A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Ebal ~ ዔባል ዖባል: “Ebal” means stone, bare mountain (አለት), SBD,

1.       One of the sons of Shobal the son of Seir. (Gen 36:23; 1 Chr 1:40)

2.       Obal the son of Joktan. (1 Chr 1:22)

Ebed ~ አቤድ: The name Ebedis derived from Abde(አብደ) the meaning is servant.

1.            Father of Gaal, who with his brethren assisted the men of Shechem in their revolt against Abimelech, (Jud 9:26, 30, 31)

2.            Son of Jonathan; one of the Bene-Adin who returned form Babylon with Ezra (Ezr 8:6)

Ebedmelech ~ አቤሜሌክ: The name Ebedmelech is derived from Abdi (አብዲ) and ‘Melik’ (መሊክ) the meaning is servant of the king ... [Related term(s):- Abimelech, Ahimelech, Elimelech].

“Now when Ebedmelech the Ethiopian, one of the eunuchs which was in the king's house, heard that they had put Jeremiah in the dungeon ... He interceded with the king in Jeremiah's behalf, and was the means of saving him from death by famine (Jer 38:7-13)

Ebenezer ~ አቤንኤዘር: The name Ebenezer is derived from Abne (አበነ) and ‘Zer’ (ዘር) the meaning is supported by the father.

The memorial stone set up by Samuel, “Then Samuel took a stone, and set it between Mizpeh and Shen, and called the name of it Ebenezer, saying, Hitherto hath the LORD helped us.” (1 Sam 7:7-12)

Eber ~ ዔቦር: “Eber” means the region beyond (አባር), SBD, (ዘፍ 10:24 11:14) ... [Related term(s):- Heber, Hebrew, Ibri]

See also:- Eber / ዔቤር

1.            The third post-duluvian patriach after Shem, (Gen 10:24; 11:14), In Luke 3:35 he is called Heber (Luk  3:35);

2.            The head of the priestly family of Amok in the time of Zerubbabel (Nem 12:20)

Ebiasaph ~ አቢሳፍ: The name Ebiasaph is derived from Abe (አበ) and ‘A’sef’ () the meaning is expanded, enlarged, multiplied by the father ... [Related term(s):- Abiasaph].

One of the descendants of Korah, and head of the Korhites, (1 Chr 6:23, 24)

Ebronah ~ ዔብሮና: “Ebronah” means passage, SBD, (ዘኁ 3334 35)

The name Ebronahis derived from ‘Abrenh(አብረንህ) the meaning is together.

One of the stations of the Israelites in their wanderings, (Num 33:34, 35)

Ecclesiastes ~ መጽሐፈ መክብብ: The name “Ecclesiastes” means a preacher (ስብከት), HBN, The title of this book is in Hebrew Koheleth, signifyingone who speaks publicly in an assembly. Koheleth is the name by which Solomon, probably the author, speaks of himself throughout the book. The book is that which it professes to be, --the confession of a man of wide experience looking back upon his past life and looking out upon the disorders and calamities which surround him. The writer is a man who has sinned in giving way to selfishness and sensuality, who has paid the penalty of that sin in satiety and weariness of life, but who has through all this been under the discipline of a divine education, and has learned from it the lesson which God meant to teach him.

Ed ~ ምስክር: The name “Ed” means witness, HBN, a word inserted in the Authorized Version of (Jos 22:34)

Eden ~ ዔድን: The name “Eden” means pleasure; delight (ደስታ), HBN,

1.       The garden in which our first parents dewlt (Gen 2:8-17). No geographical question has been so much discussed as that bearing on its site. It has been placed in Armenia, in the region west of the Caspian Sea, in Media, near Damascus, in Palestine, in Southern Arabia, and in Babylonia.

2.       One of the markets whence the merchants of Tyre obtained richly embroidered stuffs (Ezk 27:23)

3.       Son of Joah, and one of the Levites who assisted in reforming the public worship of the sanctuary in the time of Hezekiah (2 Chr 29:12).

Eder ~ ዔዴር: The name “Eder” means a flock (እድር), HBN,

1.       One of the towns of Judah, in the extreme south, and on the borders of Edom. (Jos 15:21)

2.       A Levite of the family of Merari, in the time of David. (1 Chr 23:23; 24:30)

Edom ~ ኤዶም: The name Edomis derived from ‘YeDem(ደም) the meaning is blood; and also means ‘red’.

The name of Esau, “And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me; I pray thee, with that same red pottage; for I am faint: therefore was his name called Edom.” (Gen 25:30)

Edrei ~ ኤድራይ: Mighty; strength (ብርታት), EBD,

1.       One of the chief towns of the kingdom of Bashan (Jos 12:4, 5). Here Og was defeated by the Israelites, and the strength of the Amorites broken (Num 21:33-35).

2.       A town of Naphtali (Jos 19:37).

Eglah ~ ዔግላ: “Eglah” means a heifer, SBD, one of David's wives during his reign in Hebron. (2 Sam 3:5; 1 Chr 3:3)

Eglaim ~ ኤግላይም: “Eglaim” means two ponds (መንታ ኩሬ), SBD, a place named only in (Isa 15:8)

Eglon ~ ዔግሎም: “Eglon” means calf-like (ጊደር), SBD,

1.       A king of the Moabites, (Judges 3:12) ff., who, aided by the Ammonites and the Amelekites, crossed the Joran and took "the city of palm trees." here, according to Josephus, he built himself a palace, and continued for eighteen years to oppress the children of Israel, who paid him tribute. He was slain by Ehud. [EHUD]

2.       A town of Judah in the low country. (Jos15:39)

Egypt ~ ግብጽ: The name “Egypt” means that troubles or oppresses; anguish (ቅብጥ), HBN, land of the Copts.

A country occupying the northeast angle of Africa; The Arabic name of Egypt --Mizr -- signifies "red mud." Egypt is also called in the Bible "the land of Ham," (Psa 105:23, 27)

Ehi ~ አኪ: The name Ehi is derived from Aya’ () the meaning is my brother ... [Related term(s):- Ahi, brother].

