A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 

Laadah ~ ለዓዳ: “Laadah” means order (ለዳኛ), SBD, the son of Shelah and grandson of Judah. (1 Chr 4:21)

Laadan ~ ለአዳን: “Laadan” means put in order (ለዳኛ), SBD, An Ephraimite, ancestor of Joshua the son of Nun, (1 Chr 7:26)

Laban ~ ላባ: The name “Laban” means white; shining; gentle; brittle (ነጭ), HBN, Son of Bethuel, brother of Rebekah and father of Leah and Rachel; The elder branch of the family remained at Haran, Mesopotamia, when Abraham removed to the land of Canaan, and it is there that we first meet with Laban, as taking the leading part in the betrothal of his sister Rebekah to her cousin Isaac. (Gen 24:10, 29-60; 27:43; 29:5).

Lachish ~ ለኪሶ: “Lachish” means invincible (የማይበገር), SBD, a city lying south of Jerusalem, on the borders of Simeon, and belonging to the Amorites, the king of which joined with four others, at the invitation of Adonizedek king of Jerusalem, to chastise the Gibeonites for their league with Israel. (Jos 10:3, 5)

Lael ~ ዳኤል: The name Lael is derived from Le’El’ (ኤል) the root word is El’ () the meaning is ‘to the almighty.

“And the chief of the house of the father of the Gershonites shall be Eliasaph the son of Lael, (Num 3:24)

Lahad ~ ላሃድ: The name “Lahad” means praising; to confess (ማመን), HBN, son of Jahath, one of the descendants of Judah. (1 Chr 4:2)

Lahairoi ~ ለሃይሮኢ: The name “Lahairoi” means who liveth and seeth me (ያለና የሚያየኝ), HBN, the name of the famous well of Hagar's relief, in the oasis of verdure round which Isaac afterward resided. It was southwest of Beersheba. (Gen 25:11)

Lahmam ~ ለሕማስ: “Lahmam” means provisions, SBD, a town in the lowland district of Judah. (Jos 15:40)

Lahmi ~ ለሕሚ: “Lahmi” means warrior (ጦረኛ), SBD, the brother of Goliath the Gittite, slain by Elhanan the son of Zair or Zaor. (1 Chr 20:5)

Laish ~ ሌሳ: The name “Laish” means a lion (አንበሳ), HBN, father of Phaltiel, to whom Saul had given Michal, David's wife. (1 Sam 25:44; 2 Sam 3:15)

Lakum ~ ለቁም: The name Lakum is derived from Le’qum’ (ቁም) the root word is Qome’ (ቆመ) the meaning is ‘to arise, stand, resist.

The landmarks of the boundary of Naphtali, (Jos 19:33)

Lama ~ ላማ: The name Lama is derived from Leme’ (ለም) the root word is Lemen’ (ለምን) the meaning is ‘why...?

“And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? That is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Mat 27:46)

Lamech ~ ላሜሕ: The strikerdown; the wild man (ልምጭ), EBD, “Lamech” means powerful, SBD, The fifth lineal descendant from Cain, (Gen 4:18-24)

Laodicea ~ ሎዶቅያ: The name “Laodicea” means just people (ፍትሐዊ), HBN, The city of this name mentioned in Scripture lay on the confines of Phrygia and Lydia, (Rev 3:14). It was one of the most important and flourishing cities of Asia Minor. At a very early period it became one of the chief seats of Christianity (Col 2:1; 4:15; Rev 1:11).

Lapidoth ~ ለፊዶት: the name “Lapidoth” means enlightened; lamps (መብራት), HBN, Deborah is called "the wife of Lapidoth" (Jud 4:4).

Lasea ~ ላሲያ: The name “Lasea” means thick; wise (ጠቢብ), HBN, (Act 27:8).

Lazarus ~ አልዓዛር: The name Lazarus is derived from Le’zer’was’ (ዘረዋስ) the meaning is ‘relative of the savior.

1.            The brother of Mary and Martha of Bethany, He was raised from the dead after he had lain four days in the tomb, (Joh 11:1-44)

2.            A beggar named in the parable recorded (Luk 16:19-31)

Leah ~ ልያ: “Leah” means wearied (ጠውላጋ), SBD, the eldest daughter of Laban, and sister of Rachel (Gen 29:16). Jacob took her to wife through a deceit of her father (Gen 29:23). She was "tender-eyed" (Gen 29:17). She bore to Jacob six sons (Gen 32-35), also one daughter, Dinah (Gen 30:21). She accompanied Jacob into Canaan, and died there before the time of the going down into Egypt (Gen 31), and was buried in the cave of Machpelah (Gen 49:31).

