A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 

Raamah ~ ራዕማ: Thunder (ጎድጓድ), EBD, a son of Cush and father of the Cushite Sheba and Dedan (Gen 10:7) the tribe of Raamah became afterward renowned as traders. (Ezk 27:22)

Raamiah ~ ረዓምያ: “Raamiah” means thunder of Jehovah (የህያው ነጎድጓድ), SBD, one of the chiefs who returned with Zerubbabel. (Neh 7:7)

Rabbah ~ ረባት: The name Rabbah is derived from Reba (ረባ) the meaning is multiplied, reproduced, becomes great number... [Related term(s):- Rabbi, Rabbith].

1.            The chief city of the Ammonites, among the eastern hills (Jos 13:25)

2.            A city in the hill country of Judah (Jos 15:60)

Rabbi ~ ረቢ: The name Rabbi is derived from Rebi (ረቢ) the meaning is capable of multipliing, reproducing, becoming great in number ... [Related term(s):- Rabbah, Rabbith].

“Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and saith unto them, what seek ye? They said unto him, Rabbi,(Joh 1:38, 49)

Rabboni ~ ረቡኒ: (መምህር), (Joh 30:18) [RABBI]

Rabbith ~ ረቢት: The name Rabbith is derived from Rbat (ርባት) the meaning is multipliing, reproducing, becoming large number ... [Related term(s):- Rabbah, Rabbi].

A town in the territory, perhaps on the boundary, of Issachar, (Jos 19:20)

Rabmag ~ ራብማግ: The name “Rabmag” means who overthrows or destroys a maultitude (ጀግና), HBN, (Jer 39:3, 13) a title borne by Nergal-sharezer.

Raca ~ ጨርቃም: The name “Raca” means worthless; good-for-nothing (ውዳቂ), HBN, a term of reproach derived from the Chaldee reka, worthless. (Mat 5:22)

Rachab ~ ራኬብ: The name “Rachab” means same as Rahab (ርካብ), HBN,

A name found in the genealogy of our Lord (Mat 1:5)

Rachel ~ ራሔል: “Rachel” means ewe, or sheep (ቄብ), SBD, "the daughter", "the somewhat petulant, peevish, and self-willed though beautiful younger daughter" of Laban, and one of Jacob's wives (Gen 29:6, 28).

Raddai ~ ራዳይ: The name “Raddai” means ruling; coming down (ረዳኢ), SBD, one of David's brothers, fifth son of Jesse. (1 Chr 2:14)

Ragau ~ ራጋው: The name Ragau is derived from Rega (ረጋ) the meaning is rested, settled.

“Which was the son of Saruch, which was the son of Ragau, which was the son of Phalec …” (Luk 3:35)

Raguel ~ ራጉኤል: The root words for Raguelare ‘Rega’ (ረጋ) and ‘El’ (ኤል) the meaning is ‘peace with the lord’.

The father-in-law of Moses, (Num 10:29); Reuel- (Ex 2:18)

Rahab: ረዓብ: Insolence; pride (ትምክህት), EBD, a poetical name applied to Egypt in Psalm 87:4; 89:10; Isaiah 51:9, as "the proud one."

Raham ~ ረሐም: The name “Raham” means compassion; a friend (ወዳጅ), HBN, one of the descendants of Caleb, the son of Hezron (1 Chr 2:44).

Rakkath ~ ረቃት: The name “Rakkath” means empty; temple of the head (ራቁት), HBN, a fortified city in the tribe of Naphtali. (Jos 19:35).

