A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 

Cabbon ~ ከቦን: The name “Cabbon” means as though understanding, HBN, a town in the low country of Judah. (Jos 15:40)

Cabul ~ ካቡል: How little! As nothing (ጉብል), EBD,

1.       A town on the eastern border of Asher (Jos 19:27),

2.       A district in the north-west of Galilee, near to Tyre, containing twenty cities given to Hiram by Solomon as a reward for various services rendered to him in building the temple (1 Kin 9:13),

Caiaphas ~ ቀያፋ: The name “Caiphas” means he that seeks with diligence; one that vomiteth (ጸያፍ), HBN, in full JOSEPHCAIAPHAS, high priest of the Jews under Tiberius. (Mat 26:3, 57; Joh 11:49; 18:13, 14, 24, 28; Act 4:6).

Cain ~ ቃየ ቃየን: The name Cain is derived from ‘Qeny’ (ቀኝ) the meaning is achived, fortuned...

The first-born son of Adam and Eve, “And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.” (Gen 4:1), (Heb11:4)

Cainan ~ ቃይናን: The name Cainan is derived from ‘Qeniyan’ (ቅነያን) the root word is ‘Qen’ (ቅን) the meaning is ‘man from cain’.

1.            Son of Enos, (Gen 5:9-14), He is also called Kenan (1 Chr 1:2)

2.            The son of Arphaxad (Luk 3:36)

Calah ~ ካለህ: The name “Calah” means favorable; opportunity (ቅን), HBN,

One of the most ancient cities of Assyria, (Gen 10:11)

Calcol ~ ከልኮል: The name “Calcol” means nourishing (ቃለቃ), HBN, a man of Judah, son or descendant of Zerah. (1 Chr 2:6)

Caleb ~ ካሌብ: “Caleb” means capable, SBD,

The name Caleb is derived from ‘keleb’ (ከልብ) the meaning is from the heart’.

1.            Son of Jephunneh, one of the twelve spies sent by Moses to Canaan, (Num 13:6)

2.            A "son of Hur, the firstborn of Ephratah" (1 Chr 2:50).

3.            The son of Jephunneh (Num 13:6; 32:12; Jos 14:6, 14)

Calneh ~ ካልኔ:Calneh” means fortress of Anu (ምሽግ), SBD, (Gen 1010)

The cities of Nimrod, (Gen 10:10)

Calvary ~ ቀራንዮ: The name “Calvary” means the place of a skull (ቀርን), HBN, only in Luke 23:33, the Latin name Calvaria, which was used as a translation of the Greek word Kranion, by which the Hebrew word Gulgoleth was interpreted, "the place of a skull." (Heb 13:11-13).

Camon ~ ቃሞን: The name “Camon” means his resurrection (ቆምን), HBN, the place in which Jair the judge was buried. (Jud 10:5)

Cana ~ ቃና: The name Canais derived from the word Qena’ (ቀና) the meaning is the same as ‘Canneh’.

A town of Galilee, (Joh 2:1-11)

Canaan ~ ከነዓን: The name “Canaan” means merchant; trader; or that humbles and subdues, HBN,

See also: - canaanites / ቀነናዊ

The fourth son of Ham, (Gen 10:6)

Canneh ~ ካኔ:  See Calneh, EBD,

“Haran, and Canneh, and Eden, the merchants of Sheba, Asshur, and Chilmad, were thy merchants.” (Ezk 27:23)

Candace ~ ህንደኬ: “Candace” means prince of servants (እመቤት), SBD, a queen of Ethiopia (Meroe), mentioned (Act 8:27) the name was not a proper name of an individual, but that of a dynasty of Ethiopian queens.

Capernaum ~ ቅፍርናሆም: The name “Capernaum” means the field of repentance; city of comfort (የረፍት ቦታ), HBN, Nahum's town, a Galilean city frequently mentioned in the history of our Lord. It is not mentioned in the Old Testament. After our Lord's expulsion from Nazareth (Mat 4:13-16; Luke 4:16-31), Capernaum became his "own city." It was the scene of many acts and incidents of his life (Mat 8:5, 14, 15; 9:2-6, 10-17; 15:1-20; Mar 1:32-34.).

Caphtor ~ ከፍቶር: The name “Caphtor” means a sphere, buckle, or hand (ግዞት), HBN, a chaplet, the original seat of the Philistines (Deut 2:23; Jer 47:4; Amo 9:7) the Caphtorim were of the same race as the Mizraite people (Gen 10:14; 1 Chr 1:12).

