A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 

Kabzeel ~ ቀብስኤል ቀብኤል: The name Kabzeel is derived from E’qb’Ze’’ (ቅብ) and ‘El’ (ኤል) the meaning is the congregation of the almighty lord.

One of the "cities" of the tribe of Judah, (Jos 15:21), the native place of the great hero Benaiah ben-Jehoiada (2 Sam 23:20; 1 Chr 11:22)

Kadesh ~ ቃዴስ: Holy, EBD, The name Kadesh is derived from the root word Qedese’ (ቀደሰ) the meaning is "Holy" and "Sanctity" ... [Related term(s):- Kedesh].

“And they returned, and came to Enmishpat, which is Kadesh, and smote all the country of the Amalekites ...” (Gen 14:7)

Kadmiel ~ ቀድምኤል: The name Kadmielis derived from ‘Kedami’ (ቀዳሚ) and ‘El’ (ኤል) the root word for ‘kedami’ (ቀዳሚ) is ‘Kedeme’ (ቀደመ) The meaning is ‘Almighty lord is first’.

One of the Levites who with his family returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel, (Neh 9:4)

Kadmonites ~ ቀድሞናውያ: The name Kadmonites is derived from Qedamat’ (ቀዳማት) the meaning is ‘ancients, Orientals, first...

“The Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the Kadmonites,” (Gen 15:19)

Kallai ~ ቃላይ: The name Kallai is derived from Qalie’ (ቃሌ) the meaning is my voice.

Of Sallai, Kallai; of Amok, Eber;” (Neh 12:20)

Kanah ~ ቃና: Reedy, (ደንገል); brook of reeds, EBD; “Kanah” means a place of reeds, SBD,

1.            A stream forming the boundary between Ephraim and Manasseh, from the Mediterranean eastward to Tappuah, (Jos 16:8)

2.            A town in the north of Asher (Jos 19:28)

Kareah ~ ቃሬያ: bald, EBD,the father of Johanan and Jonathan, who for a time were loyal to Gedaliah, the Babylonian governor of Jerusalem (Jer 40:8, 13, 15, 16).

Karkaa ~ ቀርቃ: “Karkaa” means foundation (መሠረት), SBD, one of the landmarks on the south boundary of the tribe of Judah. (Jos 15:3).

Karkor ~ ቀርቀር: “Karkor” means foundation (መሠረት), SBD, the place in which Zebah and Zalmunna were again routed by Gideon, (Jud 8:10)

Kartah ~ ቀርታ: “Kartah” means city (ካርታ), SBD, a town of Zebulun, allotted to the Merarite Levites. (Jos 21:34)

Kedar ~ ቄዳር: Dark-skinned (ጠቋራ), EBD, the second son of Ishmael (Gen 25:13).

Kedemah ~ ቄድማ: The name Kedemah is derived from Qedeme’ (ቀደመ) the meaning is oriental; ancient; first.

The last-named of the sons of Ishmael, (Gen 25:15)

Kedemoth ~ ቅዴሞት: The name Kedemoth is derived from ‘Qedamat’ (ቀዳማት) the root word is Qedeme’ (ቀደመ) the meaning is the orientals; the ancients...

A city of Reuben, assigned to the Levites of the family of Merari, (Jos 13:18)

Kedesh ~ ቃዴስ: The name Kedesh is derived from Qedese’ (ቀደሰ) the meaning is "Holy" and "Sanctity" ... [Related term(s):- Kadesh].

1.            A place in the extreme south of Judah, Probably the same as Kadesh-barnea, “And Kedesh, and Hazor, and Ithnan,” (Jos 15:23)

2.            A city of Issachar (1 Chr 6:72)

3.            A "fenced city" of Naphtali, one of the cities of refuge (Jos 19:37; Jud 4:6); It was assigned to the Gershonite Levites (Jos 21:32). It was originally a Canaanite royal city (Jos 12:22), and was the residence of Barak; (Jud 4:6)

Kehelathah ~ ቀሄላታ:Kehelathah” means assembly (ጉባኤ), SBD,

One of the stations of the Israelites in the desert, (Num 33:22, 23)

Keilah ~ ቅዒላ: “Keilah” means fortress (ምሽግ), SBD,

A city of the Shefelah, or lowland district of Judah, (Jos 15:44)

Kelaiah ~ ቆልያ: The name Kelaiah is derived from Qale’ (ቃለ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is voice of Jehovah.