Rakkon ~ ራቆን: “Rakkon” means the temple (ርቃን), SBD, a well-watered place in the inheritance of Dan, not fur from Joppa. (Jos 19:46)

Ram ~ አራም: Exalted (ራማ), EBD

1.       The son of Hezron, and one of the ancestors of the royal line (Rut 4:19).

2.       One of the sons of Jerahmeel (1 Chr 2:25, 27).

3.       A person mentioned in Job 32:2 as founder of a clan to which Elihu belonged.

Ramah ~ ራማ ሬማት አርማቴ: “Ramah” means a hill (ከፍታ), SBD

1.       One of the cities of the allotment of Benjamin. (Jos 18:25)

2.       The home of Elkanah, Samuel's father, (1 Sam 1:19; 2:11).

3.       One of the nineteen fortified places of Naphtali. (Jos 19:36).

4.       One of the landmarks on the boundary of Asher, (Jos 19:29).

5.       By this name in (2 Kin 8:29), is designated Ramoth-gilead.

6.       A place mentioned in the catalogue of those reinhabited by the Benjamites after their return from the captivity. (Neh 11:33)

Ramath-lehi ~ ራማትሌሒ: Elevation of Lehi, or the jawbone height; i.e., the Ramah of Lehi (ራማ), EBD, (Jud 15:15-17).

Ramiah ~ ራምያ: The name “Ramiah” means exaltation of the Lord (የህያው ከፍታ), HBN, one who had taken "a strange wife." (Ezr 10:25)

Ramoth ~ ራሞት: The name “Ramoth” means eminences; high places (ከፍተኞች), HBN, A Levitical city in the tribe of Issachar (1 Sam 30:27; 1 Chr 6:73).

Rapha ~ ረፋያ: The name Rapha is derived from Ref (ረፍ) the meaning is rest, stop.

1.            Son of Binea, among the descendants of Saul, (1 Chr 8: 37)

2.            One of Benjamin's descendants, ራፋ-(1 Chr 8:2)

Raphu ~ ራፉ: healed, EBD, ( 13:9)

The name Raphu is derived from Ref (ረፍ) the meaning is rest.

A Benjamite, whose son Palti was one of the twelve spies, (Num 13:9)

Reaiah ~ ራያ: The name “Reaiah” means vision of the Lord (የህያው ራእይ), HBN, seen of Jehovah

1.       A descendant of Shubal the son of Judah. (1 Chr 4:2)

2.       The children of Reaiah were a family of Nethinim who returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel. (Ezr 2:47; Neh 7:50)

Reba ~ ሪባ: “Reba” means four (ረባ), SBD, one of the five kings of the Midianites slain by the children of Israel when Balaam fell. (Num 31:8; Jos 13:21)

Rebekah ~ ርብቃ: A noose (ወጥመድ), EBD, “Rebekah” means ensnarer, SBD, the daughter of Bethuel, and the wife of Isaac (Gen 22:23; 24:67).

Rechab ~ ሬካብ: Horseman, or chariot (ርካብ), EBD

1.       One of Ishbosheth's "captains of bands" or leaders of predatory troops (2 Sam 4:2),

2.       The father of Jehonadab, who was the father of the Rechabites (2 Kin 10:15, 23; Jer 35:6-19)

Reelaiah ~ ረዕላያ: “Reelaiah” means bearer of Jehovah (የህያው አገልጋይ), SBD, one who went up with Zerubbabel, (Ezr 2:2, Neh 7:7)

Regem ~ ሬጌም: “Regem” means friend (ረጅ), SBD, a son of Jahdai. (1 Chr 2:47)

Rachab ~ ራኬብ: The name Rachab is derived from Rkab (ርካብ) the meaning is ‘a ladder towards the top, step up’ ... [Related term(s):- Rechab].

A name found in the genealogy of our Lord, (Mat 1:5)

Rechab ~ ሬካብ: The name Rechab is derived from Rkab (ርካብ) the meaning is ‘a ladder towards the top, step up’ ... [Related term(s):- Rachab].

