A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 

Jaakan ~ ያዕቃን: “Jaakan” means he shall surround (ይክበብ), SBD, the same as Jakan, the forefather of Bene-Jaakan. (Deut 10:6)

Jaakobah ~ ያዕቆባ: The name Jaakobah is derived from Yaqb’ (ያቅብ) the root word is ‘Aqebe’ (አቀበ) the meaning is prevent, protect, holdback ... ... [Related term(s):- Jacob].

A form of the name Jacob, one of the descendants of Simeon, (1 Chr 4:36)

Jaala ~ የዕላ: The name “Jaala” means ascending; a little doe or goat (የላይ), HBN, Bene-Jaala were among the descendants of "Solomon's slaves" who returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel. (Neh 7:58).

Jaalam ~ ዕላም: “Jaalam” means whom God hides (የለም), SBD, a son of Esau, (Gen 36:5, 14, 18)

Jaanai ~ ያናይ: “Jaanai” means whom Jehovah answers (የሆነ), SBD, a chief man in the tribe of Gad. (1 Chr 5:12)

Jaasau ~ የዕሡ: The name “Jaasau” means doing; my doing (ሥራዬ), HBN, one of the Bene-Bani who had married a foreign wife. (Ezr 10:37)

Jaasiel ~ ዕሢኤል: Made by God (ያምላክ ሥራ), EBD [Related term(s):- Jasiel] one of David's body-guard, the son of Abner, (1 Chr 27:21; 11:47)

Jaazaniah ~ ያእዛንያ: The name Jaazaniah is derived from Yazne’ (ያዝነ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is Heard by Jehovah.

1.            The son of Jeremiah, and one of the chief Rechabites, (Jer 35:3)

2.            One of the captains of the forces who accompanied Hohanan ben-Kareah to pay his respects to Gedaliah at Mizpah (2 Kin 25:23);

3.            Son of Shaphan (Ezr 8:11);

4.            One of the princes of the people against whom Ezekiel was directed to prophesy (Eze 11:1)

Jaaziah ~ ያዝያ: The name Jaaziah is derived from Yaze’ (ያዘ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is Held by Jehovah ... [Related term(s):- Jaaziel].

A descendant of Merari the Levite, (1 Chr 24:26, 27), (1 Chr 15:18)

Jaaziel ~ ያዝኤል: The name Jaaziel is derived from Yaze’ (ያዘ) and ‘El’ (ኤል) the meaning is Held by Jehovah ... [Related term(s):- Jaaziah].

And with them their brethren of the second degree, Zechariah, Ben, and Jaaziel, and Shemiramoth ... and Jeiel, the porters” (1 Chr 15:15)

Jabal ~ ያባል: “Jabal” means stream (ወንዝ), SBD, the son of Lamech and Adah, (Gen 4:20) and brother of Jubal.

Jabbok ~ ያቦቅ: “Jabbok” means emptying, SBD, a stream which intersects the mountain range of Gilead, comp. (Jos 12:2, 5) and falls into the Jordan on the east about midway between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea. It was anciently the border of the children of Ammon. (Num 21:24; 2:37; 3:16)

Jabesh ~ የኢያቢስ: “Jabesh” means dry (ደረቅ), SBD,

1.       The father of Shallum (2 Kin 15:10, 13, 14).

2.       For Jabesh-Gilead (1 Sam 11:3, 9, 10).

Jabez ~ ያቤጽ: The name “Jabez” means sorrow; trouble (ኃዘን), HBN,

1.       A descendant of Judah, of whom it is recorded that "God granted him that which he requested" (1 Chr 4:9, 10).

2.       A place inhabited by several families of the scribes (1 Chr 2:55).

Jabin ~ ኢያቢስ: Discerner; the wise (ጠቢብ), EBD,

1.       King of Hazor, who organized a confederacy of the northern princes against the Israelites. (Jos 11:1-3)

2.       A king of Hazor, whose general, Sisera, was defeated by Barak. (Jud 4:2,13)

Jabneel ~ የብኒኤል: Built by God (ያምላክ ሥራ), EBD... [Related term(s):- Jabneh]

1.            One of the points on the northern boundary of Judah, not quite at the sea, though near it, (Jos 15:11)

2.            One of the landmarks on the boundary of Naphtali, (Jos 19:33) in upper Galilee;

Jabneh ~ የብና: “Jabneh” means building of God (የአብ), SBD... [Related term(s):- Jabneel]

Identical with Jabneel, (2 Chr 26:6)

Jachan ~ ያካን: “Jachan” means affliction (ህመም), SBD, one of seven chief men of the tribe of Gad. (1 Chr 5:13)

Jachin ~ ያኪን: The name “Jachin” means he that strengthens and makes steadfast (አበረታች), HBN,

1.       The fourth son of Simeon (Gen 46:10), called also Jarib (1 Chr 4:24).

2.       The head of one of the courses (the twenty-first) of priests (1 Chr 24:17).

3.       One of the priests who returned from the Exile (1 Chr 9:10).

Jacob ~ ቆብ: The name Jacob is derived from Yaqb’ (ያቅብ) the root word is ‘Aqebe’ (አቀበ) the meaning is ‘held back, prevent, stop from going...

See also:- Jacob / ያዕቆብ

The second born of the twin sons of Isaac by Rebekah, “And after that came his brother out, and his hand took hold on Esau's heel; and his name was called Jacob: ... (Gen 25:26; 27:36; Hos 12:2-4)

Jaddua ~ ያዱአ: The name “Jaddua” means known (የውድ), HBN

1.       One of the chiefs who subscribed the covenant (Neh 10:21)

2.       The last high priest mentioned in the Old Testament (Neh 12:11, 22), sons of Jonathan.

Jadau ~ ያዱአ: The name Jadau’ is derived from Yewd’ (ውድ) the root word is ‘wde’ (ውደ) the meaning ‘the beloved one... [Related term(s):- Joaada].

One of the chiefs who subscribed the covenant, (Neh 10:21)

Jadon ~ ያዶን: The name Jadon is derived from Ydany’ () the root word is ‘dany’ (ዳኝ) the meaning is ‘judge.

A Meronothite who assisted in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, (Neh 3:7)

Jael ~ ኢያዔል: The name “Jael” means he that ascends; a kid (ያይል), HBN, the wife of Heber the Kenite. (Jud 5:24)

Jagur ~ ያጉር: “Jagur” means lodging (አጉራ), SBD, a town of Judah, one of those farthest to the south, on the frontier of Edom. (Jos 15:21)

Jah ~ እግዚአብሔር: The name Jahis derived from Yahwie’ (ያህዌ) the meaning is ‘Jehovah, the living one, the everlasting.

“Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH, and rejoice before him.

Jahath ~ ኢኢት: The name Jahathis derived from Ahat’ () the meaning is ‘becomes one, united...

See also:- Jahath / ኢኤት Jahath / ያሐት

1.            A son of Shimei, and grandson of Gershom, (1 Chr 23:10)

2.            Son of Libni, the son of Gershom, the son of Levi (1 Chr 6:20);

3.            A man in the genealogy of Judah (1 Chr 4:2) son of Reaiah ben-Shobal;

4.            One of the sons of Shelomoth, of the family of Kohath (1 Chr 24:22);

5.            A Levite of the family of Merari, one of the overseers of the repairs of the temple under Josiah (2 Chr 34:12)

Jahaz ~ ያሀጽ: The name “Jahaz” means quarrel; dispute (ጸብ), HBN, (called also Jahaza, Jos 13:18; Jahazah, 21:36; Jahzah, 1 Chr 6:78), a town where Sihon was defeated, in the borders of Moab and in the land of the Ammonites beyond Jordan, and north of the river Arnon (Num 21:23; Deut 2:32). It was situated in the tribe of Reuben, and was assigned to the Merarite Levites (Jos 13:18; 21:36).

Jahaziah ~ የሕዝያ: The name “Jahaziah” means the vision of the Lord (ያህ ህያው), HBN, (Ezr10:15)

Jahaziel ~ የሕዚኤል: The name Jahaziel is derived from Yahazi’ (ያሐ) and ‘El’ (ኤል) the meaning is ‘beheld by the almighty lord.

1.            The third son of Hebron, (1 Chr 23:19)

2.            A Benjamite chief who joined David at Ziklag (1 Chr 12:4);

3.            A priest who accompanied the removal of the ark to Jerusalem (1 Chr 16:6);

4.            the son of Zechariah, a Levite of the family of Asaph (2 Chr 20:14-17)

Jahdai ~ ያህዳይ: “Jahdai” means whom Jehovah directs (ህያው የመራው), SBD, (1 ዜና 247)

A descendant of Caleb, of the family of Hezron, (1 Chr 2:47)

Jahdiel ~ ኢየድኤል: Whom Jehovah makes joyful (በአምላክ የተወደደ), HBN, The unity (ውህደ ኤል), SBD,

A chieftain of Manasseh on the east of Jordan, (1 Chr 5:24)

Jahdo ~ ዬዳይ: The name Jahdo is derived from Wuhde’ (ውህ) the meaning is ‘united.

A Gadite, son of Buz and father of Jeshishai, (1 Chr 5:14)

Jahleel ~ ያሕልኤል: The root words for Jahleel are ‘Yah‘le’ (ያህ’) and ‘El’ (ኤል) the meaning is ‘for Jehovah, for the living lord’.

See also:- Jahleel / ያሕጽኤል

The third of the three sons of Zebulun, founder of the family of Jahleelites, (Gen 46:14; Num 26:26)

Jahmai ~ የሕማይ: “Jahmai” means whom Jehovah guards (ህያው ያየው), SBD, a man of Issachar, one of the heads of the house of Tolah. (1 Chr 7:2)

Jahzeel ~ ያሕጽኤል: “Jahzeel” means whom God allots (ያህ ኤል), SBD. The first of the four sons of Naphtali, (Gen 46:24) founder of the family of the Jahzeelites, (Num 26:48)

Jahzerah ~ የሕዜራ: The name Jahzerah is derived from Yah’ () and ‘Zerah’ (ዘራህ) the meaning is ‘reproduced by Jehovah.