Cappadocia ~ ቀጰዶቅያ: The name “Cappadocia” means the same as Caphtor (ጠፍር), HBN, the easternmost and the largest province of Asia Minor. Christianity very early penetrated into this country (1 Pet 1:1). On the day of Pentecost there were Cappadocians at Jerusalem (Act 2:9).

Carcas ~ ከርከስ: “Carcas” means severe, SBD, the seventh of the seven "chamberlains," i.e. eunuchs, of King Ahasuerus (Est 1:10)

Charchemish ~ ከርከሚሽ: The name “Charchemish” means a lamb; as taken away; withdrawn, HBN, (2 Chr 35:20)

Careah ~ ቃሬያ: “Careah” means bald head (ቃሪያ), SBD, father of Johanan, (2 Kin 25:23) elsewhere spelt KAREAH.

Carmel ~ ቀርሜሎስ: The name “Carmel” means circumcised lamb; harvest; full of ears of corn (ቃርሚያ ኤል), HBN,

1.       A mountain which forms one of the most striking and characteristic features of the country of Palestine. (2 Kin 2:25;4:25; 1 Kin 18:20-42)

2.       A town in the mountainous country of Judah, (Jos 15:55) familiar to us as the residence of Nabal. (1 Sam 25:2,5,7,40)

Carmi ~ ከርሚ: The name “Carmi” means my vineyard; lamb of the waters (ቅርሜ), HBN,

1.       The last named of the four sons of Reuben (Gen 46:9).

2.       A descendant of Judah (1 Chr 4:1).

3.       The son of Zimri, and the father of Achan (Jos 7:1),

Carpus ~ አክርጳ: The name “Carpus” means fruit; fruitful (ፍሬያት), HBN, a Christian at Troas. (2 Tim 4:13)

Carshena ~ አርቄስዮስ: “Carshena” means illustrious (ታዋቂ), SBD, one of the seven princes of Persia and Media, (Est 1:14)

Casiphia ~ ካሲፍያ: “Casiphia” means silvery, white, SBD, a place of uncertain site on the road between Babylon and Jerusalem. (Ezr 8:17)

Casluhim ~ ከስሉሂም: “Casluhim” means fortified (ደፋር), SBD, a Mizraite people or tribe. (Gen 10:14; 1 Chr 1:12)

Cedron ~ ቄድሮን: The black torrent (ጥቁር ጎርፍ), EBD, the brook flowing through the ravine below the eastern wall of Jerusalem (Joh 18:1)

Cenchrea ~ ክንክራኦስ: The name “Cenchrea” means millet (ዘንጋዳ), EBD, the eastern harbour of Corinth. When Paul returned from his second missionary journey to Syria, he sailed from this port (Act 18:18).

Cephas ~ ኬፋ: The name “Cephas” means a rock or stone (አለት), HBN, a Syriac surname given by Christ to Simon (John 1:42), meaning "rock." The Greeks translated it by Petros, and the Latins by Petrus.

Chalcol ~ ከልቀድ: The name “Chalcol” means who nourishes, consumes, and sustains the whole (መጋቢ), HBN, (1 Kin 4:31)

Chaldea ~ ከለዳ: The name “Chaldea” means as demons, or as robbers (ባለዛር), HBN, more correctly Chaldae'a, the ancient name of a country of Asia bordering on the Persian Gulf. (Ezra 512)

Charran ~ ካራን: The name “Charran” means a singing or calling out (ጥሪ), HBN, another form (Act 7:2, 4)

Chebar ~ ኮቦር: The name “Chebar” means force or strength (ክብር), HBN, a river in the "land of the Chaldeans." (Ezk 1:3; 3:15, 23) It is commonly regarded as identical with the Habor, (2 Kin 17:6)

Chedorlaomer ~ ኮሎዶጎምር: “Chedorlaomer” means handful of sheaves (ከለድ ጎመር), HBN, a king of Elam, in the time of Abraham, who with three other chiefs made war upon the kings of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboim and Zoar, and reduced them to servitude. (Gen 14:17)

Chelal ~ ክላል: “Chelal” means perfection (ፍጹም), SBD, one who had a strange wife. (Ezr 10:30)

Chelub ~ ክሉብ: The name “Chelub” means a basket (ቅርጫት), HBN, Ezri the son of Chelub, one of David's officers. (1 Chr 27:26)

Chelluh ~ ኬልቅያ: The name “Chelluh” means all (ሙሉ), HBN, (Ezr 10:35) another like the above.