“Also of the Levites; Jozabad, and Shimei, and Kelaiah, Pethahiah, Judah, and Eliezer; KELITA” (Ezr 10:23)

Kemuel ~ ቀሙኤል: The root words for Kemuelare ‘Qomu’ (ቆሙ) and ‘El’ (ኤል) the meaning is ‘who stands with the almigth lord.

1.            The son of Nahor by Milcah, and father of Aram, (Gen 22:21)

2.            Son of Shiphtan, appointed on behalf of the tribe of Ephraim to partition the land of Canaan (Num 34:24); A Levite (1 Chr 27:17)

Kenan ~ ቃይናን: The name Kenan is derived from Qenene’ (ቀነነ) the meaning is buy, purched, controlled...

The son of Enos,Kenan, Mahalaleel, Jered,” (1 Chr 1:2)

Kenath ~ ቄናት: The name Kenath is derived from Qenet’ (ቀነት) the meaning is belt, held, tightened...

It was captured by Nobah, who called it by his own name, (Num 32:42)

Kenaz ~ ቄኔዝ: “Kenaz” means hunting (አደኝ), SBD, ( 36:15 42)

1.            Son of Eliphaz the son of Esau; He was one of the dukes of Edom, (Gen 36:15)

2.            One of the same family, a grandson of Caleb, according to (1 Chr 4:15)

Kenezzites ~ ቄኔዛዊው: Descendant of Kenaz, EBD; The name “Kenizzites” means possession; purchase, HBN ... [Related term(s):- Kenezite]

The name of a tribe referred to in the covenant God made with Abraham, (Gen 15:19)

Kenite ~ ቄናዊ ቄናውያን: The name “Kenites” means possession; purchase; lamentation (አቅኝ), HBN

The name Kenite is derived from Qenet’ (ቀነት፣ ቀነት) the meaning is held, tightened...

Accompanied the Hebrews during their wanderings, (Jud 1:16)

Kenites ~ ቄናውያን: Possession; purchase (ቅኝ), HBN,

“The Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the Kadmonites,” (Gen 15:19)

Keren-happuch ~ አማልቶያስ ቂራስ: Horn of the face-paint = cosmetic-box (ሙዳይ), EBD; the name of Job's third daughter (Job 42:14), born after prosperity had returned to him.

Kibzaim ~ ቂብጻይም: The name “Kibzaim” means congregation (ጉባኤ), HBN, a city of Mount Ephraim, given up with its "suburbs" to the Kohathite Levites. (Jos 21:22)

Kidron ~ ቄድሮን: “Kidron” means turbid (ውጥንቅጥ), SBD, in the time of Josiah it was the common cemetery of the city. (2 Kin 23:6)

Kinah ~ ቂና: An elegy (ቅኔ), EBD, a city in the extreme south of Judah (Jos 15:22).

Kir ~ ቂር: A wall or fortress (አጥር), EBD, a place to which Tiglath-pileser carried the Syrians captive after he had taken the city of Damascus (2 Kin 16:9; Amo 1:5; 9:7).

Kirharaseth ~ ቂርሐራሴት: “Kirharaseth” means brick fortress (የጡብ ምሽግ), SBD, (2 Kin 3:25) Kir-ha'resh, (Isa 16:11) Kir-har'es, (Jer 48:31, 36).

Kirioth ~ ቂርዮት: “Kirioth” means two cities (ሁለት ቀያት), SBD, a place in Moab the palaces of which were threatened by Amos with destruction by fire, (Amo 2:2)

Kirjath ~ ቂርያት: “Kirjath” means a city (ቀያት), SBD, the last of the cities enumerated as belonging to the tribe of Benjamin, (Jos 18:28).

Kirjathaim ~ ቂርያታይም: Two cities; a double city (ጥንድ ቀያት), EBD

1.       A city of refuge in Naphtali (1 Chr 6:76).

2.       A town on the east of Jordan (Gen 14:5; Deut 2:9, 10). It was assigned to the tribe of Reuben (Num 32:37). In the time of Ezekiel (Num 25:9) it was one of the four cities which formed the "glory of Moab".

Kirjath-arba ~ ቂርያትአርባቅ: The name “Kirjath-arba” means city of four; fourth city (ብዙ ቀያት), HBN, the original name of Hebron (which see), so called from the name of its founder, one of the Anakim (Gen 23:2; 35:27; Josh 15:13).

Kirjath-huzoth ~ ቂርያት ሐጾት: The name “Kirjath-huzoth” means city of streets; populous city, HBN, (Num 22:39), a Moabite city, which some identify with Kirjathaim.