A priest of the house of Immer, (1 Chr 9:12)

Jahziel ~ ያሕጽኤል: The name Jahziel is derived from Yah’ () and ‘Ze’El’ (ኤል) the meaning is ‘power of Jehovah.

The same as JAHZEEL, (1 Chr 7:13)

Jair ~ ኢያዕር: The name “Jair” means my light; that diffuses light (የዑር), HBN,

1.       The son of Segub. He was brought up with his mother in Gilead, where he had possessions (1 Chr 2:22).

2.       The eighth judge of Israel, which he ruled for twenty-two years. His opulence is described in Judges 10:3-5. He had thirty sons, each riding on "ass colts." They had possession of thirty of the sixty cities (1 Kin 4:13; 1 Chr 2:23) which formed the ancient Havoth-jair.

3.       A Benjamite, the father of Mordecai, Esther's uncle (Est 2:5).

4.       The father of Elhanan, who slew Lahmi, the brother of Goliath (1 Chr 20:5).

Jakamean ~ ይቅምዓም: “Jakamean” means who gathers the people together(ያቆም), SBD; One of the sons of Hebron, (1 chr 24:19)

Jakan ~ ዓቃን: “Jakan” means sagacious (ጠቢብ), SBD, son of Ezer the Horite, (1 Chr 1:42)

Jakim ~ ያቂም: The name Jakimis derived from Yah(ያህ) and ‘Qum’ (ቁም) the meaning is Whom God sets up.

1.            Head of the twelfth course of priests in the reign of David, (1 Chr 24:12)

2.            A Benjamite, one of the Bene-Shimhi (1 Chr 8:19)

Jalon ~ ያሎን: Lodger (ጢሰኛ), EBD, the last of the four sons of Ezra, of the tribe of Judah (1 Chr 4:17)

Jambres ~ ኢያንበሬስ: The name “Jambres” means poverty; bitter; a rebel, HBN, one of those who opposed Moses in Egypt (2 Tim 3:8).

James ~ ያዕቆብ: “James” means the Greek form of Jacob, supplanter (ያቅብ), SBD,

1.       The son of Zebedee and Salome; an elder brother of John the apostle. He was one of the twelve. He was by trade a fisherman, in partnership with Peter (Mat 20:20; 27:56). With John and Peter he was present at the transfiguration (Mat 17:1; Mar 9:2),

2.       The son of Alphaeus, or Cleopas, "the brother" or near kinsman or cousin of our Lord (Gal 1:18,19), called James "the Less," or "the Little," probably because he was of low stature. He is mentioned along with the other apostles (Mat 10:3; Mar 3:18; Luk 6:15).

Jamin ~ ያሚን: The name Jamin is derived from Yamn’ (ያምን) the meaning is the faithful one.

1.            Second son of Simeon, founder of the family of the Jaminites, (Num 26:12)

2.            A man of Judah, second son of Ram the Jerahmeelite (1 Chr 2:27); One of the Levites who expounded the law to the people (Neh 8:7)

Jamlech ~ የምሌክ: The name Jamlech is derived from Yamlak’ () the root word is ‘meleke’ (መለከ) the meaning is ‘belongs to the king’.

One of the chief men of the tribe of Simeon, (1 Chr 4:34)

Janna ~ ዮና: “Janna” means flourishing (ፍካት), SBD, son of Joseph, and father of Melchi, in the genealogy of Christ. (Luk 3:24)

Janoah ~ ያኖዋ: “Janoah” means rest (እረፍት), SBD, a place apparently in the north of Galilee, or the "land of Naphtali," --one of those taken by Tiglath-pileser in his first incursion into Palestine. (2 Kin 15:29) No trace of it appears elsewhere.

Janum ~ ያኒም: The name “Janum” means sleeping (ማንቀላፋት), HBN, a town in the mountains of Judah (Joshua 15:53).

Japheth ~ ያፌት: The name Japheth’ is derived from Yfta’ () the root word is ‘Feta’ (ፈታ) the meaning is ‘freed, released, expand, extend…’

God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.” (Gen 9:27)

Japhia ~ ያፊዓ ያፍያ: “Japhia” means splendid (ግርማዊ), SBD

1.       The king of Lachish, who joined in the confederacy against Joshua (Jos 10:3), and was defeated and slain. In one of the Amarna tablets he speaks of himself as king of Gezer. Called also Horam (Jos 10:33).

2.       One of the sons of David (2 Sam 5:15), born in Jerusalem.

3.       A town in the southern boundary of Zebulum (Jos 19:12).

Japhlet ~ ያፍሌጥ: “Japhlet” means whom God delivers (የዳነ), SBD, a descendant of Asher through Beriah. (1 Chr 7:32, 33)

Japho ~ ኢዮጴ: Japho” means beauty (ውበት), SBD, a sea-port in Dan, (Jos 19:46), The Hebrew form for the better-known JOPPA. (2 Chr 2:16; Ezr 3:7; Jon 1:3)

Jarah ~ የዕራ: “Jarah” means honey (ማር), SBD, a descendant of Saul; son of Micah and great-grandson of Mephibosheth. (1 Chr 9:42)

Jareb ~ ኢያሪ: The name “Jareb” means a revenger (በቀለኛ), HBN,

 It is to be explained either as the proper name of a country or person, as a noun in apposition, or as a verb from a root, rub, "to contend plead.” (Hos 5:13; 10:6).

Jared ~ ያሬድ: “Jared” means descent (ይወርድ), SBD,

“And Mahalaleel lived sixty and five years, and begat Jared:” (Gen 5:15-20)

Jaresiah ~ ያሬሽያ: “Jaresiah” means that Jehovah nourishes (ሕያው የመገበው), SBD, a Benjamite, one of the Bene-Jehoram. (1 Chr 8:27)

Jarib ~ ያሪን: “Jarib” means adversary (ተቀናቃኝ), SBD,

1.       A son of Simeon (1 Chr 4:24).

2.       One of the chiefs sent by Ezra to bring up the priests to Jerusalem (Ezr 8:16).

3.       (Ezr 10:18)

Jarmuth ~ የርሙት: “Jarmuth” means high (የራማት), SBD

1.       A town in the plain of Judah (Jos 15:35), originally the residence of one of the Canaanitish kings (Jos 10:3, 5, 23).

2.       A Levitical city of the tribe of Issachar (Jos 21:29), supposed by some to be the Ramah of Samuel (1 Sam 19:22).

Jasher ~ ያሻር: The name “Jasher” means righteous; upright (ጻድቅ), HBN, Book of ("the book of the upright"), alluded to in two passages only of the Old Testament. (Jos 10:13).

Jashobeam ~ ያሾቢአም: Dweller among the people; or to whom the people turn (መንደርተኛ), EBD, the Hachmonite (1 Chr 11:11), one of David's chief heroes who joined him at Ziklag (1 Chr 12:6). He was the first of the three who broke through the host of the Philistines to fetch water to David from the well of Bethlehem (2 Sam 23:13-17).

Jashub ~ ያሱብ: Returner, EBD, The name Jashub is derived from Yasb’ (ስብ) the root word is ‘asebe’ (አሰበ) the meaning is ‘remembers.

The third of Issachar's four sons, (1 Chr 7:1)

Jasiel ~ ዕሢኤል: Made by God (ያምላክ ሥራ), EBD; the name “Jasiel” means the strength of God (ያምላክ ኃይል), HBN,

One of the antediluvian patriarchs, and further of Enoch, (1 Chr 11:47)

Jason ~ ኢያሶ: “Jason” means one who will heal (ዋስ), SBD, the host of Paul and Silas in Thessalonica. The Jews assaulted his house in order to seize Paul, but failing to find him, they dragged Jason before the ruler of the city (Act 17:5-9). He was apparently one of the kinsmen of Paul (Rom 16:21), and accompanied him from Thessalonica to Corinth.

Jathniel ~ ትኒኤል: The name “Jathniel” means gift of God (ያምላክ ስጦታ), HBN, a Korhite Levite, the fourth of the family of Meshelemiah. (1 Chr 26:2)

Jattir ~ የቲር: The name “Jattir” means a remnant; excellent (ክቡር), HBN,

A town of Judah in the mountain districts, (Jos 15:48)

Javan ~ ያዋን: The name “Javan” means deceiver; one who makes sad, HBN

1.       A son of Japheth. (Gen 10:2,4)

2.       A town in the souther part of Arabia (Yemen), whither the Phoenicians traded. (Ezk 27:19)

Jazer ~ ኢያዜር: “Jazer” means Jehovah helps (የዘር), SBD, (Num 32:1)

Jaziz ~ ያዚዝ: “Jaziz” means whom God moves (አምላክ ያዝዝ), SBD, a Hagarite who had charge of the flocks of King David. (1 Chr 27:31)

Jearim ~ ይዓሪም: Forests (ጫካ), EBD, a mountain on the border of Judah (Jos 15:10)

Jeaterai ~ ያትራይ: “Jeaterai” means whom Jehovah leads, SBD, a Gershonite Levite, son of Zerah, (1 Chr 6:21)

Jeberechiah ~ የበራክዩ: “Jeberechiah” means whom Jehovah blesses (በሕያው የተባረከ), SBD, father of a certain Zechariah, in the reign of Ahaz, mentioned (Isa 8:2)

Jebus ~ ኢያቡሳዊ: “Jebus” means threshing-floor, SBD, one of the names of Jerusalem, the city of the Jebusites, is called JEBUSI. (Jos 15:8; 18:16, 28; Jud 19:10, 11; 1 Chr 11:4, 5)

Jebusi ~ ኢያቡሳዊው: “Jebusi” means from Jebus, SBD, the name employed for the city of JEBUS, (Jos 15:8; 18:16, 28)

Jecamiah ~ ይቃምያ: The name Jecamiah is derived from Yaqm’ (ቅም) and ‘Yah’ (ያሕ) the meaning is whom Jehovah gathers.

One of seven who were introduced into the royal line, on the failure of it in the person of Jehoiachin, (1 Chr 3:18)

Jecholiah ~ ይኮልያ: The root words for Jecholiahare ‘Ye’Qale’ () and ‘Yah’ () the meaning is ‘word of the almighty’.

