Naam ~ ነዓም: “Naam” means pleasantness (አስደሳች), SBD, one of the sons of Caleb the son of Jephunneh. (1 Chr 4:15)

Naamah ~ ናዕማ: The name “Naamah” means beautiful; agreeable (ተወዳጅ), HBN,

1.       The daughter of Lamech and Zillah (Gen 4:22).

2.       The daughter of the king of Ammon, one of the wives of Solomon, the only one who appears to have borne him a son, viz., Rehoboam (1 Kin 14:21, 31).

3.       A city in the plain of Judah (Jos 15:41).

Naaman ~ ንዕማን: A treaty or confederacy, EBD, See also: - Naamathite / ነዕማታዊው

Naaman was commander-in-chief of the army of Syria, and was nearest to the person of the king, (Luk 4:27)

Naarah ~ ነዕራ: The name “Naarah” means young person (ወጣት), HBN, the second of Ashur's two wives, of the tribe of Judah (1 Chr 4:5, 6).

Naashon ~ ነአሶን: The name “Naashon” means that foretells; that conjectures (ትንበያ), HBN, [NAHSHON] (Ex 6:23)

Nabal ~ ናባል: The name “Nabal” means fool; senseless (ቂል), HBN; A descendant of Caleb who dwelt at Maon (1 Sam 25).

Naboth ~ ናቡቴ: The name Nabothis derived from Nebyat’ () the meaning is ‘prophets... [Related term(s):- Nebai, Nebaioth, Nebajoth, Nebo].

“Then said Jehu to Bidkar his captain, Take up, and cast him in the portion of the field of Naboth the Jezreelite: ...” (2 kin 9:25, 26)

Nachon ~ ናኮን: The name “Nachon” means ready; sure (ዝግጁ), HBN, prepared, the owner of a thrashing-floor near which Uzzah was slain (2 Sam 6:6); called also Chidon (1 Chr 13:9).

Nadab ~ ናዳብ: Liberal, generous (ለጋስ), EBD

1.       The eldest son of Aaron and Elisheba. Exod 8 13 Numb 3:2. He, his father and brother, and seventy old men of Israel were led out from the midst of the assembled people, (Ex 24:1) and were commended to stay and worship God "afar off," below the lofty summit of Sinai, where Moses alone was to come near to the Lord. Subsequently, (Lev 10:1).

2.       King Jeroboam's son, who succeeded to the throne of Israel, and reigned two years. (1 Kin 15:25-31) At the siege of Gibbethon a conspiracy broke out in the midst of the army, and the king was slain by Baasha, a man of Issachar.

3.       A son of Shammai (1 Chr 2:28) of the tribe of Judah.

4.       A son of Gibeon, (1 Chr 8:30; 9:36) of the tribe of Benjamin.

Nagge ~ ናጌ: The name Naggeis derived from Nega’ (ነጋ) the meaning is ‘sun rise, morning, dawn... [Related term(s):- Nogah].

“Which was the son of Mattathias ... which was the son of Esli, which was the son of Nagge” (Luk 3:25)

Nahaliel ~ ነሃሊኤል: The name “Nahaliel” means inheritance; valley of God (ያምላክ ውርስ), HBN, one of the encampments of the Israelites in the wilderness (Num 21:19), on the confines of Moab.

Nahallal ~ ነህላል: The name “Nahallal” means praised; bright (ምስጉን), HBN, a city in Zebulun on the border of Issachar (Jos 19:15), the same as Nahalol (Jud 1:30).

Naham ~ ነሐም: “Naham” means consolation (መረጋጋት), SBD,

“And the sons of his wife Hodiah the sister of Naham, the father of Keilah the Garmite, and Eshtemoa the Maachathite” (1 Chr 4:19)

Nahamani ~ ነሐማኒ: The name Nahamaniis derived from Ne’ameni’ (አማኒ) the meaning is ‘believers, faithfuls.

“Who came with Zerubbabel, Jeshua, Nehemiah, Azariah, Raamiah, Nahamani, Mordecai, Bilshan…” (Neh 7:7)

Naharai ~ ነሃራይ: Snorer (አንኮራፊ), EBD; a Berothite, one of David's heroes, and armour-bearer of Joab (1 Chr 11:39).

