A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 

Ucal ~ ኡካል: The name “Ucal” means power, prevalency (ኃይል), HBN, the name of a person to whom Agur's words are addressed (Pro 30:1)

Uel ~ ኡኤል: “Uel” means will of God (ውል), SBD, one of the families of Bani, who during the captivity had married a foreign wife. (Ezra 10:34)

Ulai ~ ኡባል: “Ulai” means pure water (ውኃ), SBD, is mentioned by Daniel, (Dan 8:2, 16) as a river near to Susa, where he saw his vision of the ram and the he-goat.

Ulam ~ ኡላም: “Ulam” means porch (በረንዳ), SBD;

1.       A descendant of Gilead, the grandson of Manasseh and father of Bedan. (1 Chr 7:17)

2.       The first-born of Eshek, a descendant of the house of Saul. (1 Chr 8:39,40)

Ulla ~ ዑላ: Ulla” means yoke (ቀንበር), SBD, an Asherite, head of a family in his tribe. (1 Chr 7:39)

Ummah ~ ዑማ: “Ummah” means union (ውህደት), SBD, one of the cities of the allotment of Asher. (Jos 19:30)

Unni ~ ዑኒ: Unni” means depressed, SBD;

1.       One of the Levite doorkeepers in the time of David. (1 Chr 15:18,20)

2.       A second Levite, concerned in the sacred office after the return from Babylon. (Neh 12:9)

Uphaz ~ አፌዝ: The name “Uphaz” means pure gold (ንጹህ ወርቅ); gold of Phasis or Pison, HBN, probably another name for Ophir (Jer 10:9).

Upharsin ~ ፋሬስ: And they divide (ፈረሰ), EBD, one of the words written by the mysterious hand on the wall of Belshazzar's palace (Dan 5:25).

Ur ~ ዑር: The name Ur is derived from Ur (ኡር) the meaning is east... [Related term(s):- Uri].

The place from which Terah and Abraham started, (Gen 11:28, 31)

Urbane ~ ኢሩባኖ: “Urbane” means of the city; polite (ከተሜ), SBD, the Greek form of the Latin Urbanus, as it is given in the Revised Version. He was a Christian disciple who is in the long list of those whom St. Paul salutes in writing to Rome. (Rom 16:9)

Uri ~ ኡሪ: The name Uri’ is derived from Uri (ኡሪ) the meaning is towads the east ... [Related term(s):- Ur].

1.            The father of Bezaleel, one of the architects of the tabernacle, (Ex 31:2; 35:30; 38:22; 1 Chr 2:20; 2 Chr 1:5)

2.            The father of Geber, Solomon’s commissariat officer in Gilead (1 Kin 4:19); One of the gatekeepers of the temple (Ezr 10:24)

Uriah ~ ኦርዮ: The root words for Uriah are ‘Ur’ (ኡር) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is ‘light of Jehovah. (It can be also interpreted as messanger of Jehovah(ሐዋሪያ)) ... [Related term(s):- Uriel, Uriel, Urijah].

1.            ...And one said, Is not this Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite?(2 Sam 11:3)

2.            High priest in the reign of Ahaz, (Isa 8:2; 2 Kin 16:10-16),

3.            A priest of the family of Hakkoz, the head of the seventh course of priests (Ezr 8:33; Neh 3:4, 21)

Urias ~ ኦርዮ: The name Urias is derived from Uri (ኡሪ) and ‘Was’ () the meaning is the almighty lord is the light.

Uriah, the husband of Bath-sheba, (Mat 1:6)

Uriel ~ ኡሩኤል: the name Uriel is derived from Uri (ኡሪ) and ‘El’ () the meaning is the almighty lord is the light ... [Related term(s):- Uriah, Urijah, Urias].

A Levite of the family of Kohath, (1 Chr 6:24)

Of the sons of Kohath; Uriel the chief, ...” ኡርኤል- (1 Chr 15:5)

Urijah ~ ኦርያ: The name Urijah is derived from Uri (ኡሪ) and ‘Yah’ () the meaning is Jehovah is the light ... [Related term(s):- Uriah, Uriel, Urias].

See also:- Urijah / ኦርዮ

1.            A high priest in the time of Ahaz, (Kin 16:10-16)

2.            One of the priests who stood at the right hand of Ezra's pulpit when he read and expounded the law (Neh 8:4); A prophet of Kirjath-jearim in the reign of Jehoiakim, king of Judah (Jer 26:20-23)

Urim ~ ኡሪም: The name “Urim” means lights; fires (ብርሃን), HBN, (Ex 28:30).

Uthai ~ ዑታይ: “Uthai” means helpful (ረዳት), SBD

1.       The son of Ammihud, of the children of Pharez the son of Judah. (1 Chr 9:4)

2.       One of the sons of Bigvai, who returned in the second caravan with Ezra. (Ezr 8:14)

Uz ~ ዑፅ: The name “Uz” means counsel; words, HBN

1.       The son of Aram, and grandson of Shem (Gen 10:23; 1 Chr 1:17).

2.       One of the Horite "dukes" in the land of Edom (Gen 36:28).

3.       The eldest son of Nahor, Abraham's brother (Gen 22:21)

Uzai ~ ኡዛይ: “Uzai” means strong (ኃይሌ), SBD, the father of Palal who assisted Nehemiah in rebuilding the city wail. (Neh 3:25)

Uzal ~ አውዛል: a wanderer (ዘላን), EBD, a descendant of Joktan (Gen 10:27; 1 Chr 1:21).

Uzzah ~ ዖዛ: Strength (ብርታት), EBD, a son of Abinadab, in whose house the men of Kirjath-jearim placed the ark when it was brought back from the land of the Philistines (1 Sam 7:1).

Uzzen-sherah ~ ኡዜንሼራ: The name “Uzzen-sherah” means sear of the flesh, HBN, a town probably near Beth-horon. It derived its name from the daughter of Ephraim (1 Chr 7:24).

Uzzi ~ ኦዚ: Uzzi” means strong (ብርቱ), SBD

1.       Son of Bukki and father of Zerahiah, in the line of the high priests. (1 Chr 6:5, 61; Ezr 7:4).

2.       Son of Tola the son of Issachar. (1 Chr 7:2,3)

3.       Son of Bela, of the tribe of Benjamin. (1 Chr 7:7)

4.       Another, or the same, from whom descended some Benjamite houses, which were settled at Jerusalem after the return from captivity. (1 Chr 9:8)

5.       A Levite, son of Bani and overseer of the Levites dwelling at Jerusalem, in the time of Nehemiah. (Neh 11:22)

6.       A priest, chief of the father's house of Jedaiah, in the time of Joiakim the high priest. (Neh 12:19)

7.       One of the priests who assisted Ezra in the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem. (Neh 12:42).

Uzziah ~ ዖዝያ: “Uzziah” means strength of Jehovah (የህያው ኃይል), SBD

1.       King of Judah. (2 Chr 27:2)

2.       He never deserted the worship of the true God, and was much influenced by Zechariah, a prophet who is mentioned only in connection with him. (2 Chr 26:5)

3.       A Kohathite Levite and ancestor of Samuel. (1 Chr 6:24)

4.       A priest of the sons of Harim, who had taken a foreign wife in the days of Ezra. (Ezr 10:21)

5.       Father of Athaiah or Uthai. (Neh 11:4)

6.       Father of Jehonathan, one of David's overseers. (1 Chr 27:25)


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Holy Names