Head of one of the Benjamite houses, (Gen 46:21)

Ehud ~ ናዖድ: The name Ehud is derived from Wd(ውድ) the meaning is beloved, adored, valued, dear..., it is also interprated as ‘whd’ (ውህድ) meaning united’.

See also:- Ehud / ኤሁድ

1.            The son of Gera, of the tribe of Benjamin, (Jud 3:15)

2.            The other person with the same name: A descendant of Benjamin, (1 Chr 7:10), his great-grandson;

Eker ~ ዔቄር: The name “Eker” means barren, feeble (ጠፍ), HBN, a descendant of Judah. (1 Chr 2:27)

Ekron ~ አቃሮን: “Ekron” means torn up by the roots (ተፈናቃይ); emigration, SBD, one of the five towns belonging to the lords of the Philistines, and the most northerly of the five; (Jos 13:3) Like the other Philistine cities its situation was in the lowlands. It fell to the lot of Judah. (Jos 15:45, 46; Jud 1:18) Afterwards we find it mentioned among the cities of Dan. (Jos 19:43) Before the monarchy it was again in full possession of the Philistines. (1 Sam 5:10)

Elah ~ ኤላ: “Elah” means an oak, strength (ኃይል), SBD, (1 ነገ 168-10)

1.            The successor of Baasha king of Israel, “In the twenty and sixth year of Asa king of Judah began Elah the son of Baasha to reign over Israel in Tirzah, two years. (1 Kin 16:8-10)

2.            The other person with the same name: Father of Hoshea, the last king of Israel (2 Kin 15:30; 17:1)

Elam ~ ኤላም: “Elam” means eternity (ዓለም), SBD,

The son of Shem (Gen 10:22), and the name of the country inhabited by his descendants (Gen14:1, 9; Isa 11:11; 21:2)

Elasah ~ ኤልዓሣ: The name “Elasah” means the doings of God (ኤልሳ), HBN,

1.       A priest in the time of Ezra who had married a Gentile wife. (Ezr 10:22)

2.       Son of Shaphan, one of the two men who were sent on a mission by King Zedekiah to Nebuchadnezzar at Babylon. (Jer 29:3)

Elath ~ ኤላት: The name “Elath” means a hind; strength; an oak (ኃይላት), HBN, a city of Idumea, on the east, i.e., the Elanitic, gulf, or the Gulf of Akabah, of the Red Sea. It is first mentioned in Deut 2:8. It is also mentioned along with Ezion-geber in1 Kin 9:26. It was within the limits of Solomon's dominion, but afterwards revolted. It was, however, recovered and held for a time under king Uzziah (2 Kin 14:22).

Elbethel ~ ኤልቤቴል: The name Elbethel is derived from ‘El’ () and Bete’El’ (ቤተኤል) the meaning is migthy of the almigthy.

The name which Jacob is said to have bestowed on the place at which God appeared to him when he was flying from Esau, (Gen 35:7)

Eldaah ~ ኤልዳዓ: The name “Eldaah” means knowledge of God (ያምላክ ጥበብ), HBN, (Gen 25:4; 1 Chr 1:3) the last in order of the sons of Midian.

Eldad ~ ኤልዳድ: The name Eldad is derived from ‘El’ () and Wd’ (ውድ) the meaning is love of the almighty lord ... [Related term(s):- Elidad].

The man chosen to represent the tribe of Benjamin in the division of the land of Canaan, (Num 11:26)

Elead ~ ኤልዓድ: The name “Elead” means witness of God (ያምላክ ምስክር), HBN, a descendant of Ephraim. (1 Chr 7:21)

Elealeh ~ ኤልያሊ: “The name Elealeh is derived from ‘El’ () and Lay’ (ላይ) the meaning is high, from the almighty lord.

A place on the east of Jordan, taken possession of and rebuilt by the tribe of Reuben, (Num 32:3, 37)

By Isaiah and Jeremiah it is mentioned as a Moabite town (Isa 15:4; 16:9; Jer 48:34)

Eleazar ~ አልዓዛር: The root words for Eleazarare El(ኤል) and Zer(ዘር) the meaning is one who related to the lord almighty.

1.            The third son of Aaron, (Ex 6:23)

2.            Third son of Aaron; after the death of Nadab and Abihu without children (Lev 10:6; Num 3:4);

3.            One of his first duties was in conjunction with Moses to superintend the census of the people (Num 6:3);

4.            The son of Abinadab, of the hill of Kirjath-jearim (1 Sam 7:1);

5.            A Merarite Levite, son of Mahli and grandson of Merari (1 Chr 23:21, 22; 24:28);

6.            A priest who took part in the Feast of Dedication under Nehemiah (Neh 12:42);

7.            One of the sons of Parosh, an Israelite (i.e. A layman) who had married a foreign wife (Ezr 10:25);

8.            Son of Phinehas, a Levit (Ezr 8:33);

9.            the son of Eliud, in the genealogy of Jesus Christ (Mat 1:15)

Eleph ~ ኤሌፍ: The name “Eleph” means learning (ትምህርያ), HBN, one of the towns allotted to Benjamin, and named next to Jerusalem. (Jos 18:28)

Elhanan ~ ኤልያና: The root words for Elhananare El(ኤል) and Hanan(ሐናን) the meaning is the lord of Hana.

1.            A distinguished warrior in the time of King David, (2 Sam 21:19; 1 Chr 20:5)

2.            One of "the thirty" of David’s guard, and named first on the list, (2 Sam 23:24; 1 Chr 11:26)

Eli ~ ኤሊ: The name Eli is derived from ‘Eli’ (እላይ) the meaning is high, from above.

A descendant of Aaron through Ithamar,... Now Eli the priest sat upon a seat by a post of the temple of the LORD” (1 Sam 1:9)

Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani ~ ኤሎሄ ኤሎሄ ላማ ሰበቅታኒ: The Hebrew form, as Eloi, Eloi, etc., they mean "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" SBD

The first words of the twenty-second Psalm, “And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? That is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Mat 27:46)

Eliab ~ ኤልያብ: The root words for Eliabare El(ኤል) and Ab(አብ) the meaning is lord almighty is the father.