Lebanon ~ ሊባኖስ: The name “Lebanon” means white (ነጭ), HBN, "the white mountain of Syria," is the loftiest and most celebrated mountain range in Syria. It is a branch running southward from the Caucasus, and at its lower end forking into two parallel ranges, the eastern or Anti-Lebanon, and the western or Lebanon proper. (Jos 11:17)

Lebaoth ~ ልባዎት: The name Lebaoth is derived from Lbat’ (ልባት) the meaning is full hearted.

A town which forms one of the last group of the cities of "the south" in the enumeration of the possessions of Judah, (Jos 15:32)

Lebbaeus ~ ልብድዮስ: The name Lebbaeus is derived from Lbe’ (ልብ) and ‘Was’ (ዋስ) the meaning is a man of heart

One name of Jude, who was one of the twelve apostles, (Mat 10:3)

Lebonah ~ ለቦና: Frankincense (ልቦና), EBD,

A town near Shiloh, on the north side of Bethel, (Jud 21:19)

Lecah ~ ሌካ: The name Lecah is derived from the word Liq’ (ሊቅ) the meaning is progressive, learned...... [Related term(s):- Likhi, Lucas, Lucius, Luke].

A name mentioned in the genealogies of Judah, (1 Chr 4:21)

Lehabim ~ ላህቢም: “Lehabim” means fiery, flaming (ነበልባል), SBD, occurring only in (Gen 10:13); the name of a Mizraite people or tribe.

Lehi ~ ሌሒ: The name “Lehi” means jawbone (መንጋጋ), HBN, a place in Judah, probably on the confines of the Philistines' country, between it and the cliff Etam; the scene of Samson's well-known exploit with the jaw bone. (Jud 15:9, 14, 19)

Lemuel ~ ልሙኤል: The name Lemuel is derived from Le’me’El’ (ለመኤል) the meaning is dedicated to the almighty.

The words of king Lemuel, the prophecy that his mother taught him.” (Pro 31:1)

Leshem ~ ሌሼም: The name Leshem is derived from Le’sm’ (ስም) the meaning is to the name.

...the children of Dan went up to fight against Leshem, and took it … and dwelt therein, and called Leshem, Dan, after the name of Dan their father.” (Jos 19:47)

Letushim ~ ለጡሳውያን: “Letushim” means hammered, SBD, the name of the second of the sons of Dedan son of Jokshan. (Gen 25:3)

Leummim ~ ለኡማውያን: “Leummim” means peoples (ህዝብ), SBD, the name of the third of the descendants of Dedan son of Jokshan, (Gen 25:3).

Levi ~ ሌዊ: The name Levi is derived fromLevie’ (ልቤ) the meaning is ‘heartfully, the loved ones, the closest’, (A descendant of the tribe of Levi).

1.            The third son of Jacob by Leah, “And she conceived again, and bare a son; and said, now this time will my husband be joined unto me, because I have born him three sons: therefore was his name called Levi.” (Gen 29:34)

2.            Two of the ancestors of Jesus (Luk 3:24, 29); Son of Alphaeus or Matthew; one of the apostles (Mar 2:14; Luk 5:27, 29)

Levites ~ ሌዋውያ: “Levites” mean descendants of Levi, SBD,

A descendant of the tribe of Levi, (Ex 6:25; Lev 25:32; Num 35:2; Jos 21:3, 41); this name is, however, generally used as the title of that portion of the tribe (1 Kin 8:4; Ezr 2:70)

Libnah ~ ልብና: transparency; whiteness (ልቦና), EBD,

1.            One of the stations of the Israelites in the wilderness, (Num 33:20, 21)

2.            One of the royal cities of the Canaanites (Jos 10:29-32; 12:15)

Libni ~ ሎቤኒ: “Libni” means white (ነጭ), SBD,

One of the two sons of Gershon, the son of Levi (Ex 6:17; Num 3:18, 21)

Libya ~ ሊቢያ: The name Libya is derived from Lbe’ (ልበ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is the heart of Jehovah.

It is applied by the Greek and Roman writers to the African continent, generally, however, excluding Egypt, (Act 2:10)

Likhi ~ ሊቅሒ: The name Likhi is derived from Liq’ (ሊቅ) the root word is ‘laqe’ (ላቀ) the meaning is progressive, learned ... [Related term(s):- Lecah, Lucas, Lucius, Luke].

A Manassite, son of Shemidah the son of Manasseh, (1 Chr 7:19)

Linus ~ ሊኖስ: The name “Linus” means net, HBN, a Christian at Rome, known to St. Paul and to Timothy, (2 Tim 4:21).