Chelubai ~ ካልብ: “Chelubai” means capable (ከልብ), SBD, (1 ዜና 2918 42)

The son of Hezron, (1 Chr 2:9)

Chemosh ~ ከሞስ: “Chemosh” means subdue (ትሑት), SBD, the national deity of the Moabites. (Num 21:29; Jer 48:7, 13, 46) In (Jud 11:24) he also appears as the god of the Ammonites. Solomon introduced, and Josiah abolished, the worship of Chemosh at Jerusalem. (1 Kin 11:7; 2 Kin 23:13)

Chenaanah ~ ክንዓና: merchant (ቀኛኝ), EBD ... [Related term(s):- Chenaiah, Conaniah]

1.            Son of Bilhan, son of Jediael, son of Benjamin, head of a Benjamite house, (1 Chr 7:10)

2.            The other person with the same name: The father of Zedekiah (1 Kin 22:11, 24)

Chenaiah ~ ክናንያ: The name Chenaiah is derived from Kane (ካነ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is performed by Jehovah ... [Related term(s):- Conaniah].

Chief of the Levites, (1 Chr 15:22)

Chephirah ~ ከፊራ: The name “Chephirah” means the hamlet (ሰፈር), HBN, one of the four cities of the Gibeonites, (Jos 9:17) named afterwards among the towns of Benjamin. (Ezr 2:25; Neh 7:29)

Cheran ~ ክራን: The name “Cheran” means anger (ቁጣ), HBN, one of the sons of Dishon the Horite "duke." (Gen 36:26; 1 Chr 1:41)

Cherith ~ ኮራት: The name “Cherith” means cutting; piercing; slaying (ቆራጥ), HBN, a gorge, a torrent-bed or winter-stream, a "brook," in whose banks the prophet Elijah hid himself during the early part of the three years' drought (1 Kin 17:3,5)

Chesed ~ ኮዛት: “Chesed” means increase (መስፋፋት), SBD, fourth son of Nahor. (Gen 22:22)

Chesil ~ ኪሲል: Ungodly (አምልኮተ ቢስ), EBD, a town in the south of Judah (Jos 15:30); probably the same as Bethul (Jos 19:4) and Bethuel (1 Chr 4:30).

Chesulloth ~ ከስሎት: “Chesulloth” means the loins, SBD, one of the towns of Issachar. (Jos 19:18)

Chidon ~ ኪዶን: “Chidon” means a javelin (ቀስት), SBD, the name which in (1 Chr 13:9) is given to the threshing-floor at which the accident to the ark took place.

Chileab ~ ዶሎሕያ: Totality; or the perfection of the father (ቻለአብ), EBD; protected by the father, EBD,

Son of David, (2 Sam 3:3)

Chilion ~ ኬሌዎን: The name “Chilion” means finished; complete; perfect (ፍጹም), HBN, the younger son of Elimelech and Naomi, and husband of Orpah, Ruth's sister (Rut 1:2; 4:9).

Chilmad ~ ኪልማድ: “Chilmad” means enclosure (ክልል), SBD, a place or country mentioned in conjunction with Sheba and Asshur. (Ezk 27:23)

Chimham ~ መዓም: “Chimham” means longing (ምኞት), SBD, a follower and probably a son, of Barzillai the Gileadite, who returned from beyond Jordan with David. (2 Sam 19:37, 38, 40) David appears to have bestowed on him a possession at Bethlehem, on which, in later times, an inn or khan was standing. (Jer 41:17)

Chios ~ ኪዩ: The name “Chios” means open; opening (ቀውስ), HBN, mentioned in Acts 20:15, an island in the Aegean Sea,

Chisleu ~ ካሴሉ: The name “Chisleu” means rashness; confidence (አስተማማኝ), HBN, the name adopted from the Babylonians by the Jews after the Captivity for the third civil, or ninth ecclesiastical, month (Neh 1:1; Zec 7:1).

Chislon ~ ኪስሎን: “Chislon” means confidence (አስተማማኝ), SBD, father of Elidad, the prince of the tribe of Benjamin chosen to assist in the division of the land of Canaan among the tribes. (Num 34:21)

Chloe ~ ቀሎዔ: “Chloe” means green herb (ቅመም), HBN, a woman mentioned in (1 Cor 1:11)

Chorazin ~ ኮራዚ: The name “Chorazin” means the secret; here is a mystery (ምስጥሬ), HBN, one of the cities in which our Lord's mighty works were done, but named only in his denunciation. Mat 11:21; Luk 10:13

Chozeba ~ ኮዜባ: The name “Chozeba” means men liers in wait (ደፈጣ), HBN, (1 Chr 4:22), the same as Chezib and Achzib, a place in the lowlands of Judah (Gen 38:5; Jos 15:44).