1.            A Reubenite, father of Dathan and Abiram, (Num 16:1, 12; 26:8, 9; 11:6)

2.            Son of Helon and leader of the tribe of Zebulun at the time of the census in the wilderness of Sinai (Num 1:9; 2:7; 7:24, 29; 10:16);

3.            One of David’s brothers, the eldest of the family (1 Sam 16:6; 17:13, 28; 1 Chr 2:13);

4.            A Levite in the time of David (1 Chr 15:18, 20;16:5);

5.            One of the warlike Gadite leaders (1 Chr 12:9);

6.            An ancestor of Samuel the prophet; a Kohathite Levite, son of Nahath (1 Chr 6:27)

Eliada ~ ኤሊዳሄ: The name “Eliada” means knowledge of God (ያምላክ ጥበብ), HBN,

1.       One of David's sons born after his establishment in Jerusalem (2 Sam 5:16)

2.       A mighty man of war, a Benjamite (2 Chr 17:17).

3.       An Aramite of Zobah, captain of a marauding band that troubled Solomon (1 Kin 11:23).

Eliah ~ ኤልያስ: The name Eliah is derived from ‘El’ (ኤል) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ); the meaning is Jehovah is lord almighty’.

1.            A Benjamite, a chief man of the tribe, (1 Chr 8:27)

2.            One of the Bene-Elam, an Israelite (i.e. A layman) who had married a foreign wife (Ezr 10:26)

Eliahba ~ ኤሊያሕባ: The name Eliahba is derived from ‘El’ (ኤል) and ‘Aba’ (አባ) the meaning is Jehovah is the father.

One of the thirty of David's guard, (2 Sam 23:32)

Eliakim ~ ኤልያቄም: The root words for Eliakimare El() and A’Qum(ቆም) the meaning is who stands with the almighty.

1.            Son of Hilkiah, master of Hezekiah's household, (2 Kin 1818)

2.            The original name of Jehoiakim king of Judah (2 Kin 23:34; 2 Chr 36:4);

3.            A priest in the days of Nehemiah, who assisted at the dedication of the new wall of Jerusalem (Neh 12:41);

4.            Brother of Joseph, and father of Azor (Mat 1:13) Son of Melea, and father of Jonan;

Eliam ~ ኤልያብ: The name “Eliam” means the people of God (ኃያል አባት), HBN,

1.       Father of Bath-sheba, the wife of David.  (2 Sam 11:3)

2.       One of David's "thirty" warriors. (2 Sam 23:34)

Elias ~ ኤልያስ: The Greek form of Elijah (ኃያል ዋስ), EBD, (Mat 11:14; 16:14)

Eliasaph ~ ኤሊሳፍ: The name Eliasaph is derived from ‘El’ (ኤል) and ‘Asef’ (አሰፍ) the meaning is reproduced, multiplied, increased, extended, expanded by the almigthy ... [Related term(s):- Elishaphat].

1.            Head of the tribe of Dan at the time of the census in the wilderness of Sinai, (Num 1:14; 2:14; 7:42, 47; 10:20)

2.            A Levite and "chief of the Gershonites" at the same time; (Num 3:24)

Eliashib ~ ኢልያሴብ: The root words for Eliashib are El(ኤል) and Asab(አሳብ) the meaning is who the almighty regards.

See also:- Eliashib / ኤልያሴብ

1.            A son of Zattu, (Ezr 10:27)

2.            A priest in the time of King David eleventh in the order of the "governors" of the sanctuary, “The eleventh to Eliashib, the twelfth to Jakim,” (1 Chr 24:12);

3.            One of the latest descendants of the royal family of Judah (1 Chr 3:24);

4.            High priest at Jerusalem at the time of the rebuilding of the walls under Nehemiah (Neh 3:1, 20, 21);

5.            A singer in the time of Ezra who had married a foreign wife (Ezr 10:24);

6.            A son of Bani (Ezr 10:36) both of whom had transgressed in the same manner;

Eliathah ~ ኤልያታ: “Eliathah” means to whom God comes (ኃያል አንተ), SBD, a musician in the temple in the time of King David. (1 Chr 25:4, 27)

Elidad ~ ኤልዳድ: The name Elidad is derived from El (ኤል) and ‘Wedede’ (ወደደ) the meaning is beloved by the almighty ... [Related term(s):- Eldad].

The man chosen to represent the tribe of Benjamin in the division of the land of Canaan (Num 34:21)

Eliel ~ ኤሊኤል: The name Eliel is derived from El (ኤል) and ‘El’ () the meaning is power of the powerful.

See also:- Eliel / ኤልኤል

1.            One of the heads of the tribe of Manasseh on the east of Jordan, (1 Chr 5:24)

2.            A forefather of Samuel the prophe; (1 Chr 6:34);

3.            A chief man in the tribe of Benjamin (1 Chr 8:20); Also a Benjamite chief (1 Chr 8:22);

4.            One of the heroes of David’s guard (1 Chr 11:46);

5.            Another of the same guard (1 Chr 11:47);

6.            One of the Gadite heroes who came across Jordan to David when he was in the wilderness of Judah hiding from Saul (1 Chr 12:11);

7.            A Kohathite Levite at the time of transportation of the ark from the house of Obed-edom to Jerusalem (1 Chr 15:9, 11);

8.            A Levite in the time of Hezekiah; one of the overseers of the offerings made in the temple (2 Chr 31:13)

Elienai ~ ኤሊዔናይ: The root words for Elienai are El(ኤል) and Ayene(አይን) the meaning is eyes of the almighty lord.

A descendant of Benjamin, (1 Chr 8:20)

Eliezar ~ አልዓዛር: The root words for Eliezarare ‘El’ (ኤር) and Zer(ዘር) the meaning is relative, family or children of the almighty.