Sixteen years old was he when he began to reign, and he reigned two and fifty years in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Jecholiah of Jerusalem.” (2 Kin 15:2)

Jecoliah ~ ይኮልያ: The name Jecoliah is derived from Yeqale’ (የቃለ) and ‘Yah’ (ያሕ) the meaning is word or voice of Jehovah.

Wife of Amaziah king of Judah, and mother of Azariah or Uzziah his successor, (2 Chr 26:3)

Jeconiah ~ ኢኮንያን: “Jeconiah” means whom Jehovah establishes (ያቅነ ያሕ), SBD, (1 Chr 3:16)

Jedaiah ~ ይዳያ: “Jedaiah” means praise Jehovah (ውደ ያሕ), SBD

1.       The son of Shimri, a chief Simeonite (1 Chr 4:37).

2.       One of those who repaired the walls of Jerusalem after the return from Babylon (Neh 3:10).

3.       Knowing Jehovah. The chief of one of the courses of the priests (1 Chr 24:7).

4.       A priest in Jerusalem after the Exile (1 Chr 9:10).

Jediael ~ ይዲኤል: “Jediael” means known of God (በአምላክ የታወቀ), SBD,

1.       A chief patriarch of the tribe of Benjamin. (1 Chr 7:6,11) It is usually assumed that Jediael is the same as Ashbel, (Gen 46:21; Num 26:38; 1 Chr 8:1) but this is not certain.

2.       Second son of Meshelemiah, a Levite. (1 Chr 26:1,2)

3.       Son of Shimri; one of the heroes of David's guard. (1 Chr 11:45)

4.       One of the chiefs of the thousands of Manasseh who joined David on his march to Ziklag. (1 Chr 12:20)

Jedidah ~ ይዲዳ: The name Jedidah is derived from Wededeh’ (ወደደ) the meaning is Beloved.

Queen of Amon and mother of the good king Josiah,Josiah was eight years old when he began to reign ...And his mother's name was Jedidah, the daughter of Adaiah of Boscath” (2 Kin 22:1)

Jedidiah ~ ይዲድያ: The name Jedidiah is derived from Wedede’ (ወደደ) and ‘Yah’ (ያሕ) the meaning is Beloved by Jehovah.

The name bestowed, through Nathan the prophet, on David's son Solomon, (2 Sam 12:25); (2 Kin 22:1)

Jeduthun ~ ኤዶታምን: “Jeduthun” means praising (ምስጋና), SBD, a Levite of the family of Merari, is probably the same as Ethan. Comp. (1 Chr 15:17,19)

Jeezer ~ ኢዔዝር: “Jeezer” means father of help (የዘር), SBD, the name of a descendant of Manasseh and founder of the family of the Jeezerites. (Num 26:30)

Jegar-sahadutha ~ ይጋር ሠሀዱታ: pile of testimony (የምስክር ሐውልት), EBD, the Aramaic or Syriac name which Laban gave to the pile of stones erected as a memorial of the covenant between him and Jacob (Gen 31:47).

Jehaleleel ~ ይሃሌልኤል: The name Jehaleleel is derived from Yahle’ (ህለ) and ‘le’El’ (ኤል) the meaning is praiser of the almighty lord.

1.            A descendant of Judah, (1 Chr 4:16)

2.            A Levite of the family of Merari (1 Chr 29:12)

Jehdeiah ~ ዬሕድያ: The name Jehdeiah is derived from Yahde’ () and ‘Yah’ (ያሕ) the meaning is Rejoicer in Jehovah.

1.            One of the Levitical attendants at the temple, a descendant of Shubael, (1 Chr 24:20)

2.            A Meronothite, herdsman of the asses under David and Solomon (1 Chr 27:30)

Jehezekel ~ ኤዜቄል: The name Jehezekel is derived from Yehzqe’ (የሕዝቀ) and ‘El’ (ኤል) the meaning is strength by the almighty lord.

A priest to whom was given by David the charge of the twentieth of the twenty-four courses in the service of the house of Jehovah, (1 Chr 24:16)

Jehiah ~ ይሒ: The root words for Jehiah are Yah’ (ያህ) and Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is ‘Jehovah, the living lord’.

“... Obededom and Jehiah were doorkeepers for the ark.” (1 Chr 15:24)

Jehiel ~ ይሒኤል: The root words for Jehielare ‘Yah’ (ያህ) and ‘El’ (ኤል) the meaning is ‘Jehovah is the almighty lord’. See also:- Jehiel / ይዒኤል- (1 ዜና 935)

1.            One of the Levites "of the second degree," appointed to conduct the music on the occasion of the ark's being removed to Jerusalem, (1 Chr 15:18)

2.            The father of Gibeon, (1 Chr 9:35);

3.            One of David's guard (1 Chr 11:44);

4.            A Hachmonite, a tutor in the family of David toward the close of his reign (1 Chr 27:32);

5.            The second of Jehoshaphat's six sons (2 Chr 21:2);

6.            One of the Levites of the family of Heman (2 Chr 29:14);

7.            A "prince" and "ruler of the house of God" (2 Chr 35:8);

8.            The father of Obadiah (Ezr 8:9); One of the "sons" of Elam (Ezr 10:26), (Ezr 10:21)

Jehizkiah ~ ኤዜቄል: The name Jehizkiah is derived from Yehzqe’ (የሕዝቀ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is strength by Jehovah.

See also:- Jehizkiah / ይሒዝቅያ

Son of Shallum, one of the heads of the tribe of Ephraim in the time of Ahaz (2 Chr 28:12)

Jehezekel ~ ኤዜቄል: The name “Jehezekel” means strength of God (ሕዝቀ ኤል), HBN,

A priest to whom was given by David the charge of the twentieth of the twenty-four courses in the service of the house of Jehovah. (1 Chr 24:16, 17)

Jehoadah ~ ይሆዓዳ: The root words for Jehoadah are ‘Yah’ () and ‘Wd’ (ውድ) the meaning is ‘adorned by the almighty’.

One of the descendants of Saul, (1 Chr 8:36)

Jehoaddan ~ ዮዓዳን: The name Jehoaddan is derived from Yah’ (ያህ) and ‘Weden’ (ወደን) the meaning is love of Jehovah

Jehovah his ornament, the wife of King Jehoash, and mother of King Amaziah, (2 Kin 14:2)

Jehoahaz ~ አካዝያስ: The name “Jehoahaz” means possession of the Lord (ያሕ ያዝ), HBN

1.       The youngest son of Jehoram, king of Judah (2 Chr 21:17; 22:1, 6, 8, 9).

2.       The son and successor of Jehu, king of Israel (2 Kin 10:35). He reigned seventeen years, and followed the evil ways of the house of Jeroboam. The Syrians, under Hazael and Benhadad, prevailed over him, but were at length driven out of the land by his son Jehoash (2 Kings 13:1-9,25).

3.       Josiah's third son, usually called Shallum (1 Chr 3:15). He succeeded his father on the throne, and reigned over Judah for three months (2 Kin 23:31, 34). He fell into the idolatrous ways of his predecessors (2 Kin 23:32), was deposed by Pharaoh-Necho from the throne, and carried away prisoner into Egypt, where he died in captivity (2 Kin 23:33, 34; Jer 22:10-12; 2 Chr 36:1-4).

Jehoash ~ ኢዮአስ: “Jehoash” means given by the Lord (በጌታ የተሰጠ), SBD

1.       The eighth king of Judah; son of Ahaziah. (2 Kin 11:21;12:1,2,4,6,7,18; 14:13)

2.       The twelfth king of Israel; son of Jehoahaz. (2 Kin 13:10,25;14:8,9,11,13,15,16,17)

Jehohanan ~ ይሆሐናን: “Jehohanan” means whom Jehovah gave (ሕያው የሰጠው), SBD

1.       A Korhite Levite, one of the doorkeepers to the tabernacle. (1 Chr 26:3)

2.       One of the principal men of Judah under King Jehoshaphat. (2 Chr 17:15)

3.       Father of Ishmael, one of the "captains of hundreds" whom Jehoiada the priest took into his confidence about the restoration of the line of Judah. (2 Chr 23:1)

4.       One of the Bene-Bebai who was forced to put away his foreign wife. (Ezr 10:28)

5.       A priest, (Neh 12:13) during the high priesthood of Joiakim. ver. (Nehemiah 12:12)

6.       A priest who took part in the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem. (Neh 12:42)

Jehoiachin ~ ዮአኪን: The name Jehoiachin is derived from Yah’ (ያህ) and ‘Yaqena’ (ያቀና) the meaning is Jehovah raises up Succeeded his father Jehoiakin, when only eight years of age, and reigned for one hundred days, (2 Chr 36:9)

Jehoiada ~ ዩዳሄ: Jehovah-known, EBD; “Jehoiada” means Jehovah knows (ሕያው የወደደው), SBD ... [Related term(s):- Jehoaddan]

1.            The father of Benaiah, who was one of David's chief warriors, (2 Sam 20:23)

2.            Father of Benaiah, David’s well-known warrior (2 Sam 8:18);

3.            Son of Benaiah (1 Chr 18:17; 2 Sam 8:18); Leader of the Aaronites, i.e. the priests; who joined David at Hebron (1 Chr 12:27) According to (1 Chr 27:34);

4.            Second priest, or Sagan, to Seraiah the high priest (Jer 29:25-29; 2 Kin 25:18);

5.            Son of Paseach, who assisted to repair the old gate of Jerusalem (Neh 3:6)

Jehoiakim ~ ኢዮአቄም: The root words for Jehoiakim are ‘Yah’ () and ‘A’Qum’ (ቁም) the meaning is ‘Whom Jehovah sets up’.

A high priest, the son and successor of Jeshua, (2 kin 24:1)

Jehoiarib ~ ዮአሪብ: “Jehoiarib” means whom Jehovah defends (አምላክ የጠበቀው), SBD, head of the first of the twenty-four courses of priests. (1 Chr 24:7)

Jehonadab ~ ኢዮናዳብ: Jehovah is liberal; or, whom Jehovah impels, EBD

1.       A son of Shimeah, and nephew of David. It was he who gave the fatal wicked advice to Amnon, the heir to the throne (2 Sam 13:3-6).