Christ ~ ክርስቶስ: The name “Christ” means anointed (መንግሥት), HBN, anointed, the Greek translation of the Hebrew word rendered "Messiah" (which see), the official title of our Lord, occurring five hundred and fourteen times in the New Testament. It denotes that he was anointed or consecrated to his great redemptive work as Prophet, Priest, and King of his people. He is Jesus the Christ (Act 17:3; 18:5; Mat 22:42), the Anointed One. He is thus spoken of by Isaiah (Mat 61:1), and by Daniel (Mat 9:24-26), who styles him "Messiah the Prince."

Chun ~ ኩን: The name “Chun” means making ready (ክውን), HBN, one of the cities of Hadarezer, king of Syria. David procured brass (i.e., bronze or copper) from it for the temple (1 Chr 18:8). It is called Berothai in 2 Samuel 8:8.

Chushan-rishathaim ~ ኵሰርሰቴም: The name “Chushan-rishathaim” means blackness of iniquities (እጥፍ ካሽ), HBN, Cush of double wickedness, or governor of two presidencies, the king of Mesopotamia who oppressed Israel in the generation immediately following Joshua (Jud 3:8)

Chuza ~ ኩዛ: The name “Chuza” means the seer or prophet (ነብይ), HBN, the house-steward of Herod Antipas. (Luk 8:3)

Cilicia ~ ኪልቅያ: The name “Cilicia” means which rolls or overturns (መዘውር), HBN, a maritime province in the southeast of Asia Minor, bordering on Pamphylia in the west, Lycaonia and Cappadocia in the north, and Syria in the east. (Act 6:9) Cilicia was from its geographical position the high road between Syria and the west; it was also the native country of St. Paul, hence it was visited by him, firstly, soon after his conversion, (Act 9:30; Gal 1:21) and again in his second apostolical journey. (Act 15:41)

Cis ~ ቂስ: The name “Cis” means same as Kish (ቄስ), HBN, the father of Saul, (Acts 13:21) usually called KISH.

Clauda ~ ቄዳ: The name “Clauda” means a lamentable voice (ስቅስቅታ), HBN, a small island off the southwest coast of Crete, passed by Paul on his voyage to Rome (Acts 27:16).

Claudia ~ ቅላውዲያ: “Claudia” means lame (አንካስ), SBD, a Christian woman mentioned in (2 Tim 4:21) as saluting Timotheus.

Clement ~ ቀሌምንጦስ: “Clement” means mild, merciful (መሐሪ), SBD, (Phi 4:3) a fellow laborer of St. Paul when he was at Philippi.

Cleophas ~ ቀለዮጳ: The name “Cleophas” means the whole glory (ደስታዬ), HBN, the husband of Mary the sister of Virgin Mary. (Joh 19:25)

Cnidus ~ ቀኒዶስ: The name “Cnidus” means age (ቀን), HBN, a town and harbour on the extreme south-west of the peninsula of Doris in Asia Minor. Paul sailed past it on his voyage to Rome after leaving Myra (Acts 27:7)

Coffer ~ ሣጥን: The receptacle or small box (ቀብር), EBD... [Related term(s):- Coffin]

A movable box hanging from the side of a cart, (1 Sam 6:8, 11, 15)

Coffin ~ ሣጥን: The name Coffin’ is derived from Kefene(ከፈነ) the meaning is ‘wrapping, covering, binding...... [Related term(s):- Coffer].

It means a mummy-chest,So Joseph died, being an hundred and ten years old: and they embalmed him, and he was put in a coffin in Egypt.(Gen 50:26)

Colhozeh ~ ኮልሖዜ: “Colhozeh” means all-seeing (ቃለ ያዚ), SBD, a man of the tribe of Judah in the time of Nehemiah, (Neh 3:15; 11:5)

Colosse ~ ቈላስይስ: The name “Colosse” means punishment; correction (ቅጣት), HBN, a city of Phrygia in Asia Minor, in the upper part of the basin of the Maeander, on the Lycus. Hierapolis and Laodicea were in its immediate neighborhood. (Col 1:2; 4:13, 15, 16)

Conaniah ~ ኮናንያ: The name Conaniahis derived from Kenene (ከነነ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is performed by Jehovah ... [Related term(s):- Chenaiah].

One of the chiefs of the Levites in the time of Josiah, (2 Chr 35:9)

Coniah ~ ኮንያ: The name “Coniah” means strength of the Lord (ቅነ ያህ), HBN, (Jer 22:24)

Coos ~ ቆስ: The name “Coos” means top, summit (ጫፍ), HBN, a small island, one of the Sporades in the Aegean Sea, in the north-west of Rhodes, off the coast of Caria; Paul on his return from his third missionary journey, passed the night here after sailing from Miletus (Act 21:1).

