act 9:10-17) of high repute, (Act 22:12).

Anathema ~ የተረገመ: The name “Anathema” means separated; set apart (ልዩ የሆነ), HBN, which literally means a thing suspended, is the equivalent of the Hebrew word signifying a thing or person voted. Any object so devoted to Jehovah was irredeemable. If an inanimate object, it was to be given to the priests, (Num 18:14) if a living creature or even a man, it was to be slain. (Lev 27:28, 29) The word anathema frequently occurs in St. Paul's writings, and is generally translated accused. An examination of the passages in which it occurs shows that it had acquired a more general sense as expressive either of strong feeling, (Rom 9:3) or of dislike and condemnation. (1 Cor 12:3; 16:22; Gala 1:9)

Anathoth ~ ዓናቶት: “Anathoth” means answers to prayer (ጸሎቱ የሰመረ), SBD,

1.       Son of Becher, a son of Benjamin. (1 Chr 7:8)

2.       One of the "heads of the people" who signed the covenant in the time of Nehemiah. (Neh 10:19)

Andrew ~ እንድርያስ:Andrew” means manly, SBD,

The root words for Andrew’s’ are ‘Ende’ (እንደ) and ‘Ras’ (ራስ) the meaning is ‘starring role of a person’.

One of the apostles of our Lord, (Joh 1:44), (Mat 4:18; 10:2)

Andronicus ~ አንዲራኒቆ: Man-conquering (ገዥ), EBD, a Jewish Christian, the kinsman and fellowprisoner of Paul (Rom 16:7) "of note among the apostles"

Anem ~ ዓኔም: “Anem” means two springs (መንታ ምንጭ), SBD, a city of Issachar, with "suburbs," belonging to the (Gershonites). (1 Chr 6:73)

Aner ~ ዓኔር: A boy (ጎልማሳ), EBD, A city of Manasseh given to the Levites of Kohath's family (1 Chr 6:70)

Aniam ~ አኒዓም: “Aniam” means sighing of the people (እስትንፋስ), SBD, a Manassite, son of Shemidah (1 Chr 7:19)

Anim ~ ዓኒም: “Anim” means fountains (ምንጭ), SBD, a city in the mountains of Judah, named with Eshtemoh and Goshen. (Jos 15:50)

Anna ~ ሐና: The name “Anna” means gracious; one who gives (ሆነ), HBN; Grace, EBD... [Related term(s):- Annas]

A "prophetess" in Jerusalem at the time of our Lord's Presentation in the temple, (Luk 2:36, 37)

Annas ~ ሐና: The name “Annas” means one who answers; humble, HBN ... [Related term(s):- Anna]

Annas and Caiaphas are both called high priests. Our Lord's first hearing, (Joh 18:13), (Luk 3:2)

Antichrist ~ ክርስቶስ ተቃዋሚ: Against Christ, or an opposition Christ, a rival Christ; the word is used only by the apostle John. Referring to false teachers, he says, EBD, (1 Joh 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2 Joh 1:7), "Even now are there many antichrists."

1.       This name has been applied to the "little horn" of the "king of fierce countenance" (Dan 7:24, 25; 8:23-25).

2.       It has been applied also to the "false Christs" spoken of by our Lord (Mat 24:5,23,24)

3.       To the "man of sin" described by Paul (2 Thes 2:3, 4, 8-10).

4.       And to the "beast from the sea" (Rev 13:1; 17:1-18).

Antioch ~ አንጾኪያ: The capital of the Greek kings of Syria, and afterwards the residence of the Roman governors of the province which bore the same name; Situation, (Act 11:20, 21)

Antipas ~ አንቲጳስ: “Antipas” means like the father (አምሳያ), SBD, martyr at Pergamos, (Rev 2:13)

Antipatris ~ አንቲጳጥሪስ: “Antipatris” means for his father (የአባት አምሳያ), SBD, a town to which the soldiers conveyed St. Paul by night on their march. (Act 23:31)

Antothijah ~ ዓንቶትያ: “Antothijah” means answers of Jehovah (አቤቱታ), / SBD, a Benjamite, one of the sons of Jeroham, (1 Chr 8:24)

Anub ~ ዓኑብ: “Anub” means confederate (አባሪ), SBD, son of Coz and descendant of Judah, through Ashur the father of Tekoa (1 Chr 4:8)

Apelles ~ ኤጤሌ: “Apelles” means exclusion; separation (ልዩ), HND, a Christian saluted by St. Paul in (Rom 16:10).

Aphek ~ አፌቅ: “Aphek” means strength (ብርታት), SBD,

1.       A royal city of the Canaanites, the king of which was killed by Joshua, (Jos 12:18)

2.       A city, apparently in the extreme north of Asher, (Jos 19:30) from which the Canaanites were not ejected, (Jud 1:31).