2.       A son of Rechab, the founder of a tribe who bound themselves by a vow to abstain from wine (Jer 35:6-19). There were different settlements of Rechabites (Jud 1:16; 4:11; 1 Chr 2:55).

Jehonathan ~ ዮናታን: The root words for Jehonathan are ‘Yah () and Netan (ነታ) the meaning is ‘gift of Jehovah’. ... [Related term(s):- Jonathan]

See also:- Jehonathan / ዮናትን

1.            One of the stewards of David's store-houses, (1 Chr 27:25)

2.            One of the Levites who were sent by Jehoshaphat through the cities of Judah, to teach the people (2 Chr 17:8);

3.            A priest (Neh 12:18)

Jehoram ~ አዶራም: “Jehoram” means that Jehovah has exalted (ያሕ ራማ), SBD

1.       Son of Toi, king of Hamath, sent by his father to congratulate David on the occasion of his victory over Hadadezer (2 Sam 8:10).

2.       A Levite of the family of Gershom (1 Chr 26:25).

3.       A priest sent by Jehoshaphat to instructruct the people in Judah (2 Chr 17:8).

4.       The son of Ahab and Jezebel, and successor to his brother Ahaziah on the throne of Israel. (2 Kin 1:17; 3:1)

Jehoshaphat ~ ኢዮሳፍጥ:The name Jehoshaphat is derived from Yah’ (ያህ) and ‘Sfnet’ (ስፍነት) the meaning is Jehovah judges.

1.            King of Judah, son of Asa, succeeded to the throne, (1 kin 15:24)

2.            Other people with the same name are: (2 Chr 17:1, 2); Son of Ahilud, who filled the office of recorder of annalist in the courts of David (2 Sam 8:16) and Solomon (1 Kin 4:3);

3.            One of the priests in David’s time (1 Chr 15:24);

4.            Son of Paruah; one of the twelve purveyors of King Solomon (1 Kin 4:17);

5.            Son of Nimshi and father of King Jehu (2 Kin 9:2, 14)

Jehosheba ~ ዮሳቤት: Jehovah-swearing, EBD; “Jehosheba” means Jehovah's oath (ያሕ ሳባ), SBD, (2 ነገ 112)

The name Jehosheba is derived from Yah’ (ያህ) and ‘Seb’ (ሰብ) the meaning is man of Jehovah.

Daughter of Joram king of Israel, and wife of jehoiada the high priest, (2 kin 11:2)

Jehoshua ~ ኢያሱ: The name Jehoshua is derived from Yah’ (ያህ) and ‘Shewa’ (ሽዋ) the meaning is who gives life for thausands’... [Related term(s):- Jeshua, Joshua, Jehoshuah].

See also:- Jehoshuah / ኢያሱ

The name of Joshua, in this form is given the name of Joshua in (Num 13:16)

“None his son, Jehoshuah his son” (1 Chr 7:27)

Jehovah ~ እግዚአብሔር: The name Jehovahis derived from Yahyaw’ (ህያው) the meaning is the everlasthing one.

By which God revealed himself to the ancient Hebrews, “And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them,” (Ex 6:2, 3)

Jehovah-jireh ~ ያህዌ ይርኤ: Jehovah will see; i.e., will provide, EBD, the name given by Abraham to the scene of his offering up the ram which was caught in the thicket on Mount Moriah. The expression used in (Gen 22:14)

Jehovah-nissi ~ ይህዌህ ንሲ: Jehovah my banner (ያህ ነሥአ), EBD, the title given by Moses to the altar which he erected on the hill on the top of which he stood with uplifted hands while Israel prevailed over their enemies the Amalekites (Ex 17:15).

Jehovah-shalom ~ እግዚአብሔር ሰላም: The root words for Jehovah-shalomareYehyaw’ (ያው) and ‘Selam’ (ሰላም) the meaning is ‘peace of Jehovah.

The name which Gideon gave to the altar he erected on the spot at Ophrah where the angel appeared to him, (Jud 6:24)

Jehovah-shammah ~ እግዚአብሔር በዚያ አለ: The name Jehovah-shammah is derived from Yehyaw’ (ያው) and ‘Sema’ (ሰማ) the meaning is Jehovah heared.

The symbolical title given by Ezekiel to Jerusalem, which was seen by him in vision, (Ezk 48:35)

Jehovah-tsidkenu ~ እግዚአብሔር ጽድቃችን (the word “Jehovah-tsidkenu” doesn’t found in the English bible): The name “Jehovah-tsidkenu” means the Lord our righteousness (ሕያው ጻድቅ), EBD, HBN

The name Jehovah-tsidkenu is derived from Yehyaw’ (ያው) and ‘Tsadqanu’ (ጻድቃኑ) The root word for ‘tsidkenuisTsedeqe’ (ጸደቀ) The meaning is ‘Jehovah who gives eternal life’.

A title given to the Messiah, “In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, The Lord our righteousness (Jer 23:6)

Jehozabad ~ ዮዛባት: The name “Jehozabad” means the Lord's dowry; having a dowry (የጌታ ስጦታ), HBN, Jehovah-given.

1.       The son of Obed-edom (1 Chr 26:4), one of the Levite porters.

2.       The son of Shomer, one of the two conspirators who put king Jehoash to death in Millo in Jerusalem (2 Kin 12:21).

3.       (2 Chr 17:18)

Jehozadak ~ ኢዮሴዴቅ: The name Jehozadak is derived from Yah’ (ያህ) and ‘Tsadiq’ (ጻዲቅ) the meaning is Jehovah the righteous.

He was the father of Jeshua the high priest, and of all his successors, (1 Chr 6:14, 15)

Jehu ~ ኢዩ: “Jehu” means the living (ያህ), EBD

1.       The son of Obed, and father of Azariah (1 Chr 2:38).

2.       One of the Benjamite slingers that joined David at Ziklag (1 Chr 12:3).

3.       The son of Hanani, a prophet of Judah (1 Kin 16:1, 7; 2 Chr 19:2; 20:34), who pronounced the sentence of God against Baasha, the king of Israel.

4.       King of Israel, the son of Jehoshaphat (2 Kin 9:2), and grandson of Nimshi.

Jehubbah ~ ይሑባ: “Jehubbah” means protected (የተጠበቀ), SBD, a man of Asher, son of Shamer or Shomer, of the house of Beriah. (1 Chr 7:34)

Jehucal ~ ዮካልን: “Jehucal” means able (ያህ ቃል), SBD, Son of Shelemiah; one of two persons sent by King Zedekiah to Jeremiah to entreat his prayers and advice, (Jer 37:3)

Jehud ~ ይሁ: The name Jehud is derived from Yewd’ (ውድ) the meaning is beloved, praised....

One of the towns of the tribe of Dan, (Jos 19:45) Rahab, (Jos 2:1)

Jehudi ~ ይሁዲ: “Jehudi” means a Jew (ውህድ), SBD,

Son of Nethaniah, (Jer 36:14, 21)

Jehudijah ~ አይሁዳዊቱ: The name Jehudijah is derived from Yewd’ (ውድ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is beloved, praised by Jehovah.

“And his wife Jehudijah bare Jered the father of Gedor, and Heber the father of Socho, and Jekuthiel the father of Zanoah. ...” (1 Chr 4:18)

Jehush ~ ኢያስ: “Jehush” means to whom God hastens (ዋስ), SBD, son of eshek, a remote descendant of Saul. (1 Chr 8:39)

Jekabzeel ~ ይቀብጽኤል: The root words for Jekabzeel are ‘Yaqb‘Ze’ ()’ and El (ኤል) the meaning is ‘protected by the almighty lord’... [Related term(s):- Kabzeel].

The most remote city of Judah on the southern frontier, “And for the ... thereof, and at Jekabzeel, and in the villages thereof,” (Neh 11:25)

Jekameam ~ ይቅምዓም: The name “Jekamean” means the people shall arise (ያቆም), HBN,

“Of the sons of Hebron; Jeriah the first, Amariah the second, Jahaziel the third, and Jekameam the fourth” (1 Chr 23:19)

Jekamiah ~ የቃምያ: The name Jekamiah is derived fromYaqum’ (ያቁም) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) The root word for Yaqum’ (ያቁም) is ‘Qome’ (ቆመ) The meaning is ‘raised by Jehovah... [Related term(s):- Jecamiah].

Son of Shallum, in the line of Ahlai, (1 Chr 2:41)

Jekuthiel ~ ይቁቲኤል: The name “Jekuthiel” means hope, or congregation, of the Lord, HBN,

A man recorded in the genealogies of Judah. (1 Chr 4:18)

Jemima ~ ይሚማ: “Jemima” means dove (የዋህ), SBD, the eldest of the three daughters born to Job after the restoration of his prosperity. (Job 42:14)

Jemuel ~ ይሙኤል: “Jemuel” means day of God (የጌታ ቀን), SBD; the eldest son of Simeon. (Gen 46:10; Ex 6:15)

Jephthae ~ ዮፍታሔ: The name Jephthae is derived from Yftah’ (ይፍታህ) the root word is ‘Feta’ (ፈታ) the meaning is May the lord sets you free ... [Related term(s):- Jephthah].

The Greek form of the name JEPHTHAH, (Heb 11:32)

Jephthah ~ ዮፍታሔ: The name Jephthah is derived from Yftah’ (ይፍታህ) the root word is ‘Feta’ (ፈታ) the meaning is May the lord set you free ... [Related term(s):- Jephthae].

A "mighty man of valour" who delivered Israel from the oppression of the Ammonites, and judged Israel six years, (Jud 11:1-33)

Jephunneh ~ ዮፎኒ: “Jephunneh” means for whom a way is prepared (መንገዱ የቀና), SBD

1.       The father of Caleb, who was Joshua's companion in exploring Canaan (Num 13:6), a Kenezite (Jos 14:14)

2.       One of the descendants of Asher (1 Chr 7:38)

Jerah ~ ያራሕ: “Jerah” means the moon (ጨረቃ), SBD, the fourth in order of the sons of Joktan, (Gen 10:26; 1 Chr 1:20) and the progenitor of a tribe of southern Arabia.