See also:- Eliezar / ኤሊዔዘር Eliezar / ኤልዓዘር

1.            Second son of Moses and Zipporah, to whom his father gave this name because, "And the name of the other was Eliezer; for the God of my father, said he, was mine help, and delivered me from the sword of Pharaoh:" (Ex 18:4; 1 Chr 23:15, 17; 26:25)

2.            Abraham’s chief servant, called by him "Eliezer of Damascus" “And Abram said, Lord GOD, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus?” (Gen 15:2);

3.            One of the sons of Becher, the son of Benjamin (1 Chr 7:8);

4.            A priest in the reign of David (1 Chr 15:24);

5.            Son of Zichri, ruler of the Reubenites in the reign of David (1 Chr 27:16);

6.            Son of Dodavah, of Mareshah in Judah (2 Chr 20:37);

7.            A chief Israelite whom Ezra sent with others from Ahava to Cesiphia, to induce some Levites and Nethinim to accompany him to Jerusalem (Ezr 8:16);

8.            A priest, a Levite and an Israelite of the sons of Harim, who had married foreign wives (Ezr 10:18, 23, 31);

9.            Son of Jorim, in the genealogy of Christ (Luk 3:29)

Elihoenai ~ ኤሊዔናይ: The name Elihoenai is derived from El’ (ኤል) and ‘Ayn’ (አይን) The root word for ‘Ayn’ is ‘Aye’(አየ) The meaning is eyes of the almighty lord ... [Related term(s):- Elioenai, Elienai].

Son of Zerahiah, (Ezr 8:4)

Elihoreph ~ ኤልያፍ: “Elihoreph” means God is his reward (አምላክን ያገኘ), SBD, one of Solomon's scribes. (1 Kin 4:3)

Elihu ~ ኢሊዮ: The name Elihu is derived from Hayalu’ (ሃያሉ) the meaning is the most powerful’.

A forefather of Samuel the prophet,...his name was Elkanah, the son of Jeroham, the son of Elihu, the son of Tohu …” (1 Sam 1:1)

Elijah ~ ኤልያስ: The name Elijah is derived from El’ (ኤል) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is Jehovah is the almighty lord.

One of the prophets, Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, (1 kin 17:1)

Elika ~ ኤሊቃ: God is his rejector (አላቂ), EBD, one of David's thirty-seven distinguished heros (2 Sam 23:25).

Elim ~ ኤሊም: “Elim” means strong trees, SBD, (Exo 15:27; Num 33:9) the second station where the Israelites encamped after crossing the Red Sea.

Elimelech ~ አቤሜሌክ: The root words for Elimelechare El(ኤል) and Melak(መላክ) the meaning is messanger of the almighty lord’ ... [Related term(s):- Abimelech, Ahimelech, Ebedimelech].

A man of the tribe of Judah, of the family of the Hezronites, and kinsman of Boaz, who dwelt in Bethlehem in the days of the judges, (Ru 1:2)

Elioenai ~ ኤሊሆዔናይ: The name Elioenai is derived from El’ (ኤል) and ‘Ayn’ (አይን) the meaning is eyes of the almighty lord ... [Related term(s):- Elihoenai, Elienai].

See also:- Elioenai / ኤልዮዔናይ

1.            A Korhite Levite and one of the doorkeepers of the "house of Jehovah;" Elam the fifth, Jehohanan the sixth, Elioenai the seventh (1 Chr 26:3)

2.            Eldest son of Neariah, the son of Shemaiah, (1 Chr 3:23, 24);

3.            Head of a family of the Simeonites (1 Chr 4:36);

4.            Head of one of the families of the sons of Becher, the son of Benjamin (1 Chr 7:8);

5.            A priest in the days of Ezra, one of those who had married foreign wives (Ezr 10:22);

6.            Possibly the same as An Israelite of the sons of Zattu, who had also married a foreign wife (Ezr 10:27)

Eliphal ~ ኤሊፋል: the name “Eliphal” means a miracle of God (ያምላክ ታምራት), HBN,

Son of Ur, one of David's guards, (1 Chr 11:35)

Eliphalet ~ ኤሊፋላት: The name “Eliphalet” means the God of deliverance (አዳኝ አምላክ), HBN, the last of the thirteen sons born to David after his establishment in Jerusalem. (2 Sam 5:16; 1 Chr 14:7)

Eliphaz ~ ኤልፋዝ: Eliphaz” means God is his strength (አምላክ ብርታቴ), SBD,

1.       The son of Esau and Adah, and the father of Teman. (Gen 36:4; 1 Chr 1:35,36)

2.       The chief of the "three friends" of Job. He is called "the Temanite;" hence it is naturally inferred that he was a descendant of Teman.

Elisabeth ~ ኤልሳቤጥ: The root words for Elisabethare ‘El’ (ኤል), ‘Saba’ (ሳባ) and ‘Biet’ (ቤት) the meaning is lord of Sabbath (Saba beth) ... [Related term(s):- Elisheba]

She was herself of the priestly family, (Luk 1:5); and a relation, (Luk 1:36) of the mother of our Lord;

Elisha ~ ኤልሳዕ: The name Elisha is derived from ‘El’ (ኤል) and Sheh (ሽህ) the meaning is lord over thousnds’ ... [Related term(s):- Elishah, Elishua].

The son of Shaphat of Abel-meholah, who became the attendant and disciple of Elijah, (1 kin 19:16-19)

Elishah ~ ኤሊሳ: The name Elishah is derived from ‘El’ (ኤል) and Sheh (ሽህ) the meaning is ‘your lord over thousnds’ ... [Related term(s):- Elisha, Elishua].

The eldest son of Javan, (Gen 10:4)

Elishama ~ ኤሊሳማ: The root words for Elishamaare El(ኤል) and Sema(ሰማ) the meaning is the lord hears.

1.            The “prince” or “captain” of the tribe of Ephraim in the wilderness of Sinai, (Num 1:10), (Num 1:10; 2:18; 7:48; 10:22)

2.            Other people with the same name are: A son of King David (1 Sam 5:16; 1 Chr 3:8; 14:7);

3.            Another son of David (1 Chr 3:6);

4.            A descendant of Judah (1 Chr 2:41);

5.            The father of Nethaniah and grandfather of Ishmael (2 Kin 25:25; Jer 41:1);

6.            Scribe of King Jehoiakim (Jer 36:12, 20, 21);

7.            A priest in the time of Jehoshapha (2 Chr 17:8)

Elishaphat ~ ኤሊሳፋጥ: The name Elishaphat is derived from ‘El’ (ኤል) and Sfnet (ስፍነት) the meaning is Judge of the almighty lord’.

