A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Obadiah ~ አብድዩ: The name Obadiah is derived from Abdi(አብዲ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is servant of the Lord.

1.            One of the six sons of Azel, a descendant of Saul, (1 kin 18:3)

2.            A man whose sons are enumerated in the genealogy of the tribe of Judah (1 Chr 3:21);

3.            A descendant of Issachar and a chief man of his tribe (1 Chr 7:3);

4.            One of the six sons of Azel, a descendant of Saul (1 Chr 8:38; 9:44);

5.            A Levite, son of Shemaiah, and descended from Jeduthun (1 Chr 9:16; Neh 12:25);

6.            The second of the lion-faced Gadites who joined David at Ziklag (1 Chr 12:9);

7.            One of the Princes of Judah in the reign of Jehoshaphat (2 Chr 17:7);

8.            The son of Jehiel, of the sons of Joab, who came up in the second caravan with Ezra (Ezr 8:9);

9.            A priest or family of priests, who settled the covenant with Nehemiah (Neh 10:5);

10.         The fourth of the twelve minor prophets (Oba 1:1);

11.         The father of Ishmaiah who was chief of the tribe of Zebulun in David's reign (1 Chr 27:19);

12.         A Merarite Levite in the reign of Josiah, and one of the overseers of the workmen in the restoration of the temple (2 Chr 34:12)

Obal ~ ዖባል: “Obal” means stripped bare (እራቁት), SBD, son of Joktan, and, like the rest of family, apparently the founder of an Arab tribe. (Gen 10:28) In (1 Chr 1:22) the name is written EBAL.

Obed ~ ኢዮቤድ: Serving; worshipping (ማገልገል), EBD,

1.       A son of Boaz and Ruth (Ruth 4:21, 22), and the grandfather of David (Mat 1:5).

2.       (1 Chr 2:34-38)

3.       (1 Chr 26:7)

4.       (2 Chr 23:1)

Obed-Edom ~ ዖቤድኤዶም: Servant of Edom (የኤዶም አገልጋይ), EBD

1.       "The Gittite", a Levite of the family of the Korhites (1 Chr 26:1, 4-8), to whom was specially intrusted the custody of the ark (1 Chr 15:18).

2.       A Merarite Levite, a temple porter, who with his eight sons guarded the southern gate (1 Chr 15:18, 21; 26:4, 8, 15).

3.       One who had charge of the temple treasures (2 Chr 25:24).

Obil ~ ኡቢያ: The name “Obil” means that weeps; who deserves to be bewailed (ልቅሶ), HBN, an Ishmaelite who was "over the camels" in the time of David (1 Chr 27:30).

Oboth ~ ኦቦት: The name Obothis derived from Abat’ () the meaning is ‘father.

One of the encampments of the Israelites, east of Moab, (Num 33:43)

Ocran ~ ኤክራን: “Ocran” means troubled (ጭንቀት), SBD, an Asherite, father of Pagiel. (Num 1:13; 2:27; 7:72, 77; 10:26)

Oded ~ ዖዴድ: Restoring, or setting up (ማዋደድ), EBD

1.       Father of the prophet Azariah (2 Chr 15:1, 8).

2.       A prophet in the time of Ahaz and Pekah (2 Chr 28:9-15).

Og ~ ዐግ: Og” means giant, literally long-necked (ትልቅ), SBD, an Amoritish king of Bashan, whose rule extended over sixty cities. (Jos 13:12)

Ohad ~ ኦሃድ: The name Ohadis derived from We’had’ (አሃድ) the meaning is ‘united, becomes one...’

United, or power, the third son of Simeon, (Gen 46:10)

Ohel ~ ኦሄል: A house; tent (ድንኳን), EBD, the fourth son of Zerubbabel (1 Chr 3:20).

Olympas ~ አልንጦን: “Olympas” means heavenly (ሰማያዊ), SBD, a Roman Christian whom Paul salutes (Rom 16:15)

Omega ~ ዖሜጋ: The last letter of the Greek alphabet (መጨረሻ); it is used metephorically to denote the end of anything (Rev 1:8, 11)

Omar ~ ኦማር: Eloquent, EBD; the name “Omar” means he that speaks; bitter (ማረ), HBN

The name Omaris derived from O’mar’ () the meaning is ‘foregiver, leader.

The son of Eliphaz, (Gen 36:11-15)

Omri ~ ኦማር: The name Omriis derived from O’Mari’ (ማሪ) the meaning is ‘foregiver, leader.