Jerahmeel ~ ይረሕምኤል: The name “Jerahmeel” means the mercy, or the beloved, of God (ይምሐረ ኤል), HBN

1.       The son of Hezron, the brother of Caleb (1 Chr 2:9, 25, 26).

2.       The son of Kish, a Levite (1 Chr 24:29).

Son of Hammelech (Jer 36:26).

Jered ~ ዬሬድ: The name Jered is derived from Yewerd’ (የወርደ) the root word is ‘Werede’ (ወረደ) the meaning is coming down ... [Related term(s):- Jared].

One of the descendants of Judah signalized as the "father" "of Gedor." (1 Chr 4:18)

Jeremai ~ ይሬማይ: “Jeremai” means dwelling in heights (ራማዊ), SBD, a layman, one of the Bene-Hashum, who was compelled by Ezra to put away his foreign wife. (Ezr 10:33)

Jeremiah ~ ኤርምያ ኤርምያስ: The name Jeremiah is derived from Yerame’ (የራመ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is Jehovah the highest ... [Related term(s):- Jeremias].

See also:- Jeremias / ኤርምያስ

Jeremiah ~ ኤርምያ: (1 Chr 5:24)

Jeremiah ~ ኤርምያስ:

1.            A Gadite who joined David in the wilderness, (1 Chr 12:10, 11)

2.            A Gadite warrior (1 Chr 12:13);

3.            A Benjamite slinger who joined David at Ziklag (1 Chr 12:4);

4.            One of the chiefs of the tribe of Manasseh on the east of Jordan (1 Chr 5:24);

5.            The father of Hamutal (2 Kin 23:31). One of the "greater prophets" of the Old Testament, son of Hilkiah;

6.            A priest of Anathoth (Jer 1:1; 32:6), He was called to the prophetical office when still young (Jer 1:6), in the thirteenth year of Josiah.

Jeremias ~ ኤርምያስ: same as Jeremiah / ኤርምያስ: The name Jeremias is derived from Yerame’ (የራመ) and ‘Was’ (ዋስ) the meaning is the highest deliverer ... [Related term(s):- Jeremiah].

And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. (Mat 16:14)

Jeremoth ~ ኢያሪሙት: The name Jeremoth is derived from Yerame’ (የራመ) and ‘Mot’ (ሞት) the meaning is the highest death ... [Related term(s):- Jerimoth].

See also:- Jeremoth / ይሬምት Jeremoth / ይሬሞት

1.            A merarite Levite, son of Mushi, (1 Chr 23:23)

2.            A Benjamite chief, a son of the house of Beriah of Elpaal,And Ahio, Shashak, and Jeremoth (1 Chr 8:14); Son of Heman (1 Chr 25:22); One of the sons of Zattu, who had taken strange wives (Ezr 10:26, 27)

Jeriah ~ ይሪኤል: The name Jeriah is derived from Yere’ (የረ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is the everlasting high) ... [Related term(s):- Jerijah].

Chief of the great house of Hebron when David organized the service, (1 Chr 23:19)

Jericho ~ ኢያሪኮ: “Jericho” means place of fragrance (የሽቶ አገር), SBD, a city of high antiquity, situated in a plain traversed by the Jordan, and exactly over against where that river was crossed by the Israelites under Joshua. (Jos 3:16)

Jeriel ~ ይሪኤል: The name Jeriel is derived from Yere’ (የረ) and ‘Iel’ (ኤል) the meaning is the powerful lord, the almighty ... [Related term(s):- Jeruel].

A man of Issachar, one of the six heads of the house of Tola, (1 Chr 7:2)

Jerijah ~ ይርያ: The name Jerijah is derived from Yere’ (የረ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is the everlasting high ... [Related term(s):- Jeriah].

Among the Hebronites was Jerijah the chief, even among the Hebronites, according to the generations of his fathers ...” (1 Chr 26:31)

Jerimoth ~ ኢያሪሙት: The name “Jerimoth” means he that fears or rejects death (አየረ ሞት), HBN,

1.       One of the sons of Bela (1 Chr 7:7), (1 Chr 24:30)

2.       A Benjamite slinger who joined David at Ziklag (1 Chr 12:5).

3.       A Levitical musician under Heman his father (1 Chr 25:4). (1 Chr 27:19)

4.       One of David's sons (2 Chr 11:18).

5.       A Levite, one of the overseers of the temple offerings (2 Chr 31:13) in the reign of Hezekiah.

Jerioth ~ ይሪዖት: “Jerioth” means curtains, SBD, one of the elder Caleb's wives. (1 Chr 2:18)

Jeroboam ~ ኢዮርብዓም: “Jeroboam” means whose people are many (ታላቅ አባት), SBD

1.       The first king of the divided kingdom of Israel, He was raised by Solomon to the rank of superintendent over the taxes and labors exacted from the tribe of Ephraim. (1 Kin 11:28)

2.       Jeroboam II, the son of Joash, the fourth of the dynasty of Jehu. The most prosperous of the kings of Israel. He repelled the Syrian invaders, took their capital city Damascus, (2 Kin 14:28) and recovered the whole of the ancient dominion from Hamah to the Dead Sea (2 Kin 14:25) Ammon and Moab were reconquered, and the transjordanic tribes were restored to their territory, (2 Kin 13:5; 1 Chr 5:17-22).

Jeroham ~ ኢያሬምኤል: The name “Jeroham” means high; merciful; beloved (ከፍተኛ), HBN, Father of Elkanah, and grandfather of the prophet Samuel (1 Sam 1:1)

Jerubbaal ~ ይሩበኣል: The name “Jerubbaal” means he that defends Baal, let Baal defend his cause (አየረ በዓል), HBN, a surname of Gideon; a name given to him because he destroyed the altar of Baal (Jud 6:32; 7:1; 8:29; 1 Sam 12:11).

Jeruel ~ ይሩኤል: The name Jeruel is derived from Yere’ (የረ) and ‘El’ (ኤል) the meaning is lord of the highest ... [Related term(s):- Jeriel].

The place in which Jehoshaphat was informed by Jahaziel the Levite that he should encounter the hordes of Ammon, Moab and the Mehunims, (2 Chr 20:16, 20)

Jerusalem ~ ኢየሩሳሌም: The root words for Jerusalem are ‘Yeru’ () and ‘Selam’ (ሰላም) the meaning is ‘the highest peaceful Place’.

Also Called Salem, Ariel, Jebus, the "city of God," the "holy city;" "the holy;" once "the city of Judah" (Jos 10:1)

Jerusha ~ ኢየሩሳ: “Jerusha” means possessed (የራስ), SBD, daughter of Zadok and queen of Uzziah. (2 Kin 15:33)

Jesaiah ~ የሻያ: The name Jesaiah is derived from Yesh’ (የሽ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is Jehovah is the almithy ... [Related term(s):- Jeshaiah].

Son of Hananiah, brother of Pelatiah and grandson of Zerubbabel, (1 Chr 3:21)

Jeshaiah ~ የሻያ: The root words for Jeshaiah are ‘Yashi’ (ሽህ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is ‘Jehovah the almithy’.

1.            A Levite in the reign of David, eldest son of Rehabiah, a descendant of Amram through Moses, (1 Chr 26:25)

2.            One of the sons of Jeduthum (1 Chr 25:3, 15);

3.            One of the three sons of Hananiah (1 Chr 3:21); Son of Athaliah (Ezr 8:7);

4.            A Levite of the family of Merari (Ezr 8:19)

Jeshebeab ~ የሼብአብ the name “Jeshebeab” means sitting, or captivity, of the father, HBN, the head of the fourteenth division of priests (1 Chr 24:13).

Jesher ~ ያሳር: “Jesher” means uprightness (ቀጥተኛ), SBD, one of the sons of Caleb the son of Hezron by his wife Azubah. (1 Chr 2:18)

Jeshimon ~ የሴሞ: The name “Jeshimon” means solitude; desolation (ብቸኛ), HBN, probably some high waste land to the south of the Dead Sea (Num 21:20;23:28; 1 Sam 23:19,24); or rather not a proper name at all, but simply "the waste" or "wilderness," the district on which the plateau of Ziph (which see) looks down.

Jesiah ~ ይሺያ: “Jesiah” means whom Jehovah lends (የሽህ ያህ), SBD

1.       A Korhite, one of the mighty men who joined David's standard at Ziklag. (1 Chr 12:6)

2.       The second son of Uzziel, the son of Kohath. (1 Chr 23:20)

Jesimiel ~ ዩሲምኤል: The name “Jesimiel” means naming, or astonishment, of God (የስመ ኃያል), HBN, a Simeonite chief of the family of Shimei. (1 Chr 4:36)

Jeshua (h) ~ ኢያሱ: The root words for Jeshuah are ‘Yashewa’ (ሽዋ) the meaning is ‘the almithy’... [Related term(s):- Joshua].

1.            A priest in the reign of David, (Webster’s bible translation), (1 Chr 24:11)

2.            Son of Jehozadak, first high priest after the Babylonish captivity, whither his father Jehozadak had been taken captive while young (1 Chr 6:15); One of the Levites in the reign of Hezekiah (2 Chr 31:15); Head of a Levitical house (Ezr 2:40; 3:9; Neh 3:19; 8:7; 9:4, 5; 12:8)

Jesse ~ እሴይ: The root word for Jesse is Yashi’ () the meaning is ‘the almithy’.

A son of Obed, the son of Boaz and Ruth, (Rut 4:17, 22)

Jesse ~ እሴይ: “Jesse” means wealthy (የሽህ), SBD, a son of Obed, the son of Boaz and Ruth (Ruth 4:17, 22; Mat 1:5, 6; Luk 3:32). He was the father of eight sons, the youngest of whom was David (1 Sam 17:12). The phrase "stem of Jesse" is used for the family of David (Isa 11:1), and "root of Jesse" for the Messiah (Isa 11:10; Rev 5:5). Jesse was a man apparently of wealth and position at Bethlehem (1 Sam 17:17, 18, 20; Psa 78:71). The last reference to him is of David's procuring for him an asylum with the king of Moab (1 Sam 22:3).