Nahash ~ ናዖስ: The name “Nahash” means snake; serpent (እባብ), HBN,

1.       King of the Ammonites who dictated to the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead that cruel alternative of the loss of their right eyes or slavery which roused the swift wrath of Saul, and caused the destruction of the Ammonite force. (1 Sam 11:2-11)

2.       A person mentioned once only-- (2 Sam 17:25) --in stating the parentage of Amasa, the commander-in-chief of Absalom's army.

Nahath ~ ናሖት: “Nahath” means rest (እረፍት), SBD

1.       One of the "dukes" of Edom, eldest son of Reuel the son of Esau. (Gen 36:13,17; 1 Chr 1:37)

2.       A Kohathite Levite, son of Zophai. (1 Chr 6:26)

3.       A Levite in the reign of Hezekiah. (2 Chr 31:13)

Nahbi ~ ናቢ: The name “Nahbi” means very secret (ስውር), HBN, one of the twelve spies sent out to explore the land of Canaan (Num 13:14).

Nahor ~ ናኮርን: “Nahor” means snorting (እንኩርፊያ), SBD, the name of two persons in the family of Abraham.

1.       His grandfather; the son of Serug and father of Terah. (Gen 11:22-25)

2.       Grandson of the preceding son of Terah and brother of Abraham and Haran. (Gen 11:26,27)

Nahshon ~ ነአሶን: Sorcerer (ጠንቋይ), EBD; the son of Aminadab, and prince of the children of Judah at the time of the first numbering of the tribes in the wilderness, (Ex 6:23) His sister Elisheba was the wife of Aaron. He died in the wilderness (Num 26:64, 65). His name occurs in the Greek form Naasson in the genealogy of Christ (Mat 1:4; Luk 3:32).

Nahum ~ ናሆም: “Nahum” means consolation (መጽናናት), SBD,

Nahum, called "the Elkoshite," is the seventh in order of the Minor Prophets, (Nah 1:1)

Nain ~ ናይ: The name “Nain” means beauty; pleasantness (አስደሳች), HBN, a village of Galilee, the gate of which is made illustrious by the raising of the widow's son. (Luk 7:12).

Naioth ~ ነዋት: “Naioth” means habitations (ነዋሪያት), SBD, dwellings, the name given to the prophetical college established by Samuel near Ramah. It consisted of a cluster of separate dwellings, and hence its name. David took refuge here when he fled from Saul (1 Sam 19:18, 19, 22, 23),

Naomi ~ ኑኃሚ: The name “Naomi” means beautiful; agreeable (ቅን), HBN,

The wife of Elimelech, and mother of Mahlon and Chilion, and mother-in-law of, Ruth, (Ru 1:2, 20, 21)

Naphish ~ ናፌስ: The name Naphishis derived from Nefs’ (ነፍስ) the meaning is soul, spirit…’ ... [Related term(s):- Nephish].

One of the sons of Ishmael, (Gen 25:15; 1 Chr 1:31); (Chr 5:19)

Naphtali ~ ንፍታሌም: The name “Naphtali” means that struggles or fights (ታጋይ), HBN, the fifth son of Jacob. His mother was Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid (Gen 30:8). When Jacob went down into Egypt, Naphtali had four sons (Gen 46:24).

Narcissus ~ ንርቀሱ: “Narcissus” means stupidity (ቂላቂል), SBD, a Roman whom Paul salutes (Rom 16:11).

Nathan ~ ናታን: A giver (ስጦታ), EBD; The name “Nathan” means given; giving; rewarded, HBN,

1.            One of the head men who returned from Babylon with Ezra on his second expedition, (Ezr 8:16),

2.            A son of David; one of the four who were borne to him by Bathsheba (1 Chr 3:5),

3.            Son or brother of one of the members of David's guard. (2 Sam 23:36; 1 Chr 11:38),

4.            A prophet in the reigns of David and Solomon (2 Sam 7:2, 3, 17)

Nathanael ~ ናትናኤል: The name Nathanael is derived from Netan’ (ነታ) and ‘El’ (ኤል) the meaning is given of the almighty lord ... [Related term(s):- Nethaneel].