Son of Zichri, (2 Chr 23:1)

Elisheba ~ ኤልሳቤጥ: The root words for Elishebaare ‘El’ (ኤል) and ‘Saba’ (ሳባ) the meaning is ‘lord of Sheba... [Related term(s):- Elisabeth].

The wife of Aaron, “And Aaron took him Elisheba ... to wife; and she bares him Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar,” (Ex 6:23)

Elishua ~ ኤሊሱዔ: The name Elishua is derived from ‘El’ (ኤል) and Shewa (ሽዋ) the meaning is lord of thousands’ ... [Related term(s):- Elisha, Elishah].

One of David's sons, born after his settlement in Jerusalem, (2 Sam 5:15; 1 Chr 14:5)

Eliud ~ ኤልዩድ: The name Eliud is derived from ‘El’ (ኤል) and Wd (ውድ) the meaning is love of almighty lord’.

Son of Achim in the genealogy of Christ, (Mat 1:15)

Elizur ~ ኤሊሱር: The root words for Elizurare El(ኤል) and Zer(ዘር) the meaning is relative of the Lord.

“And these are the names of the men that shall stand with you: of the tribe of Reuben; Elizur the son of Shedeur.” (Num 15)

Elkanah ~ ሕልቃና: The name Elkanah is derived from ‘El’ (ኤል) and Kane (ካነ) the meaning is performed by the almighty lord’.

1.            The sons of Korah, (Ex 6:24)

2.            A descendant of the above in the line of Ahimoth, otherwise Mahath (1 Chr 6; 26, 35; Heb 11:20);

3.            Another Kohathite Levite, father of Samuel the illustrious judge and prophet (1 Chr 6:27, 34),  (1 Sam 1:1, 4, 8, 19, 21, 23) and (1 Sam 2:11, 20);

4.            A Levite (1 Chr 9:16);

5.            A Korhite who joined David while he was at Ziklag (1 Chr 12:6);

6.            An officer in the household of Ahaz king of Judah (2 Chr 28:7)

Elkosh, Elkoshite ~ ኤልቆሻዊ: The root words for Elkoshite are El’ (ኤል) and Kasayt’ (ሳይት) the meaning is lord of cush(cushite, koshite).

The birthplace of the prophet Nahum, (Nah 1:1)

Ellasar ~ እላሳር: The name “Ellasar” means revolting from God (ኃይለ አሳር), HBN, a territory in Asia of which Arioch was king (Gen 14:1, 9).

Elmodam ~ ኤልሞዳም: The name “Elmodam” means the God of measure, or of the garment (የአምላክ ሚዛን), HBN, son of Er, in the genealogy of Joseph. (Luk 3:28)

Elnaam ~ ኤልናዓም: “Elnaam” means God his delight, SBD, the father of Jeribai and Joshaviah, two of David's guard, according to (1 Chr 11:46)

Elnathan ~ ኤልናታን: The name Elnathan is derived from El’ (ኤል) and ‘Nietan’ (ኔታን) the meaning is my lord is generous.

An inhabitant of Jerusalem, the father of Nehushta, who was the mother of king Jehoiachin, (2 Kin 24:8), (Jer 26:22; 36:12, 25)

Elon ~ ኤሎን: “Elon” means an oak (ዝግባ), SBD,

1.       A city of Dan (Jos 19:43)

2.       A Hittite, father of Bashemath, Esau's wife (Gen 26:34).

3.       One of the sons of Zebulun (Gen 46:14).

4.       The eleventh of the Hebrew judges. He held office for ten years (Jud 12:11, 12). He is called the Zebulonite.

Elpaal ~ ኤልፍዓል: The name “Elpaal” means God's work (ያምላክ ሥራ), HBN, a Benjamite, son of Hushim and brother of Abitub. (1 Chr 8:11).

Elpalet ~ ኤሊፋላት: “Elpalet” means God his deliverance (አምላክ ያዳነው), SBD, one of David's sons born in Jerusalem. (1 Chr 14:5)

Eltekeh ~ ኤልተቄን: God is its fear (አምላክን የሚፈራ), EBD, a city in the tribe of Dan. It was a city of refuge and a Levitical city (Jos 21:23).

Eltolad ~ ኤልቶላድ: The name “Eltolad” means the generation of God (ያምላክ ትውልድ), HBN, one of the cities in the south of Judah, (Jos 15:30) allotted to Simeon, (Jos 19:4) and in possession of that tribe until the time of David, (1 Chr 4:29)

Elul ~ ኤሉል: The name “Elul” means cry or outcry (እልልታ), HBN, (Neh 6:15)

Eluzai ~ ኤሉዛይ: The name “Eluzai” means God is my strength (አምላክ ብርታቴ), HBN, one of the warriors of Benjamin who joined David at Ziklag. (1 Chr 12:5)

Elymas ~ ኤልማስ: “Elymas” means a wise man (አዋቂ), SBD, the Arabic name of the Jewish magus or sorcerer Bar-jesus. (Act 13:8)

Elzabad ~ ኤልዛባድ: “Elzabad” means whom God hath given (ያምላክ ስጦታ), SBD,

1.       One of the Gadite heroes who came across the Jordan to David. (1 Chr 12:12)

2.       A Korhite Levite. (1 Chr 26:7)

Elzaphan ~ ኤልዳፋ: “Elzaphan” means whom God protects (አምላክ የጠበቀው), SBD, second son of Uzziel, who was the son of Kohath son of Levi. (Ex 6:22)

Emims ~ ኤሚም: Emims” means terrors (ሕመም), SBD, a warlike tribe of giants who were defeated by Chedorlaomer and his allies in the plain of Kiriathaim. In the time of Abraham they occupied the country east of Jordan, afterwards the land of the Moabites (Gen 14:5; Deut 2:10). They were, like the Anakim, reckoned among the Rephaim, and were conquered by the Moabites, who gave them the name of Emims, i.e., "terrible men" (Deut 2:11). The Ammonites called them Zamzummims (Deut 2:20).

Emmanuel ~ አማኑኤል: The root words for ‘Emmanuelare ‘Amane(አማነ) and ‘El’ (ኤል) the meaning is peaceful unity with the almighty lord... [Related term(s):- Immanuel].