3.       A place at which the Philistines encamped while the Israelites pitched in Eben-ezer, before the fatal battle in which the sons of Eli were killed and the ark was taken. (1 Sam 4:1)

4.       The scene of another encampment of the Philistines, before an encounter not less disastrous than that just named, --the defeat and death of Saul. (1 Sam 29:1).

5.       A city on the military road from Syria to Israel. (1 Kin 20:26).

Aphiah ~ አፌቅ: Aphek- (ኢያ 1217)

The name Aphiah is derived from two words Afe (አፈ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is word of Jehovah.

One of the fore-fathers of King Saul, (1 Sam 9: 1)

Aphrah ~ ቤትዓፍራ: The name Aphrah is derived from Afer (አፈር) the meaning is soil.

Declare ye it not at Gath, weep ye not at all: in the house of Aphrah roll thyself in the dust. (Mic 1:10)

Apollos ~ አጵሎስ: The name “Apollos” means one who destroys; destroyer (አጥፊ), HBN, a Jew "born at Alexandria," a man well versed in the Scriptures and eloquent (Act 18:24). He came to Ephesus, where he spake "boldly" in the synagogue (Act 18:26)

Apollyon ~ አጶልዮን: Destroyer (ደምሳሽ), EBD, the name given to the king of the hosts represented by the locusts (Rev 9:11).

Appaim ~ አፋይም: The name “Appaim” means face; nostrils (አፋም), HBN, son of Nadab, and descended from Jerahmeel, the founder of an important family of the tribe of Judah. (1 Chr 2:30, 31)

Apphia ~ አፍብያ: The name “Apphia” means productive; fruitful (ፍሬአማ), HBN, a Christian woman addressed jointly with Philemon and Archippus in Phil. 2;

Aquila ~ አቂላ: The name “Aquila” means an eagle (ንስር), HBN, a Jew whom St. Paul found at Corinth on his arrival from Athens. (Act 18:2).

Ar ~ ዔር: The name “Ar” means awakening (መግነን); uncovering, HBN, or Ar of Moab, one of the chief places of Moab. (Num 21:28; Isa 15:1)

Ara ~ አራ: “Ara” means lion (አንበሳ), SBD, one of the sons of Jether, the head of a family of Asherites. (1 Chr 7:88)

Arab ~ አራብ: The name Arabis derived from the word ‘A‘Reba’ (ረባ) the meaning is multiplied, increased, reproduced...... [Related term(s):- Arabah, Arbah, Arabia, Arba, Arbah].

Arab, and Dumah, and Eshean, (Jos 15:52)

Arabah ~ ዓረባ: The name Arabahis derived from the word ‘A’Rebah’ (ረባህ) the meaning is multiplied, increased or reproduced’... [Related term(s):- Arab, Arbah, Arabia, Arba, Arbah].

The hollow depression through which the Jordan flows from the Lake of Galilee to the Dead Sea, (Jos 1818)

Arabia ~ ዓረብ: The name “Arabia” means evening; desert; ravens (ረባ), HBN... [Related term(s):- Arab, Arabah, Arbah, Arba, Arbah]

The East Country, (1 kin 10:15)

Arad ~ ዓራድ: “Arad” means a wild ass, SBD, a Benjamite, son of Beriah, who drove out the inhabitants of Gath. (1 Chr 8:15)

Arah ~ ኤራ: “Arah” means wayfaring (እሩቅ መንገደኛ), SBD,

1.            An Asherite, of the sons of Ulla, “And the sons of Ulla; Arah, and Haniel, and Rezia” (1 Chr 7:39)

2.            The sons of Arah returned with Zerubbabel in number 775 according to (Ezra 2:5) but 652 according to (Neh 7:10); One of his descendants, Shechaniah, was the father-in-law of Tobiah the Ammonite (Neh 6:18)

Aram ~ አራም: The name Aramis derived from the word A’Rama’ (ራማ) the meaning is high place.

He son of Shem, (Gen 22:21)

Aran ~ አራን: Wild goat, EBD, a descendant of Seir the Horite (Gen 36:28)

Ararat ~ አራራት: The name Araratis derived from the word Terarat’ (ተራራት) the meaning is mountains.

The name of a country on one of the mountains of which the ark rested after the Flood subsided, “And the ark rested ... upon the mountains of Ararat.” (Gen 8:4)

Araunah ~ ኦርና: Araunah” means ark, SBD, a Jebusite who sold his threshing floor on Mount Moriah to David as a site for an altar to Jehovah, together with his oxen. (2 Sam 24:18-24; 1 Chr 21:25)

Arba ~ አርባቅ: The name Arbais derived from Arba’ (አር) the meaning is four, multiplied, increased, added... [Related term(s):- Arab, Arbah, Arabia, Arabah, Arbah].