A disciple of Jesus Christ, Cana of Galilee, and his simple, truthful character, (Joh 21:2), (Joh 1:47)

Nathan-melech ~ ናታንሜሌክ: The root words for Nathan-melech are ‘Natan’ (ናታ) and ‘Melak’ (መላክ) the meaning is ‘messenger of the lord’.

A eunuch in the court of Josiah, (2 kin 23:11)

Naum ~ ናሆም: “Naum” means consolation (መጽናናት), SBD, son of Esli, and father of Amos, in the genealogy of Christ, (Luk 3:25).

Nazareth ~ ናዝራዊ: Nazareth” means the guarded one, SBD,

The root word for Nazareth is ‘Ntsret’ (ንጽ)

.... when either man or woman shall separate them selves to vow a vow of a Nazarite, to separate themselves unto the LORD” (Num 6:2-21)

Neah ~ ኒዓ: The name “Neah” means moved; moving (ነዓ), HBN, a place which was one of the landmarks on the boundary of Zebulun. (Jos 19:13).

Neapolis ~ ናጱሌ: The name “Neapolis” means the new city (ዐዲስ ከተማ), HBN, a town in Thrace at which Paul first landed in Europe (Act 16:11). From this port Paul embarked on his last journey to Jerusalem (Act 20:6).

Neariah ~ ነዓርያ: “Neariah” means servant of Jehovah (ያምላክ አገልጋይ), SBD,

1.       One of the six sons of Shemaiah in the line of the royal family of Judah after the captivity. (1 Chr 3:22,23)

2.       A son of Ishi, and one of the captains of the 500 Simeonites who in the days of Hezekiah, drove out the Amalekites from Mount Seir. (1 Chr 4:42)

Nebai ~ ኖባይ: The wordNebai deriven from ‘Neby’ (ነብይ) the meaning is ‘prophet’... [Related term(s):- Naboth, Nebaioth, Nebajoth, Nebo].

A family of the heads of the people who signed the covenant with Nehemiah; (Neh 10:19)

Nebajoth ~ ነባዮት: The name Nebajoth is derived from Nebyat’ (ነብያት) the meaning is prophets .... [Related term(s):- Naboth, Nebai, Nebo].

See also:- Nebaioth / ነባዮት

“And these are the names of the sons of Ishmael ...the firstborn of Ishmael, Nebajoth; and Kedar, and Adbeel, and Mibsam,” (Gen 25:13)

Neballat ~ ንበላት: “Neballat” means hidden folly (ውስጠ አበድ), SBD, town of Benjamin, one of those which the Benjamites reoccupied after the captivity. (Neh 11:34)

Nebat ~ ናባጥ: “Nebat” means aspect (ገጽታ), SBD, the father of Jeroboam, (1 Kin 11:26; 12:2, 15).

Nebo ~ ናባው: The wordNebo deriven from ‘Neby’ (ነብይ) the meaning is ‘prophet’... [Related term(s):- Naboth, Nebai, Nebaioth, Nebajoth].

1.            A Chaldean god whose worship was introduced into Assyria by Pul, (Isa 46:1; Jer 48:1)

2.            A town on the east of Jordan which was taken possession of and rebuilt by the tribe of Reuben (Num 32:3, 38; 1 Chr 5:8);

3.            A mountain in the land of Moab from which Moses looked for the first and the last time on the Promised Land (Deut 32:49; 34:1);

4.            The "children of Nebo" (Ezr 2:29; Neh 7:33) were of those who returned from Babylon.

Nebuchadnezzar ~ ናቡከደነፆር: “Nebuchadnezzar” means may Nebo protect the crown (ነብየ ደኛ ዘር), SBD, in an inscription he styles himself "Nebo's favourite." He was the son and successor of Nabopolassar, who delivered Babylon from its dependence on Assyria and laid Nineveh in ruins. He was the greatest and most powerful of all the Babylonian kings. (Dan 1:1)

Nebuzaradan ~ ናቡዘረዳን: The wordNebuzaradan deriven from ‘Neby’ (ነብይ) ‘Zere’ (ዘረ) and ‘Dan’ (ዳን) the meaning is ‘a prophet of Judges

"The captain of the guard," in rank next to the king, who appears prominent in directing affairs at the capture of Jerusalem, (2 Kin 25:8-20; Jer 39:11; 40:2-5)

Necho ~ ኒካዑ: “Necho” means lame (ስንኩል), SBD, (2 Chr 35:20, 22; 36:4) [PHARAOH-NECHO]

Nedabiah ~ ነዳብያ: “Nedabiah” means whom Jehovah impels (ህያው የነዳው), SBD, apparently one of the sons of Jeconiah or Jehoiachin, king of Judah. (1 Chr 3:18)

Nehelamite ~ ኔሔላማዊ: The name “Nehelamite” means dreamer; vale; brook (ሕልማዊ), HBN, the name given to a false prophet Shemaiah, who went with the captives to Babylon (Jer 29:24, 31, 32).