Jesui ~ የሱዋ: The name “Jesui” means even-tempered; flat country (ታጋሽ), HBN, the son of Asher, whose descendants the Jesuites were numbered in the plains of Moab at the Jordan of Jericho. (Num 26:44)

Jesus ~ ኢያሱ: The root words for Jesus are ‘Ye’Shi’ (ሽህ) and ‘Was’ (ዋስ) the meaning is ‘Deliverance of thousands’.

1.            Joshua, the son of Nun, “Which also our fathers that came after brought in with Jesus into the possession of the Gentiles, whom God Drave out before the face of our fathers, unto the days of David” (Act 7:45), (Num 27:18; Heb 4:8)

2.            The Greek form of the name Joshua or Jeshua, a contraction of Jehoshua, that is, "help of Jehovah" or "saviour." (Mat. 1:21),  (Num 13:16)

Jether ~ ዬቴር: “Jether” means his excellence (ክቡር), SBD ... [Related term(s):- Jethro]

See also:- Jether / ዮቶር

1.            The oldest of Gideon's seventy sons, (Jud 8:20)

2.            Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses (Ex 4:18);

3.            The first-born of Gideon’s seventy son (Jud 8:20); Jether is another form of ITHRA. (2 Sam 17:25) He is described in (1 Chr 2:17) as an Ishmaelite, which again is more likely to be correct than the "Israelite" of the Hebrew in (2 Sam 17:1);

4.            The son of Jada, a descendant of Hezron (1 Chr 2:32); The son of Ezra (1 Chr 2:32);

5.            The chief of a family of warriors of the line of Asher, and father of Jephunneh (1 Chr 7:38)

Jetheth ~ የቴት: The name “Jetheth” means giving (ምጽዋት), HBN, one of the Edomitish kings of Mount Seir (Gen 36:40).

Jethlah ~ ይትላ: The name “Jethlah” means hanging up; heaping up (ቆጥ), HBN, suspended; high, a city on the borders of Dan (Jos 19:42)

Jethro ~ ዮቶር: The name “Jethro” means his excellence; his posterity (ክቡር), HBN, [posterity- all future generations; all of somebody's descendants]... [Related term(s):- Jether]

He was priest of Midian, Moses married his daughter Zipporah, (Ex 18:1)

Jetur ~ ኢጡር: “Jetur” means an enclosure (አጥር), SBD, one of the twelve sons of Ishmael (Gen 25:15).

Jeuel ~ ይዑኤል: The root word for Jeuelis ‘Ye’El’ (ኤል) the meaning is ‘that belongs to the almighty lord.

A descendant of Zerah, (1 Chr 9:6)

Jeush ~ የዑስ: “Jeush” means assembler (ሰብሳቢ), SBD

The oldest of Esau's three sons by Aholibamah (Gen 36:5, 14, 18).

1.       A son of Bilhan, grandson of Benjamin (1 Chr 7:10).

2.       A Levite, one of the sons of Shimei (1 Chr 23:10, 11).

3.       One of the three sons of Rehoboam (2 Chr 11:19).

Jew ~ አይሁድ: The name Jewis derived from‘Yhuda’ (ይሁዳ) the root word is ‘Whd’ (ውህድ) the meaning is ‘united’.

First given to one belonging to the tribe of Judah or to the separate kingdom of Judah, (2 Kin 16:6)

Jewess ~ አይሁዳዊት: a woman of Hebrew birth, SBD, The mother of Timothy, (Act 16:1)

Jewish ~ አይሁድ: of or belonging to Jews, SBD,

An epithet applied to their rabbinical legends, (Tit 1:14)

Jezebel ~ ኤልዛቤል: The name “Jezebel” means chaste ( በዓል), HBN, wife of Ahab king of Israel. She was a Phoenician princess, daughter of Ethbaal king of the Zidonians. In her hands her husband became a mere puppet. (1 Kin 16:31, 21; 18:19)

Jezer ~ ዬጽር: “Jezer” means power (የጦር), SBD, the third son of Naphtali, (Gen 46:24; Num 26:49; 1 Chr 7:13) and father of the family of Jezerites.

Jeziah ~ ይዝያ: The name “Jeziah” means sprinkling of the Lord, HBN,

A descendant of Parosh, who had married a foreign wife, (Ezr 10:25)

Jeziel ~ ይዝኤል: The name Jezielis derived fromYazi’ () and ‘El’ (ኤል) the meaning is ‘held by the almighty lord.

A Benjamite who joined David at Ziklag, (1 Chr 12:3)

Jezoar ~ ይጽሐር: “Jezoar” means whiteness, SBD, the son of Helah, one of the wives of Asher. (1 Chr 4:7)

Jezrahiah ~ ይዝረሕያ: The root words for Jezrahiah are ‘Ye’Zere’ (ዘር) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is ‘relative of Jehovah.

A Levite, the leader of the choristers at the solemn dedication of the wall of Jerusalem under Nehemiah, (Neh 12:42)

Jezreel ~ ኢይዝራኤል: The name Jezreelis derived from Yezere’ (የዘረ) and ‘El’ (ኤል) the meaning is ‘seed of the almighty lord.

A descendant of the father or founder of Etam, of the line of Judah, (Jos 19:18)

Jibsam ~ ይብሣም: “Jibsam” means pleasant (አስደሳች), SBD; one of the sons of Tola, the son of Issachar, (1 Chr 7:2)

Jidlaph ~ የድላፍ: “Jidlaph” means weeping (ማንባት), SBD, a son of Nahor. (Gen 22:22)

Jimnah ~ ዪምና: The name “Jimnah” means right hand; numbering; preparing, HBN, JIMNA = IMNAH. (Gen 46:17)

Jiphtah ~ ይፍታሕ: The name Jiphtah is derived from Y’ftah’ (ይፍታህ) the root word is ‘Feta’ (ፈታ) the meaning is whom the lord sets free.

One of the cities of Judah in the maritime lowland, or Shefelah, “And Jiphtah, and Ashnah, and Nezib,” (Jos 15:43)

Jiphthahel ~ ይፍታሕኤል: The name Jiphthahel is derived from Yftah’ (ይፍታህ) and ‘El’ (ኤል) the meaning is whom the lord sets free.

A valley which served as one of the landmarks for the boundary of both Zebulun, (Jos 19:14) and Asher; (Jos 19:27)

Joaada ~ ዮአዳ: The name Joaada is derived from Ye’Wd’ (ውድ) the root word is ‘wd’ (ውድ) the meaning is ‘beloved.

High priest after his father Eliashib, (Neh 13:28)

Joab ~ ኢዮአብ: The name Joab is derived from Ye‘Ab’ (አብ) the root words are ‘Ye’ () and ‘Ab’ (አብ) the meaning is ‘for the father’.

"Captain of the host" during the whole of David's reign, “And Joab the son of Zeruiah, and the servants of David, went out...” (2 Sam 2:13; 10:7; 11:1; 1 Kin 11:15)

Joah ~ ዮአስ: “Joah” means whose brother ( አያ), (i.e. helper is Jehovah), SBD

1.       The son of Asaph, and chronicler or keeper of the records to Hezekiah. (Isa 36:3,11,22)

2.       The son or grandson of Zimmah, a Gershonite. (1 Chr 6:21)

3.       The third son of Obed-edom, (1 Chr 26:4) a Korhite, and one of the doorkeepers appointed by David.

4.       A Gershonite, the son of Zeimmah and father of Eden. (2 Chr 29:12)

5.       The son of Joahaz, and annalist or keeper of the records to Josiah. (2 Chr 34:8)

Joahaz ~ ኢዮአካዝ: The name “Joahaz” means apprehending; possessing; seeing (ያዥ), HBN, the father of Joah, the chronicler or keeper of the records to King Josiah. (2 Chr 34:8)

Joanna ~ ዮሐና: whom Jehovah has graciously given (ጸጋ), EBD,

See also:- Joanna / ዮናን

1.            The name of a woman, occurring twice in, (Luk 8:3; 24:10)

2.            Son of Rhesa, according to the text of; and one of the ancestors of Christ, (Luk 3:27)

Joash ~ ኢዮአስ: “Joash” means to whom Jehovah hastens, i.e. to help (ሕያው የረዳው), SBD,

1.       A contracted form of Jehoash, the father of Gideon (Jud 6:11, 29; 8:13, 29, 32).

2.       One of the Benjamite archers who joined David at Ziklag (1 Chr 12:3).

3.       One of King Ahab's sons (1 Kin 22:26).

4.       King of Judah (2 Kin 11:2; 12:19, 20).

5.       King of Israel (2 Kin 13:9, 12, 13, 25). (1 Chr 7:8).

6.       One who had charge of the royal stores of oil under David and Solomon (1 Chr 27:28).

Joatham ~ ኢዮአታም: The name “Joatham” means same as Jotham (እውነተኛ), HBN, the son of Uzziah, (Mat 1:9)

Job ~ ኢዮብ: The name Job is derived from Ye’Ab’ (አብ) the root words are ‘Ye’ () and ‘Ab’ (አብ) the meaning is belongs to the father.

See also:- Job / ዮብ Jobab / ኢዮባብ

1.            An Arabian patriarch who resided in the land of Uz, (Ezk 14:14, 20)

2.            The third son of Issachar, (Gen 46:13) called in another genealogy JASHUB (1 Chr 7:1)

Jobab ~ ዩባብ: dweller in the desert (የአባ አባ), EBD, (ዘፍ 1029)

1.            The last in order of the sons of Joktan, (Gen 10:29)

2.            One of the "kings" of Edom (Gen 3:34; 1 Chr 1:44; 45);

3.            One of the northern chieftains who attempted to oppose Joshua’s conquest and were routed by him at Meron (Jos 11:1); Head of a Benjamite house (1 Chr 8:9)

Jochebed ~ ዮካብድ: The name Jochebed is derived from Yakebd’ (ያከብድ) the root word is ‘kebede’ (ከበደ) the meaning is glorified.