1.            One of the two "captains of bands" whom Ish-bosheth took into his service, and who conspired to murder him, (2 Sam 4:2)

2.            The father of Malchiah, ruler of part of Beth-haccerem (Neh 3:14);

3.            The father of Jehonadab, who was the father of the Rechabites (2 Kin 10:15, 23; Jer 35:6-19)

Regem-melech ~ ሬጌሜሌክ: The root words for Regem-melechare ‘Rege’ (ረጅ) and ‘Melak’ (መላክ) the meaning is ‘assistant and councilor’.

“When they had sent unto the house of God Sherezer and Regemmelech, and their men, to pray before the LORD,” (Zec 7:2)

Rehabiah ~ ረዓብያ: The name Rehabiah is derived from Rebi (ረቢ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) The root words are ‘Reba’(ረባ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) The meaning is enlarged by Jehovah.

The only son of Eliezer the son of Moses, (1 Chr 23:17)

Rehob ~ ረአብ: The name “Rehob” means breadth; space; extent (ስፋት), HBN,

1.       The father of Hadadezer, king of Tobah (2 Sam 8:3, 12). (Neh 10:11)

2.       The same, probably, as Beth-rehob (2 Sam 10:6, 8; Jud 18:28).

3.       A town of Asher (Jos 19:28), to the east of Zidon.

4.       Another town of Asher (Jos 19:30), kept possession of by the Canaanites (Jud 1:31).

Rehoboam ~ ሮብዓም: “Rehoboam” means enlarger of the people (ረቢ), SBD, son of Solomon by the Ammonite princess Naamah, (1 Kin 14:21, 31) and his successor. (1 Kin 11:43)

Rehoboth ~ ርኆቦት ረሆቦት: The name “Rehoboth” means spaces; places (መስፋፋት), HBN,

1.       The third of the series of wells dug by Isaac, (Gen 26:22).

2.       One of the four cities built by Asshur, or by Nimrod in Asshur, according as this difficult passage is translated. (Gen 10:11).

3.       The city of a certain Saul or Shaul, one of the early kings of the Edomites. (Gen 36:37; 1 Chr 1:48).

Rehum ~ ሬሁም: The name “Rehum” means merciful; compassionate (መሐሪ), HBN

1.       One of "the children of the province" who returned from the Captivity (Ezr 2:2); the same as "Nehum" (Neh 7:7).

2.       The "chancellor" of Artaxerxes, who sought to stir him up against the Jews (Ezr 4:8-24)

3.       A Levite (Neh 3:17).

(Neh 10:25).

A priest (Neh 12:3).

Rei ~ ሬሲ: “Rei” means friendly (ወዳጅ), SBD, a person mentioned in (1 Kin 1:8) only.

Rekem ~ ሮቆም ሬቄም: Embroidered; variegated (ያሸበረቀ), EBD

1.       One of the five Midianite kings whom the Israelites destroyed (Num 31:8).

2.       One of the sons of Hebron (1 Chr 2:43, 44).

3.       A town of Benjamin (Jos 18:27).

Remaliah ~ ሮሜልዩ: “Remaliah” means protected by Jehovah (ህያው የጠበቀው), SBD, The father of Pekah, captain of Pekahiah; king of Israel, who slew his master and usurped his throne, (2 Kin 15:25-37; 16:1, 5;2 Chr 28:6; Isa 7:1-9; 8:6)

Remmon ~ ሪሞን: “Remmon” means pomegranate (ሩማን), SBD, a town in the allotment of Simeon, (Jos 19:7).

Remphan ~ ሬምፉም: The name “Remphan” means prepared; arrayed (ዝግጁ), HBN, (Act 7:43; and this name is adopted by Luke in his narrative of the Acts.

Rephael ~ ራፋኤል: The name Rephael is derived from Ref (ረፍ) and ‘El’ (ኤል) the meaning is healed of the almighty lord ... [Related term(s):- Raphael, Rephaiah].

Rephael; Son of Shemaiah, the first-born of Obed-edom, (1 Chr 26:7)

Rephaiah ~ ረፋያ: The name Rephaiah is derived from Ref’ (ረፈ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is healed by Jehovah ... [Related term(s):- Raphael, Rephael].

