A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 

Father ~ አባት: a name applied: to any ancestor; as a title of respect to a chief, ruler, or elder; the author or beginner of anything is also so called; e.g., Jabal and Jubal (አባ ዘር), EBD ... [Related term(s):- Abba]

To any ancestor, “The Lord God of your fathers make you a thousand times so many more as ye are, and bless you, as he hath promised you! (Deut 1:11; 1 Kin 15:11; Mat 3:9; 23:30, etc.)

v   As a title of respect to a chief, ruler, or elder, etc. (Jud 17:10; 18:19; 1 Sam 10:12; 2 Kin 2:12; Mat 23:9, etc.)

v   The author or beginner of anything is also so called; e.g., Jabal and Jubal (Gen 4:20, 21; comp. Job 38:28)

Fear ~ መፍራት: The word Fearis derived from Fera’ (ፈራ) the meaning is feeling or showing worry or solicitude’.

A designation of true piety, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: ....” (Job 28:28; Ps 19:9)

Feast ~ ማዕድ: The word feastis derived from Fiesta’ (ፌስታ) the meaning is party, joy, celebration…’

See also:- Feast / ሰርግ Feast / በዓል Feast / ግብዣ

As a mark of hospitality, (Gen 19:3)

1.            On birthdays (Gen 40:20; Job 1:4; Mat 14:6)

2.            On the occasion of a marriage (Jud 14:10; Ges 29:22)

3.            On occasions of domestic joy (Luk 15:23; Gen 21:8)

Felix ~ ፊልክስ: The name “Felix” means happy, prosperous, HBN,

The Roman procurator of Judea before whom Paul "reasoned" (Act 24:25). He appears to have expected a bribe from Paul, and therefore had several interviews with him.

Festival: The root words for Festival are Fiesta(ፌስታ) and Beal(በዓል) the meaning is holyday celebration. (Lev 23)

There were daily (Lev 23), weekly, monthly, and yearly festivals, and great stress was laid on the regular observance of them in every particular (Num 28:1-8; Ex 29:38-42; Lev 6:8-23; Ex 30:7-9; 27:20)

1.            The weekly Sabbath (Lev 23:1-3; Ex 19:3-30; 20:8-11; 31:12, etc.)

2.            The seventh new moon or the feast of Trumpets (Num 28:11-15; 29:1-6)

3.            The Sabbatical year (Ex 23: 14:110, 11; Lev 25:2-7)

4.            The year of jubilee (Lev 23:35-35; 25: 8-16; 27:16-25)

The great feasts were:

·             The Passover

v    The feast of Pentecost, or of weeks

v   The feast of Tabernacles, or of ingathering; on each of these occasions every male Israelite was commanded "to appear before the Lord" (Deut 27:7; Neh 8:9-12). The promise that God would protect their homes (Ex 34:23, 24) while all the males were absent in Jerusalem at these feasts was always fulfilled.

v   The Day of Atonement, the tenth day of the seventh month (Lev 16:1, 34; 23:26-32; Num 29:7-11)

v   Of the post-Exilian festivals reference is made to the Feast of Dedication (Joh 10:22). This feast was appointed by Judas Maccabaeus in commemoration of the purification of the temple after it had been polluted by Antiochus Epiphanes. The "feast of Purim", Est 9:24-32, was also instituted after the Exile (Joh 5:1.)

Festus ~ ፊስጦስ: The name “Festus” means festive, joyful (ፌሽታ), HBN, (Act 24:27)

First-born ~ በኩር: (ዘዳ 2117) ... [Related term(s):- Becher, Baruch]

Sons enjoyed certain special privileges, (Deut 21:17)

Fortunatus ~ ፈርዶናጥስ: The name “Fortunatus” means lucky, fortunate (እድለያ), HBN, a disciple of Corinth who visited Paul at Ephesus, and returned with Stephanas and Achaicus, the bearers of the apostle's first letter to the Corinthians (1 Cor 16:17).

Fruit ~ ፍሬ: The name Fruitis derived from Feriat’ (ፍሪያት) the meaning is produces, seeds, offspings...’.

“And... blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.” (Luk 1:42)

Fury ~ ቍጣ: as attributed to God, is a figurative expression for dispensing afflictive judgments (አስፈሪ), EBD,

Then I will walk contrary unto you also in fury; and I, even I, will chastise you seven times for your sins. (Lev 2628)

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