The wife of Amram and the mother of Moses and Aaron, (Num 2659)

Joed ~ ዮእድ: “Joed” means for whom Jehovah is witness (ምስክር), SBD, a Benjamite, the son of Pedaiah. (Neh 11:7)

Joel ~ ኢዩኤል: The name Joel is derived from Ye’El’ (ኤል) the root words are ‘Ye’ () and ‘El’ (ኤል) the meaning is ‘who belongs to the almighty’.

See also:- Joel / ኢዮኤል

1.            The son of Pedaiah, and a chief of the half-tribe of Manasseh west of Jordan, (1 Chr 27:20)

2.            Eldest son of Samuel the prophet, (1 Sam 8:2; 1 Chr 6:33; 15:17) and father of Heman the singer; in (1 Chr 6:36),

3.            A Simeonite chief (1 Chr 4:35),

4.            A descendant of Reuben (1 Chr 5:4),

5.            Chief of the Gadites, who dwelt in the land of Bashan (1 Chr 5:12),

6.            The son of Izrahiah, of the tribe of Issachar (1 Chr 7:3);

7.            The brother of Nathan of Zobah (1 Chr 11:38) and one of David’s guard.The chief of the Gershomites in the reign of David (1 Chr 15:7, 11),

8.            A Gershonite Levite in the reign of David, son of Jehiel, a descendant of Laadan, and (1 Chr 23:8; 26:22),

9.            A Kohathite Levite in the reign of Hezekiah (2 Chr 29:12),

10.         One of the sons of Nebo, who returned with Ezra, and had married a foreign wife (Ezr 10:43);

11.         The son of Zichri, a Benjamite (Neh 11:9)

Joelah ~ የኤላ: “Joelah” means Jehovah helps, SBD, son of Jerohoam of Gedor. (1 Chr 12:7)

Joezer ~ ዮዛር: The name “Joezer” means he that aids (የዘር), HBN, one of the Korhites who became part of David's body-guard (1 Chr 12:6)

Jogbehah ~ ዮግብሃ: The name “Jogbehah” means an exalting; high (ከፍተኛ), HBN, one of the cities on the east of Jordan which were built and fortified by the tribe of Gad when they took possession of their territory. (Num 32:35)

Jogli ~ ዮግሊ: “Jogli” means led into exile (ስደት), SBD, the father of Bukki, a Danite chief. (Num 34:22)

Joha ~ ዮሐ: The name Joha is derived from Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is ‘the living one.

1.            One of the sons of Beriah the Benjamite, (1 Chr 8:16)

2.            The Tizite, one of David’s guards; (1 Chr 11:45)

Johanan ~ ይሆሐናን: whom Jehovah graciously bestows, EBD ... [Related term(s):- Joanan, Jehohanan, Jonan]

See also:- Johanan / ዮሐና

1.            The son of Tobiah the Ammonite, (Neh 6:18),

2.            One of the Gadite heroes who joined David in the desert of Judah, (1 Chr 12:12),

3.            Son of Azariah and grandson of Ahimaaz the son of Zadok, and father of Azariah (1 Chr 6:9, 10),

4.            Son of Elioenai, the son of Neariah, the son of Shemaiah, in the line of Zerubbabel’s heirs (1 Chr 3:24)

5.            The son of Kaereah, and one of the captains of the scattered remnants of the army of Judah, who escaped in the final attack upon Jerusalem by the Chaldeans (Jer 41:11-16),

6.            The first-born son of Josiah king of Judah (1 Chr 3:15),

7.            A valiant Benjamite who joined David at Ziklag (1 Chr 12:4),

8.            Gadite warrior who followed David (1 Chr 12:12),

9.            The father of Azariah, an Ephraimite in the time of Ahaz (2 Chr 28:12),

10.         The son of Hakkatan, and chief of the Bene-Azgad who returned with Ezra (Ezr 8:12),

11.         The son of Eliashib, one of the chief Levites (Ezr 10:6; Neh 12:23)

John ~ ዮሐንስ: The root word for Johnis ‘Yehiwan’ (ህይዋን) the meaning is ‘for the living one.

One of the high priest's family, who, with Annas and Caiaphas, sat in judgment upon the apostles Peter and John, (Act 4:6); the same name as Johanan, a contraction of Jehoanan, Jehovah’s gift (Act 6:6)

Joiarib ~ ዮያሪብ: The name “Joiarib” means chiding, or multiplying, of the Lord (ይራባ), HBN,

1.       The founder of one of the courses of the priests (Neh 11:10).

2.       a descendant of Judah (Neh 11:5);

3.       a "man of understanding" whom Ezra sent to "bring ministers for the house of God" (Ezr 8:16)

Joiakim ~ ዮአቂም: The name Joiakim is derived from Yah’ (ያህ) and ‘Qum’ (ቁም) the meaning is whom Jehovah has set up ... [Related term(s):- Jakim, Jehoiakim, Jokim].

A high priest, son of the renowned Jeshua, (Neh 12:10)

Jokdeam ~ ዮቅድዓም: The name “Jokdeam” means crookedness, or burning, of the people, HBN, a city in the mountains of Judah (Jos 15:56)

Jokim ~ ዮቂም: The name Jokim is derived from Yah’ (ያህ) and ‘Qum’ (ቁም) the meaning is whom Jehovah has set up ... [Related term(s):- Jakim, Jehoiakim, Joiakim].

One of the sons of Shelah the son of Judah, (1 Chr 4:22)

Jokmeam ~ ዮቅምዓም: “Jokmeam” means gathered by the people (የቆመ), SBD, (1 ዜና 6:68)

A city of Ephraim, given with its suburbs to a Kohathite Levites, (1 Chr 6:68)

Jokneam ~ ዮቅንዓም: The name “Jokneam” means possessing, or building up, of the people (ያቀና), HBN,

A city "of Carmel", (Jos 19:11); (Jos 21:34)

Jokshan ~ ዮቅሳን: The name “Jokshan” means an offense; hardness; a knocking, HBN, a son of Abraham and Keturah, (Gen 25:2, 3; 1 Chr 1:32) whose sons were Sheba and Dedan.

Joktan ~ ዮቅጣን: Little (ቅንጣት), EBD, the second of the two sons of Eber (Gen 10:25; 1 Chr 1:19).

Jona ~ ዮና: “Jona” means a dove, SBD,

The father of the apostle Peter, (Joh 1:42)

Jonadab ~ ኢዮናዳብ: The name “Jonadab” means who gives liberally (ለጋስ), HBN, =Jehon'adab.

1.       The son of Rechab, and founder of the Rechabites (which see), 2 Kin 10:15; Jer 35:6, 10.

2.       The son of Shimeah, David's brother (2 Sam 13:3).

Jonah ~ ዮናስ: “Jonah” means dove, SBD,

The name Jonah is derived from Wano’ (ዋኖ) the root word is ‘Wanos’ (ዋኖስ) the meaning is dove.

The fifth of the Minor Prophets was the son of Amittai, and a native of Gath-hepher, (2 kin 14:25-27)

Jonan ~ ዮናን: Gift or grace of God (ስጦታ), EBD; the name “Jonan” means a dove; multiplying of the people, HBN,

Son of Eliakim, in the genealogy of Christ, (Luk 3:30)

Jonas ~ ዮና ዮና: “Jonas” means a dove, SBD,

The name Jonas is derived from Wanos’ (ዋኖስ) the meaning is Dove.

See also:- Jonas / ዮናስ

1.            The prophet Jonah The prophet Jonah, (Mat 12:39, 40, 41; 16:4)

2.            Father of Peter (Joh 21:15-17)

Jonathan ~ ዮናታን: Whom Jehovah gave, EBD; that is, "the gift of Jehovah, SBD,

The root word for Jonathan is ‘Yeniethan’ (የኔታ) the meaning is ‘gift of my lord’.

1.            The son or descendant of Gershom the son of Moses, (Jud 18:30)

2.            The eldest son of King Saul, He was a man of great strength and activity (2 Sam 1:23), He was also famous as a warrior, (1 Chr 12:2) as is shown by the courage he showing in attacking the garrison of the Philistines, in company with is armor-bearer only, slaying twenty men and putting an army to flight (1 Sam 14:6-16);

3.            The son of Abiathar, the high priest, is the last descendant of Eli of whom we hear anything (2 Sam 15:36; 17:15-21; 1 Kin 1:42, 43),

4.            One of David’s heroes (2 Sam 23:32; 1 Chr 11:34),

5.            One of the Bene-Adin (Ezr 8:6),

6.            A priest, the son of Asahel, in the time of Ezra (Ezr 10:15),

7.            A priest of the family of Melieu (Neh 12:14); One of the sons of Kareah, and brother of Johanan (Jer 40:8),

8.            Son of Joiada, and his successor in the high priesthood (Neh 12:11, 22, 23),

9.            Father of Zechariah, a priest who blew the trumpet at the dedication of the wall (Neh 12:35)

Joppa ~ ኢዮጴ: “Joppa” means beauty (ጹብ), SBD, now Jaffa, SBD, a town on the southwest coast of Palestine, in the portion of Dan. (Jos 19:46).

Jorah ~ ዮራ: “Jorah” means the early rain (የበልግ ዝናብ), SBD, the ancestor of a family of 112 who returned from Babylon with Ezra. (Ezr 2:18)

Joram ~ ኢዮራም: The name “Joram” means to cast; elevated (የራማ), HBN,

1.       Son of Ahab king of Israel. (2 Kin 8:16,25,28,29; 9:14,17,21-23,29)

2.       Son of Jehosphaphat; king of Judah. (2 Kin 8:21,23,24;1 Chr 3:11; 2 Chr 22:5,7; Mat 1:8)

3.       A priest in the reign of Jehoshaphat. (2 Chr 17:8)

4.       A Levite, ancestor of Shelomith, in the time of David. (1 Chr 26:25)

5.       Son of Toi king of Hamath. (2 Sam 8:10)

Jordan ~ ዮርዳኖስ: The name Jordan is derived from Ywrd’ (ይወርድ) the meaning is coming down.