The title applied by the apostle Matthew to the Messiah, born of the Virgin, “Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.” (Mat 1:23)

Emmaus ~ ኤማሁስ: “Emmaus” means warm baths, SBD, the village to which the two disciples were going when our Lord appeared to them on the way, on the day of his resurrection. (Luk 24:13)

Emmor ~ ኤሞር: “Emmor” means an ass (አህያ), SBD, the father of Sychem. (Act 7:16)

Enam ~ ዓይናም: The name “Enam” means fountain, open place (የሚታይ), HBN, one of the cities of Judah in the Shefelah or lowland. (Jos 15:34)

Enan ~ ዔናን: “Enan” means having eyes (ዓይን), SBD, Ahira ben-Enan was "prince" of the tribe of Naphtali at the time of the numbering of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai. (Num 1:15)

En-eglaim ~ ዓይንኤግላይም: Fountain of two calves, EBD, a place mentioned only in Ezekiel 47:10.

En-gannim ~ ዓይንገኒም: Fountain of gardens, EBD

1.       A town in the plains of Judah (Jos 15:34), north-west of Jerusalem, between Zanoah and Tappuah. It is the modern Umm Jina.

2.       A city on the border of Machar (Jos 19:21), allotted to the Gershonite Levites (Jos 21:29).

En-hakkore ~ ዓይንሀቆሬ: The name “En-hakkore” means fountain of him that called or prayed, HBN, the name of the spring in Lehi which burst forth in answer to Samson's prayer when he was exhausted with the slaughter of the Philistines (Jud 15:19).

Enoch ~ ሄኖሕ ሄኖክ: The name “Enoch” means dedicated; disciplined (ቅዱስ), HBN; Initiated (ሐዲስ), EBD,

The eldest son of Cain,

v   “And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.” (Gen 4:17), who called after his name the city which he built (Gen 4:18)

v   And Jared lived an hundred sixty and two years, and he begat Enoch:” (Gen 5:18)

         Enoch / ሄኖክ: The eldest son of Cain, (Heb 11:5), (Jude 1:14, 15)

Enos ~ ሄኖስ: “Enos” means mortal man, SBD, man the son of Seth, and grandson of Adam (Gen 5:6-11; Luk 3:38). He lived nine hundred and five years. In his time "men began to call upon the name of the Lord" (Gen 4:26),

En-rogel ~ ዓይንሮጌል: Fountain of the treaders; i.e., "foot-fountain;" also called the "fullers' fountain," because fullers here trod the clothes in water. EBD

        It was at this fountain that Jonathan and Ahimaaz lay hid after the flight of David (2 Sam 17:17); and here also Adonijah held the feast when he aspired to the throne of his father (1 Kin 1:9).

En-shemesh ~ ቤት ሚስ: Fountain of the sun (የፀሃይ ዓይን), EBD, a spring which formed one of the landmarks on the boundary between Judah and Benjamin (Jos 15:7; 18:17)

Epaphras ~ ኤጳፍራ: “Epaphras” means lovely (የተወደደ), SBD, a fellow laborer with the apostle Paul, mentioned (Col 1:7).

Epaphroditus ~ አፍሮዲጡ: The name “Epaphroditus” means agreeable; handsome (ቅን), HBN, belonging to Aphrodite or Venus the messenger who came from Phillipi to the apostle when he was a prisoner at Rome (Phil 2:25-30; 4:10-18).

Epenetus ~ አጤኔጦ: “Epenetus” means praise worthy (ምስጉን), EBD, a Christian at Rome, greeted by St. Paul in (Rom 16:5)

Ephah ~ ዔፋ: The name “Ephah” means weary; tired (ጠውላጋ), HBN,

1.       Concubine of Caleb, in the line of Judah. (1 Chr 2:46)

2.       Son of Jahdai; also in the line of Judah. (1 Chr 2:47)

Epher ~ ዔፌር: The name Epher is derived from ‘Afer’ (አፈር) the meaning is soil’.

One of the sons of Midian, who was Abraham's son by Keturah, (Gen 25:4)

Ephes-dammim ~ ኤፌስደሚ: Boundary of blood (የደም ድንበር), EBD, a place in the tribe of Judah where the Philistines encamped when David fought with Goliath (1 Sam 17:1),

Ephesus ~ ኤፌሶን: “Ephesus” means permitted (የተፈቀደ), SBD, the capital of the Roman province of Asia, and an illustrious city in the district of Ionia, nearly opposite the island of Samos. In consequence of this devotion the city of Ephesus was called neo'koros, (Act 19:35).

Ephphatha ~ ኤፍታህ: The word Ephphathais derived from Ye’ftah(ፍታህ) the meaning is freed, released, untie...

Uttered by Christ when healing the man who was deaf and dumb, “And looking up to heaven, he sighed, and saith unto him, Ephphatha, that is, be opened.” Uttered by Christ when healing the man who was deaf and dumb (Mar 7:34). It is one of the characteristics of Mark that he uses the very Aramaic words which fell from our Lord's lips (See Mar 3:17; 5:41; 7:11; 14:36; 15:34.)

Ephraim ~ ኤፍሬም: The word Ephraimis derived from Ye’Frieyam(ፍሬያም) the root word is ‘Frie’ (ፍሬ) the meaning is fruitful, multiplied, increased....

The second son of Joseph, born in Egypt, “And the name of the second called him Ephraim: For God hath caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction.” (Gen 41:52; 46:20)

Ephrath ~ ኤፍራታ: The root word for Ephrathis Ye’Frieyat(ፍሬያት) the meaning is fruitful, doublefruited...