Nehemiah ~ ነህምያ: The root words for Nehemiah are ‘Nehme’ (ነህመ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is ‘Comforted by Jehovah’.

1.            One of the leaders of the first expedition from Babylon to Jerusalem under Zerabbabel, (Neh 7:7)

2.            Son of Azbuk and ruler of the half part of Beth-zur, who helped to repair the wall of Jerusalem (Neh 3:18); The son of Hachaliah (Neh 1:1)

Nehum ~ ነህምያ: The name “Nehum” means comforter; penitent (አጽናኝ), HBN,

One of those who returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel, (Neh 7:7)

Nehushta ~ ኔስታ: The name “Nehushta” means made of brass (ነሐስ), HBN, the daughter of Elnathan of Jerusalem, wife of Jehoiakim and mother of Jehoiachin, kings of Judah.  (2 Kin 24:8)

Nehushtan ~ ነሑሽታ: “Nehushtan” means a thing of brass (ነሐሳት), SBD, the name by which the brazen serpent made by Moses in the wilderness, (Num 21:9) was worshipped in the time of Hezekiah. (2 Kin 18:4)

Neiel ~ ንዒኤል: “Neiel” means moved by God (ናይ ኤል), SBD, a place which formed one of the landmarks of the boundary of the tribe of Asher, (Jos 19:27).

Nekoda ~ ኔቆዳ: “Nekoda” means distinguished (ታዋቂ), SBD, The descendants of Nekoda returned among the Nethinim after the captivity. (Ezr 2:48; Neh 7:50)

Nemuel ~ ነሙኤል: “Nemuel” means day of God (የጌታ ቀን), SBD,

1.       A Reubenite, son of Eliab and eldest brother of Dathan and Abiram. (Num 26:9)

2.       The eldest son of Simeon, (Num 26:12; 1 Chr 4:24).

Nepheg ~ ናፌግ: The name “Nepheg” means weak; slacked (ደካማ), HBD

1.       One of the sons of Izhar the son of Kohath. (Ex 6:21)

2.       One of David's sons born to him in Jerusalem. (2 Sam 5:15; 1 Chr 3:7; 14:6)

Nephish ~ ናፌስ: The name Nephishis derived from Nefs’ (ነፍስ) the meaning is soul, spirit….

A name of a place, “And they made war with the Hagarites, with Jetur, and Nephish, and Nodab.” (1 Chr 5:19)

Nephishesim ~ ንፉሰሲም: “Nephishesim” means expansions (ተስፋፊ), SBD, The children of Nephishesim were among the Nethinim who returned with Zerubbabel. (Neh 7: 52)

Nephthalim ~ ንፍታሌም: A form of the name Naphtali (ታጋይ), SBD, (Mat 4:13, 15; Rev 7:6)

Nephusim ~ ንፉሰሲም: “Nephusim” means expansions (መስፋፋት), SBD, the same as Nephishesim, of which name according to Gesenius it is the proper form. (Ezr 2:50)

Ner ~ ኔር: “Ner” means a light or lamp (ብርሃን), SBD, son of Jehiel, according to (1 Chr 8:33) father of Abner, and grandfather of King Saul. Abner was, therefore, uncle to Saul, as is expressly stated in (1 Sam 14:50)

Nereus ~ ኔርያ: “Nereus” means lamp (ያምላክ ብርሃን), SBD, a Christian at Rome, saluted by St. Paul. (Rom 16:15).

Nergal ~ ኤርጌል: The name “Nergal” means the great man; the hero (ጀግና), HBN, one of the chief Assyrian and Babylonian deities, seems to have corresponded closely to the classical Mars. (2 Kin 17:30).