1.            The sons of Rephaiah appear among the descendants of Zerubbabel in, (1 Chr 3:21)

2.            Other people with the same name are: A Simeonite chieftain in the reign of Hezekiah (1 Chr 4:42);

3.            Son of Tola the son of Issachar (1 Chr 7:2);

4.            Son of Binea, and descendant of Saul (1 Chr 9:43);

5.            The son of Hur, and ruler of a portion of Jerusalem (Neh 3:9)

Rephidim ~ ራፊዲም: The name “Rephidim” means beds; places of rest (ረፈ ደም), HBN, (Ex 17:1, 8; 19:2).

Resen ~ ሬሴን: Head of the stream; bridle (ራስ), / EBD, one of Nimrod's cities (Gen 10:12).

Reu ~ ራግው: “Reu” means friend (ረጋ), SBD, son of Peleg, in the line of Abraham's ancestors. (Gen 11:18, 19, 20, 21; 1 Chr 1:25)

Reuben ~ ሮቤል: “Reuben” means behold a son (ረበ ኤል), SBD, the eldest son of Jacob and Leah (Gen 29:32).

Reuel ~ ራጉኤል: “Reuel” means friend of God (ረጋ ኤል), SBD,

1.            One of the sons of Esau, by his wife Bashemath, sister of Ishmael, (Gen 36:4, 10)

2.            One of the names of Moses’ father-in-law (Ex 2:18); Father of Eliasaph, the leader of the tribe of Gad at the time of the census at Sinai (Num 2:14);

3.            A Benjamite, ancestor of Elah (1 Chr 9:8)

Reumah ~ ሬሕማ: “Reumah” means elevated (ራማ), SBD, the concubine of Nahor, Abraham's brother. (Gen 22:24)

Rezeph ~ ራፊስ: “Rezeph” means a hot stone, (አለት), SBD, one of the places which Sennacherib mentions, in his taunting message to Hezekiah, as having been destroyed by his predecessor. (2 Kin 19:12; Isa 37:12)

Rezin ~ ረአሶን: Firm (ጽኑ), EBD, a prince, a king of Syria, who joined Pekah, (which see) in an invasion of the kingdom of Judah (2 Kin 15:37; 16:5-9; Isa 7:1-8).

Rezon ~ ሬዞን: “Rezon” means prince (ልዑል), SBD, son of Eliadah, a Syrian, who when David defeated Hadadezer king of Zobah, put himself at the head of a band of freebooters and set up a petty kingdom at Damascus. (1 Kin 11:23).

Rhegium ~ ሬጊዩም: “Rhegium” means breach (ክፍተት), SBD, a town in the south of Italy, on the Strait of Messina, at which Paul touched on his way to Rome (Act 28:13).

Rhesa ~ ሬስ: The name Rhesa is derived from the name Ras’ () the meaning is head ... [Related term(s):- Rosh, Rush].

Son of Zorobabel in the genealogy of Christ, (Luk 3:27)

Rhoda ~ ሮዴ: a rose (ሬዳ), EBD,

The name of a maid who announced Peter's arrival at the door of Mary's house after his miraculous release from prison (Act 12:13)

Ribai ~ ሪባይ: “Ribai” means pleader with Jehovah, SBD, the father of Ittai the Benjamite, of Gibeah. (2 Sam 23:29; 1 Chr 11:31)

Riblah ~ ሪብላ: “Riblah” means fertility (ለም), SBD, an ancient town on the northern frontier of Palestine, in a wide and fertile plain. Here Nebuchadnezzar had his head-quarters in his campaign against Jerusalem, and here also Necho fixed his camp after he had routed Josiah's army at Megiddo (2 Kin 23:29-35; 25:6, 20, 21; Jer 39:5; 52:10).