Lo-ammi ~ ሎዓሚ: not my people (ኢአማኒያን), EBD, a symbolical name given by God's command to Hosea's second son in token of Jehovah's rejection of his people (Hos 1:9,10)

Lod ~ ሎድ: The name “Lod” means nativity; generation (ውልድ), HBN, (Ezra 2:33)

Lois ~ ሎይድ: “Lois” means agreeable (ግብቡ), SBD, the grandmother of Timothy, and doubtless the mother of his mother, Eunice. (2 Timothy 1:5) It seems likely that Lois had resided long at Lystra; and almost certain that from her, as well as from Eunice, Timothy obtained his intimate knowledge of the Jewish Scriptures. (2 Tim 3:15)

Lo-ruhamah ~ ሎሩሃማ: The name “Lo-ruhamah” means not having obtained mercy; not pitied (ርጉም), HBN, the name of the prophet Hosea's first daughter, a type of Jehovah's temporary rejection of his people (Hos 1:6; 2:23).

Lot ~ ሎጥ: “Lot” means veil or covering (ልጥ), SBD, the son of Haran, and therefore the nephew of Abraham, (Gen 11:27, 31)

Lucas ~ ሉቃስ: The root words for Lucas are ‘Liq’ () and ‘Was’ (ዋስ) the meaning is ‘knowledgeable, learned progressive and wise deliverer... [Related term(s):- Lecah, Likhi, Lucius, Luke].

A friend and companion of Paul during his imprisonment at Rome, Luke (which see), the beloved physician, (Phlm 1:24)

Lucifer ~ አጥቢያ ኮከብ: “Lucifer” means light-bearer (የንጋት ብርሃን), SBD, found in (Isa 14:12) coupled with the epithet "son of the morning," clearly signifies a "bright star,”

Lucius ~ ሉክዮስ: The name Lucius is derived from Liq’ (ሊቅ) and ‘Was’ (ዋስ) the meaning is ‘knowledgeable, learned progressive and wise deliverer... [Related term(s):- Lecah, Likhi, Lucas, Luke].

A Christian teacher at Antioch, (Act 13:1)

Lud ~ ሉድ: “Lud” means strife (ግጭት), SBD, the fourth name in the list of the children of Shem, (Gen 10:22).

Luhith ~ ሉሒት: “Luhith” means made of tables or boards (ረብረብ), SBD, The ascent of, a place in Moab, occurs only in (Isa 15:5) and the parallel passage of Jeremiah. (Jer 48:5).

Luke ~ ሉክዮስ: The name Luke is derived from Liq’ (ሊቅ) the meaning is progressive, learned ... [Related term(s):- Lecah, Likhi, Lucas, Lucius].

“Only Luke is with me. Take Mark, and bring him with  ...” (2 Th 4:11)

Luz ~ ሎዛ:  The name Luz is derived from name a fruit Lewz’ (ለውዝ) the meaning is a nut-bearing tree.

1.            The ancient name of a royal Canaanitish city near the site of Bethel,And he called the name of that place Bethel: but the name of that city was called Luz at the first.” (Gen 28:19; 35:6), (Jos 18:13)

2.            A place in the land of the Hittites, founded (Jud 1:26)

Lycaonia ~ ሊቃኦንያ: “Lycaonia” means land of Lycanon, or wolf land (የተኩላ ምድር), SBD, an inland province of Asia Minor, on the west of Cappadocia and the south of Galatia. It was a Roman province, and its chief towns were Iconium. Paul preached in this region, and revisited it (Act 16:1-6; 18:23; 19:1).

Lydda ~ ልዳ: Lydda” means strife (ግጭት), SBD, the Greek form of the name, (Act 9:32, 35, 38) which appears in the Hebrew records asLOD a town of Benjamin, founded by Shamed or Shamer. (1 Chr 8:12; Ezr 2:33; Neh 7:37; 11:35)

Lysanias ~ ሊሳኒዮስ: “Lysanias” means that drives away sorrow (ልሳነ ዋስ), SBD, mentioned by St. Luke in one of his chronological passages, ch. (Luk 3:1) as being tetrarch. of Abilene (i.e. the district round Abila) in the thirteenth year of Tiberius, at the time when Herod Antipas was tetrarch of Galilee and Herod Philip tetrarch of Ituraea and Trachonitis.

Lystra ~ ልስጥራን: The name “Lystra” means that dissolves or disperses (የተበታተኑ), HBN, This place has two points of interest in connection respectively with St. Paul's first and second missionary Journeys: (1) as the place where divine honors were offered to him, and where he was presently stoned, (Act 14:1) ... (2) as the home of his chosen companion and fellow missionary Timotheus. (Act 16:1).

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