See also:- Arbah / አርባቅ Arbathite / ዓረባዊ

Father of Anak, from him the city of Hebron derived its name of Kirjath-arba, i.e., the city of Araba, (Jos 14:15)

Archelaus ~ አርኬላዎስ: Ruler of the people (ገዥ), EBD, son of Herod the Great, by Malthace, a Samaritan woman. He was educated along with his brother Antipas at Rome. He inherited from his father a third part of his kingdom viz., Idumea, Judea, and Samaria, and hence is called "king" (Mat 2:22).

Archippus ~ አክሪጳ: “Archippus” means master of the horse (ፈረሰኛ), SBD, a Christian teacher in Colossae, (Col 4:17) called by St. Paul his "fellow soldier," Phil 2. He was probably a member of Philemon's family.

Arcturus ~ ድብ: The name “Arcturus” means a gathering together (ደቦ), HBN, (Job 9:9; 38:32) generally believed to be identical, and to represent the constellation Ursa Major, known commonly as the Great Bear or Charles' Wain.

Ard ~ አርድ: descent (የወረደ), EBD, A grandson of Benjamin, (Num 26:38-40)

Ardon ~ አርዶን: The name “Ardon” means ruling; a judgment of malediction (ዳኛ), HBN, Descendant (የወረደ), (1 Chr 2:18)

Areli ~ አርኤሊ: The name “Areli” means the light or vision of God (ነጸብራቅ), HBN,

A son of Gad, (Gen 46:16), (Num 26:17)

Areopagus ~ አርዮስፋጎስ: The name “Areopagus” means the hill of Mars, HBN, On this hill of Mars (Gr. Ares) Paul delivered his memorable address to the "men of Athens" (Act 17:19)

Aretas ~ አርስጦስዮስ: “Aretas” means graver, SBD,

1.       A contemporary of Antiochus Epiphanes, Macc. 5:8.

2.       The Aretas alluded to by St. Paul (2 Cor 11:32) was father-in-law of Herod Antipas.

Argob ~ አርጎብ: “Argob” means stony (አለታማ), SBD, a tract of country on the east of the Jordan, in Bashan, the kingdom of Og, containing 60 great and fortified cities. In later times it was called Trachonitis, and it is now apparently identified with the Leiah, a very remarkable district south of Damascus and east of the Sea of Galilee. (Deut 3:4, 13, 14)

Arieh ~ አርያ: The name Arieh is derived from Areya’ (አረያ) the meaning is ‘Exemplary, role modal, teacher…’ the lion, EBD, (2 ነገ 1525) ... [Related term(s):- Aaron].

The name of one of the body-guard slain with Pekahiah at Samaria, (2 kin 15:25)

Ariel ~ አርኤል: “Ariel” means lion of God, SBD,

The root words for Arielare Ayere(አየረ) and El(ኤል) The meaning is the highest power.

1.            A symbolic name for Jerusalem, (Isa 29:1, 2)

2.            One of the chief men sent by Ezra to procure Levites for the sanctuary (Ezr 8:16)

Arimathea ~ አርማትያስ: “Arimathea” means heights (ከፍተኛ), SBD, (Mat 27:57; Luk 23:51; Joh 19:38) St. Luke calls it "a city of Judea."

Arioch ~ አርዮክ: “Arioch” means venerable (የተከበረ), SBD,

1.       The king of Eliasar, one of the allies of Chedorlaomer in his expedition against his rebellious tributaries, (Gen 14:1)

2.       The captain of Nebuchadnezzar's body-guard. (Dan 2:14)

Aristarchus ~ አርስጥሮኮስ: Best ruler (ገዥ), EBD, native of Thessalonica (Acts 20:4), a companion of Paul (Act 19:29; 27:2). He was Paul's "fellow-prisoner" at Rome (Col 4:10; Phil 1:24).

Aristobulus ~ አርስጣባሉ: “Aristobulus” means the best counsellor (መካር), SBD, a resident at Rome, some of whose household are greeted in (Rom 16:10).

Armageddon ~ አርማጌዶን: Armageddon” means the hill or city of Megiddo (ተራራ), SBD, (Rev 16:16) The scene of the struggle of good and evil is suggested by that battle-field, the plain of Esdraelon, which was famous for two great victories, of Barak over the Canaanites and of Gideon over the Midianites; and for two great disasters, the deaths of Saul and Josiah. Hence it signifies in Revelation a place of great slaughter, the scene of a terrible retribution upon the wicked.