The second wife of Caleb, the son of Hezron, mother of Hur, and grandmother of Caleb, (1 Ch 2:19, 50); who was one of those that were sent to spy the land, (Gen 35:16, 19; 48:7)

Ephrathite ~ ኤፍሬማዊ: a citizen of Ephratah, EBD,

...son of Jeroham, the son of Elihu, the son of Tohu, the son of Zuph, an Ephrathite” (1 Sam 1:1)

Ephron ~ ኤፍሮን: The name “Ephron” means dust (አፈሮ), HBN,

The son of Zohara Hittite, (Gen 23:8-17)

Er ~ ዔር: The name “Er” means watchman (እረኛ), HBN,

1.       First-born of Judah. Er "was wicked in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord slew him." (Gen 38:3-7; Num 26:19)

2.       Descendant of Shelah the son of Judah. (1 Chr 4:21)

3.       Son of Jose and father of Elmodam. (Luk 3:28)

Eran ~ ዔዴን: “Eran” means watchful, SBD, the eldest son of Ephraim. (Num 26:36)

Erastus ~ ኤርስጦስ: “Erastus” means beloved (የተወደደ), SBD

1.       The "chamberlain" of the city of Corinth (Rom 16:23), and one of Paul's disciples.

2.       A companion of Paul at Ephesus, who was sent by him along with Timothy into Macedonia (Act 19:22). Corinth was his usual place of abode (2 Tim 4:20);

Erech ~ ኦሬክ: The name “Erech” means length (እሩቅ), SBN, one of the cities of Nimrod's kingdom in the land of Shinar, (Gen 10:10).

Eri ~ ዔሪ: “Eri” mean watchful (ጠባቂ), SBD, son of Gad, (Gen 46:16) and ancestor of the Erites. (Num 26:16)

Esaias ~ ኢሳይያስ: The name Esaias is derived from Yash(የሽ) and ‘Was’ (ዋስ) The meaning is deliverer of thousands.

“For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, and the voice of one crying in the wilderness ...” (Mat 33)

Esau ~ ዔሳው: The name “Esau” means he that acts or finishes (የሻው), HBN, the eldest son of Isaac, and twin-brother of Jacob. The singular appearance of the child at his birth originated the name. (Gen 25:25)

Eshbaal ~ አስባኣል: The name Eshbaal is derived from Yash(የሽ) and ‘Bale’ (ባለ) the meaning is possesser of thousands.

Man of Baal, the fourth son of King Saul, (1 Chr 8:33; 9:39)

Eshcol ~ ኤስኮል: The name “Eshcol” means bunch of grapes (የወይን ዘለላ), HBN, brother of Mamre the Amorite and of Aner, and one of Abraham's companions in his pursuit of the four kings who had carried off Lot. (Gen 14:13, 24)

Eshean ~ ኤሽዓን: “Eshean” means slope (አቀበት), SBD, one of the cities of Judah. (Jos 15:52)

Eshek ~ አሴል: “Eshek” means oppression (ተጽእኖ), SBD, one of the late descendants of Saul. (1 Chr 8:39)

Eshtaol ~ ኤሽታኦል: The name “Eshtaol” means a strong woman (ጠንካራ ሴት), HBN, a town in the low country --the Shefelah --of Judah, after wards allotted to Dan. (Jos 15:33; 19:41) Here Samson spent his boyhood, and hither after his last exploit his body was brought. (Jud 13:25; 16:31; 18:2, 8, 11, 12)

Eshtemoa ~ ኤሽትሞዓ: Obedience (እሽታ), EBD, a town in the mountains of Judah (Jos 21:14; 1 Chr 6:57), which was allotted, with the land round it, to the priests. It was frequented by David and his followers during their wanderings; and he sent presents of the spoil of the Amalekites to his friends there (1 Sam 30:28).

Esli ~ ኤሲሊ: The name “Esli” means near me; he who separates, HBN, son of Nagge or Naggai, in the genealogy of Christ. (Luk 3:25)

Esrom ~ ኤስሮም: “Esrom” means enclosed (እጥር), SBD, (Mat 1:3; Luk 3:33)

Esther ~ አስቴር: The name Esther is derived from Stur(ስጡር) the meaning is mysterious.

The Persian name of HADASSAH, daughter of Abihail, the son of Shimei, the son of Kish, a Benjamite, “And he brought up Hadassah, that is, Esther, his uncle's daughter: ...” (Est 2:7)

Etam ~ ኤጣም: “Etam” means lair of wild beasts (ጫካ), SBD,

1.       A village of the tribe of Simeon, specified only in the list in (1 Chr 4:32)

2.       A place in Judah fortified and garrisoned by Rehoboam. (2 Chr 11:6)

Etham ~ ኤታም: “Etham” means bounded by the sea (ደሴት), SBD, one of the early resting-places of the Israelites when they quitted Egypt; described as "in the edge of the wilderness." (Exo 13:20; Num 33:6, 7).

Ethan ~ ኤታን: “Ethan” means enduring (ዘላቂ), SBD,

1.       Ethan the Ezrahite, one of the four sons of Mahol, whose wisdom was excelled by Solomon. (1 Kin 4:31;1 Chr 2:6) His name is in the title of (Psa 89:1)

2.       Son of Kishi or Kushaiah; a Merarite Levite, head of that family in the time of King David, (1 Chr 6:44) and spoken of as a "singer." With Heman and Asaph, the heads of the other two families of Levites, Ethan was appointed to sound with cymbals. (1 Chr 15:17,19)

3.       A Gershonite Levite, one of the ancestors of Asaph the singer. (1 Chr 6:42)

Ethanim ~ ኤታኒም: The name “Ethanim” means strong; valiant (ብርቱ), HBN, the month of gifts, i.e., of vintage offerings; called Tisri after the Exile; corresponding to part of September and October. It was the first month of the civil year, and the seventh of the sacred year (1 Kin 8:2).

Ethbaal ~ ኤትበኣል: The name “Ethbaal” means toward the idol, or with Baal (የት በኣል), HBN, king of Sidon and father of Jezebel. (1 Kin 16:31).

Ether ~ ዔቴር: “Ether” means abundance (ተራፊ), SBD, one of the cities of Judah in the low country, the Shefelah, (Jos 15:42) allotted to Simeon. (Jos 19:7)

Ethiopia ~ ኢትዮጵያ: The root words for Ethiopiaare E’Tsub(ጹብ) and Yah(ያህ) the meaning is greatness of Jehovah.