Kirjath-jearim ~ ቂርያትይዓሪም: City of jaars; i.e., of woods or forests (የከተማ ዱር), EBD; a Gibeonite town (Jos 9:17) on the border of Benjamin, to which tribe it was assigned (Jos 18:15, 28)

Kirjath-sannah ~ ቂርያትሰና: City of the sannah; i.e., of the palm (የሲና ከተማ), EBD, Joshua 15:49; the same as Kirjath-sepher (Jos 15:16; Jud 1:11) and Debir (which see), a Canaanitish royal city included in Judah (Jos 10:38; 15:49).

Kirjath-sepher ~ ቂርያትጊብዓት: The name “Kirjath-sepher” means city of letters, or of the book (ቀያት ሰፈር), HBN; City of books, SBD, The last of the cities enumerated as belonging to the tribe of Benjamin, “And he went up thence to the inhabitants of Debir: and the name of Debir before was Kirjathsepher.” (Jos 15:15, 16)

Kish ~ ቂስ: The name Kish is derived from Kash’ (ካሽ) the meaning is a bow, reparation...

1.            A Levite of the family of Merari, (1 Chr 23:21)

2.            A Benjamite of Jerusalem (1 Chr 8:30; 9:36);

3.            A Levite in the time of Hezekiah (2 Chr 29:12);

4.            A Benjamite, great-grandfather of Mordecai (Est 2:5);

5.            A Benjamite, the son of Abiel, and father of king Saul (1 Sam 9:1,3; 10:11,21; 14:51; 2 Sam 21:14)

Kishi ~ ቂሳ: “The name Kishi is derived from Kashi’ () the meaning is a bow, reparation....

A Merarite, and father of ancestor of Ethan the minstrel, (1 Chr 6:44)

Kishion ~ ቂሶን: “Kishion” means hardness (ጽኑ), SBD, one of the towns on the boundary of the tribe of Issachar, (Jos 19:20) which with its suburbs was allotted to the Gershonite Levites. (Jos 21:28).

Kishon ~ ቂሶን: “Kishon” means winding (ተመዝናዛ), SBD, The river, a torrent or winter stream of central Palestine, the scene of two of the grandest achievements of Israelitish history --the defeat of Sisera, Judges 4, and the destruction of the prophets of Baal by Elijah. (1 Kin 18:40).

Kithlish ~ ኪትሊሽ: A man's wall (አጥር), EBD, a town in the plain of Judah (Jos 15:40).

Kitron ~ ቂድሮን: The name “Kitron” means making sweet; binding together (ቋጠሮ), HBN, knotty, a city of Zebulun (Jud 1:30), called also Kattath (Jos 19:15)

Kittim ~ ኪቲም: The name “Kittim” means breaking; bruising small; gold; coloring, HBN, Twice written in the A V. for Chittim. (Gene 10:4; 1 Chr 1:7)

Koa ~ ቆዓ: “Koa” means he-camel, SBD, occurs only in (Ezk 23:23).

Kohath ~ ቀዓት: Assembly (ጉባኤ), EBD, the second son of Levi, and father of Amram (Gen 46:11); He came down to Egypt with Jacob, and lived to the age of one hundred and thirty-three years (Ex 6:18).

Kolaiah ~ ቆላያ: The name Kolaiah is derived from Qale’ (ቃለ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is voice of Jehovah.

1.            A Benjamite whose descendants settled in Jerusalem after the return from the captivity, (Neh 11:7)

2.            The father of Ahab the false prophet, who was burnt by the king of Babylon (Jer 29:21)

Korah ~ ቆሬ: ice, hail (ቁር), EBD

1.       Third son of Esau by Aholibamah. (Gen 36:5, 14,18; 1 Chr 1:35) He was born in Canaan before Esau migrated to Mount Seir, (Gen 36:5-9) and was one of the "dukes" of Edom.

2.       Another Edomitish "duke" of this name, sprung from Eliphaz, Esau's son of Adah. (Gen 36:16)

3.       One of the "sons of Hebron," in (1 Chr 2:43)

4.       Son of Izhar the son of Kohath the son of Levi. He was leader of the famous rebellion against his cousins Moses and Aaron in the wilderness, for which he paid the penalty of perishing with his followers by an earthquake and flames of fire. (Num 16; 26:9-11).

Kushaiah ~ ቂሳ: The root words for Kushaiah are ‘Kash’ (ካሽ ካሳ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is ‘reparation of Jehovah’. The father of Ethan the Merarite, (1 Chr 15:17)

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