Arnon ~ አሮኖን: “Arnon” means roaring (የሚያገሳ), SBD, the river or torrent which formed the boundary between Moab and the Amorites, on the north of Moab, (Num 21:13, 14, 24, 26; Jud 11:22) and afterwards between Moab and Israel (Reuben). (2:24,36; 3:8,12,16; 4:48; Jos 12:1,2; 13:9,16; Jud 11:13,26)

Aroer ~ አሮዔር: Ruins (ቅሬት), EBD

1.       A town on the north bank of the Arnon (Deut 4:48; Jud 11:26; 2 Kin 10:33), the southern boundary of the kingdom of Sihon (Jos 12:2).

2.       One of the towns built by the tribe of Gad (Num 32:34) "before Rabbah" (Jos 13:25), the Ammonite capital. It was famous in the history of Jephthah (Jud 11:33) and of David (2 Sam 24:5).

3.       A city in the south of Judah, to which David sent presents after recovering the spoil from the Amalekites at Ziklag (1 Sam 30:26,28). It was the native city of two of David's warriors (1 Chr 11:44).

Arpad ~ አርፋድ: “Arpad” means strong city (የጸና), SBD, (Isa 36:19; 37:13) a city or district in Syria, apparently dependent on Damascus. (Jer 49:23)

Arphaxad ~ አርፋክስድ: The name “Arphaxad” means a healer; a releaser (ፈዋሽ), HBN, son of Shem, born the year after the Deluge. He died at the age of 438 years (Gen 11:10-13; 1 Chr 1:17, 18; Luk 3:36).

Artaxerxes ~ አርጤክስስ: “Artaxerxes” means the great warrior (ጦረኛ), SBD,

1.       The first Artaxerxes is mentioned in (Ezr 4:7)

2.       In (Neh 2:1) we have another Artaxerxes.

Artemas ~ አርጢሞን: The name “Artemas” means whole, sound, HBN, a companion of St. Paul, (Titus 3:12)

Arumah ~ አሩማ: “Arumah” means height (ከፍተኛ), SBD, a place apparently in the neighborhood of Shechem, at which Abimelech resided. (Jud 9:41)

Asa ~ አሳ: “Asa” means physician, or cure (ሐኪም), HBN, son of Abijah and grandson of Rehoboam, was the third king of Judah. He was zealous in maintaining the true worship of God, and in rooting all idolatry, with its accompanying immoralities, out of the land (1 Kin 15:8-14).

Asahel ~ አሣሄል: made by God (ያምላክ ሥራ), EBD,

1.            Nephew of David, being the youngest son of his sister Zeruiah, (2 Sam 2:18)

2.            One of the Levites in the reign of Jehoshaphat, who went throughout the cities of Judah to instruct the people in the knowledge of the law (2 Chr 17:8)

3.            A Levite in the reign of Hezekiah, who had charge of the tithes and dedicated things in the temple (2 Chr 31:13)

4.            A priest, father of Jonathan, in the time of Ezra (Ezr 10:15)

Asaiah ~ ዓሣያ: “Asaiah” means the Lord hath made (የህያው ሥራ), SBD... [Related term(s):- Asahiah]

1.            A prince of one of the families of the Simeonites in the reign of Hezekiah, (1 Chr 4:36)

2.            A Levite in the reign of David, chief of the family of Merari (1 Chr 6:30) With 120 of his brethren he took part in bringing the ark from the house of Obed-edom to the city of David (1 Chr 15:6,11);

3.            The first-born of "the Shilonite," from Shiloni, (1 Chr 9:5) who with his family dwelt in Jerusalem after the return from Babylon. In (Neh 11:5) he is called MAASEIAH (2 Chr 34:20) [ASAHIAH]

Asaph ~ አሳፍ: The name Asaphis derived from A’Sef(ሰፍ) the meaning is increased, multiplied, reproduced’

1.            A Levite; one of the leaders of David's choir, (1 Chr 6:39)

2.            The other person with the same name: The "keeper of the king's forest," to whom Nehemiah requested from Artaxerxes a "letter" that he might give him timber for the temple at Jerusalem (Neh 2:8)

Asareel ~ አሣርኤል: The root words Asareelare Asere (አሰረ) and El(ኤል) The meaning is ‘Prisoner or captive of the almighty lord... [Related term(s):- Ashriel, Assir]

A son of Jehaleleel, in the genealogies of Judah, (1 Chr 4:16)

Asenath ~ አስናት: The name “Asenath” means peril; misfortune (አዘንተኛ), HBN, daughter of Potipherah, wife of Joseph, (Gen 41:45) and mother of Manasseh and Ephraim. (Gen 41:50; 46:20)

Aser ~ አሴር: the same as Asher / አሴር

Ashan ~ ዓሻን: “Ashan” means smoke, SBD, a city in the low country of Judah. (Jos 15:42), In (Jos 19:7) and 1Chr 4:32 it is mentioned again as belonging to Simeon.