Corban ~ ቍርባን: The word ‘Corban’ is derived from ‘qerban’ (ቀርባን) the root word is ‘qerebe’ (ቀረበ) the meaning is ‘to be in close contact, to make peaceful unity’.

It means a gift or offering consecrated to God,But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, … he shall be free (Mat 15:5, 11; Mak 7:11)

Corinth ~ ቆሮንቶስ: The name “Corinth” means which is satisfied; ornament; beauty (ያጌጠች), HBN, an ancient and celebrated city of Greece, on the Isthmus of Corinth, (Act 18:11)

Cornelius ~ ቆርኔሌዎስ: The name “Cornelius” means of a horn (ቀርን), HBN, a Roman centurion of the Italian cohort stationed in Caesarea, (Act 10:1).

Cosam ~ ቆሳም: Cosam” means a diviner (ቅስም), SBD, son of Elmodam, in the line of Joseph the husband of Mary. (Luk 3:28)

Coz ~ ቆጽ: “Coz” means thorn (ቆጥ), SBD, a man among the descendants of Judah. (1 Chr 4:8)

Cozbi ~ ከስቢ: “Cozbi” means deceitful (ቀጣፊ), SBD, daughter of Zur, a chief of the Midianites, (Num 25:15, 18)

Crescens ~ ቄርቂስ: The name “Crescens” means growing; increasing (ታዳጊ), HBN, an assistant of St. Paul, said to have been one of the seventy disciples. (2 Tim 4:10)

Crete ~ ቀርጤስ: The name “Crete” means carnal; fleshly (ሥጋዊ), HBN, the modern Candia. This large island, which closes in the Greek Archipelago on the south, (Act 2:11)

Crispus ~ ቀርስጶስ: Crispus” means curled (ዞማ), SBD, ruler of the Jewish synagogue at Corinth, (Act 18:8) baptized with his family by St. Paul. (1 Cor 1:14)

Cumi ~ ቁሚ: The word Cumi is derived from Qome’ (ቆመ) the meaning is arise, stand up, wake up...

And he took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha cumi; which is, being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise…. (Mar 5:41)

Cush ~ ኩሽ: The name Cushis derived from Kash(ካሽ፣ ካሳ) the meaning is compensation, reparation .

The name of a son of Ham, apparently the eldest, and of a territory or territories occupied by his descendants, (Gen 10:8)

Cushan ~ ኢትዮጵያ: The land of Cush (ካሽ), EBD, “Cushan” means blackness, SBD,

Ethiopia, “I saw the tents of Cushan in affliction: and the curtains of the land of Midian did tremble.(Hab 3:7)

Cushi ~ ኩሲ: Properly "the Cushite," "the Ethiopian SBD,

The name Cushi’ is derived from Kashi(ካሺ ካሳ) the meaning is A person who does the compensation’; (it is also means ‘man of cush).

Properly "the Cushite," "the Ethiopian," a man apparently attached to Joab's person, Then said Joab to Cushi, Go tell the king what thou hast seen. And Cushi bowed himself unto Joab, and ran.” (2 Sam 18:21)

Cuth ~ ኩታ: The name “Cuth” means burning (ቁጣ), SBD, one of the countries whence Shalmaneser introduced colonists into Samaria. (2 Kin 17:24, 30).

Cyprus ~ ቆጵሮስ: The name “Cyprus” means fair; fairness (ሐቀኛ), HBN, an island of Asia in the Mediterranean. (Act 4:36)

Cyrene ~ ቀሬና: The name “Cyrene” means a wall; coldness (ቁር); the floor, HBN, the principal city of that part of northern Africa which was sufficiently called Cyrenaica, lying between Carthage and Egypt, and corresponding with the modern Tripoli. (Mat 27:32)

Cyrenius ~ ቄሬኔዎስ: Cyrenius” means warrior (ቀርን), SBD, t he Greek form of the Roman name of Quirinus. The full name is Publius Sulpicius Quirinus. It was during this time that he was sent to make the enrollment which caused Joseph and Mary to visit Bethlehem. (Luk 2:2) The second enrollment is mentioned in (Act 5:37)

Cyrus ~ ቂሮስ: Cyrus” means the sun (ፀሃይ), SBD, the founder of the Persian Empire --see (2 Chr 36:22, 23; Dan 6:28; 10:1, 13)

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