A country which lay to the south of Egypt, (Gen 2:13)

Ethiopian eunuch, the ~ ኢትዮጵያዊ ጃንደረባ: Bed-keeper, SBD; the chief officer or prime minister of state of Candace (which see), queen of Ethiopia, EBD,

The chief officer or prime minister of state of Candace, queen of Ethiopia, (Act 8:27)

Ethiopian woman ~ ኢትዮጵያዊት: the wife of Moses, EBD,

And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman (Num 12:1)

Ethnan ~ ኤትና: “Ethnan” means hire (ቅጥር), SBD, one of the sons of Helah the wife of Ashur. (1 Chr 4:7)

Ethni ~ ኤትኒ: The name “Ethni” means strong (ብርቱ), HBN, a Gershonite Levite. (1 Chr 6:41)

Eubulus ~ ኤውግሎስ: The name “Eubulus” means prudent; good counselor (መልካም መካር), HBN, a Christian at Rome mentioned by St. Paul. (2 Tim 4:21)

Eunice ~ ኤውንቄ: Happily conquering (ድልነሽ), EBD, the mother of Timothy, a believing Jewess, but married to a Greek (Act 16:1). She trained her son from his childhood in the knowledge of the Scriptures (2 Tim 3:15). She was distinguished by her "unfeigned faith."

Eunuch ~ ጃንደረ: The name eunuch is derived from Echu(እጩ) the meaning is bed-keeper.

Literally bed-keeper or chamberlain, and not necessarily in all cases one who was mutilated, although the practice of employing such mutilated persons in Oriental courts was common, (2 kin 9:32)

Euodias ~ ኤዎድያን: The name “Euodias” means sweet scent (የተወደደ እጣን), HBN, a Christian woman at Philippi. (Phil 4:2)

Euphrates ~ ኤፍራጥስ: The name “Euphrates” means that makes fruitful, signifying "the good and abounding river. (የፍሬያት), HBN, It is most frequently denoted in the Bible by the term "the river." (Gen 2:14)

Eutychus ~ አውጤኪስ: The name “Eutychus” means happy; fortunate (በደሉ), HBN, a youth at Troas, (Act 20:9) who sitting in a window, and having fallen asleep while St. Paul was discoursing, fell from the third story, and being taken up dead, was miraculously restored to life by the apostle.

Eve ~ ሔዋን: The name Eve is derived from Hawa(ህዋ) the root word is Hyaw(ህያው) the meaning is The living one, eternal life.

The name given in Scripture to the first woman, “And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living” (Gen 3:20), the account of Eve’s creation is found at (Gen 2:21, 22)

Evi ~ ኤዊ: “Evi” means desire (መጎምጀት), SBD,

One of the five kings or princes of Midian slain by the Israelites, (Num 31:8)

Evil-merodach ~ ዮርማሮዴቅ: The name “Evil-merodach” means the fool of Merodach; the fool grinds bitterly, HBN, Merodach's man, the son and successor of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon (2 Kin 25:27; Jer 52:31, 34)

Exodus ~ ዘጸአት: The name “Exodus” means going out, departure (መውጣት), HBN, (that is, going out [of Egypt]), the second book of the law or Pentateuch. Its author was Moses.

It may be divided into two principal parts:

1.       Historical, chs. (Ex 1:1-18; 27:1) ... and Legislative, chs. (Ex 19:40; 38:1)

2.       The first part contains an account of the following particulars: the great increase of Jacob's posterity in the land of Egypt, and their oppression under a new dynasty, which occupied the throne after the death of Joseph; the birth, education, flight and return of Moses; the ineffectual attempts to prevail upon Pharaoh to let the Israelites go; the successive signs and wonders, ending in the death of the first-born, by means of which the deliverance of Israel from the land of bondage is at length accomplished, and the institution of the Passover; finally the departure out of Egypt and the arrival of the Israelites at Mount Sinai.

3.       This part gives a sketch of the early history of Israel as a nation; and the history has three clearly-marked stages. First we see a nation enslaved; next a nation redeemed; lastly a nation set apart, and through the blending of its religious and political life consecrated to the service of God.

Ezbai ~ ኤዝባይ: “Ezbai” means shining, SBD,

Father of Naarai, who was one of David's thirty mighty men, (1 Chr 11:37)

Ezbon ~ ኤስቦን ኤሴቦን: “Ezbon” means working, SBD,

1.       Son of Gad, and founder of one of the Gadite families. (Gen 46:16; Num 26:16)

2.       Son of Bela, the son of Benjamin according to (1 Chr 7:7)

Ezekias ~ ሕዝቅያስ: The name Ezekiasis derived from Ezki’ (ሕዝቅ) and ‘Was’ (ዋስ) the meaning is powerful saviour... [Related term(s):- Ezekiel, Hizkiah, Hezekiah, Hizkijah].

Grecized form of Hezekiah, (Mat 1:9, 10)

Ezekiel ~ ሕዝቅኤል: The name Ezekielis derived from Ezki’ (ሕዝቅ) and ‘El’ (ኤል) the meaning is power of the almigthy... [Related term(s):- Ezekias, Hezekiah, Hizkiah, Hizkijah].

One of the great prophets, the son of Buzi the priest, (Ezk 1:3)

Ezel ~ ኤዜል: The name “Ezel” means going abroad; walk (ታዛዥ), HBN, The stone, a well-known stone in the neighborhood of Saul's residence, the scene of the parting of David and Jonathan. (1 Sam 20:19)

Ezem ~ ዔጼም: The name “Ezem” means a bone (አጽም), SBD, one of the towns of Simeon. (1 Chr 4:29)

Ezer ~ ኤጽር: The name Ezeris derived from zer’ () the meaning is family, relative...

1.            One of the sons of Seir, (Gen 36:21, 27)

2.            A Levite (Neh 3:19); A priest (Neh 12:42)

Eziongaber ~ ዔጽዮንጋብር: The root words for Eziongaberare Zion(ጽዮን) and Gebre(ገብር) the meaning is servant of zion.

The last station named for the encampment of the Israelites before they came to the wilderness of Zin, (Num 33:35; Deut 2:8)

Ezra ~ ዕዝራ: The name Ezrais derived from Zere’ (ዘረ) the meaning is becomes a family ... [Related term(s):- Ezri].

A priest among those that returned to Jerusalem under Zerubabel, (Neh 12:1)

Ezri ~ ዔዝሪ: The name Ezriis derived from Zerie’ (ዘሬ) the meaning is my relative... [Related term(s):- Ezra].

Son of Chelub, superintendent of King David's farm-laborers, (1 Chr 27:26)


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