Ashbel ~ አስቤል: “Ashbel” means reproof of God (አምላክ ያሰበው), SBD, second son of Benjamin and ancestor of the Ashbelites, (Gen 46:21; Num 26: 38; 1 Chr 8:1)

Ashdod, Azotus ~ አዛጦን: “Ashdod” means a stronghold (ጽኑ), SBD, (Ac 8:40) one of the five confederate cities of the Philistines. It was assigned to the tribe of Judah, (Jos 15:47)

Asher ~ አሴር: Happy, EBD, Jacob's eigth son; his mother was Zilpah, Leah's handmaid (Gen 30:13). Of the tribe founded by him nothing is recorded beyond its holding a place in the list of the tribes (Gen 35:26; 46:17; Ex 1:4)

Ashima ~ አሲማት: The name “Ashima” means crime; offense (አስማት), HBN, a god of the Hamathite colonists in Samaria. (2 Kin 17:30).

Ashkenaz ~ አስከናዝ: “Ashkenaz” means spreading fire (ሰደድ እሳት), SBD, one of the three sons of Gomer, son of Japhet. (Gen 10:3)

Ashnah ~ አሽና: The name “Ashnah” means change, HBN, the name of two cities, both in the lowlands of Judah: (1) named between Zoreah and Zanoah, and therefore probably northwest of Jerusalem, (Jos 15:33) and (2) between Jiptah and Nezib, and therefore to the southwest of Jerusalem. (Jos 15:43).

Ashriel ~ እሥርኤል: The root words for Ashrielare Asere (አሰረ) and El(ኤል) the meaning is ‘Prisoner or captive of the almighty lord ... [Related term(s):- Asareel, Assir].

The sons of Manasseh; Ashriel, whom she bare ...” (1 Chr 7:14)

Ashtaroth ~ አስታሮት: The name “Ashtaroth” means flocks; sheep; riches (መንጋ), HBN, a city of Bashan, in the kingdom of Og (Deut 1:4; Jos 12:4; 13:12; 9:10). It was in the half-tribe of Manasseh (Jos 13:12), and as a Levitical city was given to the Gershonites (1 Chr 6:71). Uzzia, one of David's valiant men (1 Chr 11:44), is named as of this city. It is identified with Tell Ashterah, in the the name Beesh-terah (Jos 21:27) is a contraction for Beth-eshterah, i.e., "the house of Ashtaroth."

Ashur ~ አሽሑር: “Ashur” means black (ጥቁር), SBD, the posthumous son of Hezron by his wife Abiah. (1 Chr 2:24; 4:5)

Asia ~ እስያ: “Asia” means orient (ገጽታ), SBD, The passages in the New Testament where this word occurs are the following; (Act2:9;  6:9; 16:6; 19:10,22, 26,27; 20:4, 16, 18; 21:27; 27:2; Rom 16:5; 1 Cor 16:19; 2 Cor 1:8;2 Tim 1:15; 1 Pet 1:1; Rev 1:4,11).

Asiel ~ ዓሢኤል: “Asiel” means created by God (ያምላክ ሥራ), EBD,

A Simeonite whose descendant Jehu lived in the reign of Hezekiah, (1 Chr 4:35)

Asnapper ~ አስናፈር: “Asnapper” means swift (ፈጣን), SBD, mentioned in (Ezr 4:10) as the person who settled the Cutheans in the cities of Samaria. He was probably a general of Esarhaddon.

Asriel ~ አሥሪ ኤል: The root words for Asrielare Asre (አስረ) and El(ኤል) the meaning is ‘creation of the almighty.

See also:- Asrielites / አሥሪኤላውያን

The son of Gilead and great-grandson of Manasseh, (Num 26:31)

Asshur ~ አሦር: the Hebrew form for Assyria (ጎሪያ). SBD,

Second son of Shem, (Gen 10:22), (1 Chr 1:17)

Assir ~ አሴር: The name Assir is derived from Eser (እሰር) the meaning is ‘presoner’... [Related term(s):- Ashriel, Asareel].

1.            Son of Korah, (Ex 6:24)

2.            Son of Ebiasaph, and a forefather of Samuel (1 Chr 6:23, 37);

3.            Son of Jeconiah (1 Chr 3:17).

Assos ~ አሶን: “Assos” means approaching (አሰሳ), SBD, a seaport of the Roman province of Asia in the district anciently called Mysia, on the northern shore of the Gulf of Adrn-myttium. (Act 20:13, 14)

Asuppim ~ ዕቃ ቤቱ: The name “Asuppim” means gatherings, HBN, (1 Chr 26:15, 17),

Asyncritus ~ አስቀሪጦን: “Asyncritus” means incomparable, SBD, a Christian at Rome, saluted by St. Paul, (Rom 16:14)

Atad ~ አጣድ: “Atad” means thorn, SBD, The threshing-floor of, called also Abel-mizraim, (Gen 50:10, 11)

Atarah ~ ዓጣራ: “Atarah” means a crown, SBD, a wife of Jerahmeel, and mother of Onam. (1 Chr 2:26)

Ataroth ~ አጣሮት: crowns (ዘውድ). EBD

1.       A city east of Jordan, not far from Gilead (Num 32:3).

2.       A town on the border of Ephraim and Benjamin (Jos 16:2, 7), called also Ataroth-adar (Jos 16:5). Now ed-Da'rieh.