The river flows through a long, low plain called "the region of Jordan", (Mat 3:5)

Jorim ~ ዮራም: “Jorim” means whom Jehovah has exalted (የራማ), SBD, son of Matthat, in the genealogy of Christ. (Luk 3:29)

Josabad ~ ዮዛባት: The name “Josabad” means having a dowry (ማጫ), HBN, properly JOZABAD the Gederathite, one of the warriors of Benjamin who joined David at Ziklag. (1 Chr 12:4)

Josaphat ~ ኢዮሣፍጥ: The name “Josaphat” means same as Jehoshaphat (የሕያው መሳፍንት), HBN,

And Asa begat Josaphat; and Josaphat begat Joram; and Joram begat Ozias; (Mat 1:8)

Joseph ~ ዮሴፍ: The name Joseph is derived from Yasef’ (ያሰ) the root word is ‘A’sefa’ (ሰፋ) the meaning is ‘enlarge, increase, expand…’

See also:- Jose / ዮሴዕ Jose / ዮሴፍ

1.            The elder of the two sons of Jacob by Rachel, “And she called his name Joseph; and said, The LORD shall add to me another son;(Gen 30:23)

2.            Father of Igal, who represented the tribe of Issachar among the spies (Num 13:7);

3.            A lay Israelite who had married a foreign wife (Ezr 10:42);

4.            A representative of the priestly family of Shebaniah (Neh 12:14);

5.            One of the ancestors of Christ (Luk 3:30) so of Jonan;

6.            Another ancestor of Christ, son of Judah (Luk 3:26);

7.            Another, son of Mattathias (Luk 3:24);

8.            The foster-father of our Lord (; Luk 3:23);

9.            Joseph of Arimathaea, He is further characterized as "a good man and a just." (Luk 23:50);

10.         One of the two person chosen by the assembled church (Act 1:23)

Jose ~ ዮሳ: The name “Jose” means raised; who pardons (የሽ), HBN,

1.            One of the Lord’s brethren, (Mat 13:55; Mar 6:3)

2.            Son of Eliezer, in the genealogy of Christ, “Which was the son of Jose, which was the son of Eliezer...” (Luk 3:29); Joses Barnabas (Act 4:36)

Joshah ~ ኢዮስያ: “Joshah” means whom Jehovah lets dwell (የሽህ), SBD ... [Related term(s):- Joshua]

A prince of the house of Simeon, (1 Chr 4:34, 38-41)

Joshaphat ~ ኢዮሣፍጥ: The name Joshaphat is derived from Yah’ () and ‘Sfnet’ (ስፍነት) the meaning is ‘whom Jehovah judges.... [Related term(s):- Josaphat, Jehoshaphat]

One of David's guard, “Hanan the son of Maachah, and Joshaphat the Mithnite,” (1 Chr 11:43)

Joshaviah ~ ዮሻዊያ: “Joshaviah” means whom Jehovah makes dwell (ህይወት ሰጭ), SBD, the son of Elnaam, and one of David's guard, (1 Chr 11:46)

Joshua ~ ኢያሱ: The root word for Joshua is Ye’Shua’ (ሽዋ) the meaning is ‘for thousands’... [Related term(s):- Joshah, Jeshua, Jeshuah, Jehoshuah].

The son of Nun, of the tribe of Ephraim, the successor of Moses as the leader of Israel, (Ex 17:9)

Josiah ~ ኢዮስያስ: healed by Jehovah, or Jehovah will support (የሽህ ህያው), EBD,

The son of Amon and Jedidah succeeded his father, (2 Kin 22:1)

Josiphiah ~ ዮሲፍያ: The name Josiphiah is derived from Ya’Sef’ (ሰፍ) and ‘Yah’ (ያህ) the meaning is Jehovah will increase.

The father or ancestor of Shelomith, who returned with Ezra, (Ezr 8:10)

Jotham ~ ኢዮአታም: The name “Jotham” means the perfection of the Lord (እውነተኛ ጌታ), HBN,

1.       The youngest son of Gideon, (Jud 9:5) who escaped from the massacre of his brethren. His parable of the reign of the bramble is the earliest example of the kind.

2.       A descendant of Judah, son of Jahdai. (1 Chr 2:47)

Jozabad ~ ዮዛባት: Whom Jehovah bestows (የሕያው ስጦታ), EBD

1.       A captain of the thousands of Manasseh, who deserted to David before the battle of Gilboa. (1 Chr 12:20)

2.       A hero of Manasseh, like the preceding. (1 Chr 12:20)

3.       A Levite in the reign of Hezekiah. (2 Chr 31:13)

4.       A chief Levite in the reign of Josiah. (2 Chr 35:9)

5.       A Levite, son of Jeshua, in the days of Ezra. (Ezra 8:33)

6.       A priest of the sons of Pashur, who had married a foreign wife. (Ezr 10:22)

7.       A Levite among those who returned with Ezra and had married foreign wives. He is probably identical with Jozabad the Levite, (Neh 8:7) and with Jozabad who presided over the outer work of the temple. (Neh 11:16)

Jozachar ~ ዮዘካር: The name Jozachar is derived from Yah (ያህ) and ‘Zekr’ (ክር) the root word for ‘Zkr’ (ክር) is ‘Zekere’ (ዘከረ) The meaning is whom Jehovah has remembered

One of the murderers of Joash king of Judah, (2 Kin 12:21)

Jozadak ~ ኢዮሴዴቅ: The root words for Jozadak are ‘Ye’ () and ‘Tsadiq’ () the meaning is ‘Jehovah, the living one, everlasting... (the never dying)’ ... [Related term(s):- Jehozadak]

The contracted form of Jehozadak, (Ezr 3:2)

Jubal ~ ዩባል: The name “Jubal” means he that runs; a trumpet, HBN, a son of Lamech by Adah, and the inventor of the "harp and organ." (Gen 4:21)

Jucal ~ ዮካል: “Jucal” means powerful (የቃል), SBD,

Son of Shelemiah, (Jer 38:1)

Juda ~ ይሁዳ: The name Juda is derived from the word Wud’ () the meaning is ‘beloved, praised...

1.            Son of Joseph, in the genealogy of Christ, (Luk 3:33)

2.            Son of Joseph, in the genealogy of Christ (Luk 3:30);

3.            Son of Joanna, or Hananiah (Luk 3:26) He seems to be certainly the same person as ABIUD in (Mat 1:13);

4.            One of the Lord’s brethren, enumerated in (Mar 6:3);

5.            The patriarch Judah (Luk 3:33; Heb 7:14; Rev 5:5; 7:5)

Judaea ~ ይሁዳ: The name Judaea is derived from Wud’ () the meaning is ‘beloved, praised...’

Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in ... there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, (Mat 2:1 5)

Judah ~ ይሁዳ: praise (ውድ). EBD,

The fourth son of Jacob and the fourth of Leah, (Gen 29:35)

Judas ~ ይሁዳ: The name Judas is derived from Wde’ (ውደ) and ‘was’ (ዋስ) the meaning is ‘beloved deliverer.

1.            The patriarch, (Mat 1:2, 3)

Son of Simon (Joh 6:71; 13:2, 26), surnamed Iscariot, i.e., a man of Kerioth (Jos 15:25). He perished in his guilt, and "went unto his own place (Act 1:25);

2.            A Jew of Damascus (Act 9:11), to whose house Ananias was sent. The street called "Straight" in which it was situated is identified with the modern "street of bazaars," where is still pointed out the so-called "house of Judas."

3.            A Christian teacher surnamed Barsabas. He was sent from Jerusalem to Antioch along with Paul and Barnabas with the decision of the council (Act 15:22, 27, 32), He was a "prophet" and a "chief man among the brethren."

Jude ~ ይሁዳ: The name Jude’ is derived from Wude’ (ውደ) the meaning is ‘beloved.

Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called:” (Jud 1:1)

Judith ~ ዮዲት: The name Judith is derived from Wdiet’ (ዲት) the meaning is ‘the beloved woman.

Jewess, the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and one of Esau's wives, (Gen 26:34)

Julia ~ ዩልያ: The name “Julia” means downy; soft and tender hair (ሉጫ ፀጉር), HBN, (feminine of Julius), a Christian woman at Rome, probably the wife of Philologus, in connection with whom she is saluted by St. Paul. (Rom 16:15)

Julius ~ ዩልዮስ: “Julius” means soft-haired (ሉጫ ፀጉር), SBD, the centurion of "Augustus' band," to whose charge St. Paul was delivered when he was sent prisoner from Caesarea to Rome. (Act 27:1, 3)

Junia ~ ዩልያ: The name “Junia” means youth (ወጣት), HBN, (Rom 16:7), a Christian at Rome to whom Paul sends salutations along with Andronicus.

Jupiter ~ ድያ: “Jupiter” means a father that helps, SBD, the Greek Zeus. The Olympian Zeus was the national god of the Hellenic race, as well as the supreme ruler of the heathen world, and as such formed the true opposite to Jehovah. Jupiter or Zeus is mentioned in two passages of the New Testament, on the occasion of St. Paul's visit to Lystra, (Act 14:12,13) where the expression "Jupiter, which was before their city," means that his temple was outside the city. Also in (Act 19:35)

Jushabhesed ~ ዮሻብሒሴድ: The name “Jushabhesed” means dwelling-place(መኖሪያ); change of mercy, HBN, son of Zerubbabel. (1 Chr 3:20)

Justus ~ ኢዮስጦስ: The name “Justus” means just or upright (ፍቱን), HBN,

1.       A surname of Joseph, called Barsabas. (Acs 1:23)

2.       A Christian at Corinth, with whom St. Paul lodged. (Act 18:7)

3.       A surname of Jesus, a friend of St. Paul. (Col 4:11)

Juttah ~ ዩጣ: “Juttah” means stretched out (የተዘረጋ), SBD, a city in the mountain region of Judah, in the neighborhood of Maon and Carmel. (Joshua 15:55) The place is now known as Yutta.

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