Rimmon ~ ሬሞን: The name “Rimmon” means exalted; pomegranate (ሩማን), HBN

1.       A city of Zebulun (1 Chr 6:77; Neh 11:29) a Levitical city.

2.       A town in the southern portion of Judah, (Jos 15:3) allotted to Simeon, (Jos 19:7; 1 Chr 4:32).

3.       Rimmon-parez (pomegranate of the breach), the name of a march-station in the wilderness. (Num 33:19, 20).

4.       Rimmon the Rock, a cliff or inaccessible natural fastness, in which the six hundred Benjamites who escaped the slaughter of Gibeah took refuge. (Jud 20:45, 47; 21:13).

5.       A Benjamite of Beeroth, the father of Rechab and Baanah, the murderers of Ish-bosheth. (2 Sam 4:2,5,9)

Rinnah ~ ሪና: The name “Rinnah” means song; rejoicing (ደስታ), SBD, one of the descendants of Judah. (1 Chr 4:20)

Riphath ~ ሪፋት: The name Riphath is derived from Reft’ (ፍት) the meaning is rest.

The second son of Gomer, (Gen 10:3)

Rissah ~ ሪሳ: The name Rissahis derived from Rase’ (ራሰ) the meaning is ‘wet, soaked with water’.

Heap of ruins; dew, a station of the Israelites in the wilderness, (Num 33:21, 22)

Rithmah ~ ሪትማ: “Rithmah” means heath (ጤና), SBD, a march-station in the wilderness, (Num 33:18, 19).

Rizpah ~ ሪጽፋ: The name “Rizpah” means coal; hot stone (ከሰል), EBD, concubine to King Saul, and mother of his two sons Armoni and Mephibosheth. The tragic story of the love and endurance with which she watched over the bodies of her two sons, who were killed by the Gibeonites, (2 Sam 21:8-11)

Rogelim ~ ሮግሊም: The name “Rogelim” means a foot or footman (እግረኛ), HBN, a town of Gilead, the residence of Barzillai the Gileadite (2 Sam 17:27; 19:31).

Rohgah ~ ሮኦጋ: “Rohgah” means clamor (ጥሪ), SBD, an Asherite, of the sons of Shamer. (1 Chr 7:34)

Romamti-ezer ~ ኤማን: Elevation of help (ትልቅ ወገን), EBD, one of the sons of Heman, "the king's seer in the words of God, to lift up the horn," He was head of the "four-and-twentieth" course of singers (1 Chr 25:4, 31).

Rome ~ ሮሜ: The name “Rome” means strength; power (ኃይል), HBN, the most celebrated city in the world at the time of Christ. It is said to have been founded. (Act 2:10)

Rosh ~ ሮስ: The name Rosh is deriven from the root word ‘Ras’ (ራስ) The meaning is ‘head, top, leader...’ ... [Related term(s):- Rhesa, Rush].

In the genealogy of Rosh is reckoned among the sons of Benjamin, (Gen 46:21)

Rufus ~ ሩፎስ: The name “Rufus” means red, HBN, the son of Simon the Cyrenian (Mar 15:21), whom the Roman soldiers compelled to carry the cross on which our Lord was crucified.

Ruhamah ~ ሩሃማ: The name “Ruhamah” means having obtained mercy (ምሑር), HBN, a symbolical name given to the daughter of Hosea (Hos 2:1).

Rumah ~ ሩማ: “Rumah” means high (ራማ), SBD, mentioned once only -- (2 Kin 23:36)

Rush ~ ራስ: The name Rush is derived from Ras’ () the meaning is head ... [Related term(s):- Rhesa, Rosh].

“Therefore, the LORD will cut off from Israel head and tail, branch and rush, in one day.” (Isa 9:14)

Ruth ~ ሩት: The name Ruth’ is derived from Rte’ (ርትዕ) the meaning is truthful.

 “... the name of the one was Orpah, and the name of the other Ruth:” (Rut 1:4)

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