3.       "Ataroth, the house of Joab" (1 Chr 2:54), a town of Judah inhabited by the descendants of Caleb.

Ater ~ አጤር: “Ater” means shut up (አጥር), SBD

1.       The children of Ater were among the porters or gate-keepers of the temple who returned with Zerubbabel. (Ezr 2:42; Neh 7:45)

2.       The children of ATER OF HEZEKIAH to the number of 98 returned with Zerubbabel, (Ezr 2:16; Neh 7:21) and were among the heads of the people who signed the covenant with Nehemiah. (Neh 10:17)

Athach ~ ዓታክ: “Athach” means lodging place (ማረፊያ), SBD, (1 Sam 30:30), a town in the low country of Judah. (Jos 15:42)

Athaiah ~ አታያ: “Athaiah” means whom Jehovah made (ያምላክ ሥራ), SBD, a descendant of Pharez, the son of Judah, who dwelt at Jerusalem after the return from Babylon, (Neh 11:4) called UTHAI in (1 Chr 9:4)

Athaliah ~ ጎቶልያ: Whom God afflicts (አታላይ). EBD,

1.       The daughter of Ahab and Jezebel, and the wife of Jehoram, king of Judah (2 Kin 8:18), who "walked in the ways of the house of Ahab" (2 Chr 21:6), called "daughter" of Omri (2 Kin 8:26). On the death of her husband and of her son Ahaziah, she resolved to seat herself on the vacant throne. She slew all Ahaziah's children except Joash, the youngest (2 Kin 11:1, 2). After a reign of six years she was put to death in an insurrection (2 Kin 11:20; 2 Chr 21:6; 22:10-12; 23:15)

2.       (Ezr 8:7)

3.       (1 Chr 8:26)

Athlai ~ አጥላይ: “Athlai” means whom Jehovah afflicts (አታላይ), SBD, one of the sons of Bebai, who put away his foreign wife at the exhortation of Ezra, (Ezr 10:28)

Attai ~ ዓታይ: “Attai” means opportune (እጣ), SBD,

1.       Grandson of Sheshan the Jerahmeelite through his daughter Ahlai, whom he gave in marriage to Jarha, his Egyptian slave. (1 Chr 2:35,36) His grandson Zabad was one of David's mighty men. (1 Chr 11:41)

2.       One of the lion-faced warriors of Gad, captains of the host, who forded the Jordan at the time of its overflow and joined David in the wilderness. (1 Chr 12:11)

3.       Second son of King Rehoboam by Maachah the daughter of Absalom. (2 Chr 11:20)

Attalia ~ አጣልያ: The name “Attalia” means that increases or sends, HBN, (from Attalus), a coast-town of Pamphylia, mentioned (Acts 14:25)

Augustus ~ አውግስጦስ: The name “Augustus” means increased, augmented (ጠቅሌ), HBN, the cognomen of the first Roman emperor, C. Julius Caesar Octavianus, during whose reign Christ was born (Luk 2:1). His decree that "all the world should be taxed" was the divinely ordered occasion of Jesus' being born, according to prophecy (Mic 5:2), in Bethlehem. This name being simply a title meaning "majesty" or "venerable," first given to him by the senate, was borne by succeeding emperors. Before his death he associated Tiberius with him in the empire (Luk 3:1),

Ava ~ አዋና: The name Ava is derived from the word Hyaw (ህያው) the meaning is ‘the living one’.

A place in Assyria from which colonies were brought to Samaria, (2 kin 17:24), (2 kin 18:34; 19:13; Isa 37:1)

Aven ~ ሄልዮ: The name Aven is derived from Hiwan (ሂዋን) the meaning is ‘the living’. See also:- Aven / አዌን

The young men of Aven and of Pi–beseth shall fall by the sword: and these cities shall go into captivity. (Ezk 3017)

Hosea speaks of the "high places of Aven" (Isa 10:8), by which he means Bethel. He also calls it Beth-aven, i.e., "the house of vanity" (Isa 4:15), on account of the golden calves Jeroboam had set up there (1 Kin 12:28)

Avim ~ ኤዋው አዋው: The name “Avim” mean wicked or perverse men (ክፋ), HBN,

1.       A people among the early inhabitants of Palestine, whom we meet with in the southwest corner of the seacoast, whither they may have made their way north-ward from the desert, (Deut 2:23).