Nergal-sharezer ~ ኤርጌል ሳራስር: Nergal, protect the king! EBD, One of the "princes of the king of Babylon who accompanied him in his last expedition against Jerusalem" (Jer 39:3,13).

Neri ~ ኔሪ: The name “Neri” means my light (ብርሃኔ), HBN, short form for NERIAH (Jehovah is my lamp) son of Melchi and father of Salathiel, in the genealogy of Christ. (Luk 3:27)

Neriah ~ ኔርያ: “Neriah” means lamp of Jehovah (የህያው ብርሃን), SBD, the son of Maaseiah and father of Baruch and Seraiah. (Jer 32:12)

Nethaneel ~ ናትናኤል: The root words for Nethaneel are ‘Netan’ (ነታ) and ‘El’ (ኤል) the meaning is ‘gift of the almighty’... [Related term(s):- Nathanael].

1.            The son of Zuar and prince of the tribe of Issachar at the time of the exodus, (Num 1:8)

2.            The son of Zuar and prince of the tribe of Issachar at the time of the exodus (Num 1:8; 2:5; 7:18);

3.            The fourth son of Jesse and brother of David (1 Chr 2:14);

4.            A priest in the reign of David who blew the trumpet before the ark when it was brought from the house of Obededom (1 Chr 15:24);

5.            A Levite, father of Shemaiah the scribe, in the reign of David (1 Chr 24:6);

6.            A son of Obed-edom (1 Chr 26:4);

7.            One of the princes of Judah whom Jehoshaphat sent to teach in the cities of his kingdom (2 Chr 17:7);

8.            A chief of the Levites in the reign of Josiah (2 Chr 35:9);

9.            The representative of the priestly family of Jedaiah in the time of Joiakim (Neh 12:21);

10.         A Levite (Neh 12:36)

Nethaniah ~ ነታንያ: The name Nethaniah is derived from Netan’ (ነታ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is given of Jehovah.

1.            The son of Elishama, and father of Ishmael who murdered Gedaliah, (1 Chr 25:2)

2.            The son of Elishama, and father of Ishmael who murdered Gedaliah (2 Kin 25:23, 25), He was of the royal family of Judah;

3.            One of the four sons of Asaph the minstrel; (1 Chr 25:12);

4.            A Levite in the reign of Jehoshaphat (2 Chr 17:8); The father of Jehudi (Jer 36:14)

Neziah ~ ንስያ: “Neziah” means pre-eminent (ህያው ክቡር), SBD, The descendants of Neziah were among the Nethinim who returned with Zerubbabel, (Ezr 2:54; Neh 7:56)

Nezib ~ አክዚብ: “Nezib” means garrison, pillar (ዘብ), SBD, a city of Judah, (Jos 15:43).

Nibhaz ~ ኤልባዝር: The name “Nibhaz” means budding; prophesying (ትንበያ), HBN, the name of an idol, supposed to be an evil demon of the Zabians. It was set up in Samaria by the Avites (2 Kin 17:31).

Nibshan ~ ኒብሻ: “Nibshan” means soft soil (ለም አፈር), SBD, one of the six cities of Judah, (Jos 15:62).

Nicanor ~ ኒቃሮና: The name “Nicanor” means a conqueror; victorious (አሸናፊ), / HBN, one of the seven deacons appointed in the apostolic Church (Act 6:1-6).

Nicodemus ~ ኒቆዲሞስ: The name “Nicodemus” means victory of the people (የህዝብ ድል), HBN, a Pharisee, a ruler of the Jews and a teacher of Israel, (Joh 3:1, 10).

Nicolas ~ ኒቆላዎስ: “Nicolas” means victor of the people (የሕዝብ ድል), SBD, a proselyte of Antioch, one of the seven deacons (Act 6:5)

Nicolaitanes ~ ኒቆላውያን: The name “Nicolaitanes” means followers of Nicolas (የኒቆላስ ተከታዮች), HBN, The church at Ephesus (Rev 2:6) is commended for hating the "deeds" of the Nicolaitanes, and the church of Pergamos is blamed for having them who hold their "doctrines" (Rev 2:15).

Nicopolis ~ ኒቆጵልዮ: “Nicopolis” means city of victory (የድል ከተማ), SBD, where Paul intended to winter (Tit 3:12). There were several cities of this name.