1.            And ... all Israel made Omri, the captain of the host, king over Israel ...” (1 Kin 16:15-27)

2.            One of the sons of Becher the son of Benjamin (1 Chr 7:8);

3.            A descendant of Pharez the son of Judah, (1 Chr 9:4);

4.            Son of Michael, and chief of the tribe of Issachar in the reign of David (1 Chr 27:18) 

On ~ ኦን: Light; the sun (ፀሃይ), EBD, the son of Peleth and one of the chiefs of the tribe of Reuben, who took part with Korah, Dathan and Abiram in their revolt against Moses, (Num 16:1)

Onam ~ አውናም: “Onam” means strong (ብርቱ), SBD

1.       One of the sons of Shobal the son of Seir. (Gen 36:23;1 Chr 1:40)

2.       The son of Jerahmeel by his wife Atarah. (1 Chr 2:26,28)

Onesimus ~ አናሲሞስ: “Onesimus” means profitable, useful (ጠቃሚ), SBD; the name of the servant or slave in whose behalf Paul wrote the Epistle to Philemon; He was a native, or certainly an inhabitant, of Colosse. (Col 4:9).

Onesiphorus ~ ልሄኔሲፎሩ: The name “Onesiphorus” means who brings profit (አትራፊ), HBN, an Ephesian Christian who showed great kindness to Paul at Rome. He served him in many things, and had oft refreshed him. Paul expresses a warm interest in him and his household (2 Tim 1:16-18; 4:19).

Ono ~ ኦኖ: The name “Ono” means grief or strength or iniquity of him (ጽናት), HBN, one of the towns of Benjamin, is first found in (1 Chr 8:12) A plain was attached to the town called "the plain of Ono" (Neh 6:2)

Ophel ~ ዖፌል: “Ophel” means hill (ኮረብታ), SBD, a part of ancient Jerusalem. It appears to have been near the "water-gate," (Neh 3:26) and the "great tower that lieth out." ver. (Neh 3:27) It was evidently the residence of the Levites. (Neh 11:21)

Ophir ~ ኦፊር: The name Ophir is derived from Afera’ (ፈራ) the meaning is bearing fruit ... [Related term(s):- Phurah].

The eleventh in order of the sons of Joktan, (Gen 10:29; 1 Chr 1:23)

Ophni ~ ዖፍኒ: Ophni” means mouldy (ሻጋታ), SBD, a town of Benjamin, mentioned in (Jos 18:24).

Ophrah ~ ኤፍራታ: “Ophrah” means fawn (አፈራ), SBD

1.       A town in the tribe of Benjamin. (Jos 18:23; 1 Sam 13:17).

2.       More fully, OPHRAH OF THE ABIEZRITES, the native place of Gideon (Jud 6:11)

3.       The son of Meonothai. (1 Chr 4:14)

Oreb ~ ሔሬብ: Raven (ቁራ), EBD, a prince of Midian, who, being defeated by Gideon and put to straits, was slain along with Zeeb (Jud 7:20-25).

Ornan ~ ኦርና: “Ornan” means active (ቀልጣፍ), SBD, (1 Chr 21:15)

Orpah ~ ዖርፋ: The name “Orpah” means the neck or skull (አንገት), / HBN, a Moabite woman wife of Chilion son of Naomi, and thereby sister-in-law to Ruth. (Rut 1:4, 14)

Oshea ~ አውሴ: “Oshea” means salvation (ዋሴ), SBD, (Num13:8) [JOSHUA]

Othni ~ ዖትኒ: “Othni” means lion of Jehovah (የህያው አንበሳ), SBD, son of Shemaiah, the first-horn of Obed-edom. (1 Chr 26:7)

Othniel ~ ጎቶንያል: “Othniel” means lion of God (ያምላክ አንበሳ), SBD, son of Kenaz and younger brother of Caleb, (Jos 15:17; Jud 1:13; 3:9; 1 Chr 4:13)

Ozem ~ አሳም: Strong, EBD

1.       One of David's brothers; the sixth son of Jesse (1 Chr 2:15)

2.       A son of Jerahmeel (1 Chr 2:25)

Ozias ~ ዖዝያን: Ozias” means strength from the Lord (ያምላክ ብርታት), SBD, Uzziah, king of Judah. (Mat 1:8, 9)

Ozni ~ ኤስና: The name Ozni is derived from the word Ezni’ (እዝኒ) the meaning is Hearing, an ear.

one of the sons of Gad; also called Ezbon, (Num 26:16)


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