2.       The people of Avva, among the colonists who were sent by the king of Assyria to reinhabit the depopulated cities of Israel. (2 Kin 17:31)

Avith ~ ዓዊት: Avith” means ruins (ቅሬት), SBD, the city of Hadad ben-Bedad, one of the kings of Edom before there were kings in Israel. (Gen 36:35; 1 Chr 1:46)

Azaliah ~ ኤዜልያስ: Azaliah means whom the Lord reserved, SBD, The root words for Azaliahare Azle (አዘ ) and Yah(ያህ) The meaning is ‘whom Jehovah holds’.

The father of Shaphan the scribe in the reign of Josiah, (2 Kin 22:3; 2 Chr 34:8)

Azaniah ~ አዛንያ: The root words for Azaniahare Azne (አዘነ) and Yah(ያህ) the meaning is ‘whom Jehovah accepted his prayer’.

The father or immediate ancestor of Jeshua the Levite, in the time of Nehemiah, (Neh 10:9)

Azarael ~ ኤዝርኤል: The name Azarael is derived from two words ‘A’Zere’ (ዘረ) and ‘El’ (ኤል) the meaning is relative of the almigthy lord ... [Related term(s):- Azareel, Azriel].

A Levite musician, (Neh 12:36)

Azareel ~ አዛርኤል: The name Azareel is derived from two words ‘A’Zere’ (ዘረ) and ‘El’ (ኤል) the meaning is relative of the almigthy lord ... [Related term(s):- Azarael, Azriel’].

See also:- Azareel / ዓዛርኤል Azareel / ኤዝርኤል

1.            A Korhite who joined David in his retreat at Ziklag, (1 Chr 12:6)

2.            A Levite musician of the family of Heman in the time of David (1 Chr 25:18);

3.            Son of Jeroham (1 Chr 27:22);

4.            One of the sons of Bani, who put away his foreign wife on the remonstrance of Ezra (Ezr 10:41);

5.            Father or ancestor of Maasiai, or Amashai, a priest (Neh 11:13)

Azariah ~ አዛርያ: The root words for ‘Azariah are A’Zer(ዘር) and Yah(ያህ) the meaning is family of Jehovah.

See also:- Azariah / ዓዛሪያስ Azariah / ዓዛርያስ

1.            Son of Ethan, of the tribe of Judah, (1 Chr 2:8)

2.            Son of Ahimaaz (1 Chr 6:9)

3.            A chief officer of Solomon's, the son of Nathan, perhaps David's grandson (1 Kin 4:5);

4.            Tenth king of Judah, more frequently called Uzziah (2 Kin 14:21; 15:1,6,8,17,23,27; 1 Chr 8:12);

5.            Son of Ethan, of the sons of Zerah, where, perhaps, Zerahiah is the more probable reading (1 Chr 2:8);

6.            Son of Jehu of the family of the Jerahmeelites, and descended from Jarha the Egyptian slave of Sheshan (1 Chr 2:38,39),

7.            The son of Johanan (1 Chr 6:10) He must have been high priest in the reign of Abijah and Asa.

8.            Another Azariah is inserted between Hilkiah, in Josiah's reign, and Seraiah who was put to death by Nebuchadnezzar, in (1 Chr 6:13,14);

9.            Son of Zephaniah, a Kohathite, and ancestor of Samuel the prophet (1 Chr 6:36) Apparently the same as Uzziah in ver. 24.Azariah;

10.         the son of Oded (2 Chr 15:1) called simply Oded in ver. 8, was a remarkable prophet in the days of King Asa, and a contemporary of Azariah the son of Johanan the high priest, and of Hanani the seer;

11.         Son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah (2 Chr 21:2);

12.         Another son of Jehoshaphat, and brother of the preceding (2 Chr 21:2);

13.         Son of Jeroham, one of the captains of Judah in the time of Athaliah (2 Chr 23:1);

14.         The high priest in the reign of Uzziah king of Judah. The most memorable event of his life is that which is recorded in (2 Chr 26:17-20), Azariah was contemporary with Isaiah the prophet and with Amos and Joel.