Niger ~ ኔጌር: The name Niger is derived from Niger’ (ኒገር) the meaning is ‘brown, dark clour, black’.

... As Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger ... (Act 13:1)

Nimrah ~ ነምራ: Pure (ንጹህ), EBD, a city on the east of Jordan (Num 32:3).

Nimrod ~ ናምሩድ: firm EBD; rebellion (ማራድ), HBN, ( 10:8-10) ... [Related term(s):- Mered]

The name Nimrod is derived from Ne’merad’ (መራድ) the meaning is ‘very energetic, furious.

A descendant of Cush, (Gen 10:8-10)

Nineveh ~ ነነዌ: The name “Nineveh” means handsome; agreeable (ውብ), HBN, the capital of the ancient kingdom and empire of Assyria. (Gen10:11)

Nisan ~ ኒሳን: Month of flowers, EBD, the first month of the Jewish sacred year, (Neh 2:1)

Nisroch ~ ናሳራክ: “Nisroch” means the great eagle (ንስር), SBD, an idol of Nineveh, in whose temple Sennacherib was worshipping when assassinated by his sons, Adrammelech and Shizrezer. (2 Kin 19:37; Isa 37:38).

No ~ ኖእ: The name “No” means stirring up; forbidding (ክልክል), HBN, or No-A'mon, the home of Amon, the name of Thebes, the ancient capital of what is called the Middle Empire, in Upper or Southern Egypt. "The multitude of No" (Jer 46:25)

Noadiah ~ ኖዓድያ: The name “Noadiah” means witness, or ornament, of the Lord (ንደ ያህ), HBN, meeting with the Lord.

1.       A Levite who returned from Babylon (Ezr 8:33)

2.       A false prophetess who assisted Tobiah and Sanballat against the Jews (Neh 6:14).

Noah ~ ኖኅ: “Noah” means rest (እረፍት), SBD... [Related term(s):- Nohah]

A son of Cush and grandson of Ham, (Gen 5:25-29), (2 Pet 2:5) 

Nob ~ ኖብ: “Nob” means high place (ከፍተኛ ቦታ), SBD, (1 Sam 22:19; Neh 11:32) a sacerdotal city in the tribe of Benjamin and situated on some eminence near Jerusalem. It was one of the places where the ark of Jehovah was kept for a time during the days of its wanderings. (2 Sam 6:1). A frightful massacre which occurred there in the reign of Saul, (1 Sam 22:17-19)

Nodab ~ ናዳብ: “Nodab” means nobility (ክቡር), SBD, the name of an Arab tribe mentioned only in (1 Chr 5:19).

Nogah ~ ኖጋ: The name Nogah is derived from Nega’ () the meaning is ‘Dawn, Morning, Sunrise, Daybreak…’ ... [Related term(s):- Nagge].

One of David's sons, born at Jerusalem, (1 Chr 3:7)

Nohah ~ ኖሐ: “Nohah” means rest (አረፈ), SBD... [Related term(s):- Noah]

Nohah the fourth and Rapha the fifth, the fourth son of Benjamin;” (1 Chr 8:2)

Non ~ ነዌ: “Non” means fish (አሳ), SBB, Nun, the father of Joshua. (1 Chr 7:27)

Noph ~ ሜምፎስ: The name “Noph” means honeycomb; anything that distills or drops (ሰፈፍ), / HBN, the Hebrew name of an Egyptian city (Isa 19:13; Jer.2:16; 44:1; 46:14, 19; Ezekiel 30:13, 16). In Hosea 9:6 the Hebrew name is Moph, and is translated "Memphis,”

Nophah ~ ኖፋ: Blast (ፍንዳታ), EBD, a city of Moab which was occupied by the Amorites (Num 21:30).

Nun ~ ነዌ: “Nun” means fish, or posterity (አሳ), SBD, the father of the Jewish captain Joshua. (Ex 33:11). His genealogical descent from Ephraim is recorded in (1 Chr 7:1)

Nymphas ~ ንምፉ: The name “Nymphas” means spouse; bridegroom (ሙሽራ), HBN, saluted by Paul in his Epistle to the Colossians as a member of the church of Laodicea (Col 4:15).


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