15.         Son of Johana one of the captains of Ephraim in the reign of Ahaz (2 Chr 28:12);

16.         A Kohathite, father of Joel, in the reign of Hezekiah (2 Chr 29:12);

17.         A Merarite, son of Jehalelel, in the time of Hezekiah (2 Chr 29:12);

18.         The high priest in the days of Hezekiah (2 Chr 31:10,13) He appears to have co operated zealously with the king in that thorough purification of the temple and restoration of the temple service, which was so conspicuous a feature in his reign. He succeeded Urijah, who was high priest in the reign of Ahaz. Son of Maaseiah who repaired part of the wall of Jerusalem in the time of Nehemiah (Neh 3:23,24);

19.         One of the leaders of the children of the province who went up from Babylon with Zerubbabel (Neh 7:7);

20.         One of the Levites who assisted Ezra in instructing the people in the knowledge of the law (Neh 8:7);

21.         One of the priests who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah (Neh 10:2) and probably the same with the Azariah who assisted in the dedication of the city wall (Neh 12:33); (Jer 43:2);

22.         The original name of Abednego (Dan 1:6, 7, 11, 19) He appears to have been of the seed-royal of Judah.

Azaz ~ ዖዛዝ: Azaz” means strong (አዛዥ), SBD, a Reubenite, father of Bela. (1 Chr 5:8)

Azekah ~ ዓዜቃ: The name “Azekah” means strength of walls (መከታ), HBN, a town in the Shephelah or low hills of Judah (Jos 15:35), where the five confederated Amoritish kings were defeated by Joshua and their army destroyed by a hailstrom (Jos 10:10, 11). It was one of the places re-occupied by the Jews on their return from the Captivity (Neh 11:30)

Azgad ~ ዓዝጋድ: “Azgad” means strength of fortune (እዘ ገድ), SBD, The children of Azgad, to the number of 1222 (2322 according to) (Neh 7:17) were among the laymen who returned with Zerubbabel. (Ezr 2:12; 8:12) With the other heads of the People they joined in the covenant with Nehemiah. (Neh 10:15)

Azmaveth ~ ዓዝሞት: Strong as death (እዘ ሞት), EBD,

1.       One of David's thirty warriors (2 Sam 23:31).

2.       An overseer over the royal treasury in the time of David and Solomon (1 Chr 27:25).

3.       A town in the tribe of Judah, near Jerusalem (Neh 12:29; Ezr 2:24).

4.       (1 Chr 8:36)

Azmon ~ ዓጽሞን: “Azmon” means strong (ጽኑ), SBD, a place named as being on the southern boundary of the Holy Land, apparently near the torrent of Egypt (Wadi el-Arish). (Num 34:4, 5; Jos 15:4).

Azor ~ አዛር: “Azor” means a helper (ዘር), SBD, son of Eliakim, in the line of our Lord. (Mat 1:13, 14)

Azotus ~ አዛጦን: The name “Azotus” means the same as Ashdod, HBN

Azriel ~ ዓዝሪኤል: “Azriel” means whom God helps (ዘረ ኤል), SBD... [Related term(s):- Azarael, Azareel, Azriel]

The name Azriel is derived from two words ‘A’Zere’ (ዘረ) and ‘El’ (ኤል) the meaning is relative of the almigthy lord/ See also:- Azriel / ዓዝርኤል

1.            The head of a house of the half tribe of Manasseh beyond Jordan, a man of renown, (1 Chr 5:24)

2.            A Naphtalite, ancestor of Jerimoth, the head of the tribe at the time of David’s census (1 Chr 27:19);

3.            The father of Seraiah, an officer of Jehoiakim (Jer 36:26)

Azrikam ~ ዓዝሪቃም: The root words for Azrikam are A’Zer(ዘር) and Qome(ቆመ) the meaning is ‘One who stands for his people’.

1.            A descendant of Zerubbabel, and son of Neariah of the royal line of Judah, (1 Chr 3:23)

2.            Eldest son of Azel, and descendant of Saul (1 Chr 8:38; 9:44);

3.            A Levite, ancestor of Shemaiah, who lived in the time of Nehemiah (1 Chr 9:14; Neh 11:15);

4.            An Ephraimite hero, in the successful invasion of the southern kingdom by Pekah king of Israel (2 Chr 28:7)

Azubah ~ ዓዙባ: The name “Azubah” means forsaken (አዛባ), HBN,

1.       Wife of Caleb, son of Hezron. (1 Chr 2:18,19)

2.       Mother of King Jehoshaphat. (1 Kin 22:42; 2 Chr 20:31)

Azur ~ ዓዙር: The name Azur is derived from two words ‘A’Zere’ (ዘር) the meaning is ‘relative, family member...’... [Related term(s):- Azzur].

1.            The father of Hananiah, a false prophet, (Jer 28:1)

2.            The father of Jaazaniah (Eze 11:1)

Azzan ~ ሖዛ: “Azzan” means very strong (ብርቱ), SBD, the father of Paltiel prince of the tribe of Issachar, who represented his tribe in the division of the promised land, (Num 34:26)

Azzur ~ ዓዙር: The name Azzur is derived from ‘A’Zere’ (ዘር) the meaning is ‘relative, family member...’... [Related term(s):- Azur].

One of those who sealed the covenant with Jehovah on the return from Babylon Ater, Hizkijah, Azzur, (Neh 10:17)

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